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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Error Messages Reference
11g Release 2 (

Part Number E22506-04
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6 BDSS-00000 to BDSS-65160

BDSS-00000: DispatcherSettings - error loading settings. {0}
Cause: Cannot load the preferences node for BDSS.
Action: Verify that the preferences back-end store exists and that the user this application is running under has correct access rights.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-00001: Loaded dispatcher configuration from preferences store: ChunkSize = {0} EngineEndpointUrl = {1}

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-00005: Exception thrown by backing store when setting ChunkSize: {0}
Cause: Cannot store data to the preferences node for BDSS.
Action: Verify that the preferences back-end store exists and that the user this application is running under has correct access rights.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-00006: Exception thrown by backing store when setting EngineEndpointUrl: {0}
Cause: Cannot store data to the preferences node for BDSS.
Action: Verify that the preferences back-end store exists and that the user this application is running under has correct access rights.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-00008: DispatcherSettings node name = {0}.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-00009: DispatcherSettings absolute path = {0}.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-00010: Cannot retrieve the backing store to load preferences.
Cause: Cannot retrieve the preferences node for BDSS.
Action: Verify that the preferences back-end store exists and that the user this application is running under has correct access rights.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-00011: Cannot initialize SyncDispatcherBean.
Cause: There is either improper configuration or BDSS components are not installed correctly.
Action: Verify your configuration and reinstall the BDSS components if necessary.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-00012: User chunk size is not available from configuration. Using the default.
Cause: Cannot retrieve the data from the preferences node for BDSS.
Action: Verify that the preferences back-end store exists and that user this application is running under has correct access rights.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-00013: {0} users were successfully sent to engines for synchronization!

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-00014: ArrayOutOfBounds exception occurred!
Cause: The code referenced an array index that does not exist.
Action: Restart the application.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-00015: Cannot get users to dispatch from configuration!
Cause: The list of users to synchronize was not returned by the BDSS configuration.
Action: Verify that there are users that are configured properly using the User Settings MBean.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-00017: Calling SynchronizeUsers failed: {0}
Cause: The call to the operation SynchronizeUsers failed.
Action: Verify that the BDSS hub components are installed on your applications server and are accessible.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-00019: A member of the input users array was an empty string or was null. Continuing to process other users.
Cause: A hub user login was stored as an empty string.
Action: Verify that all hub users have a non-empty string for their login.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-10001: Failed to allocate an object of type {0}.
Cause: Failed to allocate an object of the type specified.
Action: Ensure that the system is not running low on memory. Check the log for other errors that may have led to this problem. Try restarting the appropriate component or machine.

Level: 1


Impact: Other

BDSS-10002: Null object detected. Context: {0}
Cause: A null object has been detected. The object name or type is logged with this message.
Action: Examine the log to determine the cause of this problem.

Level: 1


Impact: Other

BDSS-10004: Original Error already logged.
Cause: This indicates that an exception has been detected, although details of the primary error are not logged with this message to avoid duplicate logging of an error. The primary error which caused this exception should already be logged.
Action: Examine the log for an earlier log entry that indicates the primary error which caused this exception.

Level: 1


Impact: Other

BDSS-10005: Object {0} is invalid.
Cause: A component in the BDSS product has detected an invalid object that is expected to be valid. For example, the object may be null, or it may be an empty string, etc. The invalid object may be a function parameter or an object retrieved by other means.
Action: Try checking configuration. Try restarting components or the machine. Try reinstalling the appropriate BDSS component. Examine the log for other messages that may indicate the cause of this problem.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-10006: Failed to access EJB due to problem with object {0}.
Cause: Indicates that an error occurred when attempting to access an Enterprise Java Bean.
Action: Examine the log to determine the cause for this error as an exception cause may have been logged with this message. Ensure that the product is properly installed.

Level: 1


Impact: Other

BDSS-10007: Version Id
Cause: This message string is a label that identifies a PIM record version ID. This string is never logged by itself but is only ever appended to another primary logged message string. The primary message may be an error or may simply be a debug message.
Action: See the log for the primary logged message to determine whether any action is needed for the primary log message. No action is needed based on this message alone.

Level: 1


Impact: Other

BDSS-20001: An unrecoverable error occurred while pushing record change(s) to the target PIM. Aborted pushing additional events to the PIM.
Cause: The cause is unknown but has been caught by a Java Exception. The exception occurred while the Sync-Engine was in the process of pushing record change events to a connector.
Action: Search the BDSS log for the exception text that should give a clue to the cause.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-20004: Failed to create a new record. The Sync-Engine will continue to push any additional create-record actions to the target PIM. Source-PIM record data: {0}
Cause: A failure code was returned from the target connector when the Sync-Engine invoked its createRecord method.
Action: Ensure that the target PIM and PIM connector is installed and working correctly. Look in the target connector log for clues to the failure.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-20005: Failed to update a PIM record. The Sync-Engine will continue to push any additional update-record actions to the target PIM.
Cause: The Sync-Engine detected an error while attempting to update a PIM record.
Action: Ensure that the target PIM and PIM connector are installed and working correctly. Look in the Sync-Engine log and the target connector log for clues to identify the failure.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-20006: Failed to update a PIM record.
Cause: The Sync-Engine has detected an exception while in the process of updating a PIM record. The failure may be due to a problem in the hub, rather than a connector issue.
Action: Examine the Sync-Engine log for the exception text that should give a clue as to why the failure occurred.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-20007: Source PIM record data:
Cause: This message is simply used as a label to identify the source PIM record data that is logged immediately following this label text. This message is appended to a primary error message and is never logged by itself.
Action: No action is required specifically for this error message. Instead, see the action defined for the primary error message to which this error message is appended.

Level: 1


Impact: Other

BDSS-20009: The target PIM connector failed to delete a PIM record. The Sync-Engine will attempt to push any additional delete-record actions to target PIM.
Cause: The Sync-Engine has detected an error while attempting to delete a PIM record.
Action: Examine the Sync-Engine log for information about the error cause.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-20010: Failed to write an error status message to a PIM metadata record for Connector {0}, Hub Domain {1}, PIM User {2} PIM record ID {3}.
Cause: The Sync-Engine is unable to write an error message to the database for a particular PIM Map Record. In particular, the Sync-Engine detected an exception when invoking method SyncConfig::updatePimMapRecordError.
Action: Examine the Sync-Engine log to find the underlying exception message. Ensure that the BDSS database is accessible. Check configuration of the hub components and consider restarting the hub components.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

Cause: The Sync-Engine detected an error while preparing to write an error message to the database for a particular PIM Map Record.
Action: Examine the Sync-Engine log to find the underlying exception message.
BDSS-20011: The data from the Hub record is not available.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-20012: Failed to delete a PIM record.
Cause: The Sync-Engine has detected an exception while in the process of deleting a PIM record. The failure may be due to a problem in the hub, rather than a connector issue.
Action: Examine the Sync-Engine log for the exception text that should give a clue as to why the failure occurred.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-20013: Failed to update metadata to the BDSS hub-record. \tSource Connector user = {0} \tSource PIM Connector Name = {1} \tSource PIM Record Identifier = {2}.
Cause: This error occurs when the Sync-Engine is unable to persist updated metadata to the BDSS database for a particular BDSS hub-record. In particular, this error occurs when the Sync-Engine catches an exception when invoking method SyncConfig::getHubRecordForPimRecord. This error could indicate corrupt metadata for a particular BDSS hub-record, or perhaps a network or database failure, or a problem with the SyncConfig component.
Action: Check that the database is accessible. Perhaps try restarting the BDSS hub. If corrupt metadata is suspected, then try removing all metadata for a user and perform initial synchronization for a user.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-20014: Failed to update the error code for a record.
Cause: The Sync-Engine cannot find a hub record for the specified PIM record identifier and Connector. This problem is unexpected and should not occur under normal operating conditions. This error message signifies that either hub metadata is missing or incorrect, or there was some other problem - such as a database access error. The Sync-Engine detects this error by means of an Exception thrown from SyncConfig method getHubRecordForPimRecord.
Action: Examine the log for evidence of exception text that will give more specific information as to the cause of the problem. Ensure that all infrastructure, such as the database and network, are working correctly. Ensure that all configuration is correct. Ensure that metadata is not corrupt for the specified user, Connector user and PIM Connector Name and PIM Record identifier. If the problem is due to hub metadata corruption for a given user then try clearing that user hub metadata and perform first-time synchronization for the user.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-20015: Failed to find an BDSS PIM metadata record for BDSS master hub record ID = {0}
Cause: This error message is logged when a PIM metadata record could not be found for the specified hub user ID, hub record ID and Connector. In particular, the Sync-Engine logs this message when it detects an exception from method SyncConfig::getPimRecordForHubRecord. This problem could be due to corrupt metadata (e.g. the PIM metadata record is actually missing) or some other cause.
Action: Examine the log for the exception text that should give a better clue as to the underlying cause of the error. Ensure that all infrastructure, such as the database and network, are working correctly. Ensure that all configuration is correct. Ensure that hub metadata is not corrupt for the logged hub record ID. If the problem is due to hub metadata corruption for a given user then try clearing that user hub metadata and perform first-time synchronization for the user.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-20016: The Hub User {0} is already being synchronized and cannot be synchronized again until that session has ended.
Cause: A new sync session cannot be started until the old session has ended.
Action: Wait for the original sync session to finish. If a new sync session for the Hub User still cannot be started, restart the BDSS Hub.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-20017: (Target Connector user)
Cause: This message string is a label for a Connector user identifier that is a destination target for record events that are being pushed to a PIM connector. This string is never logged by itself but is only ever appended to another primary logged message string. The primary message may be an error or may simply be a debug message.
Action: See the log for the primary logged message to determine whether any action is needed. No action is needed based on this message alone.

Level: 1


Impact: Other

BDSS-20018: (Target PIM Connector Name)
Cause: This message string is a label for the name of a PIM connector that is a destination target for record events that are being pushed to a PIM. This string is never logged by itself but is only ever appended to another primary logged message string. The primary message may be an error or may simply be a debug message.
Action: See the log for the primary logged message to determine whether any action is needed. No action is needed based on this message alone.

