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Oracle® Application Integration Architecture Installation and Upgrade Guide for Pre-Built Integrations
Release 11.5

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22 Configuring and Deploying Design to Release: Agile - SAP

This chapter discusses how to configure and deploy the Agile Product Lifecycle Management Integration Pack for SAP: Design to Release (Design to Release: Agile - SAP integration).

This chapter includes the following sections:

22.1 Deployment Configuration Wizard

The DCW screens prompt you to enter the data required for successful configuration of the Design to Release: Agile - SAP integration. Enter the details of the Design to Release: Agile - SAP integration screens below take a printout and keep it ready when you run the DCW. This action enables faster and error free configuration.

22.1.1 Integration Server Details Screen

All artifacts associated with the integration infrastructure components deploy to the integration server. This screen contains the following fields:

Table 22-1 Integration Server Details Screen Fields

Field Description

Admin Host Name

This is where the admin server resides. This can be a remote server or the same computer where the AIA Pre-Built Integrations Installer is launched. Example:

The Admin Host Name is _________________________________

Admin Port

This is the port number on which Weblogic Admin server is started. To find this value contact WebLogic administrator. Example: 7001.

The Admin Port is _____________________________________

Domain Name

This is WebLogic server domain corresponding to the Admin Server. Example: domain1

The Domain Name is _____________________________________

Admin User

This value is the WebLogic admin user name. To find this value contact your WebLogic administrator.

The Admin User is __________________________________

Admin Password

This value is the WebLogic admin password. To find this value contact your WebLogic administrator.

The Admin Password is _____________________________________

Managed Server

After you enter the Admin Host name, Admin Port, Domain Name, Admin user name and Admin Password, this field gets populated with managed servers for the domain. Select the manager server from the list. If you are deploying the integration to a SOA cluster, you should select the cluster name in this field.

The Managed Server is _______________________________

Managed Port

This field gets updated automatically after you select the managed server. If you have configured a SOA Cluster the SOA Cluster port appears in the list.

22.1.2 Agile PLM Details Screen

Use this screen to enter details related to your Agile PLM Instance. The screen contains the following fields:

Table 22-2 Agile PLM Details Screen Fields

Field Description

Agile PLM Host

Specifies the system name. Example:

Agile PLM Host name is _________________

Agile PLM Port

This is the http port. This value depends on the webserver port and operating system of your Agile PLM instance. To find this value, contact your Agile PLM administrator. Example: 80.

Agile PLM Port is ____________________

Agile PLM Virtual Path

This value is the same virtual path entered during the Agile PLM installation. Example: Agile.

Agile PLM Virtual Path is ________________

Agile PLM Integration Username

This is the Agile PLM admin access user name.

Example: admin.

Agile PLM Integration Username is ________

Agile PLM Integration User Password

To find this value, contact your Agile PLM Administrator.

Agile PLM Integration User Password is ____________

Agile Version

This is a drop down list of Agile PLM Application versions.

Note: This drop down list may contain older versions of Agile PLM which are not supported by the PIP. To ensure that you have selected the right version of Agile PLM, see Chapter 2, "Agile Product Lifecycle Management Integration Pack for SAP."

22.1.3 Specify SAP Application Server Details

Use this screen to enter details related to your SAP Server instance. The screen contains the following fields:

Table 22-3 SAP Application Server Details

Field Description

SAP Application Server Name

Specifies the fully qualified system name of the SAP Application Server. Example:

The SAP application server name is -------------

System Number

This value specifies the system number of the SAP client.

The System Number is --------------

System ID

This value specifies the system Id of the SAP server.

The System ID is -----------------

Client ID

This is the SAP client number, which is used for integration.

The Client ID is -------------------

User Name

Specifies the authorized name used to logon to the SAP system.

The User Name is ------------


Authorized password to logon to SAP system. The Password is ------------------------


Logon language. This value is the Language pack installed on the SAP server.

The Language is ------------------

Code Page

Code page is used for double byte characters. If your file content has non-english characters then you must specify the Code page. The Code Page is ------------------

Gateway Service Name

The SAP Gateway carries out Communication Programming Interface Communication services. These services enable SAP Systems and external programs to communicate with one another.

The SAP Gateway Service name is --------------

Connection Pool Size

The maximum number of connections which are maintained in the SAP system. The Connection Pool size is --------------------

Gateway host

Specifies the name of the host where the SAP gateway service identified in the sap-gateway-service. The Gateway host is ---------------------

Program ID

This value is the Program ID of the SAP server. The Program ID is------------------

Sender Port

Specifies the name of the port used to send the data from other system through IDOCs.

The Sender Port is ---------------

Receiver Port

Specifies the name of the port used to receive the data from other system through IDOCs.

The Received Port is -------------------------

Message Server Name

This is the SAP message server name, if used.

22.1.4 Design to Release : Agile -SAP Configurations


The PIP schema details listed in Table 22-4 applies only for fresh install of AIA 11.5. These details will not be considered for other releases and upgrade to AIA 11.5.

