4 Developing Secure OCECAS Applications

This chapter provides information for developers about how to create secure applications for Oracle Communications Evolved Communications Application Server (OCECAS), and how to extend them without compromising security.

About Developing Secure Applications for OCECAS

This section explains security considerations for modifying the OCECAS VoLTE and VoWiFi application.

Securing UDR Communication

In order to access subscriber profile data, the OCECAS VoLTE and VoWiFi application requires that you create a database view file. The default location for this file is: domain_home/domain_name/config/custom/csp.xml. This file contains:

  • Configuration for providers required to connect to external data sources.

  • An embedded Groovy script for federating the data together for use by the application.

Strictly control access to csp.xml; the UNIX user created for OCECAS installation is the only account that should have access.

Securing Control Flows

When creating or modifying control flows, consider security in their design. The RemoteCopy node allows data from another call context to be copied into the current call context. Give careful consideration when using this particular Activity.