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Oracle® Communications Design Studio Modeling Network Integrity
Release 7.2.4
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About FTP Characteristics for Network Integrity File Transfer Processors

The following table lists the default and required input parameters for configuring file transfer processors from the Network Integrity UI.

Characteristic Name Default Mandatory Description
ftaFileTransferType FTP Yes Indicates how files should be transferred (FTP, SFTP, Local).

Note: Do not add or remove options or the file parser processor will have errors.

ftaFilePattern N/A No A pattern to match file names. The pattern supports wildcard characters. The supported wildcard characters are the asterisk, percent, and underscore. The asterisk and percent represent a match of zero or more characters, while the underscore represents a match of a single character. Wildcard characters can be escaped with a slash \.
ftaPort N/A No The port used to connect to the remote server. If not specified, defaults to 21 for FTP and 22 for SFTP.
ftaUser N/A No The user name to connect to the remote location.
ftaPassword N/A No The password to connect to the remote location.
ftaSessionTimeOut 60 No The amount of time, in seconds, before an idle connection times out. The valid range is from 1 to 3600.
ftaSourceFileManagement Rename No Indicates the action to take on source files when the file transfer is complete. Options are Delete, Rename, Nothing.

Note: Do not add or remove options or the file parser processor will have errors.

ftaRenameSuffix Processed No The suffix to add to the source file if the ftaSourceFileManagement is set to Rename.