Table 22-4 PIP Schema Details

Field Description

PIP Schema Name

Enter the name of the new schema to be created for the PIP queue tables. Default Value is plmpip.

PIP Schema password

Create a password for the schema.

Confirm PIP Schema password

Confirm the new password that you created.

22.1.5 SAP Adapter Installation and Configuration

The following tasks must be performed to install the SAP Adapter:

  1. Install Java Development Kit (JDK) version 160_22. Oracle Application Adapter for SAP R/3 is certified with JDK version 160_22.

  2. JDK is installed with Weblogic server installation. Go to Middleware_home\jdk160_22\jre

  3. Ensure that the JDK is added to your system PATH or on a pre-defined path.

  4. Access and sign in with the valid logon credentials.

  5. Navigate to select the corresponding Product Pack (Oracle Fusion Middleware) & Platform (Windows or Linux) to download the application adapters.

  6. At the command line prompt, run the command for your platform:

    Table 22-5 SAP Adapter Launch Commands

    Platform To launch the SAP Adapter Installer:


    Solaris SPARC


    IBM AIX Based Systems

    -is:javahome Path of the JDK Installer iwora11g.application-adapters.linux.bin or iwora11g.application-adapters.solaris.bin

    Microsoft Windows

    -is:javahome Path of the JDK Installer iwora11g.application-adapters.win32.exe

    The installation program uses the JDK version that is available in your system PATH or on a pre-defined path.

  7. Click Next

  8. The Oracle SOA Integration Home screen is displayed to enter the path where Oracle SOA suite is installed on your system. For example: C:\oracle_soa

  9. The installation program creates a subdirectory called Application Adapters under the Oracle SOA home where all the files for Oracle Application Adapter for SAP R/3 are installed.

    After the installation is complete, an Install Confirmation screen is displayed.

    Click Finish

  10. The Oracle Application Adapter for SAP R/3 is now installed on your system in the following directory:


  11. Navigate to \Middleware_home\Oracle_SOA1\soa\thirdparty\ApplicationAdapters and apply patch 13509998 using the opatch apply command.

22.1.6 Postinstallation Considerations

This section includes postinstallation considerations for the Oracle Application Adapter for SAP R/3, which include: Verifying Directory Structure

The Oracle Application Adapter for SAP R/3 is installed into the Application Adapters subdirectory of your Oracle WebLogic Integration home directory.

Table 22-6 shows the directory structure.

Table 22-6 Application Adapters Directory Structure

Directory Structure Description


Contains the uninstallation files


Contains the J2CA_SampleConfig subdirectory and

XML-file-based repository for OracleWLS Adapter J2CA


Contains the ibse.ear, iwafjca.ear, iwafjca.rar, and iwse.ora files


Contains the BSE application and repository configuration


Contains the J2CA Installation Verification Program (IVP


Contains library files


Contains the Application Explorer graphical user interface Copying the Library Files

Oracle Application Adapter for SAP R/3 requires you to copy library files to specific directories.

  1. Copy the library files which are given in the table below for the adapter into this directory:


  2. Copy the library files which are given in the table below into the lib directory for your domain.

    For example:


  3. Use any archive tool and open the archive containing the SAP JCo sapjco.jar, and extract the run time files.

    The file names can vary by operating system, but typically are contained in the root of the archive.


    All operating systems: You must place the sapjco.jar file in the Middleware_home\Oracle_SOA1\soa\thirdparty\ApplicationAdapters\lib directory. Then, you must add the sapjco.jar to the Oracle WebLogic Server classpath.

    On Windows, librfc32.dll should be placed in the %WINDIR%\system32 directory and sapjcorfc.dll should be placed in the same directory as sapjco.jar Middleware_home\Oracle_SOA1\soa\thirdparty\ApplicationAdapters\lib). On other platforms, use the corresponding location.

    These library files given below vary by operating system.

    Table 22-7 Library Files According to Operating System

    Adapter versions Library Files




    On UNIX platforms, the directory in which the shared library files are located must be added to the shared library variable applicable to the operating system.

    The following table is a list of platforms and associated variables:

    Table 22-8 Associated Variables According to the Platform

    Platform Variable





    Other UNIX Platforms


    Solaris: The following are the two supported methods for specifying the SAP library files:

    • Copy the SAP JCO files (sapjco.jar,, and to jdk/jre/lib/sparc/server

    • Copy the SAP JCO files to /usr/j2sdk1.4.2_09/jre/lib/sparcv9/server

    Alternatively, you may add the path to these files to your environment variable definition using the Application Server Control Console.

    For details on application server administration options, see Oracle Application Server Administrator's Guide.

    See Oracle Fusion Middleware Application Adapter for SAP R/3 User's Guide for Oracle WebLogic Server for any additional steps required for SAP R/3

22.1.7 SAP Adapter Configuration

The Business Service Engine (BSE) exposes, as web services, enterprise assets that are accessible from the adapter regardless of the programming language or the particular operating system.

In addition, you can use BSE as a standalone Java application running in Oracle WebLogic Integration.

