2. Messaging

This document details bulker, de-bulker, router and the SWIFTNet connectivity framework to be built in the FLEXCUBE to send the bulked files to the SWIFTNet network through SAG with the File Act protocol.

The files are bulked and stored on Application server. The file from Application server will be transmitted to SWIFT over FTA.’

The system technically bulk MT messages and routes them to configured destination.

The system transmits and receives bulked files from SWIFT Network using SAG interface, through the FTA (Folder) connector.

This chapter contains the following sections:

2.1 Message Flow Diagrams

The below flow diagram depicts the flow of outgoing message:




The below diagram depicts the flow of incoming message:


The below diagram depicts the flow diagram of data exchange with SWIFTNet.


2.2 Key Features of Messaging

Routing rules is defined for each module. Using these routing rules the messages are sent to the mapped destinations. To achieve this multiple maintenances are introduced.

The following functionalities is developed to support the routing of messages to different destinations.

2.2.1 Rule Parameter

Rule parameters is part of day zero set up. There is no user interface to maintain this.

The following set of standard rule parameters is used for all type of rule definition-

2.2.2 Rule Definition

Rule configuration maintenance is provided to define the rule and to map it to a specific destination. Standard set of parameters are available while defining a rule. You can also provide values manually for evaluating the rules. On same screen option is provided to map rule to its destination. Each rule must belong to a rule group.

Messaging provides a router implementation which evaluates configured rules and identifies the destination for a message dynamically. The Routing capabilities in messaging include ability to define/modify rule configurations based on a set of pre-defined routing parameters. These parameters are stored in the Database and for each routing configuration; the values for these routing parameters is calculated at runtime, thus enabling dynamic routing configuration.

Destination for any message is mapped on the rule definition screen. This is done by specifying the rules which unambiguously lead to the selection of a single destination to be used for outward transmission of data from messaging.

Routing configuration supports routing based on the messaging standard parameters.

Routing rule can be mapped to following entities in the system.

2.2.3 Rule Group

You can group one or more modules into different groups. Based on the rule groups a module is associated with, mapped rules are executed to identify the qualifying rule definition and thus destination for any message.

Each module can belong to only one rule group to avoid ambiguous results.

The modules for which routing rules should be used for identifying the destination is added to a default rule group as part of day zero script.

When a message is received from a modules that is not a part of any rule group, the existing EMS flow is considered to identify its destination.

2.2.4 Rule Priority

You can provide priority of rules belonging to a rule group. Based on this priority, rules are executed to identify the qualifying rule definition and thus destination for any message. First rule that matches the message properties is used to identify the destination for that message.

2.3 Basic Maintenance for File Exchange

A message is routed to the specific SWIFT connector, bulker, folder or queue if they meet certain user-defined criteria.

Routing Rules are defined for each module. Using these routing rules, the messages are sent to the mapped destinations. To achieve this, the following maintenances are introduced:

2.3.1 Invoking Distinguished Name Definition Screen

The Distinguished Name (DN) serves to uniquely identify any entity that sends or receives messages over SWIFTNet.

Distinguished name follow an X.500-compliant naming convention. Refer the SWIFTNet Naming and Address Guide from SWIFT for more details.

You can invoke ‘Distinguished Name Definition’ screen by typing MSDDSTNM‘’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button...

You can specify the following fields:

Distinguished Name ID

Specify the unique identification of the distinguished name.

Distinguished Name

Specify the distinguished name to identify the entity that sends or gets messages.


Specify the description of the distinguished name.

2.3.2 Viewing Distinguished Name Summary

This summary screen is used to view the distinguished name serves. It includes the information about the various distinguished names and the description.

You can invoke “Distinguished Name Summary” screen by typing ‘MSSDSTNM’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

You can search using one or more of the following parameters:

Once you have specified the search parameters, click ‘Search’ button. The system displays the records that match the search criteria for the following:

2.3.3 Invoking SWIFTNet Service Definition Screen

This screen is used to capture SWIFTNet service details.

SWIFT Net service should be a valid SWIFT Net service to which the bank has registered to send the message.

When the message is sent through the File Act , the service name attribute is sent with the envelope.

This service name defined from this screen gets listed in the protocol parameters to choose the service name, which is used for constructing the envelope to send to SWIFT Net.

You can invoke ‘SWIFTNet Service Definition’ screen by typing ‘MSDSWTSR’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button...

You can specify the following fields:

Service Name

Specify the SWIFTnet Service name.

Service Mode

Select any one of the service modes.


Real Time option is selected by default.

Requestor DN

Specify the DN that send request to the service.