Level: 1


Impact: Other

BDSS-20019: BDSS queue message receiver timeout expired. Queue message not received.
Cause: This error indicates that the Sync-Engine ExtractResponseTimeout occurred because the Sync-Engine did not receive an ExtractResponse for which it was waiting. In particular, this error represents a failure to receive an ExtractResponse via a queue message in a timely fashion. The Sync-Engine uses the ExtractResponseTimeout as a time-trigger to determine when a connector has become unresponsive. In such a case, the Sync-Engine has determined that it will not receive an ExtractResponse in a timely fashion and thus takes recovery action to abort the synchronization. This problem could be caused when a connector does not correctly send an ExtractResponse to the Sync-Engine. Alternatively, the ExtractResponse was sufficiently large, or network latency slow enough, that the timeout occurred before the ExtractResponse could be properly transferred to the Sync-Engine from a connector.
Action: Ensure that all connectors are properly working and can successfully send ExtractResponse objects to the Sync-Engine. Ensure that the Sync-Engine machine is not overloaded and can handle receiving ExtractResponse objects efficiently. Ensure that the amount of data transferred via an ExtractResponse is not too large, or the network latency too slow, to trigger the ExtractResponseTimeout. If necessary, increase the ExtractResponseTimeout timeout value. Determine whether an http webservice timeout is occurring when a connector sends an ExtractResponse to the Sync-Engine.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-20020: Received queue message that is an unexpected message class type. Expecting class type ObjectMessage. {0}.
Cause: This error indicates that the Sync-Engine has received a queue message with an unexpected Java class type. This error suggests a communication protocol failure within the Sync-Engine.
Action: Ensure the BDSS product is installed and configured correctly and ensure that a rogue producer is not sending messages to the BDSS message queue.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-20021: Invalid Hashtable element key.
Cause: This error indicates that the Sync-Engine has detected an invalid hash table element key.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-20022: Invalid Hashtable element value for key = {0}.
Cause: This error indicates that the Sync-Engine has detected an invalid hash table element value for the specified element key.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-20023: null Hub User ID detected in an element of UsersArray.
Cause: The Sync-Engine has detected an invalid hub-user in the UsersArray. The Sync-Engine cannot synchronize an invalid hub user. In particular, a string array element is null, instead of specifying a valid hub user.
Action: Ensure that the array of users sent to the Sync-Engine has a valid hub user for each element in the array.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-20024: Invalid Hub User ID detected in an element of UsersArray.
Cause: The Sync-Engine has detected an invalid hub-user in the UsersArray. The Sync-Engine cannot synchronize an invalid hub user. In particular, a valid string array element has been detected, but the string is empty and does not specify a hub user.
Action: Ensure that the array of users sent to the Sync-Engine has a valid hub user for each element in the array.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-20025: The calculated sync direction is {0} for the specified user, domain and connector.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-20026: Must configure a user hub-domain synchronization between two connector URLs. Currently detecting {0} URLs.
Cause: Specifies that an invalid number of connector URLs have been identified for synchronization of a hub domain for a user. Synchronization can only occur between two connector URLs for a given user and hub domain.
Action: Validate that BDSS configuration is correct for synchronizing between two connectors.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-20027: Synchronization cannot start because the Hub user ID provided is either null or an empty string.
Cause: The Hub user id provided is either null or an empty string.
Action: Verify that the mechanism used to start synchronization is providing a non-null non-empty value for the Hub User.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-20028: Invalid ExtractResponse detected. The ExtractResponse sent by a connector indicates that it contains delete events but the delete events do not exist.
Cause: This error occurs when the Sync-Engine detects that an ExtractResponse specifies a true value for member ExtractResponse.ExtractResponseData.hasDeletes and yet specifies a null value for member ExtractResponse.ExtractResponseData.deleteRecordIdArray. Thus, the ExtractResponse object is corrupt and cannot be processed.
Action: Fix the connector that is providing the invalid ExtractResponse.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-20029: Invalid ExtractResponse detected. The ExtractResponse sent by a connector contains a null delete record ID.
Cause: This error is logged when the Sync-Engine detects a null array element in member ExtractResponse.ExtractResponseData.deleteRecordIdArray when a valid delete record ID is expected.
Action: Fix the connector that is providing the invalid ExtractResponse.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-20030: An ExtractResponse indicates that upserts exist but they do not.
Cause: This error occurs when the Sync-Engine determines that an ExtractResponse should contain upsert records when it does not. In particular, the member ExtractResponse.ExtractResponseData.hasUpserts is true but upsertRecordArray in ExtractResponse.ExtractResponseData.upsertRecordArray is invalid.
Action: Fix the connector that is providing the invalid ExtractResponse.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-20034: A conflict between a deleted record and an updated record has been detected and resolved. The updated record event will be dropped and the deleted record event will propagate to the target PIM. Information about the two record events follow: \tDeleted Record: \t\tConnector = {0} \t\tPIM user = {1} \t\tPIM record identifier = {2} \tUpdated Record: \t\tConnector = {3} \t\tPIM user = {4} \t\tPIM record identifier = {5} {6}

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-20035: Cannot find a PIM connector endpoint for the current user and Connector {0}
Cause: The Sync-Engine queried all connector URLs for a particular Connector using connector interface method getPimServerEndPoint. However, none of the connector instances provided a connector endpoint for a particular Connector user.
Action: See the log entry to identify the Connector and the corresponding hub user ID for this error. Ensure that the Connector user is configured in the PIM, that BDSS configuration is correct, that all connector instance URLs are properly configured, and that the connector instance can successfully return the endpoint for the Connector and user for which this problem occurs.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-20040: An error occurred while pushing create, update or delete changes to Connector {0} for hub domain {1}.
Cause: This is a generic high-level error message indicating that an error occurred while pushing create, update, or delete events to the specified Connector and hub domain.
Action: Examine this message in the log to find the pertinent Connector and hub domain. Examine the log for the underlying error that is expected to have been logged prior to this error message. Take appropriate action once the underlying error has been identified.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-20041: The BDSS Engine will continue to push record changes to the next PIM if any are available.
Cause: The text of this informational message is a supplement to the text of message SYNCENG_PUSH_TO_PIM_ERROR. This message text is logged only when the Sync-Engine has changes to additional PIMs that can be propagated for the same hub domain.
Action: No action is necessary that is specific to this message. Instead, see the action text for error message SYNCENG_PUSH_TO_PIM_ERROR.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-20043: Unexpected or failure result code detected in an ExtractResponse. ExtractResponse Result Code = {0}. ExtractResponse Error Description = {1}
Cause: An ExtractResultCode value of either PARTIAL_EXTRACT_COMPLETED_OK or PARTIAL_EXTRACT_COMPLETED_NOTOK has been detected in an ExtractResponse received from a connector. An ExtractResponse, with either of these ExtractResultCode values, is considered nonviable for synchronization by the Sync-Engine. Thus, the Sync-Engine cannot perform synchronization with the corresponding ExtractResponse.
Action: Examine the connector, PIM server and configuration corresponding to the failed ExtractResponse. Fix the problem with this connector-related error.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-20044: Unknown failure code detected in an ExtractResponse. ExtractResponse Result Code = {0}. ExtractResponse Error Description = {1}
Cause: The Sync-Engine detects an unknown ExtractResultCode value in an ExtractResponse received from a connector.
Action: Examine the connector, PIM server and configuration corresponding to the failed ExtractResponse. Fix the problem with this connector-related error.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-20045: Unknown Connector detected when retrieving an extract response.
Cause: The Sync-Engine recognizes only two Connectors - one for Exchange and the other for Webcenter. The Connector, received in an ExtractResponse from a connector, is not recognized by the Sync-Engine.
Action: Examine the log entry for this message to obtain the Connector retrieved from the problematic ExtractResponse. Examine the connector, PIM server and configuration corresponding to the problematic ExtractResponse. Ensure that the connector provides the correct PIM server type in the ExtractResponse objects it sends to the Sync-Engine.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-20046: Error getting ExtractResponse objects.
Cause: This message indicates that the Sync-Engine detected an error while receiving ExtractResponse objects during a synchronization session. The underlying problem should already have been logged.
Action: Examine earlier log messages, just prior to this log message, to identify the underlying problem.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-20047: Null name-key object detected in PIM record description array.
Cause: This error occurs when the Sync-Engine is comparing records using their key fields and detects that the name of a field is invalid, in other words empty or null, for an UpsertRecord provided by a connector ExtractResponse.
Action: Ensure that key-field configuration is correct. Examine recent ExtractRequests in the log to help determine which connector is providing an invalid key-field. Ensure that all connectors are providing valid ExtractRequest responses to the Sync-Engine.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-20048: An Exception error occurred during synchronization.
Cause: An exception has been detected in the Sync-Engine during synchronization.
Action: Examine the log file for information about this exception.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-20049: Unable to access FtsLogger class object while processing an Exception error. Exception: {0}.
Cause: An exception has been detected in the Sync-Engine during synchronization. However, the Sync-Engine is unable to log the session ID and hub user ID with this message.
Action: Examine the log file for information about this exception.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-20050: Invalid Engine Endpoint URL received from configuration. URL is null or empty string.
Cause: An invalid Sync-Engine endpoint URL has been returned from method SyncConfig::getEngineEndPointURL, without the method having thrown an exception.
Action: Confirm that a valid engine endpoint URl is configured.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-20051: BDSS Engine ExtractResponse servlet end point URL = {0}.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-20052: Hub domain synchronization failed.
Cause: This message indicates that an error was detected while synchronizing a particular hub domain. The hub user, synchronization session identifier and hub domain are logged with this message.
Action: Examine this message in the log to determine which hub domain failed. Examine the log to find the underlying cause of the failure.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-20053: Failed to send extract request.
Cause: An error was detected while attempting to send an extract request to a connector.
Action: Examine the log to determine the underlying problem which caused the error.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-20054: Failed to initialize connector user synchronization session. BDSS presumes the connector instance URL is invalid and will clear the connector endpoint for hub user: {0}, Connector: {1}. Synchronization will be attempted in a subsequent sync cycle.
Cause: An error was detected while invoking connector method initializeUserSyncSession.
Action: Examine the log to determine the underlying problem which caused the error. Expect to find the hub user ID, Connector and a description of the underlying exception in the log.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-20057: Failed connector initialization.
Cause: An error was detected while attempting to initialize the connectors involved in synchronization for a hub-user.
Action: Examine the log to determine the underlying problem which caused the error.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-20058: Unable to get a connector instance URL for the configured connector endpoint for hub user: {0}, Connector: {1}. The failed connector endpoint will be cleared for this user so a new connector endpoint can be configured during the next synchronization cycle.
Cause: The Sync-Engine was not able to get a connector endpoint for the hub user and Connector specified in this message.
Action: Examine the log entry for information about the underlying exception, and to identify the hub user and Connector for which the problem occurred.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-20059: Unable to get valid connector instance URL for hub user: {0}, Connector: {1}.
Cause: The Sync-Engine has determined that a connector instance URL is invalid, either empty or null, even though an exception did not occur while attempting to retrieve the connector instance URL.
Action: Examine the log message to determine the hub user and Connector for which this error occurred. Ensure that all connector instance URL and endpoint configuration is correct. Contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-20060: Failure detected when attempting to invoke connector method {0}.
Cause: An exception has been detected while invoking the connector method specified by this message.
Action: Examine the log to determine the hub user ID and Connector corresponding to this failure. Also, examine the log to determine which connector method failed.

Level: 1


Impact: Other

BDSS-20061: Unable to configure connector endpoint for current hub user and Connector.
Cause: The Sync-Engine detected an exception thrown from method m_SyncConfig.setConnectorEndPoint.
Action: Ensure that configuration and installation are correct. Examine this message in the log to determine the corresponding hub user ID and Connector.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-20062: "Connector method {0} returned error code {1}."
Cause: The Sync-Engine has detected an error code returned from a connector method.
Action: Examine the log to determine which connector method failed and the error code it returned.