BSE Configuration is required in SAP adapter for SAP Inbound adapter configuration and JCA. Configuration is required for SAP Outbound adapter configuration and these details are mentioned in the document below.

The J2CA runs in J2EE Connector Architecture compliant application servers and uses the Common Client Interface (CCI) to provide integration services using Oracle Application Adapter for SAP R/3. After you deploy the connector, you can access the adapter. Configuring a File System Repository

The default location for the repository on Windows is:

wls_home\ApplicationAdapters\ibse.war\ibserepo.xml Configuring the Oracle Database Repository for J2CA

  1. Execute the iwse.ora SQL script on the computer where the SOA database is installed. The iwse.ora SQL script is located in the following directory: wls_home\ApplicationAdapters\etc.

  2. Run the sql script by connecting to database with user name and password

    SQL > @ iwse.ora

  3. Create the file and save it in the following directory: wls_home\ ApplicationAdapters \config\J2CA_SampleConfig

  4. Enter values for iwafjca.repo.url, iwafjca.repo.user and iwafjca.repo.password fields in the newly created file, as shown in the following example:

    iwafjca.repo.url=jdbc:oracle:thin:@DB IP address:port:orcl

    iwafjca.repo.user=user name


  5. Navigate to the following directory: WLS_HOME\erp-adapters\iwafjca.rar\META-INF

  6. Open the ra.xml file in a text editor.

  7. Provide the JDBC connection information as a value for the IWAYRepo_URL Property.

  8. Provide a valid user name for the IWAYRepo_User property.

  9. Provide a valid password for the IWAYRepo_Password property.

  10. Save your changes to the ra.xml file.

  11. Execute the iwse.ora SQL script on the computer where the database is installed.


The file is required Configuring the Oracle Database Repository for BSE

  1. Execute the iwse.ora SQL script on the computer where the database is installed.

    The iwse.ora SQL script is located in the following directory:

    wls_home\ ApplicationAdapters\etc

    SQL>@ iwse.ora

  2. Display the BSE configuration page in a browser:

    http://host name: port/ibse/IBSEConfig where host name is the system where BSE is installed and port is the port number on which BSE is listening.

  3. Configure the system settings. The following table lists the parameters with descriptions of the information to provide.

    Table 22-9 Parameters to Configure the System Settings

    Parameter Description


    Specify the required language




    Enter the full path to the directory where the adapter jar files reside. Encoding Only UTF-8 is supported.

    Debug Level

    Specify the debug level from the following options:







  4. Configure the repository settings.

    BSE requires a repository to store transactions and metadata required for the delivery of web services.

    Table 22-10 Parameters to Configure the Repository Settings

    Parameter Description


    Select either Oracle or File (Do not use for BSE in production environments.)

    Repository URL

    Enter the JDBC URL to use when opening a connection to the database. For example, the following repository URL format is used when connecting to Oracle: jdbc:oracle:thin:@host name:port;SID

    Repository Driver

    Provide the driver class to use when opening a connection to the database (optional). For example, the following repository driver format is used when connecting to Oracle: oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver

    Repository User

    Enter a valid password that is associated with the user ID.

    Repository Password

    Enter a valid password that is associated with the user ID.

    Repository Pooling

    If selected, repository pooling is used. This option is disabled by default.

  5. Click Save Configuring an HTTP Repository

  1. Start Application Explorer.

  2. Right-click the Configurations node in the left pane and select New. The New Configuration dialog box opens.

  3. Type a name for the configuration and click OK.

  4. Select JCA from the Service Provider list box and enter an HTTP target value in the Home field.

  5. Use the following format for the HTTP target value:

    http://host name: port/iwafjca/JCAServlet

    For example: http://iwserv14:7777/iwafjca/JCAServlet

  6. Click OK.

  7. The new HTTP repository connection is added to the Configurations node.

  8. Once you connect to the remote server, you can create new Adapter targets, generate WSDL documents, and store them in the remote server. Application Explorer

Oracle Adapter Application Explorer (Application Explorer), a GUI tool which uses SAP R/3 object repository metadata to build XML schemas and web services to handle adapter requests or event data. Starting Application Explorer

On Windows, execute the ae.bat file, which is found under wls_home\ApplicationAdapters\tools\iwae\bin, where wls_home is the directory where Oracle WebLogic Server is installed.

On UNIX, load the script file, which is found under wls_home/ ApplicationAdapters /tools/iwae/bin, where wls_home is the directory where Oracle WebLogic Server is installed. Creating a Configuration for J2CA Connector Application Using Application Explorer

To create a configuration for Oracle Adapter J2EE Connector Architecture (J2CA) using Application Explorer, you must first define a new configuration.

This is a prerequisite for deploying J2CA as a web application in Oracle WebLogic Integration. Defining a New Configuration for J2CA

To define a new configuration for J2CA:

  1. Start Application Explorer.

    For more information, see Section, "Starting Application Explorer".

