4 Configuring Network Connection Settings

This chapter describes how to configure network resources for use with Oracle Communications Converged Application Server.

Overview of Network Configuration

The default HTTP network configuration for each Converged Application Server instance is determined from the Listen Address and Listen Port setting for each server. However, Converged Application Server does not support the SIP protocol over HTTP. The SIP protocol is supported over the UDP and TCP transport protocols. SIPS is also supported using the TLS transport protocol.

To enable UDP, TCP, or TLS transports, you configure one or more network channels for a Converged Application Server instance. A network channel is a configurable Oracle WebLogic Server resource that defines the attributes of a specific network connection to the server instance. Basic channel attributes include:

  • The protocols supported by the connection

  • The listen address (DNS name or IP address) of the connection

  • The port number used by the connection

  • (optional) The port number used by outgoing UDP packets

  • The public listen address to embed in SIP headers when the channel is used for an outbound connection. This is typically the IP address presented by the IP sprayer or external load balancer as the virtual IP (VIP) for the telecommunication services.

You can assign multiple channels to a single Converged Application Server instance to support multiple protocols or to use multiple interfaces available with multihomed server hardware. You cannot assign the same channel to multiple server instances.

When you configure a new network channel for the SIP protocol, both the UDP and TCP transport protocols are enabled on the specified port. You cannot create a SIP channel that supports only UDP transport or only TCP transport. When you configure a network channel for the SIPS protocol, the server uses the TLS transport protocol for the connection.

As you configure a new SIP Server domain, you will generally create multiple SIP channels for communication to each engine in your system. Engines access the SIP call-state store using the Coherence cluster configured in the domain.


If you configure the Coherence cluster to use Unicast addressing, you must configure the engines to use either explicit listen addresses or explicit well-known addresses to allow all cluster domain servers to locate each other.

Configuring External IP Addresses in Network Channels

When you set up a network channel for your Converged Application Server instance, you must specify the public IP address that external clients use to address the instance. In most cases, this address is presented by an IP sprayer or external load balancer or other network element capable of exposing a virtual IP (VIP) on behalf of the Converged Application Server to the external network.

You configure the client-facing address as the external listen address. When a SIP channel has an external listen address that differs from the channel's primary listen address, Converged Application Server embeds the host and port number of the external address in SIP headers, such as in the Response header. This causes subsequent messages from external clients to be directed to the public address rather than the local engine server address (which may not be accessible to clients).

If an external listen address is not specified for the network channel, the Converged Application Server embeds the primary listen address for the channel in the headers.

If you have more than one IP sprayer or load balancer that may receive external traffic addressed to the Converged Application Server servers, you must define a channel on each engine for each one. When a particular network interface on the engine is selected for outbound traffic, the network channel associated with the network interface card's (NIC's) address is examined to determine the external listen address to embed in SIP headers.

If your system uses a multihomed IP sprayer or load balancer having two public addresses, you must also define a pair of channels to configure both public addresses. If the engine has only one NIC, you must define a second, logical address on the NIC to configure a dedicated channel for the second public address. In addition, you must configure your IP routing policies to define which logical address is associated with each public address.

About IPv4 and IPv6 Support

If your operating system and hardware support IPv6, you can also configure Converged Application Server to use IPv6 for network communication. Enable IPv6 for SIP traffic by configuring a network channel with an IPv6 address. You must configure an IPv6 SIP channel on each engine server that will support IPv6 traffic.

Each SIP network channel configured on an engine supports either IPv6 or IPv4 traffic. You cannot mix IPv4 and IPv6 traffic on a single channel. You can configure a single engine with both an IPv4 and IPv6 channel to support multiple, separate networks.

It is also possible for Converged Application Server engine nodes to communicate within the cluster on IPv4 (or IPv6) while supporting the other protocol version for external SIP traffic. To configure engine nodes on an IPv6 network, simply specify IPv6 listen addresses for each server instance and, if desired, for the Coherence cluster communication.

