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Oracle® Communications Design Studio Modeling Network Integrity
Release 7.2.4
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Configuring Network Integrity Actions

To configure a Network Integrity action:

  1. Open the Action editor Details tab.

  2. (Optional) In the Description field, enter a description.

  3. For discrepancy resolution actions, enter a name in the Resolution Action Label field.

    The resolution action label name is the label that appears in the Network Integrity Actions menu.

    For example, if you enter Correct in Inv in the Resolution Action Label field, the Network Integrity Actions menu will have a Correct in Inv option after the cartridge containing this action is deployed.

  4. (Optional) To configure the action as an abstract action, select the Abstract check box.

    Design Studio creates the action as an abstract class. An abstract action cannot be deployed to Network Integrity. It is extended by other actions. See "About Abstract Actions for Network Integrity" for more information.

    If the action is abstract, the rest of this procedure is optional.

  5. (Optional) For discovery actions, add an address handler.

    See "Adding Address Handlers to Network Integrity Actions" or more information.

  6. For assimilation, discovery, and import actions, add a result category.

    See "Adding Result Categories to Network Integrity Actions" for more information.

  7. (Optional) In the Documentation field, add information about the action.

  8. Add processors to the action. Do at least one of the following:

  9. (Optional) To create a For Each processor and add it to an action, see "Adding For Each Processors to Network Integrity Actions".

  10. (Optional) To organize the sequence of processors for the action, select a processor and click Move Up or Move Down.


    Configuring the sequence of processors is important. The processors in an action are run in the order they appear in the Action Processors area of the Action editor Processors tab.
  11. (Optional) For assimilation, discovery, and import actions, add scan parameter groups to the action.

    See "Adding Scan Parameter Groups to Network Integrity Actions" for more information.

  12. Add model collections to the action.

    See "Adding Model Collections to Network Integrity Actions" for more information.

  13. For discrepancy detection and discrepancy resolution actions, add a result source.

    See "Adding Result Sources to Network Integrity Actions" for more information.

  14. (Optional) Create conditions and apply them to processors:

    1. Create conditions.

      See "Creating Conditions for Network Integrity" for more information.

    2. Apply the conditions to processors.

      See "Applying Conditions to Network Integrity Processors" for more information.

  15. Save the action.

Related Topics

About Network Integrity Actions

Creating Network Integrity Actions

Network Integrity Action Editor