  2. Right-click Configurations and select New. The New Configuration dialog box is displayed.

  3. Enter a name for the new configuration, for example, J2CA_SampleConfig, and click OK. The name of the J2CA configuration that is specified here is used during the J2CA deployment process.

  4. From the Service Provider list, select JCA.

  5. In the Home field, enter a path to your J2CA configuration directory where the repository, schemas, and other information is stored, for example: c:\ Middleware_home\Oracle_SOA1\soa\thirdparty\ApplicationAdapters

  6. Click OK.

    A node representing the new configuration appears beneath the root configurations node. For example: Configurations: J2CA_SampleConfig Configuring Settings for the J2CA Connector Application

  1. Locate the ra.xml file, which is located in the following directory: wls_home\erp-adapters\iwafjca.rar\META-INF\ra.xml

  2. Open the ra.xml file in an editor.

  3. Enter a value for the IWayHome property.

    This is the folder where the adapter is installed. For example:




    <config-property-value>c:\ Middleware_home\Oracle_SOA1\soa\thirdparty\ApplicationAdapters\</config-property-value>


  4. Enter a value for the IWayConfig property.

    This is the value that you specified when you created a new J2CA configuration using Application Explorer. For example:






  5. Enter a value for the Loglevel property.

    This property can be set to DEBUG, INFO, or ERROR. For example:



  6. Save the ra.xml file and exit the editor. Deploying the J2CA Connector Application Using the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console

To deploy the J2CA Connector Application:

  1. Start the Oracle WebLogic Server for the Oracle WebLogic Server domain that you have configured.

    Open the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console in a web browser by entering the following URL: http://hostname:port/console where host name is the name of the computer where Oracle WebLogic Server is running and port is the port for the domain you are using. The port for the default domain is 7001

  2. Logon to admin console by giving user name and password. In the Domain Structure section in the left pane, click Deployments. The Deployments page is displayed.

  3. Click Install and the Install Application Assistant page is displayed

  4. Browse to the following directory:


    Select Radio, next to iwafjca.rar and click Next.The Choose Targeting Style page is displayed.

  5. Leave the default Install this deployment as an application selected and click Next.

  6. The Optional Settings page is displayed.

  7. Click Next leaving the default values.

  8. The Summary page is displayed.

  9. Click Finish. The Settings page for the J2CA (iwafjca) Connector Application opens.

  10. Click Save. The following messages are displayed, which indicate a successful deployment.

  11. In the Domain Structure section in the left pane, click Deployments.

  12. Navigate through the table that lists all the deployed applications until you find the J2CA (iwafjca) Connector Application.

  13. Select the check box next to iwafjca.

  14. Click the Start submenu (down arrow) and select servicing all requests.

  15. The Start Application Assistant is displayed.

  16. Click Yes to start the selected deployment.

  17. From the list of deployed applications, select iwafjca.

  18. Click the Testing tab.

  19. The Outbound Connection Pools and Connections Testing page is displayed.

  20. Select the check box next to eis/OracleJCAAdapter/DefaultConnection and click Test.

  21. The Test Result column indicates Passed. Deploying the J2CA Installation Verification Program (IVP) Using the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console

  1. Start the Oracle WebLogic Server for the Oracle WebLogic Server domain that you have configured.

    Open the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console in a web browser by entering the following URL: http://hostname:port/console where hostname is the name of the computer where Oracle WebLogic Server is running and port is the port for the domain you are using. The port for the default domain is 7001

  2. Logon to admin console by giving user name and password. In the Domain Structure section in the left pane, click Deployments. The Deployments page is displayed.

  3. Click Install and the Install Application Assistant page is displayed

  4. Browse to the following directory:

    C:\ Middleware_home\Oracle_SOA\soa\thirdparty\Application-Adapters\iwafjca.rar.

    Click Next. The Choose Targeting Style page is displayed.

  5. Leave the default Install this deployment as an application selected and click Next.

  6. The Optional Settings page is displayed. In the Name field, enter: Iwafjcatest.

  7. The Summary page is displayed.

  8. Click Finish. The Settings page for the J2CA (iwafjca) Installation Verification Program (IVP) opens.

  9. Click Save. The following messages are displayed, which indicate a successful deployment.

  10. In the Domain Structure section in the left pane, click Deployments.

  11. Navigate through the table that lists all the deployed applications until you find the J2CA (iwafjcatest) Installation Verification Program (IVP).

  12. Select the check box next to iwafjcatest.

  13. Click the Start submenu (down arrow) and select servicing all requests.

  14. The Start Application Assistant is displayed.

  15. Click Yes to start the selected deployment.

  16. From the list of deployed applications, select iwafjcatest.

  17. Click the Testing tab.

  18. The Deployment Tests page is displayed. Click the links given in that page to verify the installation. Connecting to a J2CA Configuration Using Application Explorer

To connect to a new J2CA configuration:

  1. Right-click the configuration to which you want to connect, for example, J2CA_SampleConfig.

  2. Select Connect. Nodes appear for Adapters and Events. You can configure events using a J2CA configuration only.

  3. Use the Adapters folder to create inbound interactions with Oracle Application Adapter for SAP R/3. For example, you can use the SAP node in the Adapters folder to configure a service that updates SAP R/3.