Enabling DNS Support

Converged Application Server supports DNS for resolving the transport, IP address and port number of a proxy required to send a SIP message. This matches the behavior described in RFC 3263 (http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3263.txt). DNS may also be used when routing responses to resolve the IP address and port number of a destination.


Because multihome resolution is performed within the context of SIP message processing, any multihome performance problems result in increased latency performance. Oracle recommends using a caching multihome server in a production environment to minimize potential performance problems.

To configure DNS support:

  1. Log in to the Administration Console for the Converged Application Server domain you want to configure.

  2. If your domain is running in Production mode, click Lock & Edit.

  3. Select the SipServer node in the left pane of the Console.

  4. Select the Configuration, and then select the General tab in the right pane.

  5. Select the option for Enable DNS Server Lookup.

  6. Click Save to save your changes.

  7. If your domain is running in Production mode, click Activate Changes.

When you enable DNS lookup, the server can use DNS to:

  • Discover a proxy server's transport, IP address, and port number when a request is sent to a SIP URI.

  • Resolve an IP address and port number during response routing, depending on the contents of the Sent-by field.

For proxy discovery, Converged Application Server uses DNS resolution only once per SIP transaction to determine transport, IP, and port number information. All retransmissions, ACKs, or CANCEL requests are delivered to the same address and port using the same transport. For details about how DNS resolution takes place, see RFC 3263 (http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3263.txt).

When a proxy is required to send a response message, Converged Application Server uses DNS lookup to determine the IP address and port number of the destination, using the information provided in the sent-by field and the Via the header.

Configuring Network Channels for SIP or SIPS

When you create a domain using the Configuration Wizard, Converged Application Server instances are configured with a default network channel supporting the SIP protocol over UDP and TCP. This default channel is configured to use Listen Port 5060, but specifies no Listen Address. Follow the instructions in "Reconfiguring an Existing Channel" to change the default channel's listen address or listen port settings. See "Creating a New SIP or SIPS Channel" for information on creating a new channel resource to support additional protocols or additional network interfaces.

Reconfiguring an Existing Channel

You cannot change the protocol supported by an existing channel. To reconfigure an existing listen address/port combination to use a different network protocol, you must delete the existing channel and create a channel using the instructions in "Creating a New SIP or SIPS Channel".

To reconfigure a channel:

  1. Log in to the Administration Console for the Converged Application Server domain you want to configure.

  2. If your domain is running in Production mode, click Lock & Edit.

  3. In the left pane, select the Environment entry to display its contents. Select Servers from the displayed entries.

  4. In the right pane, select the name of the server you want to configure.

  5. Select Protocols, then select the Channels tab to display the configured channels.

  6. To delete an existing channel, select it in the table and click Delete.

  7. To reconfigure an existing channel:

    1. Select the channel's link from Name column of the channel list (for example, the default SIP channel).

    2. Edit the Listen Address or Listen Port fields to correspond to the address of a NIC or logical address on the associated engine server.


      The channel must be disabled before you can modify the listen address or listen port. Disable the channel by deselecting the Enabled check box.
    3. Set the External Listen Address or External Listen Port fields to the destination address and port addressed by external clients. This is typically the VIP address presented by an external load balancer or IP sprayer in your system.

    4. Edit the advanced channel attributes as necessary (see "Creating a New SIP or SIPS Channel" for details.)

  8. Click Save.

  9. If your domain is running in Production mode, click Activate Changes.

Creating a New SIP or SIPS Channel

To add a new SIP or SIPS channel to the configuration of a Converged Application Server instance:

  1. Log in to the Administration Console for the Converged Application Server domain you want to configure.

  2. If your domain is running in Production mode, click Lock & Edit.

  3. In the left pane, select the Environment node, and then select the Servers tab.

  4. In the right pane, select the name of the server you want to configure.

  5. Select the Protocols tab, then select the Channels tab to display the configured channels.

  6. Click New to configure a new channel.

  7. Fill in the new channel fields as follows:

    • Name: Enter an administrative name for this channel, such as SIPS-Channel-eth0.

