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Oracle® Communications Design Studio Modeling Basics
Release 7.2.4
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Enumerations Tab

Use the Enumerations tab to define sets of valid enumeration values for elements. Enumerations (also referred to as look-up or drop-down values) represent actual values that elements can take as valid values.

Field Use
Included table Click the placeholder text inside the Code and Description columns to change the code name and description for the enumeration.

The value you enter in the Code field is stored in the database. The value you enter in the Description field is displayed to the user.

Enumerations that are inherited from a base type are read-only.

Click inside the Default column and select Yes to make the selected value the default value in the run-time environment.

Add Click Add to add an enumeration for the data element you selected in the Included table.
Excluded table Displays inherited enumerations that you want to exclude from the list of values in the run-time environment. Move enumerations between the Included and Excluded tables using the arrow buttons. Use this capability to display a subset of the inherited enumerations as valid values for the element in the run-time application.
Language Specify the language in which to display the selected enumeration value.

Select a language in the adjacent field to create a different value for the selected language. If you create no specific value for a selected language, the default value is displayed.

If your preferences are set up to work in one language only, the system displays only the [default] option. See "Defining Language Preferences" for more information.

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