====================================================================== The Endeca Content Acquisition System (CAS) GENERAL (11.0.0) * Release Date: December 2013 * The release notes may have been updated since the release date. The latest release notes are available through the Oracle Endeca Commerce documentation page on the Oracle Technology Network at http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/indexes/documentation/endecaguidedsearch-1552767.html or by contacting Oracle Technical Support for Endeca Commerce Products. INSTALLATION (11.0.0) * For details about installing CAS, see the Endeca CAS Installation Guide. * For details about migration tasks, see the Endeca CAS Migration Guide. * All CAS documentation is available on the Oracle Technology Network. NEW FEATURES (11.0.0) * For a list of the new features in this release of CAS, refer to the Oracle Endeca Commerce Release Announcement on on the Oracle Technology Network. BUG FIXES (11.0.0) * 16843294 When CAS imported data from Excel spreadshhets contaning two or more numeric columns, it used to produce consecutive numbers without a space between them. A space character is generated between consequitive numeric columns in spreadsheets. * 17324053 A Delta read throws a null pointer exception when reading from a record store some of the records were created after the start generation. This has been fixed. * 17375616 A Baseline read throws a null pointer exception in some empty generations. This has been fixed. * 17590747 The CAS service does not start on Solaris. This has been fixed. ====================================================================== GENERAL (3.1.2) * Release Date: April 2013 * The release notes may have been updated since the release date. The latest release notes are available through the Oracle Endeca Commerce documentation page on the Oracle Technology Network at http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/indexes/documentation/endecaguidedsearch-1552767.html or by contacting Oracle Technical Support for Endeca Commerce Products. INSTALLATION (3.1.2) * For details about installing CAS, see the Endeca CAS Installation Guide. * For details about migration tasks, see the Endeca CAS Migration Guide. * All CAS documentation is available on the Oracle Technology Network. NEW FEATURES (3.1.2) * For a list of the new features in this release of CAS, refer to the Oracle Endeca Commerce Release Announcement on on the Oracle Technology Network. BUG FIXES (3.1.2) * IFDI-272: If you specifid a bad record store port in a crawl configuration using cas-cmd, you recieved an uninformative error message and the log shows a stack trace with the same message. This has been fixed. KNOWN ISSUES (3.1.2) CAS Server: * BUG13888: When validating CMS crawl configurations, the CAS Server can become unresponsive. The CAS Server validates CMS crawl configurations by establishing a test connection to the CMS data source. If this validation is slow, the CAS Server can be unresponsive until the test connection either succeeds or fails. The CAS Server log setting of INFO logs when calls to updateCrawl or createCrawl start and end. * BUG15414: The cas-service.log is not recreated if you manually delete it and do not restart the CAS Service. Restarting the CAS service recreates the log file. CAS Installer: * BUG17414: If CAS was installed on Windows by a user with Administrator privileges and the User Account Control (UAC) was enabled, the user cannot edit the configuration files. Attempts to edit the configuration files will fail with a message about insufficient permissions. The workarounds for this issue include: giving the individual user the necessary file permissions to edit the files, running the file editing programs as an Administrator, or disabling the UAC. * BUG17422: When installing CAS silently on Windows as a user with Administrator privileges and with the UAC enabled, Windows prompts for a confirmation of the installation. This prompt makes the silent installation no longer silent. * BUG15532: When uninstalling CAS on Windows, all folders under CAS\version might not be removed. This is often the case when you configure a CMS Connector by copying files, such as JARs, into the installation directory. After uninstalling the software, examine the contents of CAS\version and backup and delete any remaining folders. The same is true for CAS\workspace. Although the uninstall procedure backs up the workspace folder, it may not succeed in deleting it. CAS Console: * BUG15609: Trailing white space is not removed from property names specified for filters. Therefore, it can appear that multiple properties can be created for the same filter scope and property name or that filters do not have the expected results. Remove all trailing whitespace when specifying property names. * BUG15464: If you modified the extension configuration of CAS Console, for example if the extension was assigned to a role other than admin or was updated to use https://, then uninstalling CAS Console will not completely uninstall all components. Manually remove the extension from $ENDECA_TOOLS_ROOT/conf/ws-extensions.xml and $ENDECA_TOOLS_ROOT/conf/ws-main-menu.xml. * BUG16262: If the CAS Server is configured for SSL, but the CAS Console is not, the CAS Console displays in Workbench, but no data sources are are available. ====================================================================== The Endeca Content Acquisition System (CAS) GENERAL (3.1.1) * Release Date: December 2012 * The release notes may have been updated since the release date. The latest release notes are available through the Oracle Endeca Commerce documentation page on the Oracle Technology Network at http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/indexes/documentation/endecaguidedsearch-1552767.html or by contacting Oracle Technical Support for Endeca Commerce Products. INSTALLATION (3.1.1) * For details about installing CAS, see the Endeca CAS Installation Guide. * For details about migration tasks, see the Endeca CAS Migration Guide. * All CAS documentation is available on the Oracle Technology Network. NEW FEATURES (3.1.1) * For