2. Dashboards

2.1 Payments Dashboard Summary

The Payments Dashboard screen provides the matrix of completed or under processing transactions that are in various statuses for the logged in host.

In this dashboard screen, you can view the total transaction count for each payment type across all branch codes under the logged in host code with their corresponding transaction statuses.


On the click on the Refresh button, the system refreshes the total count of transactions for the logged in host.

You can select and click any payment type to get a count for every network code and transaction type combination with the corresponding transaction status.

.The following statuses are displayed in the dashboard:

The transaction count is displayed for the following payment types:


The following statuses indicates the corresponding details:

Queue Description
Completed Displays the total count of transactions for a specific network code and transaction type combination, which are completed but yet to be dis­patched, for the specified branch code.
Liquidated Displays the total count of transactions for a specific network code and transaction type combination, which are completed successfully and dispatched to Network for the specified branch code.
Pending Displays the count of transactions for a specific network code and trans­action type combination which are authorized and pending in progress, but are not currently present in any of the Exception Queues.
Unauthor­ized Displays the count of unauthorized transactions for a specific network code and transaction type combination.
Rejected Displays the count of transactions that are marked with contract status as ‘Rejected’ or “Network Rejected”.
Returned Displays the count of transactions that are marked with contract status as ‘Returned’ and no further child contract is created.
Recall Requested Displays the count of transactions for which Recall is requested but not yet approved or rejected. This is applicable only for ACH transactions.
Reversed Displays the count of transactions for a specific network code and trans­action type combination with Transaction status as ‘Reversed’.
Future Val­ued Displays the count of future valued transactions that are booked in the system and marked for future dated processing.

2.2 Payments Queues Dashboard Summary

This screen provides a count of payment transactions that are held in different exception queues of the logged in host code.

In this dashboard screen, you can view the total transaction count for each payment type across all branch codes under the logged in host code with their corresponding queue statuses.


On the click on the Refresh button, the system refreshes the total count of payment transactions for each payment type.

You can select and click any payment type to get a count for every network code and transaction type combination with the corresponding exception status.

.The following queues are available in the dashboard:

Queue Code Name of Queue
TR Repair Queue
BO Business Override Queue
PE Process Exception Queue
PC Processing Cut-off Queue
NC Network Post cut off Queue
AL Auth Limit 1 and 2 Queue
ER Exchange Rate Queue
EE External Exchange Rate Queue
SC Sanction Check Queue


The transaction count is displayed for the following payment types:.

The following queues displays the count of payment transactions for a specific network code and transaction type combination:.

Queue Description
Repair Queue Displays the total count of transactions for a specific network code and transaction type combination that are in Repair Queue for the logged in host code.
Business Override Queue Displays the total count of transactions for a specific network code and transaction type combination, which are in Business Override Queue for the logged in host code.
Process Exception Queue Displays the count of transactions for a specific network code and trans­action type combination which are in Process Exception Queue for the logged in host.
Network Cut Off Queue Displays the count of transactions for a specific network code and trans­action type combination which are in Network Cut Off Queue for the logged in host.
Processing Cut Off Queue Displays the count of transactions for a specific network code and trans­action type combination which are in Processing Cut Off Queue for the logged in host.
Auth Limit Queue Displays the count of transactions for a specific network code and trans­action type combination which are in Auth 1 and Auth 2 limit for the logged in host.
Exchange Rate Queue Displays the count of transactions for a specific network code and trans­action type combination which are in Exchange Rate Queue for the logged in host.
EC Queue Displays the count of transactions for a specific network code and trans­action type combination which are in ECA/EAC Queue for the logged in host.
Sanctions Queue Displays the count of transactions for a specific network code and trans­action type combination which are in Sanctions Queue for the logged in host.
External Exchange Rate Queue Displays the count of transactions for a specific network code and trans­action type combination which are in External Exchange Rate Queue for the logged in host.