4 Managing, Backing Up, and Restoring Services Gatekeeper

This chapter describes managing Oracle Communications Services Gatekeeper to prevent server failure, and backing up and restoring critical application files and data.

About Managing, Backing Up and Restoring Services Gatekeeper

Services Gatekeeper uses Oracle WebLogic Server as its application server and Oracle Enterprise Database or Oracle MySQL Database as its storage repository. Managing, backing up and restoring Services Gatekeeper in your environment follows the general guidelines and best practices used when ensuring Oracle WebLogic Server, Oracle Enterprise Database, and Oracle MySQL Database can recover from server failure or other disaster.

See "Avoiding and Recovering From Server Failure" in Fusion Middleware Manager Startup and Shutdown for Oracle WebLogic Server for more information on ensuring that the WebLogic Server component of your Services Gatekeeper installation is properly configured to avoid failures, and recover from them in the event one occurs.

If you store your Services Gatekeeper data in an Oracle Enterprise Database, see the section on backup and recovery in the Oracle Database Documentation Library for more information about backing up and restoring Services Gatekeeper data.

See "MySQL Backup and Recovery" here:


for more information about backing up and restoring Services Gatekeeper data if you store your data in an Oracle MySQL database.