a list of the new features in this release of CAS, refer to the Oracle Endeca Commerce Release Announcement on on the Oracle Technology Network. BUG FIXES (3.1.1) CAS Command Line Utilities * IFDI-258: The cas-cmd utility no longer aborts the createCrawls task when unexpected errors are returned from the CAS server. CAS Server: * BUG19330: CAS examines each manipulator in a crawl configuration to determine whether the crawl configuration supports incremental crawls. In previous releases, CAS examined disabled manipulators when it should have examined only enabled manipulators. * IFDI-434: Forge could not read records created in binary format by either the Web Crawler or the CAS Server. Forge displayed an error similar to the following: "...FORGE {config}: Binary InputStream: file 'C:\Endeca\CAS\workspace\conf\web-crawler\ polite-crawl\workspace\output\polite-crawl-sgmt000.bin' uses unsupported features 2;" * IFDI-466: Document conversion of PDFs by CAS 3.0.x introduced space characters in converted text that were not present in the output of earlier versions of CAS. The output of PDF document conversion has been modified to be more in line with earlier behavior. * IFDI-478: CAS supports crawling files on Windows with paths of up to 32,767 characters. Previously CAS only supported crawling files on Windows with paths up to 260 characters. * IFDI-497: The CAS Service process now aborts if the shutdown port is already in use. This change prevents corruption of the CAS workspace if another CAS Service instance is already running. * IFDI-327: You can no longer create a crawl with an Id that is a case insensitive match with an existing crawl's Id. This prevents crawls from incorrectly sharing state directories on Windows. * IFDI-159: You can no longer create a record store with an Id that is a case insensitive match with an existing record store's Id. This prevents record stores from incorrectly sharing state directories on Windows. * IFDI-504: Fixed a NullPointerException that causes crawls to fail when more than 100,000 delete records are detected by their crawl's history. * IFDI-529: Document conversion of certain PDFs by CAS 3.0.x produced only replacement characters (U+FFFD). The CAS Document Conversion Module has been changed to address this. * IFDI-500: CAS no longer deletes crawl state if an attempt is made to delete a crawl with a duplicate crawl Id. CAS Installer: * IFDI-514: When running the CAS Windows installer in silent mode, the component status for the CASSELECTED and CONSOLESELECTED values was not stored properly. This caused a problem where subsequent uninstalls would attempt to uninstall all CAS components. This information is now properly stored during silent installs. * IFDI-499: The CAS installer now registers the CAS Console extension with Workbench using a relative URL. This avoids problems accessing CAS Console from remote machines when the Workbench host in $ENDECA_TOOLS_CONF/conf/webstudio.properties is configured to be localhost rather than a fully qualified host name. CMS Connectors: * IFDI-395: The SharePoint Object Model Connector threw a ClassCastException when crawling documents with a folder content type. Web Crawler: * IFDI-404: When crawling Web pages, CAS will correctly resolve relative paths that begin with "?", in compliance with RFC 3986. Record Store: * IFDI-347: The CAS Service process now aborts if the Component Instance Manager fails to start. KNOWN ISSUES (3.1.1) CAS Server: * BUG13888: When validating CMS crawl configurations, the CAS Server can become unresponsive. The CAS Server validates CMS crawl configurations by establishing a test connection to the CMS data source. If this validation is slow, the CAS Server can be unresponsive until the test connection either succeeds or fails. The CAS Server log setting of INFO logs when calls to updateCrawl or createCrawl start and end. * BUG15414: The cas-service.log is not recreated if you manually delete it and do not restart the CAS Service. Restarting the CAS service recreates the log file. CAS Installer: * BUG17414: If CAS was installed on Windows by a user with Administrator privileges and the User Account Control (UAC) was enabled, the user cannot edit the configuration files. Attempts to edit the configuration files will fail with a message about insufficient permissions. The workarounds for this issue include: giving the individual user the necessary file permissions to edit the files, running the file editing programs as an Administrator, or disabling the UAC. * BUG17422: When installing CAS silently on Windows as a user with Administrator privileges and with the UAC enabled, Windows prompts for a confirmation of the installation. This prompt makes the silent installation no longer silent. * BUG15532: When uninstalling CAS on Windows, all folders under CAS\version might not be removed. This is often the case when you configure a CMS Connector by copying files, such as JARs, into the installation directory. After uninstalling the software, examine the contents of CAS\version and backup and delete any remaining folders. The same is true for CAS\workspace. Although the uninstall procedure backs up the workspace folder, it may not succeed in deleting it. CAS Console: * BUG15609: Trailing white space is not removed from property names specified for filters. Therefore, it can appear that multiple properties can be created for the same filter scope and property name or that filters do not have the expected results. Remove all trailing whitespace when specifying property names. * BUG15464: If you modified the extension configuration of CAS Console, for example if the extension was assigned to a role other than admin or was updated to use https://, then uninstalling CAS Console will not completely uninstall all components. Manually remove the extension from $ENDECA_TOOLS_ROOT/conf/ws-extensions.xml and $ENDECA_TOOLS_ROOT/conf/ws-main-menu.xml. * BUG16262: If the CAS Server is configured for SSL, but the CAS Console is not, the CAS Console displays in Workbench, but no data sources are are available. ======================================================================