You are here: Internationalization > Currency > Set Currency Displays


Set Currency Displays

Currency can be set at various levels within the OICE application. Currency can be defined at the activity level, the plan level, the company level or the system default can be used if no currency is defined. When OICE reads a money field, it will check at the lowest level (activity level). If no currency is specified, it will move up to the next level until a currency is set.    


Activity Level Currency

Configure a transaction to always use a specific type of currency. Check-out the transaction and click the Fields pane. When the money field is clicked, the Field Properties window will open. Scroll through the properties to the Currency field. Select the currency from the drop down box. The currency set here will determine the currency that the OICE user will see when processing this transaction.       


Activity Level Currency

Currency Set at Activity Level


Plan Level Currency

When OICE reads a money field it will check to see if a currency code has been assigned. OICE first checks the activity level. If no currency is set, OICE will check the plan level. Plan level currency codes can be set when a new plan is created. Currency codes assigned to a plan can also be updated.    


When a new plan is created, select a currency from the currency code drop down box. This will associate the currency with all policies under that plan.  


Plan Level Currency

New Plan Wizard


From the Main Explorer, right-click on a plan and select Edit Plan. When the plan information opens in the Configuration Area, change the currency code and save the update. 


Edit Plan Right-Click Menu

Plan Right-Click Options


Company Level Currency

When OICE reads a money field it will check to see if a currency code has been assigned. OICE first checks the activity and plan levels. If no currency code is set, it will check the company level. Company level currency codes can be set when a new company is created. Currency codes assigned to a company can also be updated.    


When a new company is created, select a currency from the currency code drop down box. This will associate the currency with all plans and policies under that company.  


Currency Code in Company Wizard

New Company Wizard


From the Main Explorer, right-click on a Company and select Edit Company. When the company information opens in the Configuration Area, change the currency code and save the update. 


Edit Company Right-Click Option

Company Right-Click Option


System Default Currency

Set the system default currency in the file. If the currency is not specified at any other level, the system default will be used. 


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