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Oracle® Communications Design Studio Modeling OSM Processes
Release 7.2.4
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About State and Status Transition Mapping

Using the Task editor Response Data tab, you can configure state and status transitions for completion events and exceptions returned by the activation system. You can define multiple transitions (each with an XPath expression) to model different scenarios for variations in the response data. For example, if an ASAP or IP Service Activator parameter returns the value DSL, you may want the task to transition to a DSL task; when the same parameter returns the value VOIP, you want the task to transition a different task.

You can define state transitions for user-defined states only. You cannot define transitions for system states, such as received, accepted, and completed. You define the condition in the Properties views. At run time, OSM evaluates the conditions in the order you have defined them and stops evaluating when a condition evaluates to true.

Completion events and exceptions must include a default transition in the event that all specified conditions fail. You can change or delete the predefined default values, or you can create your own. You can change or delete the predefined default values or you can create your own. If you define no default conditions for the required completion events and exceptions (no condition is defined with XPath expression true()) Design Studio creates a problem marker.

The following table lists completion events and exceptions that require a default transition configuration:

Name Activation System Type
orderCompleteEvent ASAP and IP Service Activator Event
orderCreateEvent ASAP only Event
orderEstimateEvent ASAP only Event
orderFailEvent ASAP and IP Service Activator Event
orderNEUnknownEvent ASAP only Event
orderRollbackEvent ASAP only Event
orderSoftErrorEvent ASAP only Event
orderStartupEvent ASAP only Event
orderTimeoutEvent ASAP only Event
orderTimeoutWarningEvent ASAP and IP Service Activator Event
createOrderByValueException ASAP and IP Service Activator Exception
getOrderByKeyException ASAP only Exception
queryManagedEntitiesException ASAP only Exception

Related Topics

Configuring Service Action Response State and Status Transitions

Task Editor Response Data Tab

Modeling Activation Tasks