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Oracle® Communications Design Studio Modeling OSM Processes
Release 7.2.4
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Defining Order Behaviors

Behaviors provide a way to extend the functionality and appearance of order data. Each behavior type performs an action; for example, calculating or validating data or displaying fields in read-only or read-write modes. When you define a behavior at the order level, the behavior applies to all manual tasks in the order model.

To define a behavior at the order level:

  1. From the Studio menu, select Show Design Perspective.

  2. Click the Cartridge tab.

  3. Double-click an existing order.

    The Order editor opens with the Order Template tab active. See "Order Editor Order Template Tab" for more information.

  4. In the Order editor Order Template tab area, select the data node upon which to model the behavior.

  5. Right-click in the Behaviors area and select Add Behavior.

    Each behavior type enables you to dynamically control a specific aspect of your order data model.

  6. Select a behavior type from the list.


    You cannot define Calculation, Event, and Lookup behaviors for structured data elements, because structured data elements do not represent actual data.

    Design Studio adds the behavior to the Behaviors area.

  7. In the Behaviors area, click the new behavior.

    The Behaviors Properties view opens, which includes a set of properties that you must define for the corresponding behavior type. See "Working with Behaviors" for more information about defining behavior properties.

  8. (Optional) In the Order editor, click the Behaviors tab.

    Use the Order editor Behaviors tab to quickly view all of the behaviors defined for the data nodes in an order. See "Order Editor Behaviors Tab" for more information.

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Order Editor