Oracle Fusion Middleware Tag Reference for Oracle Team Productivity Center
11g Release 1 (
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Tag name: <WorkItem>

The WorkItem tag defines a work item.

Code Example(s)

<WorkItem data-source="rpthead" 
          supportSearchByID = "true" 
          xmlns="" version=""/>


Name Type Default value Required? Supports EL? Description
nameStringYYSpecifies the work item name. The name should be unique in the repositoryModule scope.
id-defStringYYSpecifies the field name that uniquely identifies a work item in the back end repository.
id-labelStringYSpecifies the string that can be used to summrize the work item content. It is an UI property that is used as a display name for the work item. For example The tab text shows the value of this attribute when the work item is opened in an IDE editor window.
subject-defStringYThis attribute specifies the field that provides a summary or subject of the work item.
typeStringYThe type attribute is used to differentiate different work item in same repository. One repositoryModule can define multiple work item types. For example: In JIRA repository module there are types of task bug improvement.
webURLHandlerStringYThis attribute specifies a java implementation of oracle.alm.common.model.WorkItemFieldFeature interface.
supportSearchByIDbooleantrueYIndicates whether search by work item id will be enabled or not on the client. Valid values are true and false. A menu item is added when right mouse click the repository node inside the work item accordion if the value is set to true.
supportWorkItemCreationbooleantrueYIndicates whether creating workimte will be enabled or not on client (note: this attribute is to be revisited in the future).
data-sourceStringYYSpecifies the name of a data source defined in the work item model definition file. It is used to retrieve work item details.

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