    • Protocol: Select either sip to support UDP and TCP transport, or sips to support TLS transport. A SIP channel cannot support only UDP or only TCP transport on the configured port.

  8. Click Next.

  9. Fill in the new channel's addressing fields as follows:

    • Listen Address: Enter the IP address or DNS name for this channel. On a DNS server, enter the exact IP address of the interface you want to configure, or a multihome name that maps to the exact IP address.

    • Listen Port: Enter the port number used to communication through this channel. The combination of Listen Address and Listen Port must be unique across all channels configured for the server. SIP channels support both UDP and TCP transport on the configured port.

    • External Listen Address and External Listen Port: Edit these fields to match the external address and port used by clients to address the system. This is typically a virtual IP address presented by an external load balancer or IP sprayer.

      If this value differs from the Listen Address value, the Converged Application Server embeds this value in SIP message headers for further call traffic.

  10. Click Next.

  11. Set the additional channel properties listed below if required:

    • Enabled: This attribute specifies whether to start the new channel.

    • Tunneling Enabled: This attribute specifies whether tunneling through HTTP should be enabled for this network channel. This value is not inherited from the server's configuration.

    • HTTP Enabled for This Protocol: This attribute cannot be selected for SIP and SIPS channels, because Converged Application Server does not support HTTP transport SIP protocols.

    • Outbound Enabled: This attribute cannot be unchecked, because all SIP and SIPS channels can originate network connections.

  12. Click Finish.

  13. If your domain is running in Production mode, click Activate Changes.

Configuring Custom Timeout, MTU, and Other Properties

SIP channels can be further configured using one or more custom channel properties. The custom properties cannot be set using the Administration Console. Instead, you must use a text editor to add the properties to a single, custom-property stanza in the channel configuration portion of the config.xml file for the domain.

Converged Application Server provides the following custom properties that affect the transport protocol of SIP channels:

  • TcpConnectTimeoutMillis: Specifies the amount of time Converged Application Server waits before it declares a destination address (for an outbound TCP connection) as unreachable. The property is applicable only to SIP channels; Converged Application Server ignores this attribute value for SIPS channels. A value of 0 disables the timeout completely. A default value of 3000 milliseconds is used if you do not specify the custom property.

  • SctpConnectTimeoutMillis: Specifies the amount of time Converged Application Server waits before it declares a destination address (for an outbound SCTP connection) as unreachable. The property is applicable only to SCTP channels (for Diameter traffic). A value of 0 disables the timeout completely. A default value of 3000 milliseconds is used if you do not specify the custom property. See "Configuring Static Source Port for Outbound UDP Packets" for information about creating SCTP channels for Diameter.

  • SourcePorts: Configures one or more static port numbers that a server uses for originating UDP packets.


    Oracle does not recommend using the SourcePorts custom property in most configurations because it degrades performance. Configure the property only in cases where you must specify the exact ports that Converged Application Server uses to originate UDP packets.
  • Mtu: Specifies the Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) value for this channel. A value of -1 uses the default MTU size for the transport.

  • EnabledProtocolVersions: Specifies the version of the SSL protocol to use with this channel when Converged Application Server acts as an SSL client. When acting as an SSL client, by default the channel requires TLS V1.0 as the supported protocol.

    Oracle recommends the TLS V.1.0 protocol for the best security. TLS1 configures the channel to send and accept only TLS V1.0 messages. Peers must respond with a TLS V1.0 message or the SSL connection is dropped.

To configure a custom property, use a text editor to modify the config.xml file directly, or use a JMX client such as WLST to add the custom property. When editing config.xml directly, ensure that you add only one custom-properties element to the end of a channel's configuration stanza. Separate multiple custom properties within the same element using semicolons (;) as shown in Example 4-1.

Example 4-1 Setting Custom Properties


Configuring SIP Channels for Multihomed Machines

If you are configuring a server that has multiple network interfaces (a "multihomed" server), you must configure a separate network channel for each IP address used by Converged Application Server. Converged Application Server uses the listen address and listen port values for each channel when embedding routing information into SIP message system headers.