  4. Use the Events folder to configure listeners that listen for events in SAP R/3.

  5. You can now define new targets to Oracle Application Adapter for SAP R/3. Creating a Configuration for Business Services Engine Using Application Explorer

Defining a new configuration for BSE

  1. Start Application Explorer. For more information, see Section, "Starting Application Explorer".

  2. Right-click Configurations and select New.

  3. The New Configuration dialog box is displayed.

  4. Enter a name for the new configuration, for example, BSE_SampleConfig, and click OK. The name of the BSE configuration that is specified here is used during the BSE deployment process.

  5. From the Service Provider list, select iBSE.

  6. In the iBSE URL field, accept the default URL or replace it with a different URL with the following format: http://host name:port/ibse/IBSEServlet where host name is the system on which Oracle WebLogic Integration resides and port is the HTTP port number where Oracle WebLogic Integration is listening.

  7. Click OK. A node representing the new configuration appears beneath the root Configurations node. Configuring and Deploying Business Services Engine

Configuring settings for BSE:

  1. Locate the web.xml file, which is located in the following directory:


  2. Open the web.xml file in an editor.

  3. Enter a value for the ibseroot parameter.

    This is the folder where the BSE files are stored in subdirectories for each adapter.

    For example:



    <param-value>C:\ Middleware_home\Oracle_SOA1\soa\thirdparty\Application-Adapters\ibse.war</param-value>

    <description>ibse root directory</description>


  4. Enter a value for the iway.home parameter.

  5. This is the folder where the adapter is installed.

    For example:



    <param-value> C:\ Middleware_home\Oracle_SOA1\soa\thirdparty\Application-adapters /param-value>

    <description>license file location</description>


  6. Enter a value for the iway.config parameter.

    This is the value that you specified when you created a new BSE configuration using Application Explorer.

    For example:



    <description>Base Configuration</description>


  7. Save the web.xml file and exit the editor.

  8. From the same directory, open the ibseconfig.xml file in an editor.

  9. Enter a value for the afroot parameter, which is the path to the adapter lib directory.

    For example:

    <param name="afroot" type="string" required="false" value="c:\wls_home\erp-adapters\lib"/>

  10. Save the ibseconfig.xml file and exit the editor. Deploying OracleWLS Adapter Business Services Engine (BSE) Using the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console

  1. Start the Oracle WebLogic Server for the Oracle WebLogic Server domain that you have configured.

    Open the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console in a web browser by enter the following URL: http://hostname:port/console where hostname is the name of the computer where Oracle WebLogic Server is running and port is the port for the domain you are using. The port for the default domain is 7001

  2. Logon to admin console by giving user name and password.

  3. In the Domain Structure section in the left pane, click Deployments. The Deployments page is displayed.

  4. Click Install and the Install Application Assistant page is displayed

  5. Browse to the following directory:

    C:\ Middleware_home\Oracle_SOA1\soa\thirdparty\Application-adapters \ibse.war.

    Select Radio, next to ibse.war and click Next.The Choose Targeting Style page is displayed.

  6. Leave the default Install this deployment as an application selected and click Next.

  7. The Optional Settings page is displayed. Click Next again leaving the default values. The Summary page is displayed.

  8. Click Finish. The Settings page for the BSE (ibse) Connector Application opens.

  9. Click Save. The following messages are displayed, which indicate a successful deployment.

  10. In the Domain Structure section in the left pane, click Deployments.

  11. Navigate through the table that lists all the deployed applications until you find the BSE (ibse) Application.

  12. Select the check box next to ibse.

  13. Click the Start submenu (down arrow) and select servicing all requests.

  14. The Start Application Assistant is displayed.

  15. Click Yes to start the selected deployment.

  16. From the list of deployed applications, select ibse.

  17. Click the Testing tab.

  18. Click the following link: http://soahostname:soaport/ibse. Connecting to a BSE Configuration Using Application Explorer

  1. Right-click the configuration to which you want to connect, for example, BSE_SampleConfig. Select Connect.

  2. Nodes appear for Adapters, Events, and Business Services (also known as Webservices).

  3. The Business Services node is only available for BSE configurations.

  4. Events are not applicable when using a BSE configuration. You can configure events using a J2CA configuration only.

  5. As a result, you can disregard the Events node that appears for a BSE configuration.

  6. The following is an example of a BSE configuration named BSE_SampleConfig: SAP Inbound Adapter Configuration

As part of SAP Inbound adapter configuration, BAPI wsdls should be generated by following the below steps

  1. Start an Application Explorer.

  2. Click Adapters in the BSE_SampleConfig, MySAP, Create new target.

  3. Create InboundConnection.

  4. Go to Remote Function Modules.

  5. Click Find, Search for each service.

  6. Right-click Create Web Service, enter Service Name and Description.

  7. Click OK

    The following BAPI wsdls are generated:












    • BAPI_MAT_BOM_EXISTENCE_CHECK SAP Outbound Adapter Configuration

  1. Create a new connection for Outbound, go to Events, MySAP, Channels (without creating Channel first, you cannot proceed).