Level: 1


Impact: Other

BDSS-20063: Detected an invalid message type. Expecting type javax.jms.MapMessage. {0}
Cause: The SyncUserMDB Message Driven Bean has erroneously received a queue message that is not of type javax.jms.MapMessage. SyncUserMDB retrieves messages from a Weblogic Server in-memory queue. It retrieves queue messages having message property RECIPIENT = BDSS SyncUser MDB Recipient.
Action: Ensure that no other software products are sending messages to the configured WLS in-memory queue with queue message having property RECIPIENT = BDSS SyncUser MDB Recipient. For reference, content of the erroneous queue message is appended to this log entry. Contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-20084: PIM Record Description:
Cause: This message string is a label whose purpose is to indicate that PimRecordDescription metadata is being logged for a PIM record. This string is never logged by itself but is only ever appended to another primary logged message string. The primary message may be an error or may simply be a debug message.
Action: See the log for the primary logged message to determine whether any action is needed. No action is needed based on this message alone.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-20085: Field Name
Cause: This message string is a label that identifies a single PimRecordDescription field name for a PIM record. This string is never logged by itself but is only ever appended to another primary logged message string. The primary message may be an error or may simply be a debug message.
Action: See the log for the primary logged message to determine whether any action is needed. No action is needed based on this message alone.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-20086: Field Value is null
Cause: This message string indicates that a PimRecordDescription.descriptionArray object contains a KeyValuePair object with a null field value. This string is never logged by itself but is only ever appended to another primary logged message string. The primary message may be an error or may simply be a debug message.
Action: See the log for the primary logged message to determine whether any action is needed for the primary log message. Also, fix the cause of this null field value within the PimRecordDescription metadata of a PIM record.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-20087: Field Value
Cause: This message string is a label that identifies a single PimRecordDescription field value for a PIM record. This string is never logged by itself but is only ever appended to another primary logged message string. The primary message may be an error or may simply be a debug message.
Action: See the log for the primary logged message to determine whether any action is needed for the primary log message. No action is needed based on this message alone.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-20088: The description array is empty
Cause: This string is never logged by itself but is only ever appended, to another primary logged message string, to provide ancillary information. The primary message may be an error or may simply be a debug message. This message indicates that a PimRecordDescription information is not available. In this case, the PimRecordDescription object is valid, and contains a valid KeyValuePair array object, but the KeyValuePair array has no elements.
Action: See the log for the primary logged message to determine whether any action is needed.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-20089: The description array is null
Cause: This string is never logged by itself but is only ever appended, to another primary logged message string, to provide ancillary information. The primary message may be an error or may simply be a debug message. This message indicates that PimRecordDescription information is not available for a PIM record. In this case, the PimRecordDescription object is valid but contains a null KeyValuePair array.
Action: See the log for the primary logged message to determine whether any action is needed.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-20092: No PimRecordDescription data is provided in this record
Cause: This string is never logged by itself but is only ever appended, to another primary logged message string, to provide ancillary information. The primary message may be an error or may simply be a debug message. This message indicates that PimRecordDescription information is not available, for a PIM record, because the PimRecordDescription object is null.
Action: See the log for the primary logged message to determine whether any action is needed.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-20093: A null field name is detected for a PimRecordDescription field name.
Cause: This message string indicates that a field name is null within the PimRecordDescription metadata of a PIM record. This string is never logged by itself but is only ever appended to another primary logged message string. The primary message may be an error or may simply be a debug message.
Action: See the log for the primary logged message to determine whether any action is needed for the primary log message. Also, fix the cause that is producing this null field name.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-20094: ErrorCode
Cause: This message string is a label that identifies an error code. This string is never logged by itself but is only ever appended to another primary logged message string. The primary message may be an error or may simply be a debug message.
Action: See the log for the primary logged message to determine whether any action is needed for the primary log message.

Level: 1


Impact: Other

BDSS-20095: Hub Domain
Cause: This message string is a label that identifies a hub domain identifier. This string is never logged by itself but is only ever appended to another primary logged message string. The primary message may be an error or may simply be a debug message.
Action: See the log for the primary logged message to determine whether any action is needed for the primary log message. No action is needed based on this message alone.

Level: 1


Impact: Other

BDSS-20096: Hub User
Cause: This message string is a label that identifies a hub user ID. This string is never logged by itself but is only ever appended to another primary logged message string. The primary message may be an error or may simply be a debug message.
Action: See the log for the primary logged message to determine whether any action is needed for the primary log message. No action is needed based on this message alone.

Level: 1


Impact: Other

BDSS-20097: SessionID
Cause: This message string is a label that identifies a user synchronization session ID. This string is never logged by itself but is only ever appended to another primary logged message string. The primary message may be an error or may simply be a debug message.
Action: See the log for the primary logged message to determine whether any action is needed for the primary log message. No action is needed based on this message alone.

Level: 1


Impact: Other

BDSS-20098: Connector user
Cause: This message string is a label that identifies a Connector user ID. This string is never logged by itself but is only ever appended to another primary logged message string. The primary message may be an error or may simply be a debug message.
Action: See the log for the primary logged message to determine whether any action is needed. No action is needed based on this message alone.

Level: 1


Impact: Other

BDSS-20099: Connector Name
Cause: This message string is a label that identifies a PIM connector name. This string is never logged by itself but is only ever appended to another primary logged message string. The primary message may be an error or may simply be a debug message.
Action: See the log for the primary logged message to determine whether any action is needed. No action is needed based on this message alone.

Level: 1


Impact: Other

BDSS-20100: PIM Record Id
Cause: This message string is a label that identifies a PIM record ID. This string is never logged by itself but is only ever appended to another primary logged message string. The primary message may be an error or may simply be a debug message.
Action: See the log for the primary logged message to determine whether any action is needed for the primary log message. No action is needed based on this message alone.

Level: 1


Impact: Other

BDSS-20102: Error detected when attempting to delete BDSS master hub metadata record {0}.
Cause: This message indicates that an exception occurred when attempting to delete a hub metadata record from the BDSS database. In particular, method SyncConfig::deleteHubMapRecord threw an exception. The cause of the exception is logged with this message.
Action: See the log to find the exception cause that is logged with this message.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-20103: Failed to delete an BDSS Pim-Map metadata record corresponding to specified PIM record.
Cause: This message indicates that an exception occurred when attempting to delete a PIM map record from the BDSS database. In particular, method SyncConfig::deletePimMapRecord threw an exception. The cause of the exception is logged with this message.
Action: See the log to find the exception cause that is logged with this message.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-20104: Hub domain synchronization succeeded.
Cause: This is an informational message that indicates that synchronization has succeeded. The hub-user, sync-session ID, Connector and hub-domain are logged with this message.
Action: No action needed.

Level: 1


Impact: Other

BDSS-20106: Started synchronization for user
Cause: This is an informational message that indicates when a synchronization session has started for a hub user. The hub user is specified in the log message header.
Action: No action needed.

Level: 1


Impact: Other

BDSS-20107: A user synchronization session has ended. User sync status is {0}.
Cause: This is an informational message that indicates when a hub user synchronization session has ended. In particular, the call to method SyncConfig::setUserSyncSessionToEnded has succeeded. This notification does not imply whether domain synchronization succeeded or not for this same synchronization session. The hub user is specified in the log message header.
Action: No action needed.

Level: 1


Impact: Other

BDSS-20108: Failed to end a user synchronization session.
Cause: This error message indicates that a hub user synchronization session did not end successfully. In particular, the call to method SyncConfig::setUserSyncSessionToEnded threw an exception. This error does not imply whether domain synchronization succeeded or not for this same synchronization session. The hub user is specified in the log message header.
Action: No specific action recommended. However, check configuration - perhaps for the hub user in particular. Also suggest restarting the BDSS application server, or reinstalling BDSS.

Level: 1


Impact: Other

BDSS-20109: Hub-domain {0} will not be synchronized for Connector {1} because no other Connector is configured to synchronize it for the current hub-user.
Cause: Hub-user configuration, for the specified hub-domain, is set to synchronize the hub-domain using only a single Connector. It is invalid to synchronize a hub-domain by only a single Connector. The Sync-Engine has modified its only local copy of configuration, for the current hub-user sync-session, so that it will not synchronize the specified hub-domain for the current hub-user sync-session.
Action: Fix configuration for the specified hub-user so that the specified hub-domain is configured to synchronize by more than one Connector. Alternatively, remove the specified hub-domain from configuration for the specified hub-user.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-20110: Connector {0} will not be synchronized, for the current hub-user sync-session, because it is not configured to synchronize any hub-domains.
Cause: The Sync-Engine has determined that hub-user configuration, for the specified Connector, is not valid because it is not configured to synchronize any hub-domains. The specified Connector will not be allowed to synchronize for the current hub-user sync-session.
Action: Ensure that configuration, for the specified hub-user and Connector, is correct for synchronizing at least one hub-domain with another Connector.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-20111: AttendeeMetadata:
Cause: This message string is a label that is used when AttendeeMetadata is being logged for a PIM record. This string is never logged by itself but is only ever appended to another primary logged message string. The primary message may be an error or may simply be a debug message.
Action: See the log for the primary logged message to determine whether any action is needed. No action is needed based on this message alone.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-20112: Organizer
Cause: This message string is a label that is used when AttendeeMetadata is being logged for a PIM record. This string is never logged by itself but is only ever appended to another primary logged message string. The primary message may be an error or may simply be a debug message.
Action: See the log for the primary logged message to determine whether any action is needed. No action is needed based on this message alone.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-20113: VEventStartDate
Cause: This message string is a label that is used when AttendeeMetadata is being logged for a PIM record. This string is never logged by itself but is only ever appended to another primary logged message string. The primary message may be an error or may simply be a debug message.
Action: See the log for the primary logged message to determine whether any action is needed. No action is needed based on this message alone.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-20114: Required Attendees
Cause: This message string is a label that is used when AttendeeMetadata is being logged for a PIM record. This string is never logged by itself but is only ever appended to another primary logged message string. The primary message may be an error or may simply be a debug message.
Action: See the log for the primary logged message to determine whether any action is needed. No action is needed based on this message alone.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-20115: Optional Attendees
Cause: This message string is a label that is used when AttendeeMetadata is being logged for a PIM record. This string is never logged by itself but is only ever appended to another primary logged message string. The primary message may be an error or may simply be a debug message.
Action: See the log for the primary logged message to determine whether any action is needed. No action is needed based on this message alone.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-20116: Non Attendees
Cause: This message string is a label that is used when AttendeeMetadata is being logged for a PIM record. This string is never logged by itself but is only ever appended to another primary logged message string. The primary message may be an error or may simply be a debug message.
Action: See the log for the primary logged message to determine whether any action is needed. No action is needed based on this message alone.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-20117: None
Cause: This message string is a label that is used when AttendeeMetadata is being logged for a PIM record. This string is never logged by itself but is only ever appended to another primary logged message string. The primary message may be an error or may simply be a debug message.
Action: See the log for the primary logged message to determine whether any action is needed. No action is needed based on this message alone.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-30001: The engine setting for {0} is invalid.
Cause: The Engine Settings for this parameter are invalid.
Action: Use the EngineSettings MBean to enter a valid value for this parameter.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-30003: Error during construction of SyncConfig. {0}
Cause: There was an out of memory error or SyncConfig cannot get EngineSettings MBean.
Action: Verify that the EngineSettings MBean was deployed or verify that there was sufficient memory.

Level: 1


Impact: Other

BDSS-30006: Cannot find section {0} in profile {1}.
Cause: The configuration data for that profile and section cannot be retrieved from the data store.
Action: Verify that the profile and section exist in the data store and that the data store can be reached.

