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StorageTek Automated Cartridge System Library Software Installation Guide
Release 8.3
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1 Overview

Automated Cartridge System Library Software (ACSLS) is Oracle's StorageTek server software that controls StorageTek automated tape libraries. An Automated Cartridge System (ACS) is a group of tape libraries connected through pass-thru-ports (PTPs). ACSLS accesses and manages information stored in one or more ACSs through command processing across a network. The software includes a system administration component and interfaces to client system applications, and library management facilities.

Software Requirements

  • Oracle's Sun SPARC and X86 platforms running Solaris 10 Update 10 and 11.

  • Oracle's Sun SPARC and X86 platforms running Solaris 11 Update 1.

  • Oracle Linux 6.3 and Linux 6.4.

    Oracle Linux testing was done in environments using Oracle's Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel and the Red Hat Compatible Kernel. Oracle provides full system support on these systems.

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.3 or 6.4

    Oracle provides ACSLS 8.3 application support for customers running Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.3 or 6.4.

  • Other operating systems, including AIX and virtual environments, are not tested or supported.

System Requirements

  • Memory: 2GB minimum

    To show system memory:

    • Solaris

      prtconf | grep Mem
    • Linux

      grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo
  • Swap: A minimum of 2GB swap is required. For systems configured with more than 6GB of memory, the rule of thumb for swap is approximately 30% of physical memory.

    • Solaris

      swap -l

      (shows 512 byte blocks)

      1. Take the number of blocks and divide by 2.

      2. Now, divide this number by 1024.

      3. This gives you the swap space in MBs.

    • Linux

      free -m

      (reveals allocated swap space in Megabytes)

  • File systems and required databases:

    ACSLS 8.3 enables you to install in any file system. You need to define the following directories before installing ACSLS.

    • A base directory where the ACSLS components will be installed.

    • A default directory for ACSLS backups. It is recommended (but not required) to place the ACSLS backup directory in a separate file system from the ACSLS base directory.

    Although you can install ACSLS in any directory, the default directories used for ACSLS are:

    • /export/home - default ACSLS base directory

    • /export/backup - default ACSLS backup directory

    The ACSLS base directory file system should have a minimum of 5GB free. An additional 5GB free should be reserved for ACSLS backups. To show filesystem sizes:

    df -h
  • Fibre card (optional): a suitable HBA is required for Fibre Channel operations.

    • For target mode operation, supporting the Logical Library feature, this HBA must be a contemporary QLogic fibre card (4Gb or higher).

    • For initiator mode operation, supporting a fibre-connected library such as the SL500 or SL150, ACSLS 8.3 is fully tested and certified with QLogic and Emulex HBAs.

Browser Requirements

ACSLS 8.3 was tested using Firefox version 22.0 and Chrome version 28.0.


To ensure uninterrupted library service and to avoid unanticipated problems due to resource contention, it is generally recommended that ACSLS run in a stand-alone environment on a dedicated server. However, some systems are specifically designed to allow multiple applications to run in co-hosted fashion as though they are completely isolated from one another. For example, Solaris Containers and Oracle Solaris VM Server for SPARC enable conditional co-hosting possibilities for use with ACSLS.

The following details the conditions and limitations associated with the various co-hosting options for an ACSLS application.

  • Solaris Zones (containers)

    Solaris zones enable a system administrator to partition a standard, low cost server into four independent Solaris systems, each with its own isolated file system, and its own instance of Solaris. You can assign network resources to each zone and you can reboot any local (non-global) zone without affecting applications in other zones on the same platform.

    However, the ability to share kernel resources (such as device drivers) across multiple zones is tenuous at best. Ideally, an application that requires kernel drivers would reside in the global zone. However, it is generally not good practice to install an application in the global zone since any fatal condition with the application could impact all other applications running in the other zones.

    ACSLS 8.3 can reside in a Solaris zone only if it does not require drivers beyond the network interface. Any use of Logical Libraries requires a target-mode fibre-channel driver, and any connection to an SL500 or SL150 library requires an initiator-mode fibre-channel driver. Either of these configurations dictates that ACSLS must be installed in the global zone.

    There are no version of ACSLS-HA that are supported for use in Solaris zones.

  • Oracle VM Server for SPARC

    Oracle VM Server for SPARC (formerly Logical Domains or LDOMs) is technology available on SPARC T-series servers with Chip Multithreading (CMT) technology. This technology offers significant advantages over Solaris Containers to the extent that each domain is in control of its own Solaris kernel.

    A Solaris administrator can partition hardware resources across the system, assigning a specific resource to a specific domain. Network resources on this virtual machine can easily be shared across any of up to 128 guest domains on the server. But applications that require access to I/O devices through the PCIe bus must be installed in special I/O domains. The number of I/O domains that you can create on the VM Server depends on the number of discrete PCIe buses on the SPARC platform. On a system with a single PCIe bus, you can have two I/O domains, and one of these must be the control domain.

    Any ACSLS application that relies solely on network connectivity to the library and for client applications can be installed in a guest domain on this server. The virtual network set-up procedure is described in the document, Oracle VM Server for SPARC 2.1 Administration Guide in the section, entitled "Using Virtual Networks".

    If your ACSLS 8.x application is intended for use with logical libraries, or if you intend to connect to a fibre-channel library such as the SL500 or L700, then ACSLS must be installed in an I/O domain. Refer to the section "Setting up I/O Domains" in the Oracle VM Server for SPARC 2.1 Administration Guide.

    Solaris Cluster Software is supported on the Oracle VM Server for SPARC and this platform can be employed in an ACSLS-HA application. Refer to the Oracle Solaris Cluster Data Service for Oracle VM Server for SPARC Guide.