  2. Enter Channel name: MATMAS

  3. Navigate to ALE (IDOCS), right click, search for MATMAS01, right-click MATMAS and select Create Inbound JCA Service (Event).

    This create three files under the following path:


    • MATMAS01_receive.jca

    • MATMAS01_receive.wsdl

    • MATMAS01_receive_request.xsd

22.2 Configuring and Deploying the Design to Release: Agile - SAP Integration

This section discusses the Integration configuration and deployment process. There are two steps:

  1. Configure your integration using the DCW.

  2. Deploy the integration to the Fusion Middleware server.

22.2.1 Configuring the Design to Release: Agile - SAP Integration

The screens that appear in the DCW prompt you to enter the data that is required for successful configuration of the Design to Release: Agile SAP integration. Keep the completed worksheets the Design to Release: Agile - SAP integration screens ready before you launch the DCW.

To configure the Design to Release: Agile - SAP Integration


If you are harvesting content to OER, perform the first three steps. Else start from step 4.

  1. Navigate to /slot/emsxxxx/oracle/Middleware/user_projects/domains/soa_domain/bin/ and open for Linux based systems and setDomainEnv.bat for Microsoft Windows.

  2. Replace



    WLS_JDBC_REMOTE_ ENABLED="-Dweblogic.jdbc.remoteEnabled=true".

  3. Restart the server.

  4. Navigate to <AIA_Instance>/bin and run the command source for Linux based systems and aiaenv.bat for Microsoft Windows to configure the environment.

  5. Navigate to <AIA_HOME>/bin and run the command ./ for Linux based systems and aiaconfig.bat for Microsoft Windows.

This launches the AIA DCW.

  1. Click Next.

  2. Select the Design to Release: Agile - SAP integration

  3. Click Next. Specify Integration Server Details

To specify Integration Server details:

  1. Enter information related to your integration server in the integration Server Details screen.

  2. Click Next. Specify Agile PLM Details

To specify Agile PLM application details:

1. Enter information about your Agile PLM installation in the Agile PLM Application Details screen.

2. Click Next. Specify SAP Server Details

To specify SAP Server details:

1. Enter information about your SAP Server in the SAP server details screen.

2. Click Next. Complete Configuration

To complete configuration:

1. Review the configuration information on the Configuration Summary screen.


If you want to make changes to the configuration, use the navigation pane on the left and select the screen you want to edit. You can create a response file based on the input provided in the DCW and use it in future when you want to deploy the integration. You can configure using the steps described in Section 22.2.2, "Configuring using the Response File". Click Save Response File and save the response file with the name and location of your choice.

2. Click Configure to accept the configuration.

The system displays progress of the configuration in the Configuration Progress screen.

The system displays any warnings or errors as necessary. You can review the configuration log for additional details. The configuration log location is displayed in Configuration Progress screen.

3. When the configuration process completes without errors, the AIA DCW displays the Configuration Complete screen.

4. Click Finish to close the DCW.

22.2.2 Configuring using the Response File

To configure using the response file:

1. Open the response file.

When you create a response file through OUI, passwords get stored as <SECURE>.

2. Replace the password fields with actual passwords in the response file.

3. Navigate to <AIA_Instance>/bin and run the command source for Linux based systems and aiaenv.bat for Microsoft Windows to configure the environment.

4. Navigate to <AIA_HOME>/bin and run the command ./ <Response File Location and Name> for Linux based systems and aiaconfig.bat <Response File Location and Name> for Microsoft Windows.

22.2.3 Deploying the Design to Release: Agile - SAP Integration

To deploy the Integration to Fusion Middleware server:

  1. Navigate to <AIA_Instance>/bin and run the command source for Linux based systems and aiaenv.bat for Microsoft Windows to configure the environment.

  2. Run the command for your platform.


    When you copy and paste the command in the command line, ensure that there is space between .xml and -. Ensure that there is space between these two when you run undeployment command too.

    Table 22-11 Deployment Commands for the Design to Release: Agile - SAP integration

    Platform Deployment Command


    Solaris SPARC


    IBM AIX Based Systems

    ant -f /<AIA_HOME>/Infrastructure/Install/AID/AIAInstallDriver.xml
     -l /<AIA_HOME>/pips/AgileToSAP/DeploymentPlans/AgileToSAPDP.log

    Microsoft Windows

    ant -f /<AIA_HOME>/Infrastructure/Install/AID/AIAInstallDriver.xml
     -l /<AIA_HOME>/pips/AgileToSAP/DeploymentPlans/AgileToSAPDP.log


    In Windows 2008, 2008 R2 and Vista, run the command prompt as an administrator (elevated mode). If the command prompt is invoked in normal mode, the integrations are not displayed.

  3. Review the log file in the location specified in the command to verify successful deployment.

Oracle AIA ships artifacts in AIA Lifecycle Workbench which can be used in your integrations. These artifacts are created using FMW technologies such as BPEL and Mediator and are natively supported by AIA.

