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StorageTek Automated Cartridge System Library Software Installation Guide
Release 8.3
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4 Getting Started

After you have successfully installed ACSLS on Solaris or Linux, you complete ACSLS installation by importing the database, configuring your library hardware, and verifying your ACSLS installation.

Importing the Database and Control Files

You need to perform this step only under the following conditions:

  • If you are migrating to ACSLS 8.3.

  • If you have exported the database and control files.

    The control files include those files in the data/external directory that have been customized to your specific environment.

For more information on importing the database and control files, refer to Importing the Database in the ”Database Administration” chapter of the StorageTek ACSLS 8.3 Administrator's Guide.

Configuring your Library Hardware

  1. Verify that the server system hardware is properly configured, connected, powered on, and ready.

  2. Verify each of the physical connections (Ethernet, fibre, SCSI, etc) connections between the server and the library hardware.

  3. Before configuring ACSLS to your library complex, make sure all libraries, rails, and CAPs are fully configured, powered on, and ready and all CAP magazines are installed.

  4. Create or import the Library Configuration. Refer to the ACSLS 8.3 Administrator's Guide for details.

    To import the configuration from an earlier ACSLS release, see the section Importing the Database in the ”Database Administration” chapter.

    To create a new library configuration, see the section Configuring or Reconfiguring Library Hardware in the ”Installing and Configuring Your Library Hardware” chapter.

  5. For Solaris only:

    If you are using logical libraries to support SCSI clients over Fibre Channel, set up the FC connections between any client HBA ports and suitable HBA ports on the ACSLS server. Fibre connections to logical library client machines should be active when you install ACSLS.

For help with connectivity problems, refer to the ”Troubleshooting” chapter in the StorageTek ACSLS 8.3 Administrator's Guide.

Verifying the ACSLS Installation

Use the following procedure to verify ACSLS. You should be logged in as acsss. This procedure mounts and dismounts a cartridge.

To start ACSLS Software, login as user acsss and run the acsss enable command. Refer to acsss in the ”Utility” chapter of the StorageTek ACSLS 8.3 Administrator's Guide.

For instructions on using cmd_proc, refer to "Using a cmd_proc" in the "Overview" chapter in the StorageTek ACSLS 8.3 Administrator's Guide.

  1. Query the server from the cmd_proc by entering

    query server

    If messages are displayed indicating that the server is in recovery, wait for a message indicating that the server is running.

  2. Verify that the following are online. You must have at least one of each online. If not, bring them online with the vary command.

    query lsm all
    query acs all
    query lsm all
    query drive all
    query cap all
  3. Audit a library with the audit command.

    audit cap_id acs acs_id

    Wait for the audit to complete and all the cartridges in the ACS to be discovered.

  4. Do you have at least one cartridge in an LSM?

    • YES - continue with the procedure.

    • NO - enter a cartridge into an LSM.

  5. Use the query mount command to identify tape drives that are compatible with a tape cartridge.

    query mount vol_id

    Tape drives that are compatible with the specified tape cartridge are listed. For example, if a T10000T2 tape cartridge is specified, only tape drives that can read or write that tape cartridge will be listed. The closest tape drives are listed first.

  6. Mount the volume on one of the tape drives reported to the query mount command.

    mount vol_id drive_id
  7. Did you see a message indicating a successful mount?

    A successful mount message is:

    Mount: vol_id mounted on drive_id
    • YES - Proceed to dismount the cartridge.

    • NO - If an error message appears, run this verification procedure again, ensuring that you specified a valid, available and compatible drive and a library cartridge. If the mount/dismount still fails, call Oracle Support for assistance.

  8. Dismount the cartridge by entering:

    dismount vol_id drive_id force

    In the above example, vol_id is the volume and drive_id is the drive you specified in Step 4.

Auditing Your Libraries

The last step of your installation is auditing all of your libraries. You need to audit your libraries if:

  • This is a new installation.

  • You are adding new libraries to an existing configuration.

Refer to ”Auditing the Library” in the Library Management chapter of the StorageTek ACSLS 8.3 Administrator's Guide.