Using the numbered points list

When a numbered point layer is displayed on the Map component, the component by default displays the numbered point list to the right of the map.

Numbered points list on a Map component

You can use the expand/collapse icon to the left of the list to show or hide the list.

The list also uses the standard pagination to allow you to page through the list and control the number of points to display per page. See Paging through component data.

From the numbered point list:

  1. If there is more than one numbered point layer, then from the Map Layer drop-down list, select the layer for which to display the numbered point list.
  2. To change the sort order for the numbered point list:
    1. From the Sort drop-down list, select the attribute to use for the sort.
    2. To switch the sort direction, click the sort direction toggle. When you change the sort for a numbered point layer, it affects the points displayed on the map.