If you do not configure a channel for a particular IP address on a multihomed system, that IP address cannot be used when populating Via, Contact, and Record-Route headers.

Configuring Engine Servers to Listen on Any IP Interface

To configure Converged Application Server to listen for UDP traffic on any available IP interface, create a SIP channel and specify (or :: for IPv6 networks) as the listen address. You must still configure at least one additional channel with an explicit IP address to use for outgoing SIP messages. (For multihomed machines, each interface used for outgoing messages must have a configured channel.)


You must configure the address directly on the server's network channel. If you configure a SIP channel without specifying the channel listen address, but you do configure a listen address for the server itself, then the SIP channel inherits the server listen address. In this case the SIP channel does not listen on IP_ANY.


Using the configuration affects only UDP traffic on Linux platforms. Converged Application Server only creates TCP and HTTP listen threads corresponding to the configured host name of the server, and localhost. If multiple addresses are mapped to the host name, Converged Application Server displays warning messages upon startup. To avoid this problem and listen on all addresses, specify the :: address, which encompasses all available addresses for both IPv6 and IPv4 for HTTP and TCP traffic as well.

Configuring Static Source Port for Outbound UDP Packets

You can optionally use a static port rather than a dynamically assigned ephemeral port as the source port for outgoing UDP datagrams. Converged Application Server network channels provide a SourcePorts attribute that you can use to configure one or more static ports that a server uses for originating UDP packets.

You can identify the ephemeral port currently used by the Converged Application Server by examining the server log file. A log entry appears as follows:

<Nov 30, 2005 12:00:00 AM PDT> <Notice> <WebLogicServer> <BEA-000202> <Thread "SIP Message Processor (Transport UDP)" listening on port 35993.>


Oracle does not recommend using the SourcePorts custom property in most configurations because it degrades performance. Configure the property only in cases where you must specify the exact ports that Converged Application Server uses to originate UDP packets.

To use a static port for outgoing UDP datagrams, first disable use of the ephemeral port by specifying the following server start-up option:


To configure the SourcePorts property, use a JMX client such as WLST or directly modify a network channel configuration in config.xml to include the custom property. SourcePorts defines an array of port numbers or port number ranges. Do not include spaces in the SourcePorts definition; use only port numbers, hyphens ("-") to designate ranges of ports, and commas (",") to separate ranges or individual ports. See Example 4-2 for an example configuration.

Example 4-2 Static Port Configuration for Outgoing UDP Packets


Configuring Listen Addresses for Servers

Each server in the domain is a member in the Coherence cluster, and the default Coherence configuration uses a generated well-known address list based on server listen addresses. You must use explicit listen addresses with the domain servers for Coherence to correctly form a cluster.You can set up explicit listen addresses using the domain creation wizard or, after creating a domain, by using the Administration console and following these instructions:

  1. Access the Administration Console for the Converged Application Server domain.

  2. If your domain is running in Production mode, click Lock & Edit.

  3. Select Environment, then select Servers from the left pane.

  4. In the right pane, select the name of the server to configure.

  5. Select Configuration, then select the General tab.

  6. Enter a unique DNS name or IP address in the Listen Address field.

  7. Click Save.

  8. If your domain is running in Production mode, click Activate Changes.

Configuring Coherence Cluster Addressing

If you do not want to use explicit listen addresses with domain servers or want to isolate Coherence cluster communication to its own network, you can configure Coherence cluster addressing to use it's own addressing scheme, using one of the following cluster modes.

  • Multicast with multicast address, port and time to live. Multicast communication can make more efficient use of the network in some circumstances, but also might not work in all environments.

  • Unicast addressing, specifying explicit well-known addresses (WKAs) and explicit Unicast listen ports for servers.

The default setting is Unicast addressing together with a well-known address list generated from the domain server listen addresses

For more details, see "Configuring and Managing Coherence Clusters" in Administering Clusters for Oracle WebLogic Server.