15 Monitoring the Sessions for License Limits

This chapter describes how to configure and manage the tracking of licenses in Oracle Communications Converged Application Server.

About the Monitoring of Licenses

As a system administrator, you can ensure that Converged Application Server is not exceeding the licensing limit for concurrent sessions per cluster in the system at any time.

In Converged Application Server, the number of concurrent sessions is the aggregate number of established virtual connections between two endpoints represented by subscriber devices or network switching equipment and traversing the licensed software at any one time.

A named user is an individual authorized by you to use the programs which are installed on a single server or multiple servers. This definition of a named user is valid regardless of whether the individual is actively using the programs at any given time. Additionally, Converged Application Server counts a non human operated device that can access the programs as a named user in addition to all individuals authorized to use the programs.

About the License Metrics

Converged Application Server supports the following when monitoring licenses:

  • Cluster-based tracking

    Total number of active sessions on a cluster

  • Sip Sessions

  • Diameter Sessions

  • High water mark for sessions

Converged Application Server stores the high water mark values in the log file for each engine.

About the High Water Mark

A high water mark is the indicator which represents the highest value seen for a monitored entry in a specific period. Suppose that over the course of a week, the total count stored for a monitored entry goes from 1 to 10 to 5. The high water mark value for this entry is 10.

Converged Application Server provides the following metric for the high water mark metric:

  • The high water mark for the latest specified interval or duration that was specified, such as the last hour or day.

  • The high water mark since the start of the monitoring process.

To calculate the high water mark for the sessions in a cluster, Converged Application Server sums up all the active sessions across all engines in a cluster and saves the highest number of concurrent sessions. It performs this calculation for all engines synchronously.

About the Monitoring Process

When the monitoring of licenses is enabled, a dedicated polling thread is created whenever the Sip server of an engine starts (or restarts). This polling thread monitors the traffic from that starting point. At every interval, Converged Application Server stores the high water mark value for the previous interval and the high water mark value from the start of the monitoring. See Example 15-1.

If, for any reason, the server goes down in a standalone deployment, all the collected statistic is lost. In a cluster deployment, as long as one engine is alive, the high water mark value survives the event.

Setting Up the Logging Parameters

As an administrator, you specify the time when the monitoring is to begin and the length of the logging interval. Set up start time for the monitoring and the interval for each engine in the domain.


When you have more than one engine in a cluster, these configurations must be identical for all the engines in that domain.

Configuring the License Tracking as Startup Command Options

To configure the settings as startup command options, specify the following for each engine in the domain.

  • The local time when the monitoring is to start as:


    where start_time is in the HH:MM:SS format, specifying the local time in hour, minute, and second with the 24-hour clock system. For example, the entry to start the logging for a server at 8:30 a.m. would be


    By default, Converged Application Server commences its monitoring and logging process of an engine in a domain when the engine starts up.

  • The time intervals for the log output:


    Where, interval_seconds is the monitoring interval, in seconds. Converged Application Server commences its monitoring and logging process when the engine starts up.

    For example,


    The entry 14400 is 4 hours. The high water mark entry is logged every 4 hours from the start of the logging, 08:30:00.

    If this interval is set to 0, Converged Application Server does not monitor or save the log information.

About the Log Information

Converge Application Server stores all log entries for session high water mark of a cluster or standalone deployment in the server log file for each engine. The pathname to the server_name.log file for each engine is:


where domain_name is the name of the directory in which you located the Converged Application Server domain and server_name is the name of the server.

Converged Application Server identifies the log information for the high water mark entries with the following entries:

  • For Sip Sessions: Concurrent SipSession Tracking:

  • For Diameter Sessions: Concurrent Diameter Session Tracking:

The high water mark entries are entered in the following way:

  • The high water mark entry for the most recent interval:

    high water mark of last interval:value

  • The high water mark entry since the start of the monitoring:

    High water mark value of history:value

Example 15-1 shows an excerpt from a sample high water mark log output for a Sip session, set to be logged every minute:

Example 15-1 Example of Log Entries for High Water Marks in a Sip Session

<Jan 11, 2016 12:06:00 PM PST> <Warning> <OCCAS> <BEA-000000> <Concurrent SipSession Tracking: |AdminServer|High water mark of last interval:30|High water mark value of the history:30> 
<Jan 11, 2016 12:07:00 PM PST> <Warning> <OCCAS> <BEA-000000> <Concurrent SipSession Tracking: |AdminServer|High water mark of last interval:10|High water mark value of the history:30> 
<Jan 11, 2016 12:08:00 PM PST> <Warning> <OCCAS> <BEA-000000> <Concurrent SipSession Tracking: |AdminServer|High water mark of last interval:12|High water mark value of the history:30> 
<Jan 11, 2016 12:09:00 PM PST> <Warning> <OCCAS> <BEA-000000> <Concurrent SipSession Tracking: |AdminServer|High water mark of last interval:20|High water mark value of the history:30> 
<Jan 11, 2016 12:10:00 PM PST> <Warning> <OCCAS> <BEA-000000> <Concurrent SipSession Tracking: |AdminServer|High water mark of last interval:40|High water mark value of the history:40> 
<Jan 11, 2016 12:11:00 PM PST> <Warning> <OCCAS> <BEA-000000> <Concurrent SipSession Tracking: |AdminServer|High water mark of last interval:0|High water mark value of the history:40> 
<Jan 11, 2016 12:12:00 PM PST> <Warning> <OCCAS> <BEA-000000> <Concurrent SipSession Tracking: |AdminServer|High water mark of last interval:00|High water mark value of the history:40> 

To find the high water mark value on any given day for a server, access the logs directory under the server name in your installation and enter the following grep command:

$ grep "Concurrent SipSession Tracking" engine1.log*

In this command, engine1 is the name of the server.