5 Basic OKM GUI Operations

Disconnect from the KMA

From the System menu of OKM Manager, select Disconnect (or click Disconnect in the tool bar).

OKM Manager immediately disconnects you from the KMA and the OKM cluster. The session Audit Log pane indicates the date and time you disconnected from the KMA.

Using Online Help

The OKM Manager includes comprehensive online help. To display help on any OKM Manager screen,

  • Click the Help button that is located at the top of the panel for general help.


  • Navigate to a panel by either pressing the Tab key or by clicking somewhere within the panel. Then, press F1 to view context-sensitive help.

Filtering Lists

You can filter lists (such as KMAs, Users, and so on) in OKM Manger by using the filter drop-down menus to select a criteria, and then entering a value into the field. Click Use to apply the filter.

Click a column name to sort by the attribute.

To clear the filter, click Reset.

Export a List as a Text File (Save Report)

You can export list entries to a tab seperated text file, which you can import into a spreadsheet application.

  1. From any list screen within OKM manager, go to the View menu and then select Save Report... (or press Ctrl-S).

  2. Click Start to initiate the export. If you have filtered the entries list, only those entries are exported.

Passphrase Requirements

Passphrases for Agents, KMAs, OKM users, and key split users must meet the following requirements:

  • Length between 8 and 64 characters (to modify the minimum length requirement for passphrases, see "Review and Modify the Cluster Security Parameters")

  • Must not contain the identifier or name of this agent, KMA, or user.

  • Must contain three of the four character classes: uppercase, lowercase, numeric, or special characters.

  • Can contain the following special characters:

    ~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) - _ = + [ ] { } \ | ; : ' " < > , . / ?
  • Cannot use control characters, including tabs and line feeds

Navigate the OKM GUI with the Keyboard

You can navigate through the Oracle Key Manager GUI using key strokes instead of the mouse.

Accelerator Keys:
Accelerator keys provide keyboard shortcuts for menu items and dialog controls.

  • Alt+S: Pulls down the System Menu.

  • Alt+V: Pulls down the View Menu.

  • Alt+H: Pulls down the Help Menu.

  • F1: Display online help information about the current screen or dialog

  • F5: Refreshes a List screen.

Navigational keys, such as up and down arrow keys, move the focus around various elements in the Oracle Key Manager GUI.

Navigating in Screens and Dialog Boxes: 

  • Tab: Navigates from one button, text field, check box, table, or combobox to the next one.

  • Shift+Tab: Navigates from one button, text field, table, check box, or combobox to the previous one.

  • Up/down arrow key: Displays the next/previous entry in a combobox or table.

  • Space: Sets or clears the current check box.

  • Enter: Invokes the operation of the current button, or brings up the details of the selected table entry.

  • Ctrl+Tab (on Windows): Navigates across tabbed panes in a dialog box.

  • Left/right arrow keys: Navigates across tabbed panes in a dialog box. First press Shift+Tab to navigate to the tab of the current tabbed pane.

Specify the GUI Configuration Settings

Available to:
All roles


  1. From the System menu, select Options....


    The options selected are stored in the Windows Registry or in "~/.KMS Manager" for other platforms (where ~ is the user's home directory). The Windows Registry key for these values is "My Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Sun Microsystems\KMS Manager."
  2. Modify the following parameters, as required, and click the Save button:

    Communication Timeout — Type a timeout period (in seconds) for communications with the connected KMA. If the KMA does not respond within the timeout value, the OKM Manager gives up on the communication. The minimum value is 1; the maximum value is 60. The default is 15.

    Query Page Size — Type the maximum number of items to display on a screen, dialog, or tab on a dialog that displays a list of items. Paging can be used to view a list longer than this limit. The minimum value is 1; the maximum value is 1000. The default is 20.

    Display Dates in Local Time Zone — Select this check box to display all dates and times in the local machine's time zone (i.e., where the OKM Manager is running), rather than UTC. The default is selected. The following confirmation message is displayed.

    Display Tool Tips on List Panels — Select this check box if you want to see a tool tip when you position the cursor over an item. This is the default.

    Zone ID — If your KMAs are configured to have IPv6 addresses and if you want to connect to one of them using an IPv6 link-local address (that is, one that begins with "fe80"), then select a Zone ID to use when connecting to that link-local address.

    See "IPv6 Addresses with Zone IDs" for more information.

IPv6 Addresses with Zone IDs

For Windows system users, you can enter link-local IPv6 addresses, however, you must perform some initial setup first.


You must enter a Zone ID whenever you specify a link-local address (that is, an IPv6 address that begins with "fe80"). You can specify a Zone ID by appending it to the end of an IPv6 address, following a percent sign (%).
  1. Display a command prompt window and determine which Zone IDs are available on your Windows system.

    netsh interface ipv6 show interface

    The Zone IDs appear in the Idx column in the output of this command. Look for entries that show a State of "Connected."

  2. Use the ping command to confirm network connectivity using one of these Zone IDs. For example:

    ping fe80::216:36ff:fed5:fba2%4
  3. Before you open the Connect dialog in the OKM Manager GUI, display the Options dialog and select the appropriate Zone ID.

  4. Click the Save button.