Level: 1


Impact: Other

BDSS-30007: EngineSettings - error loading settings. {0}
Cause: Cannot find the engine settings in the preferences store or cannot load the preferences store.
Action: Verify that the preferences store exists on the server and that it is accessible.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-30008: Loaded engine configuration from preferences store: ExtractResponseTimeout = {0} MessageTimeToLive = {1} EngineEndPointURL = {2} RuntimeLibraryURL = {3}

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-30009: EngineSettings absolute path = {0}.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-30010: EngineSettings node name = {0}.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-30011: A {0} was detected when attempting to set the {1} configuration option. {2}
Cause: Cannot find the engine settings in the preferences store, cannot load the preferences store or cannot write to the preferences store.
Action: Verify that the preferences store exists on the server and that it is accessible.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-30012: A {0} was detected when attempting to invoke the MBean operation. {1}
Cause: The BDSS MBeans are not accessible or were not successfully installed.
Action: Using the Application Server administration UI, verify that the BDSS MBeans were installed correctly.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-30013: A {0} was detected when converting profile data: Profile = {1}, Section = {2}, Parameter = {3}, Value = {4}.
Cause: There was an error converting the Profile settings returned from the database to a format that will display properly.
Action: Try the operation again. If the error persists, check the data in the database or reinstall the Profile Settings MBean.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-30014: Failed to build open mbeaninfo.
Cause: There was an error loading the MBeans.
Action: Try restarting the MBean console or reinstalling the MBeans.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-30015: Operation name cannot be null.
Cause: There was an error loading the MBeans because an operation name was null.
Action: Try reinstalling the MBeans.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-30016: Cannot call invoke with null operation name.
Cause: There was an error loading the MBeans because an operation name was null.
Action: Try reinstalling the MBeans.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-30017: An error occurred when invoking MBean operation {0}. Exception Class Name = {1}. Caught [{2}].
Cause: There was an error running the operation.
Action: Try the operation again. If the error persists, check the data in the database or reinstall the MBeans.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-30018: Cannot find MBean operation {0}.
Cause: There was an error finding the MBean operation.
Action: Try the operation again. If the error persists, using the Application Server administration UI, verify that the BDSS MBeans were installed correctly.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-30019: Cannot invoke operation {0} because an invalid parameter was provided to the MBean.
Cause: An invalid parameter was given to the MBean.
Action: Try the action again with valid parameters. If the error continues, contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-30020: Error converting the server map. {0}
Cause: There was an error converting the server map returned from the database to a format that will display properly.
Action: Try the operation again. If the error persists, check the data in the database or reinstall the Server and Connectors MBean.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-30021: Error converting the connector map. {0}
Cause: There was an error converting the connector map returned from the database to a format that will display properly.
Action: Try the operation again. If the error persists, check the data in the database or reinstall the Server and Connectors MBean.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-30022: Error getting hub users. {0}
Cause: This may be an error in the configuration of the Hub User or the Hub User does not exist.
Action: Ensure that the hub user exists in configuration and is configured correctly.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-30023: Error getting Connector users. {0}
Cause: This may be an error in the configuration of the Connector user or the Connector user does not exist.
Action: Ensure that the Connector user exists in configuration and is configured correctly.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-30024: Error getting domains. {0}
Cause: This may be an error in the configuration of the domain.
Action: Ensure that the domain exists in configuration and is configured correctly.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-30025: Error getting records. {0}
Cause: This may be an error in the database for the record.
Action: Ensure that the record exists in the database.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-35001: Cannot create a Connector user with the login {0} and cannot map the user to the hub user {1}.
Cause: The data store was not accessible or the record does not exist in configuration.
Action: Ensure your data store is running and you can log in to it from a client and that the record exists in configuration

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-35002: The configuration parameter {0} in the section {1} of the profile {2} cannot be deleted.
Cause: The configuration was not accessible.
Action: Ensure your database is running and you can log in to it from a client.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-35003: Cannot delete the record with an id of {0}.
Cause: The data store was not accessible or the user does not exist in configuration.
Action: Ensure your data store is running and you can log in to it from a client and that the user exists in configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-35004: Cannot find the hub record with an id of {0} for user {1}.
Cause: The data store was not accessible or the user or record does not exist in configuration.
Action: Ensure your data store is running and you can log in to it from a client and that the user and record exist in configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-35005: Cannot find the hub record for the PIM record with an id of {0} for user {1}.
Cause: The data store was not accessible or the record does not exist in configuration.
Action: Ensure your data store is running and you can log in to it from a client and that the record exists in configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-35006: Cannot find the hub user {0}.
Cause: The data store was not accessible or the user does not exist in configuration.
Action: Ensure your data store is running and you can log in to it from a client and that the hub user exists in configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-35007: Cannot find the {0} LOV with a value of {1}.
Cause: The data store was not accessible or the record does not exist in configuration.
Action: Ensure your data store is running and you can log in to it from a client and that the record exists in configuration

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-35008: Cannot find the {0} object with an id of {1}.
Cause: The data store was not accessible or the record does not exist in configuration.
Action: Ensure your data store is running and you can log in to it from a client and that the record exists in configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-35009: Cannot find the PIM record with an id of {0}.
Cause: The data store was not accessible or the user or record does not exist in configuration.
Action: Ensure your data store is running and you can log in to it from a client and that the user and record exist in configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-35010: Cannot find the PIM record with an id of {0} for user {1}.
Cause: The data store was not accessible or the user or record does not exist in configuration.
Action: Ensure your data store is running and you can log in to it from a client and that the user and record exist in configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-35011: Cannot find the PIM record for the hub record with an id of {0} for user {1}.
Cause: The data store was not accessible or the record does not exist in configuration.
Action: Ensure your data store is running and you can log in to it from a client and that the record exists in configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-35012: Cannot find the Connector user with the ID of {0} for the Connector named {1}.
Cause: The data store was not accessible or the record does not exist in configuration.
Action: Ensure your data store is running and you can log in to it from a client and that the record exists in configuration

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-35013: Cannot find the record associated data for the record {0}.
Cause: The data store was not accessible or the user or record data does not exist in configuration.
Action: Ensure your data store is running and you can log in to it from a client and that the user and record exist in configuration.

Level: 32


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-35014: Cannot return users from the data source.
Cause: The data store was not accessible or the record does not exist in configuration.
Action: Ensure your data store is running and you can log in to it from a client and that the record exists in configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-35015: Cannot retrieve {0} records for user {1}.
Cause: The data store was not accessible or the user does not exist in configuration.
Action: Ensure your data store is running and you can log in to it from a client and that the user exists in configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-35016: Cannot remove the {0} object with an id of {1}.
Cause: The data store was not accessible or the record does not exist in configuration.
Action: Ensure your data store is running and you can log in to it from a client and that the record exists in configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-35017: Cannot update the sync level for the domain {0} for the Connector named {1}.
Cause: The data store was not accessible or the record does not exist in configuration.
Action: Ensure your data store is running and you can log in to it from a client and that the record exists in configuration

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-35018: Cannot update the hub record with an id of {0} for user {1}.
Cause: The data store was not accessible or the record does not exist in configuration.
Action: Ensure your data store is running and you can log in to it from a client and that the record exists in configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-35019: Cannot update or create the {0} object with an id of {1}.
Cause: The data store was not accessible or the record does not exist in configuration.
Action: Ensure your data store is running and you can log in to it from a client and that the record exists in configuration

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-35020: Cannot update the PIM record with an id of {0} for user {1}.
Cause: The data store was not accessible or the record does not exist in configuration.
Action: Ensure your data store is running and you can log in to it from a client and that the record exists in configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-35021: Cannot update the session for hub user {0}.
Cause: The user cannot be found in configuration or the data store is not allowing the update.
Action: Ensure your data store is running and you can log in to it from a client and that the hub user exists in configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-35022: The configuration parameter {0} in the section {1} of the profile {2} cannot be written to the data store.
Cause: The configuration was not accessible or cannot be written to.
Action: Ensure your database is running and you can log in to it from a client.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-35023: Cannot store record associated data for the record with an id of {0}.
Cause: The data store was not accessible or the user does not exist in configuration.
Action: Ensure your data store is running and you can log in to it from a client and that the user exists in configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-35024: Cannot store record description data for the record with an id of {0}.
Cause: The data store was not accessible or the user or record does not exist in configuration.
Action: Ensure your data store is running and you can log in to it from a client and that the user and record exist in configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-35025: Cannot write user associated data for user {0}.
Cause: The data store was not accessible or cannot be written to.
Action: Ensure your data store is running and you can log in to it from a client.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-35026: Cannot write the {0} domain sync status for user {1} on the Connector named {2}.
Cause: The data store was not accessible or cannot be written to or configuration for this user is corrupted.
Action: Ensure your data store is running and you can log in to it from a client. Also ensure the configuration for this user is correct.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-35027: The configuration for the Connector {0} has an error.
Cause: There is an error in the configuration of this Connector.
Action: Review the configuration for this Connector and resolve the problem.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-35028: The configuration for the domain {0} has an error.
Cause: There is an error in the configuration of this domain.
Action: Review the configuration for this domain and resolve the problem.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-35029: One of the Connector user mappings is invalid for hub user {0}.
Cause: The configuration for one of the hub user to Connector user mappings is corrupted or not present.
Action: Ensure that the mapping exists in configuration and is valid.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-35030: The configuration for the Connector instance {0} is not correct. Review the configuration for {1}.
Cause: There was missing configuration for this Connector instance.
Action: Review the configuration for this Connector instance and correct any configuration problems.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-35031: The configuration for the PIM domain {0} is not correct. Review the configuration for {1}.
Cause: There was missing configuration for this domain.
Action: Review the configuration for this domain and correct any configuration problems.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-35032: The configuration for the user {0} is not correct. Review the configuration for the user on Connector {1}.
Cause: There was missing configuration for this user.
Action: Review the configuration for this user and correct any configuration problems.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-35033: The Connector user for Connector {0} does not exist for hub user {1}, or there is more than one Connector user with this name configured for this Connector.
Cause: This hub user had no Connector user associated to it for the Connector.
Action: Review the configuration for this user and correct any configuration problems.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-35034: The configuration for the Connector {0} is not correct. Review the configuration for {1}.
Cause: There was missing configuration for this Connector.
Action: Review the configuration for this Connector and correct any configuration problems.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-35035: The configuration for the profile {0} is does not exist. Review the configuration for the profile.
Cause: There was missing configuration for this profile.
Action: Review the configuration for this profile and correct any configuration problems if needed.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-35036: The configuration parameter {0} in the section {1} of the profile {2} does not exist.
Cause: There was missing configuration for this profile.
Action: Review the configuration for this profile and correct any configuration problems if needed.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-35037: There is no {0} for the user {1}.
Cause: There was missing configuration for this user.
Action: Review the configuration for this user and correct any configuration problems.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-35038: The configuration for the PIM server {0} has an error.
Cause: There is an error in the configuration of this PIM server.
Action: Review the configuration for this PIM server and resolve the problem.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-35039: A Connector user with a login of {0} already exists for the Connector {1}.
Cause: The configuration for at least one of the Connector users already exists. Verify this user is not already in configuration and that this is the correct ID for the Connector.
Action: Ensure that the mapping exists in configuration and is valid.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-35040: The user is not in the same session whose ID is {0}.
Cause: The session ID for the user is not the same as the stored session ID. This may be due to 2 separate BDSS engines processing the same user.
Action: Ensure only one BDSS dispatcher is running at a time and that the user is not stuck in a sync session.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-35041: Cannot store associated data for the user {0}.
Cause: The data store was not accessible or the user does not exist in configuration.
Action: Ensure your data store is running and you can log in to it from a client and that the user exists in configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-35042: Cannot store metadata for the user {0}.
Cause: There was an error while storing the configuration of this user.
Action: Verify the database can be accessed and that the BDSS configuration is correct.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-35043: Cannot store a record for the user {0}.
Cause: The data store was not accessible or the user does not exist in configuration.
Action: Ensure your data store is running and you can log in to it from a client and that the user exists in configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-35044: There were too many {0} records found for {1}.
Cause: There were too many records found that matched the query.
Action: Ensure your configuration is correct and that the user's data is not corrupted

