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Oracle® Communications Design Studio Modeling OSM Processes
Release 7.2.4
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Defining Order and Service Management General Preferences

To define OSM general preferences, from the Window menu, select Preferences, then expand Oracle Design Studio in the Preferences navigation tree, and then select Order and Service Management Preferences.

Defining Build-and-Deploy Modes for Automation Plug-ins

In the Automation plug-in Build and Deploy Mode field, specify whether you want OSM to process all automation plug-ins in a common (oms.ear) EAR file (by selecting Optimized (Default)), process each automation plug-in in its own EAR file (by selecting Legacy), or build the automation components required for OSM to process automation plug-ins in either Optimized or Legacy mode according to the automation plug-in dispatch mode defined on the OSM server (by selecting Both (Allow server preference setting to decide)). For more information on automation plug-in build-and-deploy modes, see "Defining Build-and-Deploy Modes for Automation Plug-ins".

Setting the Problem Marker Severity for Automation Task Name to Plug-in EJB Discrepancies

In the Automation Plugin EJB Name Compliance Level list, specify whether you want Design Studio to display an Error or Warning problem marker when there is a discrepancy between the automation task entity name and an associated external plug-in EJB name. If such a discrepancy occurs, you can use the Quick Fix option from either the warning or error problem marker to revert the plug-in EJB name to match the automated task name.

Defining Deploy Properties

Field Use
WebLogic Home Specify the installation directory for WebLogic (for example, C:\Oracle\Middleware\wlserver_10.3).
Java SDK Home Specify the installation directory for the Java JDK (for example, C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_51). Select the JDK in the WebLogic Server installation.
OSM SDK Home Specify the installation directory for the OSM SDK (for example, C:\OSM\SDK). Ensure that you extract the automation.jar file to this location.

Defining Orphaned Task Reference Preferences

In the Delete Orphaned Task References with Activity field, specify whether you want to delete related task entities when removing tasks from the Process editor. When you enable this option and delete tasks in the Process editor, the system checks whether deleted tasks are referenced elsewhere in the workspace. If no task references exist in the workspace, the system displays a list from which you can select related entities for removal.

Defining Order Template Inheritance Preferences

When you enable order template inheritance preferences, when an order is extended, the significance and keys defined on the order are inherited; that is, significance and keys are included in the information from the base order. In addition to keys and significance defined on the base order being inherited on the extended order, the significance of an inherited data element within the order template is also inherited from the OSM entity that contributes it. If these preferences are not enabled, the significance of an inherited data element within the order template is inherited from the data schema rather than from the OSM entity that contributes it.

Offering inheritance within the order template for inheriting significance and keys enables a level of inheritance that is more complete and increases development convenience. As such, enabling these preferences is recommended for new cartridge development. If you are upgrading existing cartridges, refer to the discussion on order template inheritance and upgrade impacts in OSM Installation Guide before enabling these preferences.

To define order template inheritance preferences:

  1. From the Window menu, select Preferences.

    The Preferences dialog box is displayed.

  2. In the Preferences navigation tree, expand Oracle Design Studio and then select Order and Service Management Preferences.

  3. In the Order Template Inheritance area, define your order template inheritance preferences.

    When an inherited data element in the order template has its significance set as Inherited, enabling and disabling the preference for significance inheritance from order contributors works as follows:

    • Disabled: Significance is inherited from the data schema.

    • Enabled: Significance is inherited from the order template of the data contributor(s). Note that if the significance of the data contributor is set as Inherited, it inherits its significance from the data schema.

  4. Click Apply and then click OK.

    Design Studio saves your preferences.

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Defining OSM Preferences