9 Troubleshooting an OCECAS Installation

This chapter describes how to troubleshoot Oracle Communications Evolved Communications Application Server (OCECAS) installations.

Troubleshooting an OCECAS Installation

The OCECAS installer and the Domain Configuration Wizard write information to log files. You can check those log files for information about errors and actions performed during the installation.

About OCECAS Installation Log Files

The OCECAS installation log files can be found at Central_inventory_location/oraInventory/logs, where Central_inventory_location is the directory path to the oraInventory directory. If you do not know the location of your Oracle Inventory directory, you can find it in the Ocecas_home/oraInst.loc file.

The following install log files are written to the log directory:

  • date-time-stampinstall.log

    This is the main log file.

  • installdate-time-stamp.out

    This log file contains the output and error streams during the installation.

  • installProfiledate-time-stamp.log

    This log file contains the overall statistics such as the time taken to complete the installation as well as configuration, memory, and CPU details.

  • oraInstalldate-time-stamp.log

    This log file contains the output stream of the copy session.

  • oraInstalldate-time-stamp.err

    This log file contains the error stream of the copy session.

Changing the Installer Logging Level

To change the logging level, use the -logLevel parameter from the command line when you start the installer. For example:

java -jar ocecas_generic.jar -logLevel info

The following shows valid values for -logLevel from most detailed to least detailed:

  • severe

  • warning

  • info

  • config

You can also specify logging details from detailed to least detailed in the following manner:

  • fine

  • finer

  • finest

OCECAS Domain Configuration Log Files

If you encounter errors when configuring an OCECAS domain, you can start the Fusion Middleware Configuration Wizard with the appropriate logging options.

To enable domain configuration logging, go to Ocecas_home/oracle_common/common/bin and start config.sh with the -log and -log_priority options:

./config.sh -log=log_filename -log_priority=log_level

Table 9-1 lists the -log and -log_priority options.

Table 9-1 Configuration Wizard Log File Options

Parameter Description


Specify the location of your log file.

If you specify a log file name, it is created in the same directory as the config.sh script unless you add a path component. Log files are otherwise created in Ocecas_home/logs.

Other values that can be specified with -log are:

  • stdout

    Writes the error message to the standard output stream.

  • stderr

    Writes the error messages to the standard error stream.

  • disable

    Disables default logging so that no log files are generated in Ocecas_home/logs.


Specify the level of detail you want included in your logs.

The following list shows the acceptable values:

  • OFF



  • INFO


  • FINE