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Agile Product Lifecycle Management Administrator Guide
Release 9.3.3
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26 Dashboard Management

The Dashboard Tab View privilege allows you to configure Dashboard tabs.

26.1 View Dashboard Tabs

To view dashboard tabs, click System Settings > Dashboard Management node. The list of default dashboard tabs displays. You can reorder this list using the Order visible tabs icon, to change the order in which the tabs display in Web Client. To navigate to a tab, click its name. You can edit the name and description of the tab, and specify whether the tab should be visible or not.

Optional tabs can be renamed and configured.

26.2 Adding Dashboard Tabs

To add a new tab, click the New Dashboard Tabs icon in the Dashboard Management window. In the Create Dashboard Tab dialog, enter a Name, API Name and Description. In the Visible field, select Yes.


Although you can create an unlimited number of tabs, the tabs displayed in Web Client are restricted by the user's roles and privileges. To enable a user to view a particular dashboard tab, you must assign the Dashboard Tab View privilege to that user, and select the required tab in the AppliedTo property of that privilege. For further information, see "AppliedTo Property in Select Privileges."

26.3 Deleting Dashboard Tabs

You can only delete dashboard tabs that you have created. Default tabs cannot be deleted. To delete a newly created Dashboard tab, within the Dashboard Management window, select the tab and click the Delete Selected Dashboard Tab(s) icon.


Once a tab has been accessed, you cannot delete it. Attempts to delete it will result in an error - "Object is in use."

26.4 Adding Tables to Optional Tabs

Once a new optional tab is created, tables need to be inserted into the tab. To add a table, double-click the new tab name in Dashboard Management and click the Tables tab. Click the Create Dashboard Table icon.

The table below lists the properties in the Create Dashboard Table for Table type.

Table 26-1 Create Dashboard Table, Table Type properties

Property Description Possible Settings


Enter the name of the table


API Name

You can specify an

API name, but internal consistency is enhanced by accepting the system-generated




Enter the description of the table


View List Type

Lists the type of table type. Select Table

Chart, Table, Custom, Advanced Search

Dashboard Extension (DX)

Lists all the dashboard extensions created for Table type list.



To enable in Web Client

Yes/ No

26.4.1 Adding Data to Tables

Double-click the new table, click the Attributes tab and click the Add an Attribute icon to create a new attribute. Agile currently supports Text, Numeric, Image, Date, Money, and Link type of table attributes.


Attributes need to be of a specific type which is supported by Agile. While creating a DX, the data for the DX would already be defined as currency, numeric, text, and so on.

In the Column attribute General Information tab, the Attribute field must be mapped to the attribute name mentioned in the DX. For example, if an attribute name in the DX is Mytext and the attribute type is selected as Text, the attribute field should be mapped with the attribute name Mytext.

26.5 Adding Charts to Optional Tabs

To create a chart type table in a newly created optional tab:

  1. In Dashboard Management, double-click the name of the new tab to open it.

  2. In the Tables tab, click the New Dashboard Table icon.

  3. Specify table fields and attributes as described in the table below:

Table 26-2 Optional tab - table fields and attributes

Property Description Possible Settings


Enter a name for the table.


API Name

You can specify an

API name, but internal consistency is enhanced by accepting the system-generated




Enter a description for the table


View List Type

Lists the type of table. Select Chart (when you select Chart, additional options are displayed).

Chart, Table, Custom, Advanced Search

Dashboard Extension

Lists all the dashboard extensions created for chart type. Select the dashboard extension you want.



Select Yes to enable display in Web Client

Yes/ No

Chart Type

Select the type of chart you want displayed.

Area, Bar, Line, Pie, Polar, Scatter, Stacked Area, Stacked Bar, Table

X axis

Type the X axis label.


Y axis

Type the Y axis label.


Show Legend

Specify whether the chart legend should display on screen.

Yes/ No

Legend Position

Specify the position where the Legend should be displayed.

Bottom, default, left, right, top

3D Style

Specify whether the view should be 3-dimensional.

Yes/ No


Enter a header note if required.



Enter a footer note if required.



For Stacked type Charts, the Chart DX can be coded with unlimited X- and Y-axis values.


In the Dashboard Extension field, all Chart type DXs will be displayed only if the user has the SDK license and if the DX was created as Chart type. There are two classes for creating Chart type dashboard extensions: 1. ChartDataModel, and 2. ChartDataSet. These classes should be used while creating Chart DXs. The saved Chart DX must be saved in the <agile_home>/integration/sdk/extensions folder and linked in the Dashboard Extension field. For further information on creating DXs, refer to Agile PLM SDK Guide.

26.5.1 Adding Advanced Search to Optional Tabs

To create a dashboard table that uses an Advanced Search query as the data source:

  1. In Dashboard Management, double-click the name of the new tab to open it.

  2. In the Tables tab, click the New Dashboard Table icon.

  3. Specify table fields and attributes as described in the table below.

Table 26-3 Adding Advanced Search to Optional Tabs

Property Description Possible Settings


Enter a name for the table.


API Name

You can specify an

API name, but internal consistency is enhanced by accepting the system-generated




Enter a description for the table.


View List Type

Select Advanced Search.

Chart, Table, Custom, Advanced Search

Dashboard Extension

(Not applicable for Advanced Search.)

Disabled (not applicable for Advanced Search)


Select Yes to enable display in Web Client.

Yes/ No


When you select View List type as Advanced Search, the dialog box automatically displays fields applicable only to Advanced Search type table.

26.5.2 Configure Table for Advanced Search

Once the table is created, double-click the new created table and click the Configure Dashboard Table icon in the General Information tab.

You can create a new or use a saved search. The Configure Table dialog is similar to the Advanced Search function of Agile except for a few differences as follows:

  • Output Fields

    • The Output Fields option enables you to select the available fields as the X and Y axis values. Clicking the Output Fields button displays the Customize Output Display dialog. Select the required fields from the Available Fields list and click the left and right arrow buttons to move field names to and from the Available Fields and Selected Fields lists.

    • The Display Chart button enables a Chart and Table type display option. If Chart option is selected, the Configure Table dialog is displayed. You can do the following:

  • Select the Chart type.

  • Select the 3D style for Chart.

  • Show or Hide the Legend.

  • Select the position of the Legend to be displayed in the Chart.

  • Select the X axis value from the drop down list (which is displayed from the Customize Output field)

  • Label the header, footer, X axis and Y axis values on the chart

  • Perform a mathematical function for the Data values such as Average, Count, Max, Min, and Sum.

26.6 Adding Custom (URL) Process Extensions for Optional Tables

URL process extensions that are created with Dashboard as the integration point are listed in the Dashboard Extension field, while a Dashboard table with View Type List is created. The output of the URL process extension is displayed in the Dashboard table.

For more information, see the Agile SDK Developer Guide.

26.7 Reordering Table Rows in a Tab

You can reorder the tables in a tab from Dashboard Management > [Optional Tab Name] > Tables > Config Dashboard icon. The Config Tab dialog is displayed in which you can select all the tables from the Available Content field and place it in the required rows. There are only three rows; by default the new tabs are created in Row 3. You can reorder the tabs in the order of the rows to be displayed.

26.8 Displaying Optional Tabs

To ensure that all optional tabs that are newly created under Systems Settings > Dashboard Management display properly, go to User Settings > Privileges > Dashboard Tab View and enable each tab for end-users in Web Client.

Select the New icon and type in a new privilege name and description. Set Enabled to Yes. All created tabs will be displayed in the AppliedTo > Choices field. Select the tabs you want displayed in the Dashboard and use the right arrow icon to move these to the Selected area. Any tab you choose can be set as the Home page.