Foundation Pack tools such as Project Lifecycle Workbench, Harvester, Deployment Generator, AIA Deployment Driver (ADD). These are called native artifacts and they include SOA artifact types such as composites, DataSources, DVM, xRef, and so on. These artifacts can be modified or new natively supported artifacts can be added using the AIA Lifecyle Workbench and a BOM.xml file can be generated.

AIA integration development teams, most often, also require deployment of artifact types that are beyond what is supported by the Project Lifecycle Workbench and AIA Harvester. For instance, integration may require artifacts such as, Java applications, Shell Scripts, ANT based build scripts which constitute part of integration landscape in addition to the artifacts that are delivered by AIA. AIA also supports deployment of these supplementary artifacts. However, you must modify and add new non native artifacts outside AIA Lifecycle Workbench.

For more information on deploying artifacts, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle Application Integration Architecture Foundation Pack, "Generating Deployment Plans and Deploying Artifacts".

22.3 Performing Postdeployment Configurations

This sections includes the following topics:

22.3.1 Configuring the Agile PLM Credentials

Agile PLM applies HTTP basic authentication to handle AIA Indication result messages by an Agile PLM host account. You must add the Agile PLM credentials to Fusion Middleware for the HTTP basic authentication connection.

To configure credential:

  1. Log in to Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control.

  2. Navigate to WebLogic Domain, soa_domain, Securities, Credentials.

  3. Check whether the Map with name exists in Credentials.

If it does not exist, create a Map with name and Keys with the names AgileWebservicesKey and AIABasicCredentials.

In AgileWebservicesKey enter the agile admin user name and password and click ok t save the key.

In AIABasicCredentials enter the user name and password for Weblogic, and then click ok to save the key.

22.3.2 Enabling the NPR & SYNC Flows

To enable the NPR & SYNC flows in the Design to Release: Agile - SAP Pre-Built Integration, you must update the file located in NPRpx.jar:


Before performing any changes, back up the NPRpx.jar file.

  1. In the Agile server, navigate to <AgileHome>/integration/sdk/extensions.

  2. Unzip NPRpx.jar.

  3. Open file.

  4. Update Host and Port values for the following variables:

    1. WS_LOCATION_CRETEITEMFLOW=http://<<FMWHost>>:<<ManagedPort>>/soa-infra/services/default/CreateItemAgileReqABCS/NPRpx

    2. WS_LOCATION_SYNCITEMFLOW=http://<<FMWHost>>:<<ManagedPort>>/soa-infra/services/default/CreateItemAgileReqABCS/NPRpx

  5. Check that the value for NPR_PX_TIMEOUT is 90000000. This is the recommended value.

  6. Update the SOA_LOGIN_USERNAME and SOA_LOGIN_PASSWORD values with your username and password.

    The password must be encrypted. To encrypt the password:

    1. In the Agile Server, navigate to <AgileHome>/agileDomain/bin

    2. Run the encryption script "./ <PasswordToBeEncrypted>".

  7. Save your changes and rezip NPRpx.jar.

  8. Restart the Agile server.

22.4 Verifying Deployment

To verify the Design to Release: Agile - SAP integration deployment:

  1. Open the log files from the following location and look for warnings and error messages:

    • For Linux, Solaris SPARC, HP-UX and IBM AIX Based Systems: Review the install log located at <AIA_HOME>/aia_instances/<instance name>/logs to verify that the integration is successfully installed.

    • For Microsoft Windows: Review the install log located at <AIA_HOME>\aia_ instances\<instance name>\logs to verify that the integration is successfully installed.

  2. Confirm that the Design to Release: Agile - SAP integration services were installed.

    1. Navigate to the Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control (http://<server name>:<port number>/em/).

    2. Log in with the server admin user name. For access details, contact the system administrator.

    3. Expand Farm_soa_domain, SOA, soa-infra, Default

    4. Verify that the following services are installed in the Weblogic Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control after the successful integration installation.

