================================================================================ Oracle Endeca Information Discovery Integrator ETL GENERAL (3.2.0) - Release Date: January 2016 - This release is compatible with the Oracle Endeca Server 7.6 and 7.7 release. - The release notes may have been updated since the release date. Access the Oracle Documentation page at http://docs.oracle.com for the most recent version of the release notes. INSTALLATION (3.2.0) - See the "Oracle Endeca Information Discovery Integrator Integrator ETL Installation Guide" for installation information. BUG FIXES (3.2.0) * 18043288: ClassNotFoundException was thrown when running graph in Integrator ETL. * 18706612: Pivot component produced wrong data for string keys. * 19136498: The dimension tables pruning of the OBI Server wizard did not work correctly. * 19312173: Certain text was not being tagged by the Text Tagger in Japanese. * 20962154: Bulk load was failing with a timeout error. * 21351145: Bulk load failed when a bulk load job from another graph was started. * 21447560: The Delete Records component was timing out. * 21888618: Salience themes normalization settings added spaces in front of many themes. * 22005856: The Bulk Add/Replace component failed with a RemoteException. * IETL-50: In the Load Data from OBI wizard, if the encryption key for the OBI server password contained a space, the graph Baseline.grf failed to run. * IETL-69: When the Integrator ETL Server was installed on Oracle Enterprise Linux 6.4, the Service Detail page failed to display and returned an error. * IETL-80: When the Integrator ETL Server was installed on Linux, no validation window was displayed when clicking the Operation Name button on the Web Service Client component. * IETL-81: When Integrator ETL Designer was installed on Linux, the Add Libraries window was not displayed after clicking the "+" button on the Hadoop HDFS connection. * IETL-87: When the Integrator ETL Designer was installed on Linux, right- clicking in any input field caused Integrator ETL to freeze. * IETL-120: When deploying Integrator ETL Server to a WebLogic Server operating in Production Mode, the Integrator ETL Server failed to start the first time after it was deployed. If you restarted the WebLogic domain, both the WebLogic Domain and the Integrator ETL Server started successfully, but the WebLogic console and the AdminServer log file reported exceptions and the WebLogic internal service wls-wsat.war failed to start. KNOWN ISSUES (3.2.0) * IETL-52: For components which support the "Maximum number of failed batches" property, if the number of failed batches exceeds the number specified in this property, the error information was not written to the error port. * IETL-82: On the Universal Data Reader component, if the value of the "Number of skipped records" property is set to "0", the graph does not fail and return an error when it should do so. * IETL-133: When using the Add KVPs component, if the value of the specKey input property does not exist in the data domain, a new record is created that does not belong to any collection. ================================================================================