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Oracle® Communications Design Studio Modeling Basics
Release 7.2.4
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Project Editor Properties Tab

Use the Properties tab to define the build, version, and target properties of the project.

Field Use
Description Enter the name for the project as it should appear in Design Studio and in the run-time environment.
Provider Enter a name or description of the project to help identify the project within the Design Studio environment.

If you have purchased a Cartridge project from a third party, this field may contain the name of the third-party provider.

Identifier Enter a unique string to identify the project. This is a fully qualified dot separated name. Typically, this value includes segments indicating provider and technology.
Major Version Number, Minor Version Number, Maintenance Pack, Generic Patch, Customer Patch Define values to create a five-segment release version.

You can define release version numbers for any unsealed and deployable Design Studio project. Cartridge projects must always have a valid version number. When you first create a Cartridge project, Design Studio applies the following default values:

  • Major Version Number: 1

  • Minor Version Number: 0

  • Maintenance Pack: 0

  • Generic Patch: 0

  • Customer Patch: 0

You can edit these fields to uniquely identify the cartridge versions.

Note: Modifying these field values does not create a separate instance of the project in Design Studio Modeling Basics. When changing version numbers, Oracle recommends that you use a source control system to ensure that you are able to return to the previous version.

Important: Design Studio Modeling Basics cannot support multiple versions of a project in the same workspace. Multiple versions of a project in the same workspace creates conflicting model entities.

Build Number Indicates which version of the metadata is used by the corresponding project. If you have enabled the automatic build feature, Design Studio Modeling Basics increases the build number automatically every time you save.

To enable the automatic build feature, select Project, then Build Automatically.

Target Version Select the version of the run-time application instance to which this Cartridge project will be deployed. Design Studio Modeling Basics builds your project to be compatible with the run-time software version you specify here.

Select the highest version number that is equal to or less than the version of the run-time software to which you want to deploy the project. For example, if you are deploying to release 7.2.0, select the highest version number that is equal to or less than version 7.2.0.

Note: When you select a new value in the Target Version field, Design Studio Modeling Basics automatically initiates a new build. Some entity configurations may no longer be valid for the new application version.

This field appears only for Cartridge projects that are deployable to run-time environments.

State Click Unsealed if you want to make changes to the project, then rebuild it to obtain a new archive file.

Note: To modify files defined as read-only, you must edit the entity read-write properties. See "Defining Entity Read-Only Properties" for more information.

Click Seal to prevent changes to the project. You might seal a project, for example, after the project design is completed, debugged, and tested to prevent other users from rebuilding or overwriting the original build artifacts.

Namespace Enter the name of the of namespace in which the project exists. Some Design Studio features do not support this field.
Default (Used in OSM only) Indicates whether this version of the cartridge is the default version in the namespace.

Cartridges that you deploy to OSM must have a default version. You can deselect this option if there are multiple versions of this cartridge deployed to (and a default version exists in) the OSM environment.

Specifying a default cartridge ensures that orders submitted by Task Web client users who are not defined with permission to create versioned orders are handled correctly in the OSM run-time environment.

At run time, if a user who does not have permission to create versioned orders enters an order, the OSM server submits the order to the default cartridge. See "Role Editor Role Tab" for more information about granting permissions to roles.

Note: If you have multiple versions of a composite cartridge, for each composite cartridge you should set this field to the same value for the composite cartridge and all of the component cartridges that it references. Only one of the composite cartridges should have this field selected.

Standalone (Used in OSM only) Indicates whether the cartridge is to be included in the composite cartridge as part of the solution or is to be used as a standalone cartridge with no project-level or entity-level dependencies. This field is not applicable to composite cartridges.
Common Model Entity Container (Used in OSM only) Specify the Model project in which the associated conceptual model entities are saved.

Related Topics

Defining Project Version Numbers

About Project Version Numbers

Project Editor