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Oracle® Health Sciences Adverse Event Integration Pack for Oracle Health Sciences InForm and Oracle Argus Safety Installation Guide for On-Premise Deployment
Release 1.0.2

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4 Prerequisites

Before you start the installation process, ensure the following:

SOA Patch:

AIA Foundation Pack Installation:

Back up Customizations:

AIA Foundation Pack Patch:

Argus File Structure:

4.1 Enabling SSL on the SOA Server

You must enable SSL on the SOA server for the following reasons:

  • Because patient data is sent in the messages from InForm Publisher to the SOA server, Oracle recommends that you use https to send the data.

  • The default SOA server endpoint has a global policy that requires SAML or user name token authentication. InForm Publisher sends the user name token in the SOAP header. To pass the user name token in the SOAP header, InForm Publisher requires the SOA server endpoint to be SSL-enabled. �

To enable SSL, see Oracle® Fusion Middleware Securing Oracle WebLogic Server 11g Release 1 (10.3.6).

4.2 Configuring the SOA Server to Invoke InForm Adapter Over HTTPS

To invoke InForm Adapter in secure mode, follow this procedure.

The https certificate to access InForm Adapter must be loaded into the trusted keystore on the SOA server. You need the certificate that is installed on the InForm Adapter server.

  1. Add the certificate to the WebLogic trust keystore. The following example shows how to add the certificate to DemoTrust.jks.

    The following link provides algorithm for locating trust store by WebLogic:

    Based on this, you can add the downloaded certificate to any trust keystore.

    1. Ensure that the SOA server can access the certificate. If the SOA server is on a different machine, copy the certificate to a folder on the SOA server machine.

      For example, copy the InForm Adapter certificate to the SOA server folder <Oracle Home>/<certs>/folder.

    2. Navigate to the location of the trust keystore. For example, if you are adding certificate to DemoTrust.jks, navigate to <Middleware_Home>/wlserver_10.3/server/lib.

    3. Execute the following command:

      keytool -import -trustcacerts -v -keystore DemoTrust.jks -file <Oracle Home>/<certs>/<cert_name> -alias InFormAdapterCert

    4. Enter the password when prompted.

    5. Enter Yes when prompted ”Trust this certificate? [no]:”.

    6. Execute the following command to ensure that the certificate is added:

      keytool -v -list -keystore DemoTrust.jks -storepass <password for keystore>

    7. Modify the script in <MIDDLEWARE_HOME>/user_projects/domains/soa_domain/bin/ as follows:

      1. Open the script.

      2. Modify the line JAVA_OPTIONS="${SAVE_JAVA_OPTIONS}" to JAVA_OPTIONS="${SAVE_JAVA_OPTIONS}<full path to keystore>".


        You must modify this script because requires the location of the custom trust keystore.
    8. Restart the SOA server, Admin server, and Node manager.

  2. Create a key in the credential store for InForm Adapter authentication credentials.

    InForm Adapter authentication credentials are defined at the trial level when InForm Adapter is invoked over an https connection. If your company uses the same authentication user for all trials, you must perform the following steps to create a key in the SOA server keystore. The name of this key will be entered on a screen in the Configuration Wizard.

    If you use a different user for each trial, follow the instructions in Oracle Health Sciences Adverse Event Integration Pack for Oracle Health Sciences InForm and Oracle Argus Safety Implementation Guide for setting up a trial for this integration.

    1. Open Enterprise Manager.

    2. Navigate to Farm_soa_domain > WebLogic Domain > soa_domain.

    3. Click on the WebLogic Domain drop-down box and select Security > Credentials.

      Figure 4-1 WebLogic Domain

      WebLogic Domain
      Description of "Figure 4-1 WebLogic Domain"

    4. In the Credential Store Provider screen, select and expand it.

      Figure 4-2 Credential Store Provider

      Credential Store Provider
      Description of "Figure 4-2 Credential Store Provider"

      If the map does not exist, create the credential map using the following steps:

      1. Open the Oracle Enterprise Manager 11g Fusion Middleware Control.

      2. From the navigation pane, expand WebLogic Domain.

      3. Right-click the domain name, click Security, then Credentials.

      4. On the Credentials page, click Create Map and name it

      5. Click OK.

    5. Click Create Key. The Create Key screen is displayed.

    6. In the Key field, enter a value (for example, alltrials.auth.key) and enter the user name and password for InForm Adapter authentication.


      Contact the InForm system administrator to obtain these values.

      Figure 4-4 Entering a Value in the Key Field

      Entering a Value in the Key Field
      Description of "Figure 4-4 Entering a Value in the Key Field"

    7. Click OK.

      The new key will appear in the list of keys under the group. This key value will be provided either in configuration wizard screens or in HS_TRIAL_SAFETY_CONFIG.dvm.

      The integration pack first checks HS_TRIAL_SAFETY_CONFIG.dvm for authentication parameters for a given trial. If the value is not found, it reads the value in the AIAConfigurationProperties.xml file, which is applicable to all trials on the SOA server.

      The integration pack obtains credential information from the credential store through the key value. The credentials are then passed to the SOAP header when InForm Adapter is invoked in secure mode.

4.3 Verifying a Wildcard Hostname

If you are using a wildcard certificate for https communication, perform the following steps to enable verifying wildcard hostnames on the SOA server:

  1. Navigate to the Admin console.

  2. For each server in the cluster:

    1. Click the SSL tab.

    2. Click Advanced.

    3. Find Hostname Verification.

    4. Select Custom Hostname Verifier from the drop-down list.

    5. Find Custom Hostname Verifier and enter in the corresponding text box.

  3. Click Save.

4.4 Creating Backups of Your Customizations

This section discusses the key tasks that you must perform before you install the media pack or when you apply patches to your existing PIPs:

  • Back up custom extensible style sheet language transformations (XSLTs): These are the extensions performed on the AIA Transformation style sheet. The Oracle AIA does not contain any XSLTs for its components and utilities. Because the process content is delivered only in PIPs, you must manually back up any XSLTs you developed for custom integrations, and reapply them as a post-installation step.

  • Back up custom routing rules in the EBS: If you defined routing rules on any EBS that is available as part of the PIP, you must manually take a backup of the EBS and then merge the EBS manually as a post-installation step.

  • Back up the AIAConfigurationProperties.xml file: This file is located in the $AIA_INSTANCE/AIAMetaData/config folder. Merge custom inclusions in the CONFIG file and change properties as required after installation.


Ensure that you check My Oracle Support for the most current list of patches.

4.5 Creating a User in the Oracle WebLogic Server

InForm Publisher sends user name and password credentials to the SOA server. The user name and password that you create here must be entered as the endpoint user name and password in the InForm Publisher configuration screen. For more information, see InForm Publisher Installation Guide.

To create a user, perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the WebLogic console.

  2. Under the Domain Structure of soa_domain, select Security Realms, then select myrealm.

  3. Select the Users and Groups tab, then select the Users tab.

  4. Click New.

  5. In the Name field, enter the user name that InForm Publisher sends.

  6. In the Password field, enter the password.

  7. In the Provider list, select the default authentication provider for the user.

  8. Click OK.