You must provide at least one DN.

Responder DN

Specify the DN that responds request to the service.


You must provide at least one DN.

2.3.4 Viewing SWIFTNet Service Summary

This summary screen is used to display SWIFTNet service details.

You can invoke “SWIFTNet Service Summary” screen by typing ‘MSSSWTSR’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

You can search using one or more of the following parameters:

Once you have specified the search parameters, click ‘Search’ button. The system displays the records that match the search criteria for the following

2.3.5 Invoking Protocol Parameter Definition Screen


This screen is used to capture protocol parameters for FTA protocol used to connect to SWIFT Net. These are additional SWIFTNet connectivity attributes, which are required for SWIFTNet file transfer and communication with SWIFT Network.

You can invoke ‘Protocol Parameter Definition’ screen by typing ‘MSDPTPRM’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button...

You can specify the following fields:

Protocol Parameter Name

Specify the name of the Protocol Parameter.


Specify the description of the Protocol Parameter set.

Protocol Type Mode

The name of the protocol for which parameter list is defined.


Specify the parameters for the protocol.


Specify the value of the parameter.

2.3.6 Viewing Protocol Parameter Definition Summary

This summary screen is used to display protocol parameters captured for FTA.

You can invoke “Protocol Parameter Definition Summary” screen by typing ‘MSSPTPRM’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

You can search using one or more of the following parameters:

Once you have specified the search parameters, click ‘Search’ button. The system displays the records that match the search criteria for the following

2.3.7 Invoking Rule Definition Screen

Rule Definition screen will be provided in EMS module to capture the Rule details.

You can invoke ‘Rule Definition’ screen by typing ‘MSDRLDFN’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button..

You can specify the following fields:

Rule Name

Specify the unique rule name.


Enter a brief description of the rule name.

Destination Type

Specify the type of destination to which the messages matching the rule criteria is being sent. Select any of the options given below:

Folder Path

Specify the folder path if the destination is folder.

Queue JNDI Name

Specify the name of JNDI Queue. This is mandatory if the destination type is Queue.

Protocol Type

Specify the type of Protocol.

Protocol Name

Specify the required protocol for the selected protocol.

SWIFTNet Connectivity

Specify the name of the connector if the destination type is SWIFTNet.

Bulk Rule Name

Select the required bulk rule name.

Expression Section

Specify the value of the parameter.


Specify the value of the parameter.

Left Operand Type

Specify the value of the parameter. The type can be constant, parameter or expression.

Left Operand Data Type

Specify the value of the parameter. The value can be string, date, boolean or number.

Left Operand

Specify the value of the parameter. If left operator is parameter values from the static table is populated, if its constant then any constant can be selected or expression is build if its a expression.


Specify the value of the parameter like equal to, less than and so on.

Right Operand Type

Specify the value of the parameter.

Right Operand Data Type

Specify the value of the parameter.

Right Operand

Specify the value of the parameter.


Specify the value of the parameter.

Logical Operators

Specify the value of the parameter.

Pre Defined Functions

Specify the value of the parameter.

Parameter Name

Specify the value of the parameter.

Parameter Value

Specify the value of the parameter.

Parameter Type

Specify the value of the parameter.

Expression For

Specify the value of the parameter.

Final Expression

Specifies the final expression built for the rule.

Build Expression

Specifies the final expression built for the rule.

2.3.8 Viewing Rule Definition Summary

You can invoke “Rule Definition Summary” screen by typing ‘MSSRLDFN’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

You can search using one or more of the following parameters:

Once you have specified the search parameters, click ‘Search’ button. The system displays the records that match the search criteria for the following

2.3.9 Invoking Rule Group Definition Screen

Rule Group Definition screen is provided to capture the Rule group details. A logical grouping of the routing rules can be done using this group name.

Populate Rules button populates all the routing rules defined which can be moved or swapped.

On click of ‘populate rules’ all the rules marked for the group are listed and priority of which can be changed.

From the populated list select a rule priority for swapping and enter another priority visible on search result in Move to/Swap to field to swap the selected rule priority with the priority entered.

From the populated list select a priority for moving and enter another priority visible on search result in Move to/Swap to field to move the selected rule priority with the priority entered.

You can invoke ‘Rule Group Definition’ screen by typing ‘MSDRLGRP’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button..

You can specify the following fields:

Rule Group Name

Specify the unique rule group name.


Enter a brief description of the rule group.

Rule Name

Specify the rule name from the rule definition screen.

Rule Priority

Specify the priority of the rule name.

Move To/ Swap

Specify whether the priority must be swapped or moved.


