Oracle Fusion Middleware Tag Reference for Oracle Team Productivity Center
11g Release 1 (
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Tag name: <Field>

The field tag defines a Work item field.

Code Example(s)

      <Field name="SUBJECT" 
      <Field name="CONFIRM_FLAG" 
             controlType="radioGroup" lovDef="confirmLookup"/>                               
      <Field name="RPTDATE" 
             readOnly="true" hint="${res.BUG_FILEDATE_HINT}">
             <inputValueResolver resolverClass="oracle.alm.bugdb.model.BugDBValueFunctoinResolver">
                <Function name="TODAY" paramTypes="Integer"/>


Name Type Default value Required? Supports EL? Description
nameStringYYSpecifies the field name.The name is unique inside each work item definition.
colNameStringYYSpecifies the corresponding attribute in the data source for this work item field.
typeStringStringYThe type attribute is the java type of a work item field. Currently these java types are supported: "String" "Number" "double" "boolean" "date".
labelStringYA brief description given for the purpose of the field.
controlTypeStringYSpecifies the UI control type to use to render this field. Valid values are: "inputText" "inputDate" "textArea" "lov" "comboBox" "radioGroup" "checkbox" "list".
defaultValueObjectYSpecifies the default value to use when creating a new work item.
lovDefStringYSpecifies the name of the lov definition to use when the controlType is set to "lov".
requiredbooleanfalseYSpecifies if the value is required when creating a new work item or updating an exisiting work item. Valid values are true and false. A valid value has to be provided before a work item can be saved if the value is set to true.
queryablebooleantrueYSpecifies if any query criterion can be used for the field. Valid values are true and false. If it is set to true the field name will appear inside the field drop down on the query page.
queryDisplayablebooleantrueYSpecifies if the field name is part of the query result list column. Valid values are true and false. The field name appears inside the Customize Columns dialog if the value is set to true.
readOnlybooleanfalseYSpecifies if the field value is only viewable and cannot be updated. Valid values are true and false. Tthe field value is only viewable if the value is set to true.
visiblebooleantrueYIndicates whether the corresponding UI control for this field will be rendered or not.
fetchModeStringsingleValueYUsed when the work item is rendered as a listOfValues control. valid values are "singleValue" and "multiValues".
emptyEntryValueStringYUsed when the work item field is rendered as a comboBox control. For example: NULL can be used as the empty value. Connector writer needs to interprate it as an appropriate value when sending the query criteria to back end repository.
enableEmptyEntrybooleanfalseYSpecifies if an empty value can be used if the work item field is rendered as a comboBox control. Valid values are true and false. Corresponding attribute emptyEntryValue should be used and a valid value be provided if the value is set to true.
dateFormatStringYProvides format style used for the input date control if the work item field controlType is set to "date".
hintStringYA short message displayed as a watermark for any input UI control. It may provide value format information or macro to use.
maxLengthintYSpecifies the maximum number of charactors allowed for any input UI control.

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