
A  B  C  D  E  H  I  M  P  R  S  U  V 


asynchronous replication
implementing with job monitoring, 5.6.2


bi-directional cluster
configuring and managing example, A.2.1
moving to uni-directional cluster example, A.7
bi-directional clusters, 5.4.2
VTSS example, A.2


cleaning up after a DR test, 6.4
managing resources, 6.3
metadata considerations, 6.1
operational scenarios, 6.5
optimizing access to test and production resources, 6.3.6
origin of VTV data, 6.2
running a DR test, 6.3.7
using the software, 6
VTCS policies, 6.3.5
creating in VSM environments, 7
examples, 7.1
clustered VTSS
examples, A
clustered VTSS configurations
bi-directional, 5.4.2
clustering with TCP/IP connections, 5.7
definition, 5.1
extended clustering, 5.5
how they work, 5.3
requirements, 5.2
synchronous or asynchronous replication, 5.6
uni-directional, 5.4.1
using, 5
conducting true disaster recovery, 1.7
configuring a remote library, 4
Cross-Tapeplex Replication
configuring and starting, 3.3.1
configuring for, 3.3
defining policies for, 3.3.2
description, 3.1
Disaster Recovery testing, 3.4.3
managing VTVs replicated by CTR, 3.4.5
using for business continuance, 3.4.1
using for business resumption, 3.4.2
using when the remote site has no LPARs, 3.3.3
VTV read-only considerations, 3.2


Data High Availability (D-HA)
highly-available physical tape, 1.6.1
highly-available virtual tape, 1.6.2
planning for, 1.6
defining the Recovery Point Objective (RPO), 1.2
defining the Recovery Time Objective (RTO), 1.1
Disaster Recovery
cleaning with VLE, 8.3
conducting true disaster recovery, 1.7
defining the Recovery Point Objective (RPO), 1.2
defining the Recovery Time Objective (RTO), 1.1
DR testing with CDRT, 1.10
DR testing with physical export and import, 1.9
DR testing with VSM cross-tape replication, 1.11
handling temporary outages, 1.3
introduction, 1
planning for DR testing, 1.8
relating RPO to synchronization point recovery, 1.5
running with VLE, 8.2
synchronization point recovery, 1.4
testing using CTR, 3.4.3
testing when the DR site has no LPARs, 3.4.4
using Cross-Tapeplex Replication, 3
doing physical exports and imports
introduction, 2
DR testing with CDRT, 1.10
DR testing with physical export and import, 1.9
DR testing with VSM cross-tape replication, 1.11


exporting and importing MVCs by management class, 2.1
exporting and importing MVCs by storage class, 2.2
extended clustering, 5.5
extended clustering example, A.3


handling temporary outages, 1.3


implementing synchronous replication, 5.6.1
implementing synchronous replication with job monitoring, 5.6.2
importing and exporting MVCs by management class, 2.1
importing and exporting MVCs by storage class, 2.2


managing CDRT resources, 6.3
modifying the SMC SCMDS file, 4.1
MVC pool considerations for remote libraries, 4.2.1


planning for Data High Availability (D-HA), 1.6
planning for DR testing, 1.8


relating RPO to synchronization point recovery, 1.5
remote library
configuring, 4
modifying the SMC SCMDS file, 4.1
MVC pool considerations, 4.2.1
updating the VTCS CONFIG deck to define a remote library, 4.2


synchronization point recovery, 1.4
synchronous replication
implementing, 5.6.1
system recovery checkpoints
creating in VSM environments, 7


uni-directional cluster
configuring and managing example, A.1.1
VTSS example, A.1
uni-directional clusters, 5.4.1
updating the VTCS CONFIG deck to define a remote library, 4.2
using clustered VTSS configurations, 5
using Cross-Tapeplex Replication in a DR solution, 3
using VLE for disaster recovery, 8


cleaning up after a DR test, 8.3
normal production mode, 8.1
running a DR test, 8.2
using for business continuance, 8.4
using for disaster recovery, 8
VSM5 to VSM5 cluster with TCP/IP CLINKs example, A.4
VSM5 to VSM6 cluster with TCP/IP CLINKs, cross-connected VLEs example, A.5
VSM6 to VSM6 tapeless cluster with TCP/IP CLINKs example, A.6
VTCS policies for CDRT, 6.3.5
VTSS clustered system
configuring and managing example, A.3.1