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Rules Palette Security

The Rules Palette controls all security for both the Rules Palette and for the Oracle Insurance Calculation Engine (OICE) system. The Admin Explorer contains a security folder, which holds security controls for the Rules Palette and OICE. Only users with Administration Palette Security Check-In/Check-Outprivileges will see the security folder.   


Palette Security privileges are configured in two steps:

  1. User Security: contains a list of all users and the security roles assigned to them. 

  2. Security Role: contains a list of all security roles and the privileges each role has. These roles are for users performing configuration tasks in the Rules Palette.


The security manager first creates specific security roles, such as BA, Configuror, Build Manager, etc. These roles grant users access to the parts of the Rules Palette that pertain to their specific job functions. Once the roles are defined, each user can be assigned a security role. Security roles and privileges can be modified at any time from the User Security or Security Role folder. Modifications can be made and saved by selecting the Save All Save All button button. This will save the modifications to the database. In addition, any panes open for configuration with changes will be saved to the local drive.    


Transaction and Company Security

Security needs to be added to new transactions and companies after they are created. The user who created the new transaction or company should notify a security manager when it is created. A security manager will then need to add the transaction or company to the security group for the appropriate users. If this step is not completed, then users will not be able to see the new transaction or company in OICE.   


Release Management Security

Security roles need to be created for the release management process. Typically, BAs have access to the configuration package configuration. Then Build Managers and/or BAs with Administration privileges have access to create migration sets and release packages. Separate levels can also be set for a Release Manager so that he can deploy the release package. If a user is not given release management privileges, then he/she will not be able to see any of the release management functionality in the Rules Palette.    


Security Role

Security Role is where the security roles are created for users. There are pre-configured access privileges that can be combined to create security roles. The Rules Palette offers visual editing options when the Security Role option is double-clicked in the Security folder. 


Available privileges within Rules Palette security are:

Available Privileges


Administration - All Non-Security Administration -CheckIn/CheckOut 

Check-in/Check-out all non-security items. The Administration folder will display in the Admin Explorer tab. Items in the folder can be modified.   

Administration - All Non-Security View

View all non-security items. The Administration folder will display in the Admin Explorer tab. Items in the folder cannot be modified.  

Administration - Palette Security- Check-In/Check-Out

Check-in/Check-out all Rules Palette security items. This privilege allows user to add security to transactions and apply security roles to users of the Rules Palette. The Security folder will display in the Admin Explorer tab.  


Administration - OICE Security - Check-In/Check-Out

Check-in/Check-out all OICE security items. This privilege allows user to set security around items in OICE. The Security folder will display in the Admin Explorer tab.  

Business Rules - All Non-Administration Rules - Check-In/Check-Out

Check-in/Check-out all non-administration business rules.  

Configuration Package - Add

Release Management security item. Allows user to add new configuration packages. The Release Management folder will display in the Admin Explorer tab.  

Configuration Package - Put On Hold

Release Management security item. Allows user to put configuration packages on hold. The Release Management folder will display in the Admin Explorer tab.  


Configuration Package - Ready to Migrate

Release Management security item. Allows user to migrate configuration packages. The Release Management folder will display in the Admin Explorer tab.  

Configuration Package - Remove

Release Management security item. Allows user to remove a component from a configuration package. The Release Management folder will display in the Admin Explorer tab.  

Configuration Package - Take Off Hold

Release Management security item. Allows user to take configuration packages off hold. The Release Management folder will display in the Admin Explorer tab.  

Configuration Package - View All

Release Management security item. Allows user to view configuration packages created by all users. The Release Management folder will display in the Admin Explorer tab.    

Configuration Package - ViewOwned

Release Management security item. Allows user to view only the configuration packages that he/she creates. The Release Management folder will display in the Admin Explorer tab.  

DataDictionary - Check-in/Check-out

Check-in/Check-out DataDictionary terms.

DataDictionary - Manager

Manage the DataDictionary.

DataDictionary - View

View DataDictionary items.

Detached Migration - Deploy

Release Management security item. Allows a user to access the Detached Migration tool from the Rules Palette Tools menu.

Migration Set - Create

Release Management security item. Allows user to create migration sets. The Release Management folder will display in the Admin Explorer tab.  

Migration Set - View All

Release Management security item. Allows user to view migration sets created by all users. The Release Management folder will display in the Admin Explorer tab.  

Release Package-ApprovePromotion

Release Management security item. Controls whether the user has security rights to approve a release package for deployment in the Target environment.

Release Package - Build

Release Management security item. Allows user to build release packages. The Release Management folder will display in the Admin Explorer tab.  

Release Package - Create

Release Management security item. Allows user to create release packages. The Release Management folder will display in the Admin Explorer tab.  

Release Package - Deploy

Release Management security item. Allows user to deploy release packages to a new environment. The Release Management folder will display in the Admin Explorer tab.  

Release Package - Set Ready for SCM

Release Management security item. Allows user to mark package ready for the Source Control Manager for approval and promotion. The Release Management folder will display in the Admin Explorer tab.  

Release Package - View All

Release Management security item. Allows user to see release packages created by all users. The Release Management folder will display in the Admin Explorer tab.   


Plan Copy security item. Enables the Plan Copy option on the Tools menu. Only users with this priviliege will be able to use the utility to copy plan groups and plans.


All users will have view access to all rules as a default.


Steps to Create a New Security Role 

Security Role File


Steps to Delete a Security Role  


When a Security Role is deleted all users assigned to that role will have Read Only privileges the next time they log into the system. 


User Security

The User Security window is the gateway for managing users and their respective security roles. New users can be added and existing users can be deleted using the Add or Delete buttons. Each user can only be assigned one security role.  


Enter the first letter or letters of a user's name in the Quick Search option at the top of the window to find that user. Click on the column heading (User, Role or Status) to sort the selected column alphabetically.   


Screen shot of user security information

User Security File


Steps to Create a New User

  1. In the Admin Explorer open Security | Palette Security | User Security.

  2. Select the Add button in the User Security window. Additional fields will appear at the bottom of the window.
  3. Enter the new user's name in the UserName field and assign a password in the Password field.

  4. Assign a role to the new user in the Role drop-down field. Depending on the role selected, the privileges field will be auto-populated by the system with the respective privileges. The privileges field is not editable.

  5. After adding the new user, select the Save AllSave All button button on the shortcut tool bar. A window will appear to confirm that the changes should be saved to the database. When using the Save All button, changes to security will be saved to the database. In addition, any panes open for configuration with changes will be saved to the local drive.


Refer to Username and Company Associations for an explanation of how the user is associated to companies in OICE.


Steps to Delete a User

  1. Select the user from the list of available users in the User Security window.

  2. Select the Delete button. A pop-up window will appear asking for confirmation of the delete.  

  3. Select Yes to delete the user or select No to cancel and return to the User Security window.



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