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-35045: The configuration for the user {0} has an error.
Cause: There is an error in the configuration of this user.
Action: Review the configuration for this user and resolve the problem.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-35046: Cannot find the associated data for user {0}.
Cause: The associated data for the user is not in the database.
Action: This may not be an error if this is the first time sync for the user. If not, verify the user is in the database and the database is accessible.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-35051: Cannot store the cached sync state for the user {0}.
Cause: There was an error while storing the cached sync state of this user.
Action: Verify the database can be accessed, that the BDSS configuration is correct and the cached sync state exists.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-35052: Cannot store the permanent sync state for the user {0}.
Cause: There was an error while storing the permanent sync state of this user.
Action: Verify the database can be accessed, that the BDSS configuration is correct.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-35053: Could not obtain the Pim Record Versions for Connector User {0}, HubDomain {1}, Connector {2}. Exception detected: {3}.
Cause: There was an error while attempting to obtain the Pim Record Version identifiers from the BDSS database for this user.
Action: Verify the database can be accessed and that the BDSS configuration is correct.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-35054: An invalid Connector domain synchronization level has been detected.
Cause: An invalid Connector domain synchronization level has been detected in configuration.
Action: Review Connector domain synchronization level configuration and correct it.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-35055: An invalid Connector user synchronization level has been detected.
Cause: An invalid Connector user synchronization level has been detected in configuration.
Action: Review Connector user synchronization level configuration and correct it.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-35056: Successfully created a Connector user with a login of {0} and mapped it to the hub user {1}. The user sync level for all domains is set to Full.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-35057: There is more than one record with the Hub user login of {0}.
Cause: There is more than one hub user with this login. This is a configuration error.
Action: Review the configuration for this user and correct any configuration problems.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-35058: Successfully deleted hub user with the login {0} and the associated Connector users.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-35059: Cannot find a hub user with the name {0}.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-35060: Successfully created a hub user with a login of {0} and mapped it to the Connector user ID {1}. The user is not sync enabled.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-35061: Successfully changed Connector user sync level to {0} for Connector user {1} on domain {2} for the Connector named {3}.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-35062: Successfully changed hub user sync enabled flag to {0} for hub user with the name {1}.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-35063: Cannot find the domain {0} for Connector user Id {1}.
Cause: The supplied domain does not exist for the Connector user. This could be a configuration error.
Action: Review the configuration for this user and correct any configuration problems.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-35070: Cannot find the PIM server instance {0} for Connector {1}.
Cause: Cannot update the PIM server instance. This could be a configuration error.
Action: Review the configuration for this PIM server instance and correct any configuration problems.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-35071: Cannot find the domain {0} for the Connector named {1}.
Cause: Cannot update the domain. This could be a configuration error.
Action: Review the configuration for this domain and correct any configuration problems.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-35072: Cannot update the filter {0} for the domain {1} for the Connector named {2}.
Cause: Cannot update the domain filter. This could be a configuration error.
Action: Review the configuration for this domain and correct any configuration problems.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-35073: Cannot find the LOV for the PIM server type {0}.
Cause: Cannot find the LOV for the PIM server type. This could be a configuration error.
Action: Review the LOVs, ensure you are using the correct LOV and correct any configuration problems.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-35074: Cannot create or update the connector {0}.
Cause: Cannot create or update the connector. This could be a configuration error or a database access error.
Action: Review the configuration and database connect information. Then correct any configuration problems.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-35075: Cannot delete the connector {0}.
Cause: Cannot delete the connector. This could be a configuration error or a database access error.
Action: Review the configuration and database connect information. Then correct any configuration problems.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-35076: Cannot find the Connector {0}.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-35077: Cannot delete the filter {0} for the domain {1} for the Connector named {2}.
Cause: Cannot delete the domain filter. This could be a configuration error.
Action: Review the configuration for this domain and correct any configuration problems.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-35078: Cannot get connector details.
Cause: Cannot get the details for the connectors. This could be a configuration error or a database access error.
Action: Review the configuration and database connect information. Then correct any configuration problems.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-35079: Error converting the connector instance map. {0}
Cause: There was an error converting the connector instance map returned from the database to a format that will display properly.
Action: Try the operation again. If the error persists, check the data in the database or reinstall the Servers and Connectors MBean.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-35080: Error converting the domain map. {0}
Cause: There was an error converting the domain map returned from the database to a format that will display properly.
Action: Try the operation again. If the error persists, check the data in the database or reinstall the Servers and Connectors MBean.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-35081: Error converting the domain filter map. {0}
Cause: There was an error converting the domain filter map returned from the database to a format that will display properly.
Action: Try the operation again. If the error persists, check the data in the database or reinstall the Servers and Connectors MBean.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-35083: Missing configuration for PROFILE_NAME = {0}, SECTION_NAME = {1}, PARAMETER name = {2}.
Cause: A required configuration record does not exist in database table PROFILES for the criteria specified in the log message.
Action: Review the configuration for this profile and correct any configuration problems. In particular, ensure that a record exists for the specified criteria.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-35084: Invalid configuration value for an existing record in database PROFILES table for PROFILE_NAME = {0}, SECTION_NAME = {1}, PARAMETER name = {2}.
Cause: The content of the VALUE column is invalid for a record in the database PROFILES table that matches the specified profile name, section name and parameter name.
Action: Review the configuration for matching profile record and correct any configuration problems. In particular, ensure the database VALUE column is populated correctly for matching record.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-35085: Cannot remove temporary sync state for Connector user = {0}, Connector Name = {1}, Hub Domain = {2}.
Cause: The Sync-Engine cannot remove old state data for the specified Connector user, Connector and Hub Domain. This problem is unexpected and should not occur under normal operating conditions. This error message signifies a database access error which could be caused by a database deadlock or inability to contact the database.
Action: Examine the log for evidence of exception text that will give more specific information as to the cause of the problem. Ensure that all infrastructure, such as the database and network, are working correctly.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-35086: Cannot create a UserContextState for Connector user = {0}, Connector Name = {1}, Hub Domain = {2}.
Cause: The Sync-Engine cannot create a record in the database to save the sync state for the specified Connector user, Connector and Hub Domain. This problem is unexpected and should not occur under normal operating conditions. This error message signifies a database access error which could be caused by a database deadlock or inability to contact the database.
Action: Examine the log for evidence of exception text that will give more specific information as to the cause of the problem. Ensure that all infrastructure, such as the database and network, are working correctly.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-35087: Cannot read history data.
Cause: The Sync-Engine cannot read the history table. This problem is unexpected and should not occur under normal operating conditions. This error message signifies a database access error which could be caused by a database deadlock or inability to contact the database.
Action: Examine the log for evidence of exception text that will give more specific information as to the cause of the problem. Ensure that all infrastructure, such as the database and network, is working correctly.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-60001: Unable to get the connector instance web service URL.
Cause: Unknown. See recommended action.
Action: Examine the log and, if available, especially the stack trace and exception cause chain for the cause.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

BDSS-60002: An error occurred in connector interface method {0}.
Cause: Unknown. See recommended action.
Action: Examine the log, especially the stack trace and exception cause chain for the cause.

Level: 1


Impact: Other

BDSS-60003: Parameter {0} is null.
Cause: The specified Java method argument is null.
Action: Examine the exception stack trace to determine which method failed.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

BDSS-60004: Parameter {0} is an empty String object.
Cause: The specified Java method argument is an empty String object.
Action: Examine the exception stack trace to determine which method failed.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

BDSS-60005: Parameter {0} is an empty List object.
Cause: The specified Java method argument is an empty List object.
Action: Examine the exception stack trace to determine which method failed.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

BDSS-60006: Method failed with result {0}.
Cause: A generic connector method method failed with the specified result.
Action: Examine the exception stack trace to determine which method failed.

Level: 1


Impact: Other

Cause: The underlying cause may be due to a failure in the hub RuntimeLibrary.
Action: It may be useful to examine the hub log for a log message from the RuntimeLibrary component.
Cause: May be caused by a failure in RuntimeLibraryWrapper methods setUserAssociatedData or setRecordAssociatedData.
Action: The caller of the RuntimeLibraryWrapper method must examine the returned Map to determine the particular failure details.
BDSS-60007: Failed to build a record description field list. The value for hub field {0} is not available.
Cause: The specified hub field value could not be found when creating a record field description list.
Action: Review configuration for record description fields.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-60008: PIM Transport provided too many PimExtractResponse objects.
Cause: More than one PimExtractResponse object has been received by the generic connector component.
Action: Ensure the PimTransport only provides a single PimExtractResponse to the generic connector component.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

BDSS-60009: Failed to load PIM transport class {0}
Cause: The generic connector component failed to load the specified PIM transport adapter class.
Action: Ensure that the PIM transport adapter class is configuration and deployed correctly.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-60010: Failed to find PIM transport class name for the following configuration parameters. ConnectorName = {0}, Section = {1}, Parameter = {2}
Cause: The generic connector component failed to find the specified PIM transport adapter class in configuration.
Action: Ensure that configuration specifies the correct PIM transport adapter class name.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-60011: Cannot get PimDomainInfo using arguments syncSessionId {0} and pimUserId = {1}
Cause: Internal corruption in the generic connector.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

BDSS-60012: Cannot find PimDomainInfo using arguments syncSessionId {0}, pimUserId = {1} and hubDomainName = {2}
Cause: Internal corruption in the generic connector.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

BDSS-60013: Failed to extract. Sending an error ExtractResponse to the hub.
Cause: Internal corruption in the generic connector.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

BDSS-60014: Failed an attempt to exceed the allowable ExtractResponse batch size.
Cause: A PIM Transport has attempted to exceed the maximum ExtractResponse batch size allowed for a PimExtractResponse object.
Action: Examine the exception stack trace, in the log, to determine whether failure occurred when adding a delete-record event or an upsert-record event to the PimExtractResponse cache. Fix the PIM Transport so it doesn't exceed the allowable maximum batch size.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

BDSS-60015: A PIM echo record has been detected. It will not be in an ExtractResponse sent to the hub.
Cause: A PIM Transport has provided an echo record as part of its extract response to the generic connector component.
Action: No action is needed as this is not an error. It is just a notification.

Level: 32


Impact: Data

BDSS-60016: Configuration value not found for the following configuration parameters. Profile = {0}, Section = {1}, Parameter = {2}
Cause: The generic connector component cannot find a configuration value in the BDSS database for the specified profile name, section name and parameter name.
Action: Ensure that configuration exists in the BDSS database for the specified profile name, section name and parameter name.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-60017: ExtractResponse content: Delete record count = {0}, UpsertRecord count: = {1}.

Level: 32


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-60018: Error Code
Cause: This message string is a label that identifies an error code. This string is never logged by itself but is only ever appended to another primary logged message string. The primary message may be an error or may simply be a debug message.
Action: See the log for the primary logged message to determine whether any action is needed for the primary log message.

Level: 32


Impact: Logging

BDSS-60019: Hub Domain
Cause: This message string is a label that identifies a hub domain identifier. This string is never logged by itself but is only ever appended to another primary logged message string. The primary message may be an error or may simply be a debug message.
Action: See the log for the primary logged message to determine whether any action is needed for the primary log message. No action is needed based on this message alone.

Level: 32


Impact: Logging

BDSS-60020: Hub User
Cause: This message string is a label that identifies a hub user ID. This string is never logged by itself but is only ever appended to another primary logged message string. The primary message may be an error or may simply be a debug message.
Action: See the log for the primary logged message to determine whether any action is needed for the primary log message. No action is needed based on this message alone.

Level: 32


Impact: Logging

BDSS-60021: SessionID
Cause: This message string is a label that identifies a user synchronization session ID. This string is never logged by itself but is only ever appended to another primary logged message string. The primary message may be an error or may simply be a debug message.
Action: See the log for the primary logged message to determine whether any action is needed for the primary log message. No action is needed based on this message alone.

Level: 32


Impact: Logging

BDSS-60022: Connector user
Cause: This message string is a label that identifies a Connector user ID. This string is never logged by itself but is only ever appended to another primary logged message string. The primary message may be an error or may simply be a debug message.
Action: See the log for the primary logged message to determine whether any action is needed. No action is needed based on this message alone.

Level: 32


Impact: Logging

BDSS-60023: Connector Name
Cause: This message string is a label that identifies a PIM connector name. This string is never logged by itself but is only ever appended to another primary logged message string. The primary message may be an error or may simply be a debug message.
Action: See the log for the primary logged message to determine whether any action is needed. No action is needed based on this message alone.