    Design to Release Agile - SAP integration services

    Agile Services

    Adapter Services

    • ACSAXMLJMSConsumer

    • ChangeStatusDBAdapter


    • CreateItemAgileReqABCS

    • CreateItemAgileReqABCSImpl

    • ProcessEngineeringChangeOrderAgileReqABCSImpl


    • UpdateItemListAgileProvABCSImpl

    Utility Services

    • CreateQueueControlService

    • CreateQueueService

    • QueueProcessorService

    • QueueProcessorServiceImpl

    SAP Services

    Adapter Services

    • BOMServiceESB

    • ECOService

    • ItemServiceESB

    • ReserveItemService


    • CreateEngineeringChangeOrderListEBF


    • EngineeringChangeOrderEBS

    • EngineeringChangeOrderResponseEBS

    • ItemEBSV2

    • ItemResponseEBSV2

    • BillOfMaterialsEBS

    • BillOfMaterialsResponseEBS


    • CreateBillOfMaterialsListSAPProvABCSImpl

    • CreateEngineeringChangeOrderListSAPProvABCS

    • ProcessBillOfMaterialsListSAPProvABCS

    • ProcessBillOfMaterialsListSAPProvABCSImpl

    • ReserveItemSAPProvABCS

    • SyncItemListSAPProvABCS

    • UpdateBillOfMaterialsListSAPProvABCSImpl


    • UpdateItemListSAPReqABCS

    • UpdateItemListSAPReqABCSImpl

  3. Confirm that the AIA Foundation Manager components are successfully installed.

    1. Navigate to the AIA Console URL: http://<server name>:<portnumber>/AIA

    2. Log in with server admin user name.

    3. Navigate to Setup, System to access the ApplicationRegistry page.

  4. Check the rows for the following set of values

    Table 22-12 Application Registry Values for Agile

    Field Value

    Internal ID


    System Code


    System Description

    Agile PLM Instance 01

    IP Address

    IP address of the Agile PLM system


    URL of the Agile PLM system

    System Type


    Application Type



    9.3.2 (Out of the Box)

    This can be edited to appropriate version of Agile PLM.

    Table 22-13 Application Registry Values for SAP

    Field Value

    Internal ID


    System Code


    System Description


    IP Address

    IP address of the SAP Server 4.7 or ECC 6.0

    System Type


    Application Type



    4.7 (Out of the box)

    This can be edited to appropriate version of SAP Server

22.5 Validating Security Policies

All SOA composites are protected by Global Policies provided by Foundation Pack as defined in the Security section of the Developer Guide. Additionally individual services for this integration have locally attached security policies.

To validate locally attached security policies:

  1. Log in to Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control.

  2. Navigate to WebLogic Domain, soa_domain, Web Services, Policies.

  3. Verify Service Policy attachment.

    1. Find the service policy in the list of policies.

    2. Click the number in Attachment Count Column.

      This opens Usage Analysis screen.

    3. Change the Subject Type list box to SOA Service.

    4. Validate that all the composites are listed with local attachment to this service policy.

  4. Verify Client Policy attachment

    1. Navigate back to Policies screen and find the client policy

    2. Click the number in Attachment Count column.

      This opens Usage Analysis screen.

    3. Change the Subject Type list box to SOA Reference.

    4. Validate that all the composites are listed with local attachment to this client policy and attached to the correct references.

    Table 22-14 Service Policy Attachments for Design to Release: Agile - SAP Integration

    Composite Service Policy









    Table 22-15 No Authentication Service Policy Attachments for Design to Release: Agile -SAP Integrations

    Composite Service Policy





    Table 22-16 No Authentication Client Policy Attachments for Design to Release: Agile -SAP Integration

    Composite Reference Client Policy

























    Table 22-17 Saml Opt On Client Policy Attachments for Design to Release: Agile- SAP Integration

    Composite Reference Client Policy









    Table 22-18 Wss User Name Token Client Policy Attachments for Design to Release: Agile - SAP Integration

    Composite Reference Client Policy



















    Table 22-19 Wss Http Token Client Policy Attachments for Design to Release: Agile-SAP Integration

    Composite Reference Client Policy







All Client policies (oracle/wss_username_token_client_policy) are enabled through AIASecurityConfigurationProperties.xml to composites.

All service policies (oracle/wss_username_token_service_policy) are enabled through Global Policy Sets.

The following is a list of Global Policy Sets that should be enabled for the Composites.

For more information about security validation, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle Application Integration Architecture Foundation Pack, "Working with Security."

For integration implementation, see Agile Product Lifecycle Management Integration Pack for SAP: Design to Release Implementation Guide .

22.6 Undeploying the Design to Release: Agile - SAP Integration

To undeploy the integration from Fusion Middleware Server:

  1. Navigate to <AIA_Instance>/bin and run the command source for Linux based systems and aiaenv.bat for Microsoft Windows to configure the environment.

  2. Run the command for your platform.

    Table 22-20 Undeployment Commands for the Design to Release: Agile - SAP Integration

    Platform Undeployment Command


    Solaris SPARC

    IBM AIX Based Systems.


    ant Uninstall -f <AIA_HOME>/Infrastructure/Install/AID/AIAInstallDriver.xml
     -DDeploymentPlan=<AIA_ HOME>/pips/AgileToSAP/DeploymentPlans/AgileToSAPUndeployDP.xml
     -l <AIA_ HOME>/pips/AgileToSAP/DeploymentPlans/AgileToSAPUndeployDP.log

    Microsoft Windows

    ant Uninstall -f <AIA_HOME>\Infrastructure\Install\AID\AIAInstallDriver.xml
    -DDeploymentPlan=<AIA_ HOME>\pips\AgileToSAP\DeploymentPlans\AgileToSAPUndeployDP.xml 
    -l <AIA_ HOME>\pips\AgileToSAP\DeploymentPlans\AgileToSAPUndeployDP.log

  3. Restart the SOA server.

  4. Uninstall the integration following the instructions in Chapter 37, "Uninstalling Oracle AIA".