Oracle Fusion Middleware Data Visualization Tools Tag Reference for Oracle ADF Faces
11g Release 1 (



exportPivotTableData export pivot table data

The exportPivotTableData tag is a declarative way to allow an action source (commandButton, commandLink, etc.) to export data from a Pivot Table into an external format. Since export must be processed with an ordinary request - not XMLHttp AJAX requests - this tag forces partialSubmit to be false on the parent component, if it supports that attribute.


The following example exports all the data of a Pivot Table with the id "pivotTableToExport".

   <af:commandButton text="Export All" id="exportAll">
      <dvt:exportPivotTableData exportedid="pivotTableToExport" type="excelHTML" exportedData="all" filename="all_xls" title="All Data"/>


Name Type Supports EL? Description
exportedId java.lang.String yes ID of the component to be exported. IDs without a leading separator character are treated as relative to the command component that will be invoking this action.
filename java.lang.String no the proposed filename for the exported content. When set, a "Save File" dialog will typically be displayed, though this is ultimately up to the browser. If not set, the content will typically be displayed inline in the browser if possible.
title java.lang.String no the title of the exported document. Whether the title is displayed and how exactly it is displayed depends on the export format and the opening application.
type java.lang.String yes export type. The only currently supported value is 'excelHTML'.
exportedData java.lang.String no the data to include in the export. Allowable values are 'all' (the default) and 'selected'. Can only be set to 'selected' if the underlying collection supports the operation.