Level: 32


Impact: Logging

BDSS-60024: PIM Record Identifier
Cause: This message string is a label that identifies a PIM record ID. This string is never logged by itself but is only ever appended to another primary logged message string. The primary message may be an error or may simply be a debug message.
Action: See the log for the primary logged message to determine whether any action is needed for the primary log message. No action is needed based on this message alone.

Level: 32


Impact: Logging

BDSS-60025: Version Identifier
Cause: This message string is a label that identifies a PIM record version identifier. This string is never logged by itself but is only ever appended to another primary logged message string. The primary message may be an error or may simply be a debug message.
Action: See the log for the primary logged message to determine whether any action is needed for the primary log message. No action is needed based on this message alone.

Level: 32


Impact: Logging

BDSS-60026: Field Name

Level: 32


Impact: Logging

BDSS-60027: Field Value

Level: 32


Impact: Logging

BDSS-60028: Field value is null.

Level: 32


Impact: Logging

BDSS-60029: Begin PIM record description

Level: 32


Impact: Logging

BDSS-60030: End PIM record description

Level: 32


Impact: Logging

BDSS-65001: Could not find Exchange account information for the user.
Cause: Synchronizing user does not have an Exchange mailbox account.
Action: Create a mailbox for the synchronizing user and attempt to synchronize again.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

Cause: Credentials used for Auto Discovery are invalid.
Action: Verify the domain, username and password configured for auto discovery are correct.
Cause: Service Connection Points could not be accessed.
Action: Verify the Service Connection Points URLs are configured correctly and accessible in Active Directory. If optional Service Connection Point URLs are configured in the BDSS data store, verify the URLs are correct and accessible.
Cause: Secure Socket Layer (SSL) handshaking failed.
Action: Ensure the Certificate Authority (CA) that issued the server certificate is installed as a trusted CA in the Web Logic Server Key Store.
BDSS-65002: Attempting to discover Exchange account information for user {0}.

Level: 1


Impact: Other

BDSS-65003: The following configuration is invalid. Profile = {0}. Section = {1}. Parameter {2}. Using default value {3}.
Cause: The specified configuration does not exist in the BDSS data store.
Action: Add the configuration to the BDSS data store and restart BDSS.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

Cause: The configuration is case sensitive.
Action: Verify the case of each configuration entry is correct and restart BDSS.
Cause: The configuration exists in the BDSS data store, but contains an invalid value.
Action: Modify the value and restart BDSS to use a value other than the default.
BDSS-65004: Failed to read configuration profile. {0}.
Cause: The profile does not exist in the BDSS data store or is misspelled.
Action: Ensure the profile name is spelled correctly. Verify the case of the profile name is correct and that space characters exist where they are expected. Restart BDSS.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-65005: Failed to read configuration section. Profile = {0}, Section = {1}.
Cause: The section does not exist in the specified profile in the BDSS data store or is misspelled.
Action: Ensure the section and profile names are spelled correctly. Verify the case of the profile and section name are correct and that space characters exist where they are expected. Restart BDSS.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-65006: Failed to read configuration parameter. Profile = {0}, Section = {1}, Parameter = {2}.
Cause: The parameter does not exist in the specified section and profile in the BDSS data store or is misspelled.
Action: Ensure the parameter, section, and profile names are spelled correctly. Verify the case of the parameter, section and profile are correct and that space characters exist where they are expected. Restart BDSS.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-65007: The domain XSD file has an invalid attribute value. XSD file {0}. Attribute Name = {1}. Attribute Value = {2}. Using default value of {3}.
Cause: The XSD for the domain has a XML attribute that contains an invalid value.
Action: Modify the specified XSD attribute and restart the connector.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-65008: <Not Available>

Level: 1


Impact: Other

BDSS-65009: Failed to get a multi-valued group (MVG) field from the domain XSD. XSD file {0}. MVG Field Name = {1}.
Cause: The XSD for the domain has an invalid definition for a multi-valued group field name causing the connector to fail when parsing the XSD.
Action: Update the specified MVG field definition in the specified XSD file.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-65010: Failed to add domain target for the user during session. Domain Target = {0}
Cause: Folder information for the user is not obtainable.
Action: Verify the domain target for the user has been configured correctly.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

Cause: The user does not have an Exchange account.
Action: Verify the user has a valid Exchange account and that the user can be discovered by the Microsoft Auto Discovery service.
BDSS-65011: "The XML schema, {0}, is invalid.
Cause: One or more of the following schema XML element attributes is undefined or has an invalid value in the XSD file: FolderClass, PimDomainId, DisposalType, ConflictResolutionType, targetNamespace.
Action: Verify the XSD contains the attributes and each attribute has a valid value. Restart BDSS.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

Cause: The XSD does not define a root element name.
Action: Add a XSD element node at the top level of the XSD and give it a name that describes the Pim domain. For example, <xsd:element name='ExchangeTaskDomain'>. Restart BDSS.
Cause: The XSD does not define any valid field definitions.
Action: Add at least one field definition to the XSD and restart BDSS.
BDSS-65012: Failed to get a field value from the Exchange record. Field Name = {0}.
Cause: The field name is not spelled correctly in the XSD file for the domain.
Action: Verify the field name spelling and ensure it is of the correct case.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

Cause: The field name does not map to any of the Exchange Web Service built-in methods for the domain or has a invalid extended field definition.
Action: Verify the field name spelling and ensure it is of the correct case. Verify the field name maps to a Exchagne Web Service built-in method by name. For example, for the task domain, StartDate in the XSD maps to getStartDate of a Exchange Web Service TaskItem. If the field is defined as an extended field ensure the field is defined correctly in the XSD. If it is a non-named field, the PropertyName
Cause: The field contains a value that cannot be converted to a value acceptable to BDSS.
Action: Modify the field value in Exchange and synchronize the user again.
BDSS-65013: Failed to set a Exchange record field value. Field Name = {0}. Field Value(s) = {1}.
Cause: The field name is not spelled correctly in the XSD file for the domain.
Action: Verify the field name spelling and ensure it is of the correct case.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

Cause: The field name does not map to any of the Exchange Web Service built-in methods for the domain or has a invalid extended field definition.
Action: Verify the field name spelling and ensure it is of the correct case. Verify the field name maps to a Exchagne Web Service built-in method by name. For example, for the task domain, StartDate in the XSD maps to getStartDate of a Exchange Web Service TaskItem. If the field is defined as an extended field ensure the field is defined correctly in the XSD. If it is a non-named field, the PropertyName
Cause: The field contains a value that cannot be converted to a value acceptable to Exchange Web Service.
Action: Modify the value in the source Pim and attempt to synchronize the user again.
BDSS-65014: Failed to convert a PimUpsertRecord to an Exchange {0}.
Cause: The connector could not convert a field value it received from the BDSS Engine to an equivalent Exchange Web Service form.
Action: This error occurs when the connector converts a record it receives from BDSS. Examine the log for the underlying error that is expected to have been logged prior to this error message. Take appropriate action once the underlying error has been identified.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-65015: Failed to initialize a synchronization session for the Pim User.
Cause: The domain targets could not be added to a folder management session.
Action: Verify the user has a valid domain target configured for each domain that is synchronized and reattempt synchronization.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

Cause: If domain targets are correctly configured for each domain for the user, then this error indicates the folder manager could not begin a folder session for the synchronization session.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
BDSS-65016: Failed to extract the domain.
Cause: This error occurs when the connector fails to extract a domain.
Action: Examine the log for the underlying error that is expected to have been logged prior to this error message. Take appropriate action once the underlying error has been identified.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-65017: Failed to get all the records for the domain and user.
Cause: This error occurs when the connector fails to obtain the record identifiers of all the records in Exchange for the user and domain.
Action: Examine the log for the underlying error that is expected to have been logged prior to this error message. Take appropriate action once the underlying error has been identified.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-65018: Failed to create an Exchange record.
Cause: This error occurs when the connector fails to create an Exchange record for the user and domain.
Action: Examine the log for the underlying error that is expected to have been logged prior to this error message. Take appropriate action once the underlying error has been identified.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-65019: Failed to update an Exchange record.
Cause: This error occurs when the connector fails to update an Exchange record for the user and domain.
Action: Examine the log for the underlying error that is expected to have been logged prior to this error message. Take appropriate action once the underlying error has been identified.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-65020: Failed to delete an Exchange record.
Cause: This error occurs when the connector fails to delete an Exchange record for the user and domain.
Action: Examine the log for the underlying error that is expected to have been logged prior to this error message. Take appropriate action once the underlying error has been identified.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-65021: Failed to end the synchronization session for the user.
Cause: This error occurs when the connector fails to end a synchronization session for the user.
Action: Examine the log for the underlying error that is expected to have been logged prior to this error message. Take appropriate action once the underlying error has been identified.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-65022: Failed to create an Exchange context.
Cause: This error is typically caused when the connector cannot discover the Exchange Web Service URL that it should use when synchronizing the user.
Action: Verify the user has an Exchange 2007 account and that the account is discoverable via the Microsoft Auto Discover service. Refer to Microsoft documentation for more information about the Auto Discovery service.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

Cause: This error occurs when the connector fails to construct an internal Exchange context for the user.
Action: Examine the log for the underlying error that is expected to have been logged prior to this error message. Take appropriate action once the underlying error has been identified.
BDSS-65023: Failed to initialize the Exchange 2007 Pim Transport.
Cause: The Pim Transport component could not be initialized.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-65024: Could not obtain the folder id for Pim User {0}.
Cause: The connector could not find the folder id for the user.
Action: Verify the user has a valid domain target configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-65025: Received a error from an Exchange Web Service call. Response Code = {0}. Response message: {1}. {2}
Cause: The Exchange Web Service returned an error.
Action: Examine the response code and response message and consult Microsoft documentation regarding the error. Take appropriate action to resolve the error and synchronize the user.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-65026: Failed to get the users Exchange server.
Cause: This error occurs when the connector cannot obtain the name of the Exchange 2007 server hosting the user's Exchange account.
Action: Verify the user has an Exchange account and that the account is discoverable by the Exchange Auto Discovery service. Consult Microsoft documentation regarding the Auto Discovery service.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-65027: Failed to get the user's Exchange folder identifier for the domain.
Cause: The domain target for the user is invalid.
Action: Fix the domain target configuration for the user. If using the default folder of the domain, specify a value of 'Root'. If using sub-folders of the default domain folder, specify the directory path (i.e. 'Root\\SubFolderName1\\SubFolderName2\\etc...')

