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Oracle® Communications Design Studio Modeling Basics
Release 7.2.4
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Project Editor Dependency Tab

Use the Dependency tab to manage all project dependencies. Projects have dependencies when they reference entities or data elements defined in other projects. For example, if project A references an element or entity from project B, then project A has a dependency on project B.

The project dependencies that you define here control the selections that are available when you model projects. Design Studio restricts these selections based on the configured dependencies. Oracle recommends that you plan relationships between projects and configure project dependencies early in your development cycle.

Design Studio saves project dependency information in the MANIFEST.MF file, and uses this information to validate dependencies at deployment.


You must declare all project dependencies on the Dependency tab. Design Studio creates a problem marker if you reference entities in projects that are not defined as dependencies on this tab.
Field Use
Search Enter text to search for a specific project dependency in the project list, which displays an ordered list of project dependencies.
Move Up Click to move the selected project up in the order of dependencies. The order of the dependences determines the processing sequence during any upgrade process.
Move Down Click to move the selected project down in the order of dependencies. The order of the dependences determines the processing sequence during any upgrade process.
Remove Click to remove the selected project from the list.
Add Click to add dependent projects to the list.
Project Location Displays the workspace location of the selected project. This field is read-only.
Project Name Displays the name of the selected project. This field is read-only.
Minimum Version and Maximum Version Specify a range of versions for the selected dependent project. During project upgrades, Design Studio searches for dependencies that fall within the specific range.

You can refine the criteria by selecting to include the instances of that version (inclusive) or to exclude instances of that version (exclusive).

You can define only a minimum version to indicate that all later versions are valid, or define only a maximum version to indicate that all previous versions are valid. Oracle recommends that you define specific ranges, when possible.

Dependency Violation Diagnostic Level Do one of the following:
  • Select Warning to generate a warning marker when projects reference content in other projects but fail to declare a project dependency. This is the default value for all upgraded projects.

  • Select Error to generate an error marker when projects reference content in other projects but fail to declare a project dependency. This is the default value for all new cartridge projects. You cannot deploy a cartridge when error markers exist.

The default diagnostic level for Activation SRT projects is Warning. The default diagnostic level for all other project types is Error.

Related Topics

Project Editor

Managing Project Dependencies