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Oracle® Communications Design Studio Modeling OSM Processes
Release 7.2.4
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Enabling and Disabling XML Catalogs for a Cartridge Project

If your target run-time software version is OSM 7.0.3 or later (Target Version field is set to 7.0.3 or higher), XML Catalog support is enabled by default for all cartridge projects and it is required to be enabled. Do not disable XML Catalog support.

If your target run-time software version is OSM 7.0.2 or earlier (Target Version field is set to 7.0.1 or earlier), enable or disable XML Catalog support for a cartridge in your workspace as follows:

  1. From the Studio menu, select Show Design Perspective.

  2. In the Studio Projects view, double-click the cartridge project entity for which you want to enable or disable XML Catalog support.

    The cartridge project opens in the Project editor.

  3. Click the Cartridge Management Variables tab.

  4. In the Name column, click the XML_CATALOG_SUPPORT variable.

  5. In the Default Value column, do one of the following:

    • To enable the XML Catalog for this cartridge, enter enable.

    • To disable the XML Catalog for this cartridge, enter disable.

  6. Click Save.


If your Target Version field is set to 7.0.1 or earlier, you can also enable XML Catalog support for a cartridge by adding an empty file entitled enableXMLCatalogSupport in the root directory that contains the cartridge project cartridgeProject\xmlCatalogs\enableXMLCatalogSupport. If this file is present, and you have defined the XML_CATALOG_SUPPORT cartridge management variable, OSM uses the value you configured for the cartridge management variable to disable XML Catalog support.

For instructions on specifying XML Catalogs for a cartridge, see "Specifying XML Catalogs for a Cartridge Project".

For more information on how to use the XML Catalog in OSM, including how to specify XML Catalogs on the OSM server and how to define catalog entries, see OSM Developer's Guide.

Related Topics

Working with XML Catalogs

Specifying XML Catalogs for a Cartridge Project