Oracle Fusion Middleware Data Visualization Tools Tag Reference for Oracle ADF Faces
11g Release 1 (



y2MinorTick y2 minor tick

Use the y2MinorTick tag to control the appearance of minor tick marks on the y2-axis.

Relationship with other tags

This component must be a child of one of the following components:


The following example shows the XML for a y2MinorTick tag.

      <dvt:y2MinorTick lineWidth="1" lineColor="#cccccc" lineStyle="LS_SOLID" tickStyle="GS_GRID"/>


Name Type Supports EL? Description
id java.lang.String no Specifies the identifier for the component
lineColor java.lang.String no Specifies the color of the minor tick line on the axis. Enter values in RGB hexadecimal. The example color="#000000" specifies black.
lineWidth int no Specifies the width of the minor tick line in pixels. The width is 1 pixel by default.
lineStyle java.lang.String no Specifies the style for the minor tick line. Valid values are:
  • LS_SOLID - (Default) Use a solid line.
  • LS_DASH - Use a dash line.
  • LS_DOTTED - Use a dotted line.
  • LS_DASH_DOT - Use a line with combination of dashes and dots.
tickStyle java.lang.String no Specifies the type of tick mark to be used for minor ticks on this axis. Valid values are:
  • GS_AUTOMATIC - (Default) Graph determines the tick style automatically.
  • GS_EXTENDED - Tick marks span the plot area, and cross through the axis.
  • GS_GRID - Tick marks span the plot area, but they do not extend beyond the axis.
  • GS_IN - Tick lines appear above the axis.
  • GS_NONE - No tick lines appear
  • GS_SPAN - Tick marks span across the axis.
  • GS_OUT - Tick lines appear below the axis.