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

Cause: The administrative user accessing the syncing users account does not have sufficient privileges.
Action: Ensure the administrative user has full mailbox rights to the syncing users mailbox.
BDSS-65028: The domain is not supported.
Cause: The domain class is not supported by the Exchange 2007 connector.
Action: Specify the domain class in the XSD as one of 'TaskType', 'ContactItemType' or 'ItemType' and verify all field definitions are correct.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-65029: Failed to get the distinguished folder identifier for the domain.
Cause: The connector could not determine the distinguished folder id for the domain.
Action: Ensure the hub domain is either 'Task', 'Contact', or 'Calendar'.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-65030: Failed to get the item id for a record from the BDSS data store.
Cause: Accessing the Connector Runtime Library failed or the BDSS data store is not accessible.
Action: Verify the BDSS data store and the Connector Runtime Library services are both online and available and resynchronize the user.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-65031: Failed to create or find the Exchange folder to synchronize for domain target {0}.
Cause: Invalid domain target configuration.
Action: Fix the domain target configuration for the user.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-65032: Failed to create the Exchange folder {0}.
Cause: The Exchange Web Service method 'createFolder' returned an error when the connector attempted to create a subfolder.
Action: Examine the Exchange error and consult Microsoft Exchange Web Service documentation to resolve the error.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-65033: Failed to get the Exchange Web Service URL for the user.
Cause: The user's Exchange Web Server URL could not be obtained.
Action: Verify the user has an Exchange account and that the account is discoverable by the Exchange Auto Discovery service. Consult Microsoft documentation regarding the Auto Discovery service.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-65034: Successfully initialized the Exchange 2007 Pim Transport

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-65035: The users Exchange server is {0}.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-65036: Successfully initialized a synchronization session for the user.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-65037: Successfully extracted {0} records from the domain.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-65038: Successfully created the Exchange record.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-65039: Successfully updated the Exchange record.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-65040: Successfully deleted the Exchange record.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-65041: Successfully ended the synchronization of the domain for the current synchronization session.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-65042: Successfully ended the synchronization session for the user.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-65043: Successfully shutdown the Exchange 2007 Pim Transport.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-65044: Configuration value is invalid and will be ignored. Profile = {0}, Section = {1}, Parameter = {2}, Value = {3}.
Cause: This warning occurs when the connector profile has invalid Active Directory 'ServerN' or Auto Discovery 'SCPN' configuration where N represents an ordinal greater than or equal to 0.
Action: Reconfigure the section(s) and restart BDSS.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-65045: Failed to generate ordered list.
Cause: This error occurs when the connector fails to generate an ordered list of values in a configuration section.
Action: Verify the configuration section is configured correctly and restart BDSS.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-65046: Invalid format for e-mail address. The domain is not specified.
Cause: The users Pim User Id is not recognized as a valid SMTP email address.
Action: Specify the Pim User Id as a SMTP email address. For example,

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-65047: There are no auto-discovery attributes available for the user.
Cause: Internal programming error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-65048: Failed to generate Service Connection Point Url. Exception = {0}
Cause: Internal programming error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-65049: Attempting to discover user account information using Service Connection Point URL {0}.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-65050: Failed to get Service Connection Point URLs from Active Directory using path {0}. Exception: {1}
Cause: The LDAP URL is specified incorrectly.
Action: Verify the LDAP URL is correct and accessible.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

Cause: The user whose credentials are used to access Active Directory has insuffient priviledges.
Action: Specify a user name and password that the connector should use when querying Active Directory. The security Map name must be exchange2007pimtransport and the security Key name must be activeDirectoryAdminCredential.
Cause: Active Directory does not have a 'configurationNamingContext' container object.
Action: Consult with the Active Directory administrator to resolve the issue. Note that if multiple Active Directory servers are configured, this error can be ignored if other Active Directory servers are configured correctly.
Cause: Active Directory does have a 'configurationNamingContext' container object, but it does not contain the appropriate 'serviceBindingInformation' or 'keywords' objects. Note that if multiple Active Directory servers are configured, this error can be ignored if other Active Directory servers are configured correctly.
Action: Consult with the Active Directory administrator to resolve the issue.
BDSS-65051: Could not locate user account information using Service Connection Point URL {0}.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-65052: Found Service Connection Point URL {0}.

Level: 16


Impact: Data

BDSS-65053: Removed domain from SCP URL. Original Url = {0}, new Url = {1}.

Level: 16


Impact: Data

BDSS-65054: Failed to create a directory context. Context Factory = {0}, Provider Url = {1}, Referral = {2}, Connect Timeout = {3}, Read Timeout = {4}, Security Principal = {5}, Secure Ldap = {6}, Client Certificate = {7}.
Cause: This error occurs if the connector cannot create an initial directory context.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-65055: Found configuration container. LDAP Url = {0}, Configuration Containger = {1}.

Level: 16


Impact: Data

BDSS-65056: Could not find the configuration container using LDAP Url = {0}.

Level: 16


Impact: Data

BDSS-65057: Received the following autodiscovery result: {0}.

Level: 16


Impact: Data

BDSS-65058: Failed to connect to Service Connection Point Url or parse the autodiscovery results. Url = {0}.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-65059: Discovered the user using Service Connection Point {0}.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-65060: Failed to construct a {0} Pim XML record.
Cause: This error occurs when the connector fails to construct a Pim XML record from an Exchange record.
Action: Examine the log for the underlying error that is expected to have been logged prior to this error message. Take appropriate action once the underlying error has been identified.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-65061: Failed to convert a Exchange {0} item to a PimUpsertRecord.
Cause: This error occurs when the connector fails to construct a PimUpsertRecord from an Exchange record.
Action: Examine the log for the underlying error that is expected to have been logged prior to this error message. Take appropriate action once the underlying error has been identified.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-65062: Failed to create a domain class. Domain = {0}.
Cause: The connector failed to instantiate a domain class for a record.
Action: This error occurs when the domain XSD contains an invalid domain class.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-65063: Failed to get the domain target for the user during session.
Cause: The connector could not obtain the user's domain target from a cache. Internal programming error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-65064: The extended field is incorrectly defined or is not allowed by the Exchange Web Service API. DistinguishedPropertySetId = {0}. PropertyId = {1}. PropertyName = {2}. PropertySetId = {3}. PropertyTag = {4}. PropertyType = {5}.
Cause: An extended field is defined incorrectly in the XSD.
Action: Consult Microsoft Exchange Web Service documentation for extended field definitions and fix the field definition in the XSD file and then restart BDSS.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-65065: The indexed field is incorrectly defined or is not allowed by the Exchange Web Service API. FieldIndex = {0}. Dictionary URI = {1}.
Cause: An indexed field is defined incorrectly in the XSD.
Action: Consult Microsoft Exchange Web Service documentation for indexed field definitions and fix the field definition in the XSD file and then restart BDSS.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-65066: The unindexed field is incorrectly defined or is not allowed by the Exchange Web Service API. FieldURI = {0}.
Cause: An unindexed field is defined incorrectly in the XSD.
Action: Consult Microsoft Exchange Web Service documentation for unindexed field definitions and fix the field definition in the XSD file and then restart BDSS.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-65067: The Extract Response Batch Size configured value is too small.
Cause: A user has more records in their sync folder than what is allowed by the Extract Response Batch Size.
Action: Reconfigure the Extract Response Batch Size to be a large number such that no user has that many records in their folder.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-65068: Failed to get the record metadata from EWS response message.
Cause: The Exchange record does not have a PR_LAST_MODIFICATION_TIME or PR_SOURCE_KEY value.
Action: Update or re-create the Exchange record and resynchronize the user.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-65069: The domain XSD has an invalid or missing attribute. Attribute name = {0}. Attribute value = {1}.
Cause: The domain XSD contains an error.
Action: Examine the XSD file to locate the attribute name and value that is logged. Fix the XSD and restart BDSS.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-65070: The XSD field definition could not be resolved to an Exchange field definition.
Cause: A unindexed field definition in the XSD is configured incorrectly.
Action: Consult Microsoft documentation on the PathToUnindexedFieldType and Oracle documentation on field definitions for the Exchange 2007 connector and configure the field correctly.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

Cause: A indexed field definition in the XSD is configured incorrectly.
Action: Consult Microsoft documentation on the PathToIndexedFieldType and Oracle documentation on field definitions for the Exchange 2007 connector and configure the field correctly.
Cause: A extended field definition in the XSD is configured incorrectly.
Action: Consult Microsoft documentation on the PathToExtendedFieldType and Oracle documentation on field definitions for the Exchange 2007 connector and configure the field correctly.
BDSS-65071: An index field name is required for indexed fields.
Cause: This error occurs when attempting to obtain a indexed field without specifying an index field name.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-65072: The field definition for field {0} is invalid. It is not defined as a indexed, unindexed or extended field.
Cause: A field definition is incorrect.
Action: Fix the field definition and restart BDSS.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-65073: The credential store does not contain the credential key {0}.
Cause: The specified credential key is not obtainable.
Action: Configure the credential key and resynchronize the user.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BDSS-65074: Failed to get the credentials from the credential store. Credential key = {0}.
Cause: The specified credential key is not obtainable.
Action: Configure the credential key and resynchronize the user.

Level: 1


Impact: Security

BDSS-65075: Failed to start a folder session for the user.
Cause: At the beginning of a synchronization session, the connector creates a corresponding folder session to cache folder information for the user during the synchronization session. The connector could not start the folder session for the user.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


Impact: Other

BDSS-65076: Failed to add a folder id to the folder session.
Cause: During a synchronization session, the connector uses a folder session to cache folder information for the user during the synchronization session. The connector could not add a folder id to the folder session for the user.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


Impact: Other

BDSS-65077: Failed to get a folder id from the folder session.
Cause: During a synchronization session, the connector uses a folder session to cache folder information for the user during the synchronization session. The connector could not get a folder id from the folder session for the user.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


Impact: Other

BDSS-65078: Failed getting folder information from the folder session.
Cause: During a synchronization session, the connector uses a folder session to cache folder information for the user during the synchronization session. The connector could not get a folder information from the folder session for the user.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


Impact: Other

BDSS-65079: Failed to get the field value. Field URI = {0}.
Cause: This error occurs when the connector parses a Pim Xml record it receives from the BDSS hub.
Action: Verify the configuration for the field in the XSD is correct.

Level: 1


Impact: Other

BDSS-65080: Failed to get the calculated fields of the extracted records.
Cause: The connector could not obtain the calculated fields for each extracted record.
Action: Verify the configuration of the calculated field is correct and resynchronize the user.

Level: 1


Impact: Other

BDSS-65081: Calling the Exchange Web Service method {0}.

Level: 1


Impact: Other

BDSS-65082: Returned from the Exchange Web Service call to method {0}.

Level: 1


Impact: Other

BDSS-65083: Failed to connect to Service Connection Point Url. Url = {0}. Http Status Code = {1}.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-65084: Failed to extract the domain because the BDSS-provided synchronization state is invalid. Retrying extraction using an empty synchronization state.
Cause: The synchronization state is corrupted in the BDSS store or does not apply to the domain target for the user.
Action: No action is required as the connector will reattempt synchronization using an empty synchronization state.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-65085: Successfully cached the following configuration option: Profile = {0}, Section = {1}, Parameter = {2}, Value = {3}.

Level: 16


Impact: Data

BDSS-65086: Ended an existing folder session from a previous synchronization session.
Cause: A call to end a folder session at the end of a previous synchronization session unexpectedly failed.
Action: No action is required as the connector will end the existing session and create a new one.

Level: 16


Impact: Data

BDSS-65087: Failed to remove the domain information from the Url. Url = {0}
Cause: The Url may be malformed.
Action: Verify the URL is correct in Active Directory and retry synchronizing the user.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-65088: Failed to close a output stream.
Cause: A stream object could not be closed.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-65089: Failed to obtain an Exchange record.
Cause: The Exchange record may have been deleted.
Action: Resynchronize the user.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

Cause: The Exchange server may have not be available.
Action: Resynchronize the user.
BDSS-65090: The Hub Domain is not supported.
Cause: The Hub domain is not supported by the Exchange connector.
Action: Ensure the Hub domain is either 'Task', 'Contact' or 'Calendar' and restart BDSS.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-65091: Attendee {0} was not resolvable in Active Directory or the syncing users Contact folder and subfolders.
Cause: There is no Active Directory or Contact record for the specified attendee.
Action: Optionally add the attendee to Active Directory or as a Contact in the synchronizing users folder.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-65092: Attendees defined in public folders are not supported.
Cause: The specified attendee identifier is a public distribution member.
Action: Optionally remove the attendee from the calendar record.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-65093: Failed to obtain record associated data from the BDSS Hub. Detected an exception from connector runtime library method getRecordAssociatedData. Exception message: {0}
Cause: An unexpected error occurred in the Hub.
Action: Examine the Hub log file to determine the root cause of the exception.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

Cause: A network error occurred.
Action: Attempt to synchronize the user again.
BDSS-65094: Failed to obtain record associated data from the BDSS Hub for the following Pim record identifiers: {0}
Cause: The Hub failed to obtain the record associated data for the specified Pim record identifiers.
Action: Examine the Hub log file to determine the root cause of each error.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-65095: Could not obtain record associated data from the BDSS Hub for the following Pim record identifiers because the records are not in the BDSS store: {0}

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-65096: Cannot delete the Exchange record because the record associated data for the specified Pim Record Id could not be obtained from the BDSS Hub.
Cause: Failed to obtain the record associated data for the given Pim Record Id. The BDSS store should have contained the record associated data.
Action: Perform an initial synchronization for the user or manually delete the record from the synchronizing users mailbox and perform another user synchronization.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-65097: Failed to obtain the record associated data for a record that has been deleted from Exchange. Pim Record Id = {0}.
Cause: Failed to obtain the record associated data for the given Pim Record Id. The BDSS store should have contained the record associated data.
Action: Perform an initial synchronization for the user.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-65098: Failed to close a data output stream.

