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Oracle Argus Safety Japanese User's Guide
Release 7.0.3
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5 Utilities

This chapter lists the changes that have been introduced in MedDRA browser in the Argus Safety 7.0.3 release.

MedDRA Browser

  • A new checkbox has been added in MedDRA browser "Include Non-current terms" as shown in the screenshot below. This is unchecked by default.

    Figure 5-1 Case Form - MedDRA browser with Noncurrent terms option

    Surrounding text describes Figure 5-1 .
  • This checkbox is enabled only when MedDRA Browser is used for searching on local MedDRA dictionaries.

  • When MedDRA Browser opens up to perform further searches on MedDRA Web Service, then this checkbox is unchecked and disabled.

  • When the user searches for a term by marking "Include Non-current terms" checkbox, the system retrieves the matching non current terms along with the Current terms.

  • The Non current LLT terms are displayed preceded with an asterisk (*) symbol separated by a space, in the search results grid as well as bottom section which displayed the selected term details. On clicking on non current term, system displays its PT, HLT, HLGT, and SOC terms. Note that existing application logic to determine non-currency of a term is either based on English or Japanese currency of the term in different scenarios. Hence, the asterisk (*) symbol that is displayed is appropriate.

    • If MedDRA J is not configured, then only English currency is used.

    • If MedDRA J is configured and MedDRA Browser is opened from a Japanese base language screen, then only Japanese currency is used.

    • If MedDRA J is configured, MedDRA Browser is opened from an English base language screen (for English as well as Argus J user), and Country of Incidence is Japan, then English as well as Japanese currency is used.

    • If MedDRA J is configured, MedDRA Browser is opened from an English base language screen (for English as well as Argus J user), and Country of Incidence is not Japan, then only English currency is used.

  • On selecting a noncurrent term in the MedDRA browser by clicking 'Select' button, the following message is displayed:

    Selected term is a non-current term in the MedDRA dictionary. Please select a current term.

  • The MedDRA Browser print PDF also displays the asterisk (*) symbol in front of the non-current LLT.

    Figure 5-2 Case Form - MedDRA browser Print

    Surrounding text describes Figure 5-2 .
  • The MedDRA Browser print PDF displays the footnote as follows in the Print PDF report:

    * Non-current MedDRA term