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Agile Product Lifecycle Management Product Collaboration User Guide
Release 9.3.3
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A Deleting Agile Objects

Agile PLM objects can be soft-deleted, and then hard-deleted. The following topics are discussed:

A.1 Soft Delete and Hard Delete Defined

Java Client and Web Client support "soft" and "hard" deletes for many Agile object classes. When you soft-delete an object in the database, it is not permanently deleted. A soft-deleted object is marked "Deleted" in the database, and its object number or name is reserved. You cannot create another object with the same type and number or name as a soft-deleted object.

When you run a search, soft-deleted objects do not appear in the search results table. To locate soft-deleted objects, you must run the predefined deleted object searches in the Recycle Bin Searches folder.


You have access to the Recycle Bin Searches folder if Recycle Bin Searches is included in the Searches field of your user profile. If you have the appropriate privileges, then you can edit your user profile and add Recycle Bin Searches to the list of searches in the Searches field. If you do not have the appropriate privileges to modify the Searches field in your user profile, then ask the Agile administrator to modify your user profile.

A hard-deleted object is permanently removed from the database.


You cannot undelete a hard-deleted object.

To soft-delete, hard-delete or undelete an Agile object:

  • You must have the appropriate Delete or Undelete privileges for that object.

  • All relationships and subscriptions must be removed.

  • The object must meet any additional conditions that determine whether it can be deleted or undeleted.

In general, if deleting or undeleting an object would cause the compromise of data integrity, the delete or undelete action is disabled.

For detailed information about deleting specific object types, see"Notes about Deleting Specific Agile Object Types."

A.2 Soft-Deleting an Object

When an object is soft-deleted, it is no longer available for use. However, until it is hard-deleted, its number or name is reserved in the Agile PLM database and cannot be reused.

To soft-delete an object in Web Client:

  1. Select and open the object you want to delete.

  2. Choose Actions > Delete, and respond OK to the confirmation prompt.

    The object is soft-deleted.

To soft-delete an object in Java Client:

  1. Select and open the object you want to delete.

  2. Click the Delete button, and respond Yes to the confirmation prompt.

    The object is soft-deleted.

See also: "Soft Delete and Hard Delete Defined," "Undeleting an Object," and "Hard-Deleting an Object."

A.3 Undeleting an Object

If you have the appropriate privileges, then you can undelete soft-deleted objects.

To undelete an object in Web Client:

  1. Run the appropriate Deleted <objects> search from the Recycle Bin Searches folder.

  2. Open the deleted object you want to restore.

  3. Choose Actions > Undelete.


You can click the Navigator button in the search results table to display the search result object links in the left pane NAVIGATOR drawer.

To undelete an object in Java Client:

  1. Run the appropriate Deleted <objects> search from the Recycle Bin Searches folder.

  2. Open the deleted object you want to restore.

  3. Click the Undelete button.

See also: "Soft Delete and Hard Delete Defined," "Soft-Deleting an Object," and "Hard-Deleting an Object,"

A.4 Hard-Deleting an Object

Soft-deleted objects still exist in the database. To remove an object permanently, you must hard-delete it. While an object is still only soft-deleted, you can undelete it. Run the appropriate Deleted object search from the Recycle Bin Searches folder.

To hard-delete a soft-delete object (if you have the appropriate privileges) in Web Client:

  1. Run the appropriate Deleted <objects> search from the Recycle Bin Searches folder.

  2. Select the one or more object rows in the search results table.

  3. Click the Delete button.

  4. In response to the warning prompt, choose Continue and then click Finish.

  5. Or, you can hard-delete one object at a time:

    • Open the object.

    • Choose Actions > Delete, and respond OK to the confirmation prompt.


You can click the Navigator button in the search results table to display the search results object links in the left pane NAVIGATOR drawer.

To hard-delete a soft-deleted object (if you have the appropriate privileges) in Java Client:

  1. Run the appropriate Deleted <objects> search from the Recycle Bin Searches folder.

  2. Open the object.

  3. Click the Delete Object button, and respond Yes to the confirmation prompt.

See also: "Soft Delete and Hard Delete Defined," "Undeleting an Object," and "Soft-Deleting an Object,".

A.5 Notes about Deleting Specific Agile Object Types

The following topics provide notes about required conditions for deleting each Agile PLM object type.

A.5.1 Notes about Deleting Item Objects

Before you can delete an item object, it must meet the conditions described below.

  • The Agile administrator has assigned to you a role that has the appropriate Delete privileges.

  • All relationships and subscriptions have been removed.

  • The item has no released changes against it.

  • The item is not listed on the Affected Items tab of any pending changes.

