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Oracle® Communications Design Studio Modeling Basics
Release 7.2.4
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Problems View

Use the Problems view to review short descriptions of each problem marker in a project. Design Studio creates problem markers on data elements in modeling or in the code during implementation and displays warnings, errors, and informational messages that are generated as you work on projects. For example, if a Java source file contains syntax errors, these errors appear in the Problems view. Similarly, if you make configuration errors while modeling entities, error messages appear in this view.

By default, the problems are logged by severity. You can also group the problems by type. The first column of the view displays an icon that denotes the message type (warning, error, or informational) and the description. The remaining columns display the name of the resource that generated the problem, its path, and its directory location.


Design Studio updates problem markers during project builds. Oracle recommends that you enable the automated build feature to ensure that problem markers are current to the most recent saved content. Problem markers are based on saved content; Design Studio Modeling Basics does not update problem markers to reflect unsaved work.

Problem markers indicate that changes are required before the project can deploy successfully. You can double-click any error in the view to open the editor of the affected entity and resolve the problem. In code files, the line containing the problem is highlighted. Design Studio Modeling Basics includes multiple layers of validation. Therefore, a single error may generate multiple markers.

Click the View Menu button in the Problems view toolbar and select Configure Contents to define Problem view configuration.

For best results, select Errors/Warnings on Selection to ensure that errors and warnings for the current selection (and children, if applicable) appear.

Additionally, you can filter the Problems view to display only warnings and errors that are associated with a particular resource or group of resources.

See the Eclipse Workbench User Guide for information about using the Problems view.

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