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Oracle® Communications Design Studio Modeling Basics
Release 7.2.4
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Modeling Data Using Context Menus

A common Design Studio context menu enables you to model data within some Design Studio application editors and views. This context menu contains actions specific to simple and structured data elements.

The context menu actions that are available depend on the editor or view in focus, and on the selection in the view or editor. For example, the list of context menu actions that appear in the Solution view are different than those that appear in the Studio Projects view, and the list of actions that appear when you have a structured data element selected in the OSM Order editor is different than the list that appears when no data element in the view is selected.

A view or editor may contain only a subset of the following actions:

Command Use
Add Element, Add Structure, and Add Characteristic Select to add simple or structured elements to an entity.

See "Creating New Simple and Structured Data Elements" and "Creating New Simple and Structured Data Elements" for more information.

See "Working with Characteristics" for more information about characteristics.

Add Child Element and Add Child Structure With a structured data element selected, adds a new child element or child structure to the selected structured data element.

See "Creating New Simple and Structured Data Elements" for more information.

Add Right-click an entity in the Solution view and select this option to associate the entity with another entity. Right-click the associated entity in the Solution view and select Remove relationship to disconnect the association.

The type of relationship you add or remove is determined by the entity selected in the Solution view. For example, if you right-click a Customer Facing Service (CFS) specification in the Solution view, you can select Add to associate with the CFS specification a component, a realization entity, an action, and so forth.

Add relationship

Remove relationship

Select Add relationship to associate two entities or to associate an element with entity. Select Remove relationship to disconnect the relationships.

The type of relationship you add or remove is determined by the relationship folder selected in the Structure view or Outline view. For example, if you select the Customer Facing Service folder in the Structure view, you can select the Add Customer Facing Service command to add a relationship between a customer facing service specification that you select or create with the entity or element selected in the linked editor or view.

These commands are available only in the Structure view and Outline view.

Delete Deletes data elements and entities.


Expands and collapses a structured data element to display or hide all child elements of the structure.

Or, you can do the following:

  • Select a structured data element and press the Left Arrow to collapse the selected structured data element, which hides all child elements of the structure.

  • Select a structured data element and press the Right Arrow to expand the selected structured data element, which displays all child elements of the structure.

Export Select to export projects to archive files. See "Exporting Projects" for more information.
Import Product Specification Select to import a Product specification into a PSR model project.

This command is available in the Solution view only.

Move Up Repositions a data element in the view by moving it up in the list.
Move Down Repositions a data element in the view by moving it down in the list.
Refactoring Enables you to propagate data model changes across a solution without sacrificing model integrity. See "Refactoring Entities and Data Elements" for more information.
Refresh Refreshes the view.
Select Simple Data Element, Select Structured Data Element, and Select Characteristic Select to add existing simple or structured elements to an entity.

See "Working with Characteristics" for more information about characteristics.

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