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Oracle® Communications Design Studio Modeling Activation
Release 7.2.4
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About Imported Activation Cartridge Projects

The import functions are used to import data from an external source into your Design Studio workspace. For example, if you have purchased cartridges from Oracle, you can import them into Design Studio and reuse their components when you build Activation Service cartridges. Additionally, if an Activation Service cartridge has already been created by a co-worker, you can obtain the configuration by importing it into your Design Studio workspace. Lastly, you can load data directly from an Oracle Communications ASAP environment. This approach is useful when you want to obtain a complete snapshot of all the data in an ASAP environment.

Design Studio for Activation supports loading of earlier versions of cartridge projects with legacy data definitions (that do not use the Data Dictionary). The legacy data definitions are migrated during import into a design time Data Dictionary that contains all of the data definitions within a single Data Dictionary file.

After importing an existing licensed cartridge, you will be prompted on where to store the Data Dictionary content for the cartridge. You can choose any one of the following locations:


An existing Activation cartridge that is imported, modified, and exported using the latest version of Design Studio is importable in earlier versions of Design Studio. This allows modifications to legacy cartridges using the latest version of Design Studio.

You can use the following methods to import data into your Design Studio workspace:

You import Activation Network cartridges (from a location outside of your workspace) to set up your workspace. Cartridges can be imported in a zipped (zip or TAR files) or unzipped format.

Solution designers can import several network cartridges into the workspace to utilize their components (such as atomic actions, action processors, and NE templates) when setting up Activation Service cartridges. Solution designers can also import a suitable service cartridge as a starting point and modify it as needed.

Developers can import one or more network cartridges into their workspace (instead of building them from scratch) to use as starting point for creating new cartridges (for example, to make minor changes to cartridges for the next release) or to compare with other cartridges. See "Creating New Activation Cartridge Projects" for more information about creating new cartridges.


To import cartridges into your workspace, you can zip up cartridge projects in ZIP or TAR format and export them to an archive file. This method produces a snapshot of the entire workspace as originally created (including one or multiple environments and SAR file) and includes any custom artifacts.

This method is useful when you have a project that contains a complex configuration with multiple dependencies between cartridges (for example, one or more Activation Service cartridges that depend on one or more Activation Network cartridges).

While it is possible to manually recreate the configuration by importing each of the SAR files from the original cartridges, some data loss may occur if you have custom artifacts that were not included in the original SAR file.


To obtain Activation Network cartridges from Oracle, you can retrieve individual SAR files from the portal and import them into Design Studio. Each cartridge is self-contained (no dependencies exist).

Related Topics

Importing Activation Cartridge Projects

Working with Activation Cartridge Projects