Implementation Guide for Oracle Self-Service E-Billing > Customizing User Management >

Customizing User Enrollment

You can customize the User Enrollment use case using XMA and APIs.

Configuring User Enrollment XMA

You can configure the IUserService JavaBean in the userService.xma.xml file, found in the EDX_HOME/xma/config/modules/services directory. In the path, EDX_HOME is the directory where you installed Oracle Self-Service E-Billing. The IUserService JavaBean contents are as follows:

<bean id="IUserService"


<property name="userAccountDao">

<ref local="userAccountDao"/>


<property name="userServiceAgreementDao">

<ref local="userServiceAgreementDao"/>



Using User Enrollment APIs

When customizing user enrollment, you can call the enrollB2BUser or enrollB2CUser APIs to enroll business or consumer users, for example:

IUserService usrService=EBillingServiceFactory.getUserService();

usrService.enrollB2BUser(c_user, role, user.getUserProfile().getEmail1() );

Create a JavaBean called

IUserEnrollProfile enrollProf = new UserEnrollProfile();

Use the following code to set the properties:






Use the following code for enrolling a single Business Edition user:

usrService.enrollB2BUser(newUser, enrollProf, audit);

Using Bulk Enrollment API

To use the bulk enrollment API, pass the input stream CSV file for bulk enrollment, the filename, import time, administrator user, and audit as shown in the following code. The method enrolls the users in the file and returns the success number.

IUserService usrService = EBillingServiceFactory.getUserService();

int succeedEnrolledUsersNum = usrService.enrollB2BUser(csvFile.getInputStream(), csvFile.getFileName(),importTime, adminUser, audit);

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