Level: 16


Impact: Data

BDSS-65099: Failed to establish a subscription for the specified user and domain.
Action: BUGBUG

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-65100: Failed to obtain the specified users event associated data.
Action: BUGBUG

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-65101: Received a subscription notification for the specified user and domain.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-65102: Successfully established a subscription for the specified user and domain.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-65103: Received a unsubscribe notification for the specified user and domain.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-65104: Successfully ended a subscription for the specified user and domain.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-65105: Failed to end a subscription for the specified user and domain.
Action: BUGBUG

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-65106: Invalid XML Element in filter definition. Element name: {0}.
Cause: The XML file containing the filter definition for the domain has invalid content.
Action: Ensure the XML is correct and redeploy the connector and synchronize again.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-65107: Invalid argument detected. The argument is not the expected type. Expected type: {0}. Parameter type: {1}.
Cause: Internal programming error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-65108: Invalid argument detected. The argument(s), {0}, cannot be null or empty.
Cause: The domain filter XML file is invalid.
Action: Fix the domain filter XML file and redploy the Exchange connector.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

Cause: Internal programming error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
BDSS-65109: Invalid method invocation. The method, {0}, was unexpectedly invoked. {1}
Cause: Internal programming error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-65110: Unable to get field definition for field. Field name: {0}
Cause: The specified field name either does not exist or is missing attributes in the domain schema XSD file or domain filter file.
Action: Update the appropriate file to contain the full definition of the field and either redploy the Exchange connector.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-65111: Invalid expression. An ExistsExpression XML element contains another expression.
Cause: The domain filter file contains an expression inside an ExistsExpression element.
Action: Fix the ExistsExpression in the domain filter and redploy the Exchange connector.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-65112: Invalid qualified name in the domain filter XML file. {0}
Cause: The domain filter XML file contains XML elements having an invalid qualified name.
Action: Fix the qualified name in the XML to be of the form 'XMLElementName' or 'XMLNamespaceAlias:XMLElementName'. For example, <GivenNamej> or <ns:GivenName>. Redploy the Exchange connector.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-65113: Invalid stack state. {0}
Cause: The domain filter XML file is invalid.
Action: Fix the domain filter XML file and redploy the Exchange connector.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

Cause: Internal programming error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
BDSS-65114: Expected a {0} expression. Actual expression was {1}.
Cause: The domain filter XML file is invalid.
Action: Fix the domain filter XML file and redploy the Exchange connector.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

Cause: Internal programming error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
BDSS-65115: Invalid expression state. A {0} expression has invalid or missing required elements.
Cause: The domain filter XML has a incomplete expression definition.
Action: Fix the domain filter XML file and redploy the Exchange connector.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-65116: A ComparisonExpression cannot be part of another ComparisonExpression or an ExistsExpression.
Cause: The domain filter XML has a ComparisonExpression containing invalid elements.
Action: Fix the domain filter XML file and redploy the Exchange connector.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-65117: An invalid LogicalExpression has been detected.
Cause: The domain filter XML has a invalid LogicalExpression.
Action: Fix the domain filter XML file and redploy the Exchange connector.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

Cause: Internal programming error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
BDSS-65118: There is no expression to negate.
Cause: The domain filter XML has a invalid NotExpression element.
Action: Fix the domain filter XML file and redploy the Exchange connector.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

Cause: Internal programming error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
BDSS-65119: Invalid FieldUri XML element. {0}
Cause: The domain filter XML has a invalid FieldUri element.
Action: Fix the domain filter XML file and redploy the Exchange connector.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-65120: The FieldUri child elements do not exist or are invalid.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-65121: A FieldUri element must be embedded in an ComparisonExpression or ExistsExpression.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-65122: A LogicalExpression is not completed after joining expressions.
Cause: The domain filter XML may be invalid.
Action: Fix the domain filter XML file and redploy the Exchange connector.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

Cause: Internal programming error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
BDSS-65123: Unable to build a NotExpression.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-65124: Unable to apply a LogicalOperator to a LogicalExpression or as a operator joining two other expressions.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-65125: Invalid expression type encountered.
Cause: Internal programming error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-65126: Failed to add a {0} expression to the Exchange Web Service restriction.
Cause: The domain filter XML may be invalid.
Action: Fix the domain filter XML file and redploy the Exchange connector.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

Cause: Internal programming error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
BDSS-65127: There is no domain filter defined for the {0} domain.

Level: 16


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-65128: A ExistsExpression cannot be part of another ExistsExpression or a ComparisonExpression.
Cause: The domain filter XML has a ExistsExpression containing invalid elements.
Action: Fix the domain filter XML file and redploy the Exchange connector.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

BDSS-65129: Detected an invalid meeting identifier. The value is either null or has an invalid length. Identifier source: {0}. Identifier value: {1}. Identifier length: {2}
Cause: The meeting identifier provided by Exchange is invalid.
Action: Identify and fix the record in Exchange and resynchronize the user.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

Cause: The meeting identifier provided in an ICal message is invalid.
Action: Identify and fix the record in the system that provided ICal message and resynchronize the user.
BDSS-65130: Could not update or delete an Exchange record because it has already been deleted.

Level: 16


Impact: Data

BDSS-65131: Failed to find the identifier of an occurrence of a recurring calendar record. Occurrence date: {0}
Cause: The occurrence was deleted by the user before an update or delete could occur.
Action: No action required.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

Cause: The occurrence was moved to a day that is not within a month before or after the original day.
Action: Move the occurrence to a day within a month before or after the original day. Alternatively, delete the occurrence in Exchange and create a new record in its place.
BDSS-65132: Failed to determine if the calendar record should be fanned or not. The update cannot be performed.
Cause: The connector could not determine if it needs to fan a recurring record.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-65133: Failed to completely fan a calendar record. Attempting to rollback the changes by deleting fanned instances that were created.
Cause: The connector could not complete a fanning operation.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-65135: Failed to get record associated data identifiers from the BDSS data store.
Cause: Accessing the Connector Runtime Library failed or the BDSS data store is not accessible.
Action: Verify the BDSS data store and the Connector Runtime Library services are both online and available and resynchronize the user.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-65136: Failed to get a record identifier from an Exchange record.
Cause: The Exchange record does not have a valid PR_SOURCE_KEY or BDSSFabricatedId extended property value.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-65137: Failed to get a record version identifier from an Exchange record.
Cause: The Exchange record does not have a valid PR_LAST_MODIFICATION_TIME extended property value.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-65138: Detected a non-fanned calendar meeting that has been regenerated by Exchange. Record identifier: {0}.
Cause: A calendar record is regenerated anytime an attendee to a meeting accepts the meeting.
Action: No action required.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-65139: Invalid record level associated data for associated group name {0}.
Cause: The record level associated data for the specified group name is invalid.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-65140: A required record level associated data does not exist for a record. Associated group name {0}.
Cause: The record level associated data for the specified group name is not available for the record.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-65141: Unable to get the record metadata from an Exchange record because the record has been deleted. Record identifier {0}.
Cause: The connector could not obtain the record and version identifiers from the Exchange record because it has been deleted.
Action: No action required.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-65142: Failed to find an exception VEVENT with a RECURRENCE-ID of {0}.
Cause: The ICAL message provided to the connector does not have a exception VEVENT containing a RECURRENCE-ID value for the indicated date.
Action: A different connector provided the Exchange connector an invalid ICAL message. Contact the vendor of the other connector to pursue a fix.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-65143: Failed to get a required ICAL property value from a VEVENT. ICAL property name {0}.
Cause: The ICAL message provided to the connector is missing a required ICAL field name and value.
Action: A different connector provided the Exchange connector an invalid ICAL message. Contact the other connector owner to pursue a fix.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-65144: Failed to get the record level associated data for a fanned record occurring on {0}.
Cause: The connector could not obtain the record metadata for a record that has been fanned.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-65145: Detected more than two Exchange records having the same meeting identifier. Meeting identifier: {0}
Cause: The connector detected more than two calendar records having the same meeting identifier.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-65146: Detected an Exchange record without a meeting identifier.
Cause: The connector detected a calendar record in Exchange that does not have a meeting identifier.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-65146: A calendar extraction contained two records having the same meeting identifier. The connector failed to determine which of the two records is the original. Meeting identifier: {0}
Cause: The connector failed to get the record identifier or associated data for an Exchange regenerated meeting.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-65147: Detected a fanned calendar meeting that has been regenerated by Exchange. Record identifier: {0}.
Cause: A calendar record is regenerated anytime an attendee to a meeting accepts the meeting.
Action: No action required.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-65148: Failed to coalesce fanned records containing meeting occurrences that have been regenerated by Exchange. Record identifier: {0}.
Cause: The connector failed to located which fanned instances of a recurring meeting were regenerated by Exchange.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-65149: Failed to coalesce fanned records. A fanned instance has an invalid meeting identifier. Record identifier: {0}. Meeting identifier: {1}.
Cause: The connector failed to coalesce fanned calendar instances because the meeting identifiers are not valid.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-65150: Failed to coalesce fanned records into a single record because of an invalid record count. Record identifier: {0}. Meeting identifier: {1}. Expected count: {2}. Actual count: {3}
Cause: The connector failed to coalesce fanned calendar instances because it does not have the expected number of fanned occurrences.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-65151: Failed to coalesce fanned records to a single delete because of an invalid record count. Record identifier: {0}. Expected count: {1}. Actual count: {2}
Cause: The connector failed to coalesce fanned calendar instances because it does not have the expected number of fanned occurrences.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-65152: Failed to coalesce fanned records to a single record because of an invalid record fanning metadata. Record identifier: {0}.
Cause: The connector failed to coalesce fanned calendar instances because the fanning state is invalid for a transition from a unsupported to supported recurrence pattern.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-65153: Failed to coalesce fanned records to a single record because of invalid record level associated data. Record identifier: {0}.
Cause: The record level associated data has a null or empty meeting identifier or Exchange record identifier for the fanned instance.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-65154: Failed to save record level associated data to the BDSS store.
Cause: The runtime library returned an error when attempting to save record-level associated data.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-65155: Failed to get master VEvent from associated data.
Cause: Unable to get the master VEvent data from record-level associated data.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-65156: Invalid Exchange record item identifier detected.
Cause: An Exchange record did not have a valid item identifier.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-65157: Invalid Exchange record item detected.
Cause: An Exchange record did not have a valid item type.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-65158: Invalid record version identifier from the BDSS data store. Record identifier: {0}.
Cause: BDSS provided an invalid version identifier for a record.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-65159: Invalid record identifier from the BDSS data store.
Cause: BDSS provided an invalid record identifier.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

BDSS-65160: An unexpected error occurred in the connector while synchronizing the specified domain. Synchronization cannot complete.
Cause: The specified user is being synchronized in multiple sessions or the connector could not allocate a required resource.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


Impact: Data