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Oracle® Communications Design Studio Modeling OSM Processes
Release 7.2.4
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Working with Automated Tasks

An automated task is completed by an external OSM agent or by automation plug-ins. You can create an automated task to connect to a database, transform some data, or communicate with an external system.

When you create an automated task you must also configure at least one automation plug-in to perform the intended operation. Design Studio provides several built-in automation plug-ins, or you can develop your own plug-in using a custom template. An automated task might have a single automation plug-in associated with it (for example, to interrogate the task data, perform some calculation, and update the order data), or it might have multiple automation plug-ins associated with it (one to send information to an external system, one to receive replies from the external system, and another to perform some calculation, update the order, and transition the task).

After you have created an Automated Task entity using the Automated Task wizard, you can start modeling the task and configuring the automation plug-ins.

See OSM Developer's Guide for more information about automation.

When modeling automated tasks, see the following topics:

Related Topics

Working with Automation Plug-ins