Implementation Guide for Oracle Self-Service E-Billing > Using the Reporting Engine >

Components Used by the Reporting Engine

The Reporting Engine uses the following components:

  • Reporting XML
  • Templates
  • Reporting API

The Reporting Engine is packaged as part of the Oracle Self-Service E-Billing application. However, the Reporting Engine is an individual component which can be used in any other application.

The following list describes the components of the EAR file required to customize Reporting:

  • Velocity-version_number-custom.jar and Velocity-version_number-tools.jar. Contains the Velocity template engine and related files. Note, the property file for the Velocity engine has been updated for Oracle Self-Service E-Billing. Do not replace the property file with any other version of Velocity JAR files. In the file name, version_number is defined by Velocity.
  • Api-version_number-SNAPSHOT.jar. This archive includes the public APIs that a Reporting Engine client can use to access the Reporting Engine. The APIs are under com.edocs.common.api.reporting. For more information about APIs, see the Oracle Self-Service E-Billing Javadoc as described in Accessing Oracle Self-Service E-Billing Javadoc. In the file name, version_number is defined by Velocity.
  • Reporting-core-version_number-SNAPSHOT.jar and Reporting-forms-version_number-SNAPSHOT.jar. This archive includes the Reporting Engine implementation classes. In the file names, version_number is defined by Velocity.
  • App-resources-version_number-SNAPSHOT.jar. This archive includes the resource bundles used by the Oracle Self-Service E-Billing application. The resource bundles are loaded at the EAR level instead of the WAR level in order to localize the batch reports, which are generated offline. Currently, all reporting related resource bundles are in the files. In the file name, version_number is defined by Velocity. In the properties file, Language is blank for U.S. English, _es_US for Spanish, _zh_cn for Chinese, and _it_IT for Italian.
  • struts.xml. The Oracle Self-Service E-Billing user interface is defined as a Struts module. All the Oracle Self-Service E-Billing related Struts configurations, such as the resource bundles, are defined in this file. This file is in the ebilling-web-1.0-SNAPSHOT.war file.
  • Skin.css. This file defines the report UI related CSS. (This file is found in the ebilling-web-1.0-SNAPSHOT.war file.)
  • Report.jsp and other JSP files. This item consists of the Oracle Self-Service E-Billing reporting related JSP files. The report.jsp renders the major reporting UI. You call IReport.writeTemplate() to invoke Velocity template parsing. The view rendering is done through Velocity templates. (This file is in the ebilling-web-1.0-SNAPSHOT.war file.)

In addition to the EAR file, which includes classes and JSPs, there are a set of files packaged outside the EAR. These files are Velocity template files and report XML files.

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