OracleBulkCopyColumnMapping Class

The OracleBulkCopyColumnMapping class defines the mapping between a column in the data source and a column in the destination database table.

Class Inheritance




// C#
public sealed class OracleBulkCopyColumnMapping


Provider ODP.NET, Unmanaged Driver
Assembly Oracle.DataAccess.dll
Namespace Oracle.DataAccess.Client
.NET Framework 3.5, 4.0, 4.5

Thread Safety

All public static methods are thread-safe, although instance methods do not guarantee thread safety.


Column mappings define the mapping between data source and the target table.

It is not necessary to specify column mappings for all the columns in the data source. If a ColumnMapping is not specified, then, by default, columns are mapped based on the ordinal position. This succeeds only if the source and destination table schema match. If there is a mismatch, an InvalidOperationException is thrown.

All the mappings in a mapping collection must be by name or ordinal position.


Oracle Data Provider for .NET makes one or more round-trips to the database to determine the column name if the mapping is specified by ordinal position. To avoid this performance overhead, specify the mapping by column name.


// C#

OracleBulkCopyColumnMapping Members

OracleBulkCopyColumnMapping members are listed in the following tables.

OracleBulkCopyColumnMapping Constructors

The OracleBulkCopyColumnMapping constructors are listed in Table 17-8.

Table 17-8 OracleBulkCopyColumnMapping Constructors

Constructor Description

OracleBulkCopyColumnMapping Constructors

Instantiates new instances of the OracleBulkCopyColumnMapping class

OracleBulkCopyColumnMapping Methods

The OracleBulkCopyColumnMapping method is listed in Table 17-9.

Table 17-9 OracleBulkCopyColumnMapping Method

Constructor Description


Compares the current instance to the supplied object and returns an integer that represents their relative values

OracleBulkCopyColumnMapping Properties

The OracleBulkCopyColumnMapping properties are listed in Table 17-10.

Table 17-10 OracleBulkCopyColumnMapping Properties

Property Description


Specifies the column name of the destination table that is being mapped


Specifies the column ordinal value of the destination table that is being mapped


Specifies the column name of the data source that is being mapped


Specifies the column ordinal value of the data source that is being mapped

OracleBulkCopyColumnMapping Constructors

OracleBulkCopyColumnMapping constructors instantiates new instances of the OracleBulkCopyColumnMapping class.

Overload List:


This constructor instantiates a new instance of the OracleBulkCopyColumnMapping class.


// C#
public OracleBulkCopyColumnMapping();


Applications that use this constructor must define the source for the mapping using the SourceColumn or SourceOrdinal property, and must define the destination for the mapping using the DestinationColumn or DestinationOrdinal property.

OracleBulkCopyColumnMapping(int, int)

This constructor instantiates a new instance of the OracleBulkCopyColumnMapping class using the provided source and destination column ordinal positions.


// C#
public OracleBulkCopyColumnMapping(int sourceColumnOrdinal, 
   int destinationOrdinal);


  • sourceColumnOrdinal

    The ordinal position of the source column within the data source.

  • destinationOrdinal

    The ordinal position of the destination column within the destination table.

OracleBulkCopyColumnMapping(int, string)

This constructor instantiates a new instance of the OracleBulkCopyColumnMapping class using the provided source column ordinal and destination column name.


// C#
public OracleBulkCopyColumnMapping(int sourceColumnOrdinal, 
   string destinationColumn);


  • sourceColumnOrdinal

    The ordinal position of the source column within the data source.

  • destinationColumn

    The name of the destination column within the destination table.

OracleBulkCopyColumnMapping(string, int)

This constructor instantiates a new instance of the OracleBulkCopyColumnMapping class using the provided source column name and destination column ordinal.


// C#
public OracleBulkCopyColumnMapping(string sourceColumn, int destinationOrdinal);


  • sourceColumn

    The name of the source column within the data source.

  • destinationOrdinal

    The ordinal position of the destination column within the destination table.

OracleBulkCopyColumnMapping(string, string)

This constructor instantiates a new instance of the OracleBulkCopyColumnMapping class using the provided source and destination column names.


// C#
public OracleBulkCopyColumnMapping(string sourceColumn, string destinationColumn);


  • sourceColumn

    The name of the source column within the data source.

  • destinationColumn

    The name of the destination column within the destination table.

OracleBulkCopyColumnMapping Methods

The OracleBulkCopyColumnMapping method is listed in Table 17-11.

Table 17-11 OracleBulkCopyColumnMapping Method

Property Description


Compares the current instance to the supplied object and returns an integer that represents their relative values


This method compares the current instance to the supplied object and returns an integer that represents their relative values.


// C#
public int CompareTo(object obj);


obj - The supplied instance.

Return Value

Less than zero: if the value of the current instance is less than obj.

Zero: if the value of the current instance is equal to obj.

Greater than zero: if the value of the current instance is greater than obj.



OracleBulkCopyColumnMapping Properties

The OracleBulkCopyColumnMapping properties are listed in Table 17-12.

Table 17-12 OracleBulkCopyColumnMapping Properties

Property Description


Specifies the column name of the destination table that is being mapped


Specifies the column ordinal value of the destination table that is being mapped


Specifies the column name of the data source that is being mapped


Specifies the column ordinal value of the data source that is being mapped


This property specifies the column name of the destination table that is being mapped.


// C#
public string DestinationColumn {get; set;}

Property Value

A string value that represents the destination column name of the mapping.


The DestinationColumn and DestinationOrdinal properties are mutually exclusive. The last value set takes precedence.


This property specifies the column ordinal value of the destination table that is being mapped.


// C#
public int DestinationOrdinal {get; set;}

Property Value

An integer value that represents the destination column ordinal of the mapping.


IndexOutOfRangeException - The destination ordinal is invalid.


The DestinationOrdinal and DestinationColumn properties are mutually exclusive. The last value set takes precedence.


This property specifies the column name of the data source that is being mapped.


// C#
public string SourceColumn {get; set;}

Property Value

A string value that represents the source column name of the mapping.


The SourceColumn and SourceOrdinal properties are mutually exclusive. The last value set takes precedence.


This property specifies the column ordinal value of the data source that is being mapped.


// C#
public int SourceOrdinal {get; set;}

Property Value

An integer value that represents the source column ordinal of the mapping.


IndexOutOfRangeException - The source ordinal is invalid.


The SourceOrdinal and SourceColumn properties are mutually exclusive. The last value set takes precedence.