    You must first remove the item from the Affected Items tab of each pending change before you can delete the item.

  • The item has not been added to PSR.

  • The item has not been added to QCR.

  • The item has not been added to Material Declaration.

  • The item has not been added to Price.

  • The item has no content on its BOM tab for the current revision or any pending revisions.

  • The item has no content on its Manufacturers tab for the current revision or any pending revisions.

  • The item is not used on the Bill of Materials of any other item, that is, the item to be deleted is not a child item on the BOM tab of a parent item revision, including the latest released revision, past released revisions, or pending revisions of the parent item.

  • The item is not associated with a Part Family, that is, the item does not appear on the Parts tab of a Part Family object. On the Title Page of the item to be deleted, the Part Family field must be empty. If the Part Family field is populated, then the Actions > Delete command is disabled.

A.5.2 Notes about Deleting Change Objects

Before you can delete a change object, it must meet the conditions described below.

  • The Agile administrator has assigned to you a role that has the appropriate Delete privileges. For example, you are the change analyst or component engineer, and the Agile administrator has given change analysts or component engineers the appropriate privileges to delete a change.

  • All relationships and subscriptions have been removed.

  • The change is at the Pending status type or the Unassigned status.

  • You have Discovery and Read privileges for any items on the Affected Items table, otherwise, you cannot delete the change.


    To delete a change that has already been released, you must first unrelease the change. You need the appropriate privileges to unrelease a change by using the Workflow tab to switch it to a different status.

  • When you soft-delete a change that has items on the Affected Items tab, all redlines associated with that change are discarded. To preserve data integrity, a soft-deleted change with items on the Affected Items tab cannot be undeleted. That is, a soft-deleted change can be undeleted only if there are no items on the Affected Items tab.


If you think you might want to undelete a soft-deleted routable object in the future, then be sure to clear its Affected Items tab before you delete it. You can undelete only routable objects with no entries on the Affected Items tab. To keep the record of affected items but still want to delete the change object, use the Save As command to copy it under another change object number before deleting it.

A.5.3 Notes about Deleting Transfer Order Objects

Before you can delete a Transfer Order object, it must meet the conditions described below.

  • The Agile administrator has assigned to you a role that has the appropriate Delete privileges.

  • All relationships and subscriptions have been removed.

  • The transfer order is at the Pending status type or the Unassigned status.

A.5.4 Notes about Deleting PSR or QCR Objects

Before you can delete a Product Service Request (PSR) or Quality Change Request (QCR) object, it must meet the conditions described below.

  • The Agile administrator has assigned to you a role that has the appropriate Delete privileges.

  • All relationships and subscriptions have been removed.

  • The PSR or QCR is at the Pending status type or the Unassigned status.

  • You have Discovery and Read privileges for any items on the Affected Items table; otherwise, you cannot delete the PSR or QCR.


To delete a PSR or QCR that has already been released, you must first unrelease it. You need the appropriate privileges to unrelease a PSR or QCR by using the Workflow tab to switch it to a different status.

You cannot delete a PSR if:

  • It appears on the Relationships tab of a QCR.

  • It is currently part of a corrective action process. Remove the PSR from the QCR and then delete the PSR.

  • It appears in the Related PSR tab of another PSR.

  • It is currently part of a larger problem. Remove this PSR from the parent PSR and then delete it.

  • It appears on the Related PSR tab.

  • It is being used to aggregate multiple problems. Remove the related PSRs and then delete it.

You cannot delete a QCR if:

  • It has any PSRs on the Relationships tab.

  • If the corrective action process contains Problem Reports. Remove the PSR from the QCR and then delete the QCR.

  • It has any Changes on its Relationships tab.

  • If the corrective action process is already routed through engineering changes. Remove the Changes from the QCR and then delete the QCR.

A.5.5 Notes about Deleting Sourcing Project, RFQ and RFQ Response Objects

Agile Product Cost Management (PCM) objects include: Sourcing Project, RFQ, and RFQ Response. Before you can delete any Agile PCM object it must meet the conditions described below.

  • The Agile administrator has assigned to you a role that has the appropriate Delete privileges.

  • All relationships and subscriptions have been removed.

  • Sourcing Project

    • The sourcing project has no RFQs.

    • If the sourcing project has RFQs, the RFQs are in the closed state.


    Sourcing project objects can be soft deleted, but soft-deleted sourcing project objects cannot be undeleted or hard deleted.

  • RFQ

    • The RFQ has no released changes against it.


    RFQ objects can be soft deleted, but soft-deleted RFQ objects cannot be undeleted or hard deleted.

  • RFQ Response

    • The delete action is not supported for RFQ response objects.