Click the Move button to move the priority record.


Click the Swap button to swap the priority record.

2.3.10 Viewing Rule Group Summary

You can invoke “Rule Group Summary” screen by typing ‘MSSRLGRP’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

You can search using one or more of the following parameters:

Once you have specified the search parameters, click ‘Search’ button. The system displays the records that match the search criteria for the following

2.3.11 Invoking Rule Group Mapping Screen

Modules can be mapped to the rule groups defined.

In case a rule group is mapped to the module then all the rules from rule group are executed and the destination is derived.

If there is no rule group mapping for the module then the normal EMS flow should get executed.

You can invoke ‘Rule Group Mapping’ screen by typing ‘MSDRLMAP’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button..

You can specify the following fields:

Rule Group Name

Specify the unique rule group name.

Module Id

Specify the module that needs to be mapped to the created rule group.

2.3.12 Viewing Rule Group Mapping Summary

You can invoke “Rule Group Mapping Summary” screen by typing ‘MSSRLMAP’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

You can search using one or more of the following parameters:

Once you have specified the search parameters, click ‘Search’ button. The system displays the records that match the search criteria for the following

2.4 Bulking and De-bulking of SWIFT MT Messages

The following are the list of functionalities that are part of Bulker Framework:

2.4.1 Invoking Bulk Preference Definition Screen

Bulk Preference Definition screen is used to configure the preferences to be used during the bulking process.

It also defines the scheduling parameters to automate the bulking process, like start time, end time and frequency.

Compression required and compression type is applicable only for SWIFTNet connectivity not for other destination types.

You can invoke ‘Bulk Preference Definition’ screen by typing MSDBLKRL’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button...

You can specify the following fields:

Bulk Preference Name

Specify the name used for storing the Bulk Preference.

Volume Based Trigger

Check this box to configure volume based bulking.

Maximum number of messages

Specify the maximum number of messages that can be stored in a bulk file.

Minimum number of messages

Specify the maximum number of messages that can be stored in a bulk file.

Maximum size in KB

Specify the distinguished name to identify the entity that sends or gets messages.

Minimum size in KB

Specify the distinguished name to identify the entity that sends or gets messages.

Size based Trigger

Check this field to configure size based bulking.

Scheduler Type

Select the type of scheduler. Choose any one of the following:

Start Time

Specify the Start Time of the trigger. Enter the format in HH:MM format.

End Time

Specify the Start Time of the trigger. Enter the format in HH:MM format.

Time Interval in Min

Specify the interval of the repeat in MM format.

Scheduling No

Specify the scheduling sequence.

Start Hour

Specify the start hour of the scheduling sequence.

Start Min

Specify the start minute for frequency based scheduler.

Bulk File Name Prefix

Specify the prefix to indicate the name of the bulk file.

Maximum size of a file of KB

Specify the maximum size of a bulk file in KB.

Payload Delimiter

Specify the delimiter while bulking messages.

Maximum settlement amount for a file

Specify the maximum settlement for a file that must be considered while bulking messages.

File Format

Select the file that must be used while bulking messages.

File Type

Select the file type that must be used while bulking messages.

Compression Required

Check this box to indicate that file compression is required.

Compression Type

Specify the required type of compression.

Destination Type

Specify the type of destination.

Folder Path

Specify the user defined destination folder path.

Queue JNDI Name

Specify the name of the Queue if the destination type is Queue.

Protocol Type

Select the type of Protocol.

Protocol Name

Specify the protocol name required for FTA protocols.

2.4.2 Viewing Bulking Preference Definition Summary

This summary screen is used to view the bulk rules defined. It includes the information about the scheduler, file, bulk and destination attributes.

You can invoke “Bulking Preference Definition Summary” screen by typing ‘MSSBLKRL’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

You can search using one or more of the following parameters:

Once you have specified the search parameters, click ‘Search’ button. The system displays the records that match the search criteria for the following:

2.4.3 Invoking Debulk Rule Definition Screen

DeBulk Rule Definition is the criteria to define how a file from External Network would be segregated into messages and sent to business application.

You can invoke ‘Debulk Rule Definition’ screen by typing MSDDEBRL’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button...

You can specify the following fields:

De bulk Rule Name

Specify the name of the debulk file.

Payload Delimiter

Specify the delimiter between payloads.


Select the type of protocol.

Decompression Required

Check this box if debulk processing requires decompression.

