Oracle® Fusion Middleware

API Gateway Deployment and Promotion Guide

11g Release 2 (

Oracle API Gateway Deployment and Promotion Guide, 11g Release 2 (

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28 August 2013


Introduction to API Gateway Promotion and Deployment
Environment Topology
Promotion and Deployment
API Gateway Configuration
API Gateway Configuration Packages
API Gateway Deployment and Promotion Tasks
Deploying in a Development Environment
Environmentalizing Configuration
Promoting Upstream (First Cycle)
Promoting Upstream (Subsequent Cycles)
Rolling Back Configuration
Multi-Site High Availability Environments
Configuring Package Properties
Configuring Package Properties
Customizing Package Properties in the Topology View
Example Promoting from Development to Testing Environment
Step 1—Policy Developer Edits Configuration and Deploys in Development Environment
Step 2—Policy Developer Environmentalizes the Environment-Specific Settings
Step 3—Policy Developer Saves Policy Package in Policy Studio for Promotion
Step 4—API Gateway Administrator Creates Testing Environment Package in Configuration Studio
Step 5—API Gateway Administrator Deploys Configuration to Testing Environment Group
Step 6—Further Configuration Updates in Testing Environment
Promoting and Deploying Using Scripts
Running Sample Scripts
Scripts for Environmentalizing Configuration
Scripts for Promoting Configuration
Externalizing API Gateway Instance Configuration
Configuring Environment Variables
Configuring Certificates as Environment Variables
Managing Certificates and Keys
Viewing Certificates and Private Keys
Configuring an X.509 Certificate
Configuring a Private Key
Global Options
Managing Certificates and Keystores
Configuring Key Pairs
Configuring PGP Key Pairs
Managing API Gateway Users
Adding Users
Adding Groups
Updating Users or Groups