A.5.6 Notes about Deleting Package Objects

Before you can delete a Package object, it must meet the conditions described below.

  • The Agile administrator has assigned to you a role that has the appropriate Delete privileges.

  • All relationships and subscriptions have been removed.

  • The package is at the Pending status type or the Unassigned status.

A.5.7 Notes about Deleting Manufacturer Objects

Before you can delete a manufacturer object, it must meet the conditions described below.

  • The Agile administrator has assigned to you a role that has the appropriate Delete privileges.

  • All relationships and subscriptions have been removed.

  • It is not listed on the Manufacturers tab of an item. (Check the Where Used tab of the manufacturing object.)

  • If the object is a manufacturer, no manufacturer parts are associated with it.


If all manufacturer parts associated with a manufacturer have been deleted, then the manufacturer can be deleted as well. However, you will not be allowed to undelete the soft-deleted manufacturer parts until the soft-deleted manufacturer object is undeleted.

A.5.8 Notes about Deleting Site Objects

Before you can delete a Site object, it must meet the conditions described below.


Site objects can be soft deleted, but soft-deleted sites cannot be undeleted or hard deleted. If you are no longer using a site, then Agile recommends that you disable it.

  • The Agile administrator has assigned to you a role that has the appropriate Delete privileges.

  • All relationships and subscriptions have been removed.

  • The site does not appear on any item's Sites tab.

  • The site is not associated with any other Agile object.

  • The site has a lifecycle of Disabled.


If it meets the conditions listed above, then a disabled site can be soft-deleted even when it is listed in the Sites or Default Site field of user profiles. The deleted site is automatically removed from the Sites list in any user profile where it is listed.

Once the site has been associated with an item, you can change its status to Disabled, but you cannot delete it.

A.5.9 Notes about Deleting User Objects

Before you can delete a User object, it must meet the conditions described below.

  • The Agile administrator has assigned to you a role that has the appropriate Delete privileges.

  • All relationships and subscriptions have been removed.


User objects cannot be hard-deleted.

User access to Agile PLM can also be controlled by using the user profile Status property. For example, if someone leaves the company, or will no longer be using Agile PLM, or you need to prevent a user from logging in to the Agile PLM system, then disable the user object by setting the Status property to Inactive. The user remains listed on the Java Client Administrator Users node and on the Web Client Address Book Users tab, and the name still appears on existing workflows, escalations, and so forth, but the user will no longer appear in the Address Book for other users to select. You can reset the user to Active status at any time.

In Java Client Administrator, to display the list of deleted users, you can use either the Deleted Users node or the Recycle Bin search Deleted Users. In Agile Web Client, to display the list of deleted users, use the Recycle Bin search Deleted Users.

For detailed information about managing Agile PLM users, see Agile PLM Administrator Guide.

A.5.10 Notes about Deleting User Group Objects

You can delete a user group that is no longer needed.

Before you can delete a user group object, it must meet the conditions described below.

  • The Agile administrator has assigned to you a role that has the appropriate Delete privileges.

  • All relationships and subscriptions have been removed.


If you set a user group Status to Inactive, then the inactive group appears in the search results table. In contrast, a soft-deleted user group does not appear in the search results table.

If you delete a user group to which users have been assigned, then you can do so without removing the users who were in the user group:

  • Global User Groups – when you soft-delete a global user group, the group is listed in the group members' user profile Groups tabs as an inactive group. When you hard-delete a global user group, the user assignments to that global user group are also deleted and do not appear on the user profile Groups tab.

  • Personal User Groups – For personal user groups, whether active or inactive, assignments are not listed on the group members' user profile Groups tabs.'

When you delete a user group, it is removed from the Agile PLM address book. You cannot delete a user group if it is in use in these cases:

  • It is on any routable object signoff list on the routable object Workflow tab.

  • It is listed in any workflow definition Notify properties.

  • It is used as a designated escalation person for any users, user groups, and partners.

In Java Client Administrator, to display the list of deleted user groups, you can use either the Deleted User Groups node or the Recycle Bin search Deleted User Groups. In Agile Web Client, to display the list of deleted users, use the Recycle Bin search Deleted User Groups.

A.5.11 Notes about Deleting PG&C Objects

Agile Product Governance & Compliance (PG&C) objects include: Declarations, Specifications, Substances, and Part Groups. Before you can delete any Agile PG&C object it must meet the conditions described below.

  • The Agile administrator has assigned to you a role that has the appropriate Delete privileges.

  • All relationships and subscriptions have been removed.

  • Substances, Specifications, and Part Groups

    • If the substance, specification or part group object is in use, then it cannot be deleted.

  • Declaration

    • The Declaration is at the Pending status type or the Unassigned status.