============================================================================= The Oracle Endeca Web Acquisition Toolkit GENERAL (3.2.0) - Release Date: January 2016 - The release notes may have been updated since the release date. Access the Oracle Documentation page at http://docs.oracle.com for the most recent version of the release notes. LICENSING (3.2.0) - The Oracle Endeca Web Acquisition Toolkit download is provided with a provisional license key. Please contact Oracle licensing (licensecodes_ww@oracle.com) to request your permanent key. INSTALLATION (3.2.0) - See the "Oracle Endeca Web Acquisition Toolkit Installation Guide" for installation information. ============================================================================= Kapow Katalyst NEW FEATURES (9.6.2) Design Studio has the following new features: - Wait Criteria NOTE: This feature is available when using the Default browser engine Kapow 9.6 features a new set of logic designed to help you build robots that are faster and more reliable than what was achievable with prior versions of Kapow. Every robot step, which requires the browser to start running, can now be configured with a set of criteria to pinpoint when the processing of an action (such as a click or a page load) has completed enough for the robot to continue. The default behavior of loading browser data has changed to take into account the JavaScript events, and pause the browser if there are no DOM changes for 500ms. On some sites this causes the browser to stop loading too soon and not all data are shown, or it is showing a wait spinner. Then you can use the "Continue when" property to adjust the wait criteria. New Property: Continue When Property on Browser Engine steps Control when the browser engine step can pause the browser and continue to the next step based on a set of criteria. The criteria can be added in the Continue When property or by right-clicking the element in the browser or source views. New Step: Wait in Browser The new step waits with an active browser until a specific condition is met. It corresponds to "Wait for Timer Events" in the existing Wait step, but with the possibility to use the new "Continue when" property. For more information see "Using Wait Criteria" in the Design Studio section of the online help. - Frames view This is a new feature in Design Studio significantly improves how sites with embedded frames are handled. Instead of showing frames as tabs in the main Browser view, embedded frames are shown in a separate Frame view, where they can be easily accessed if needed. The Frame view is located next to the Variables tab at the bottom right corner of Design Studio. The Frames tab shows all the top-level browser frames and all their sub-frames as a tree. The view also contains a preview panel showing details about the selected frame. Since Design Studio starting from version 9.6 no longer shows the sub-frames by default in the page view, the Frames view is the only place to get an overview of the frames. The labels of the top-level frames in the Frames tree are the same as the tab titles in the Page view, that is, if the HTML shown in the frame has a title, then this is shown, otherwise the URL is shown. The labels of sub-frames are shown by their names (Unnamed (n) if they have no name). A node in the Frames tree may have various decorations such as: - An orange box around a label: the frame is the current window - A gray box around a label: the frame is currently selected in the page view - Light gray background color around the label: the frame is open in the page view - The label and the icon is dimmed: the frame has no view (its viewport is zero height or zero width) The Frames Preview panel next to the Frames Tree shows details about the selected in the tree frame. The details shown are the URL and a small rendering of the browser view of the frame with an overlay showing the size of the frame, e.g. 1263 x 1024. If a frame is blocked by URL blocking, then this is shown with "forbidden" sign both in the preview and in the tree. NOTE: The Frames Preview panel is only available for robots designed with the Default browser engine. Frame View Actions - Set as Current Window: inserts a "Set Current Window" step into the robot which is configured to open the frame with the name of the selected node (the name is shown in the tooltip on the node) - Close Window: inserts a step in the robot to close the frame - Open/Close: opens or closes a frame in the page view (a tab). Only works on non-toplevel frames since the top-level frames are always open. Note that this command does not insert any step into the robot. - Block URL: opens a dialog box for editing a URL blocking pattern for the frame and add this pattern to the robot's list of Blocked URL Patterns - Select in Browser View: select the frame element in the browser view that defined the frame. If the frame containing the element is not open in the Page View, then this frame is opened. - Improved page view The Page view has been improved in a number of ways: - The view no longer shows non-top-level windows, such as frames, iframes, and etc. unless any of them is selected as the current window or has explicitly been opened by the user (using the Open action described in Frame View Actions). - The current window is now shown with an orange box around the tab title. - The tabs have an icon that for Browser view tabs is the favicon of the shown site, and for other types of tab is the default icon that shows what type of data is displayed in the tab. - The tab titles for Browser view tabs are now the titles or URLs of the corresponding web site. - If a tab shows a sub-frame and this is not the current window, there is a close button on the tab. - The Browser view tabs have actions identical to those shown in the Frames tree. A few new actions have been added to the popup (context) menu of the Browser and Source View: - Open Frame in Tab: this command does the same as the Open action on the Frames tree. - Set as Current Window: this is actually not new, but now has a slightly different functionality. this command inserts a Set Current Window step in the robot configured to find the window using a tag finder instead of just the window name. - Improved Project tree view The My Projects view and the Shared Projects view have been changed to show open robot and selected robot. If a robot is opened in Design Studio, then it has a light gray background in the project trees and if the robot is also the currently selected robot (the one that you see in Design Studio Robot editor), it also has a gray box around it in the project tree. - Databases view The Databases view shows both Design Studio and Management Console databases. The view shows databases from any connected Management Console. The connections to Management Consoles can be configured in Settings > Design Studio Settings > Management Console. The databases are fetched via database mappings in the Management Console. In order to have the databases displayed in Design Studio Databases view, database mappings must exist for those cluster databases you want to share with the Design Studio users. The cluster databases, which are not mapped are not displayed in Design Studio. For more information see Mapping Databases in the Design Studio section of the online help. - Management Console databases tab A new tab under Repository > Databases helps you to make project specific database mappings. You can link your robot to different databases in a cluster by using mappings and you can create new mappings on this tab. Database mappings have project scope that is, you cannot have database mapping objects with the same name in one project. The Data view has changed to use the database mappings, providing organization by project, and enabling defining access rights to databases (schemas). BEHAVIORAL CHANGES (9.6.2) Kapow 9.6 is backwards compatible with 9.5, so in general there should be no need to updating or modifying existing running robots, unless you want to take advantage of the new features of 9.6. For example, replacing the legacy wait criteria used in previous versions with the new 9.6 default settings can significantly improve robot performance and reliability. See below how to upgrade the robots. - Upgrading Existing Robots to 9.6 A legacy wait criteria is added to Robots from previous versions (9.3, 9.4, 9.5) using the "Wait Real Time for browser events" for backward compatibility and ensuring same behavior as in 9.5. This cannot be edited, but it can be removed and replaced with new criteria to improve performance if possible. To switch to the new default settings when updating an existing robot to 9.6, go to the File > Configure Robot dialog box, click the Advanced tab and clear the Use Pre 9.6 Default Waiting check box. - Changes in Wait and Wait in Browser Steps In version 9.6.2 the Wait step does not contain the Wait Action parameters. The Wait in Browser step is renamed to Resume Browser. The Wait step, created in previous versions, is converted to the new steps as follows: ▪ The old Wait step is converted to the new Wait step, if the wait action was "Wait". ▪ The old Wait step is converted to the Resume Browser step if the wait action was "Fire timer events". KNOWN ISSUES (9.6.2) - Design Studio Wait Criteria - In some situations it is not possible to wait for a specific HTML element to appear if the element is located in a subframe. - The tag finder generated when inserting a wait criteria is in rare situations not fully optimized and needs to be manually tweaked to ensure that it always waits for the correct element. Browser Engine The SVG graphics format is not fully supported and does not always revert to the correct state when looping or going backwards in the robot. Smart Re-execution Not all steps are supported in the Smart Re-execution (full execution) mode (for more information, see the Kapow Katalyst Limitations topic in the online help).