Installation Guide for Oracle Self-Service E-Billing > Migrating to Oracle Self-Service E-Billing Version 6.2 from Other Products > Roadmap for Migrating Oracle eStatement Manager Version 4.7 to Oracle Self-Service E-Billing Version 6.2 >

Loading Historical Bill Data Using ETL

You use Oracle Warehouse Builder to load the historical billing data from the Oracle eStatement Manager database into the Oracle Self-Service E-Billing database.

The historical billing data files must be processed by the ETL for Oracle Self-Service E-Billing as well as by the Indexer job in Oracle eStatement Manager.

ETL is required to load basic summary information (1000 - 2000 records) only. To generate basic reports off the historical bills, load 1000 - 3000 records, not including call detail record level detail.

The input billing data file for ETL has required records only. Other information to load depends on your requirements:

  • To use the Payment feature, load the total_amount_due, statement_due_date, and statement_date fields into the edx_rpt_etl_statement_fact table in the OLAP database.
  • To use self-enrollment, load the company, account dimensions, and fact tables.

This task is a step in Roadmap for Migrating Oracle eStatement Manager Version 4.7 to Oracle Self-Service E-Billing Version 6.2.

To load historical bill data using ETL in Oracle Warehouse Builder

  1. Convert the formatted bill data file from Oracle eStatement Manager to a file that complies with Oracle Self-Service E-Billing.
  2. In record 1000 of the generated (compliant) bill data file, add ESM to the media_type field.
  3. Run the ETL Loader job with the updated bill data file to load the statement summary data.

    For information on running the ETL Loader job, see Administration Guide for Oracle Self-Service E-Billing.

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