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You are here: Transaction Rules > Transaction Elements > Math Elements > Math Element

Math Element

The Math element may be used in business rule configuration to perform calculations, evaluate expressions and set variables based on the value of fields retrieved from the database, and also to perform assignments and disbursements in transactions. Math elements may be configured in transactions, functions, copy books, and screen math.

Note: This page explains the Math element. For information about the MathVariable element, see MathVariable Element.

Math Element/Attribute Table
Element/Tab Definition Attribute Element/Attribute Value and Description




Opening and closing tag for Math element.






This attribute is used only in ScreenMath.



Yes or No

This attribute is used only in ScreenMath.






See MathVariable Element.




See Assignment Element.


This element is used only in transactions.


See Disbursement Element.


This element is used only in transactions.

XML Examples

Math Element Example: Transaction

<MathVariable VARIABLENAME="MyVariable" TYPE="VALUE" 
<Assignment TYPE="GrossFullWithdrawalWithAllocations">
<MoneyType NAME="DisbursementAmountRemoved">32</MoneyType>
<Disbursement DisbursementType="DisbursementMethod" APPROVAL="Yes">
<DisbursementRole TYPE="GUID" DISBURSEMENTAMOUNT="Activity:DisbursementAmount">Activity:RoleGUID</DisbursementRole>

Math Element Example: Function

<Function NAME="Function-ModalPremiumCalcs" RETURN="rModalPremium" DATATYPE="DECIMAL">
<Parameter TYPE="INPUT" DATATYPE="DECIMAL">pFace</Parameter>

Math Element Example: ScreenMath

<Math ID="GlobalScreenMath" GLOBAL="Yes">
<MathVariable VARIABLENAME="False" TYPE="VALUE" DATATYPE="INTEGER">0</MathVariable>

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