Decompression Type

Select the type of decompression. Choose among the following:

2.4.4 Viewing Debulk Rule Summary

You can invoke “Debulk Rule Summary” screen by typing ‘MSSDEBRL’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

You can search using one or more of the following parameters:

Once you have specified the search parameters, click ‘Search’ button. The system displays the records that match the search criteria for the following:

2.4.5 Invoking Bulker Monitor Screen

This is the screen to monitor the bulk scheduler execution.

You can view the bulk preference name and the execution start time , end time , execution status and no of files generated.

You can initiate the ad-hoc bulking for the selected bulk preference.

To initiate the adhoc manual bulking the detail screen has to be invoked and click on the adhoc bulking button to trigger the adhoc bulking for the chosen bulk preference.

To Reprocess the messages which are got failed in the previous bulking process user has to invoke bulk monitor details screen. Then click on the user regenerate button to reprocess the failed message to reprocess.

You can invoke ‘Bulker Monitor’ screen by typing MSSBLKMN’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button...

You can search using one or more of the following parameters:

Once you have specified the search parameters, click ‘Search’ button. The system displays the records that match the search criteria for the following:

2.4.6 Invoking Outgoing Message Browser Screen

Additional fields are introduced in the outgoing browser to track the status of the message and along with bulk criteria and bulk reference number.

The new fields are bulk status, bulk file reference number and bulk preference name.

If the message is not satisfied with any of the bulk rule defined in the system, then bulk status will be marked as NA (Bulking not applicable).

You can invoke ‘Outgoing Message Browser’ screen by typing PMDOUTBR’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

You can specify the following fields:


The system displays the type of operation.

Any or Original

The system displays if the message was ‘Any’ or ‘Original’.

Message Details

Document Number

Specify the Document Number.

Message Status

The system displays the status of the message.

Reference Number

Specify the reference number

Hold/Release Status

The system displays if the message is in Hold or Released status.


Specify the module name.

Acknowledgement Status

The system displays the acknowledgement status of the message.

Message Type

Specify the type of message.

External Reference

Specify the external reference details.


Specify the Receiver details.

Delivery By

Specify the Delivery details of the message.


Specify the currency that is specified in the message.

RTGS Network

Specify the RTGS Network.

Testing Status

The system checks this box, if the message requires testing..

DCN List

Specify the DCN List details.

Receiver Details


Specify the name of the Receiver.


Specify the Receiver Node.


Specify the location of the Receiver.


Specify the branch of the Receiver.


Specify the address details of the Receiver in the lines provided from 1 o 4.

SWIFT Message Type

Specify the SWIFT Message Type.


The system displays the priority of the message.

Hold Mail

The system check this box, if the mail must be held.


Specify the Exception details.


Specify the media details.

Test Word Details


Specify the Test Word details.

Test Amount

Specify the Test Amount

Test Date

Specify the date of testing.

Test Currency

Specify the currency used for testing.

Test Word Narrative

Specify the Test Word details.

2.4.7 Viewing Outgoing Message Browser Summary

You can invoke “Outgoing Message Browser Summary” screen by typing ‘PMSOUTBR’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

You can search using one or more of the following parameters:

Once you have specified the search parameters, click ‘Search’ button. The system displays the records that match the search criteria.

2.4.8 Invoking Incoming Message Browser Screen

This screen is modified to view the incoming message details like source type and SWIFTNet connector name.

You can invoke ‘Incoming Message Browser’ screen by typing PMDINBRW’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button...

You can specify the following fields:

Document Number

Specify the Document Number.

Reference No

Specify the Reference Number of the document.


Specify the reference number.


Specify the required media.

SWIFT Message Type

Specify the required SWIFT Message Type.


Specify the queue name.

Required Execution Date

Specify the required execution date.


Select the required operation.


Specify the name.

Address 1

Specify the address.

Address 2

Specify the address.

Address 3

Specify the address.

Address 4

Specify the address.


Specify the required location.


Specify the required status.


Specify the required currency.


Specify the amount.

Value Date

Specify the value date.

External Reference

Specify the external reference number.

Multi Credit Reference

Specify the multi credit reference details.


Specify the required branch.

Media Control System

Specify the Media Control System.


Specify the required node.


Specify the testword.

Repair Reason

Specify the Repair Reason.

Reason Description

Specify the description of the reason.

Suppress Details

Process Status

Specify the status of the process.

PDE Flag

Check the PDE flag if required.


Specify the any remarks of the Suppress details.

Suppress Message

Specify the suppress message details.

Checker Date Stamp

The system specifies the Checker Date Stamp.

Checker Id

Specify the identification of the checker.

Modification Number

Specify the modification number.

Entry By

Specify the identification of the maker.

Release Time

Specify the Release Time.

Cover Match Status

Specify the status of the cover match.

Suppress Status

Specify the status of the suppress.

Funding Exception Status

Specify the status of the Funding Exception.

Authorization Status

Check the Authorization Status box, if required.

2.4.9 Viewing Incoming Message Browser Summary

You can invoke “Incoming Message Browser Summary” screen by typing ‘PMSINBRW’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

You can search using one or more of the following parameters:

Once you have specified the search parameters, click ‘Search’ button. The system displays the records that match the search criteria.

2.5 File Transmission over SWIFTNet

The following are the list of functionalities that are part of File Transmission over SWIFTNet:

2.5.1 Invoking File Transfer Adapter Connector Configuration Screen

This new screen is used to capture the parameters required for SWIFT Net FileAct connectivity using FTA.

They define the mode of transmission and the parameters required to actually perform the message transmission.

You can invoke ‘File Transfer Adapter Connector Configuration’ screen by typing ‘MSDFTACN’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

You can specify the following fields:

Operation Mode

Select the type of connectivity. Choose between Inbound and Outbound.

Parameter File Required

Check this box if FCM creates or receives a Parameter File corresponding to each and every data file in configured file directory along with data file.

Data file LAU

Check this box if FCM calculates the LAU of Data File and puts the calculated value in parameter file.

Parameter File LAU

Check this box if parameters defined at emission profile of SAG side are overridden by information in companion file.

Allow Overriding on SAG Profile

Check this box if parameters defined at the emission profile of SAG side will be overridden by information in Companion file.

File Directory

Specifies store details of emission directory for outbound connectivity and reception directory for inbound flow.

Log Directory

Specifies the responses from SAG.

Success Directory

For Outbound connectivity, Delivery notification response related to file transfer status from the SAG are placed in this directory. For inbound connectivity file transfer, success status files are placed in this folder.

Debulk Required

Check this box, if debulk is required for inbound messages.

Debulk Rule Name

Specifies the debulk rule name.


Specifies the node details. This is mandatory for inbound.


Specifies the media details. This is mandatory for inbound.

Media Control System

Specifies the media control system. This is mandatory for inbound.

Host Code

Specify the Host code of the logged in user.

2.5.2 Viewing File Transfer Adapter Connector Configuration Summary

You can invoke “File Transfer Connector Configuration Summary” screen by typing ‘MSSFTCON’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

You can search using one or more of the following parameters:

Once you have specified the search parameters, click ‘Search’ button. The system displays the records that match the search criteria for the following:

2.5.3 Invoking Connectivity Operation Manager Screen

This screen is used to start and stop the connectivity lines.

You can search for the connectivity lines and perform the operation start/stop on the line searched.

You can invoke ‘Connectivity Operation Manager’ screen by typing ‘MSDCNMGR’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button...

You can specify the following fields:


Specify the required connectivity line.

Operation Type

Select the type of operation.


Specify the display line status.


Click the Start button to start the connectivity line.


Click the Stop button to start the connectivity line.

2.5.4 Invoking Outbound File Browser Screen

This screen is used to view the bulk files generated for the bulk criteria maintained in the system.

You can search based on the Bulk criteria (rule) name, Generated date, File Name and Status.

File details like name of the bulker file, status, bulk rule name, file generated time, bulk reference number, Size of the file; number of transactions bulked is shown in the details.

File can be resent to the destination if the file status is not processed.

You can invoke ‘Outbound File Browser’ screen by typing ‘MSSFLBRW’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button...

You can specify the following fields:

File Reference Number

Specify the File Reference Number of the generated file.

Generated Date

Specify the date of the generated file.

File Status

Specify the file status of the generated file.

Network Code

Specify the network code of the generated file.

File Type

Specify the type of the generated file.

Handoff Status

Specify the handoff status of the generated file.


Specify the media of the generated file.


Specify the module of the generated file.

2.5.5 Invoking Inbound File Browser Screen

This new screen can be used to view the bulk files received from SWIFT Net through the FileAct connectors.

You can search based on the File Name, Received date time and status of the file.

Files received through FileAct connectors is sent to the EMS after parsing the payload file.

De-bulking of the file happen in the EMS.

You can invoke ‘Inbound File Browser’ screen by typing ‘MSSIFBRW’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button...

You can specify the following fields:

File Name

Specify the name of the received file.

File Reference Number

Specify the unique reference number of the generated file.

Received Date

Specify the date and time of the received file.


Specify the status of the file.

FileAct Connector Name

Specify the connector through which the file is received.

Host Code

Specify the host code of the received file.

Source Code

Specify the source code of the received file.


Specify the media of the generated file.