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StorageTek Storage Archive Manager and StorageTek QFS Software Installation and Configuration Guide
Release 5.4
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8 Configuring SAM-Remote

Oracle StorageTek SAM-Remote client and server software lets SAM-QFS servers access archival storage resources that are hosted on remote SAM-QFS servers. Shared resources and client/server relationships are defined in the /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/mcf file using special SAM-Remote equipment types. Typically, one or more SAM-Remote server hosts are configured with archival solid-state disk (SSD) or magnetic disk storage and an attached, automated tape library. One or more SAM-Remote client hosts are configured with archival solid-state or disk storage only. The archiving policy on each SAM-Remote client specifies one or more copies in the local disk archive and a remote copy on the SAM-Remote server's archival solid-state or disk storage. When multiple servers are configured, the archiving policy on each server host can specify one or more archival copies on media hosted by another server. So, if a server cannot access a local library, it can access its archival data by requesting the required files as a client. The other host then acts as the server and automatically retrieves the files from its own, local library.

You can address a number of otherwise difficult archiving and data-protection requirements by configuring file-system servers as SAM-Remote client/server pairs.

This chapter outlines the process of configuring a SAM-Remote client/server network. It covers the following tasks:

Make Sure that All SAM-Remote Hosts Use the Same Software

SAM-Remote clients and servers must have the same revision of the SAM-QFS software installed. Check the revision levels using the procedure below:

  1. Log in to the SAM-Remote server host as root.

    In the example, the server host is server1:

  2. Log in to the SAM-Remote client hosts as root.

    In the example, we open a terminal window and use ssh to log in to the host client1:

    [server1]root@solaris:~# ssh root@client1 
    Password: ...
  3. Make sure that SAM-QFS package revision levels are identical on all SAM-Remote servers and clients. On each SAM-Remote host, use the command samcmd l to list configuration details. Compare the results.

    In the example, we compare the results on server1 to those on client1. Both use the same release of the SAM-QFS software:

    [server1]root@solaris:~# samcmd l
    Usage information samcmd     5.4 11:44:35 Apr 18 2014
    samcmd on server1
    [client1]root@solaris:~# samcmd l
    Usage information samcmd     5.4 11:44:35 Apr 18 2014
    samcmd on client1
  4. Using the Solaris Image Packaging System (IPS), update host software as necessary until all SAM-Remote servers and clients are at the same revision levels.

  5. Next, Stop SAM-QFS Processes.

Stop SAM-QFS Processes

  1. Log in to the SAM-Remote server host as root.

    In the example, the server is named server1:

  2. Obtain the equipment ordinal numbers of the configured devices. Use the command samcmd c.

    In the example, the devices are numbered 801, 802, 803, and 804:

    [server1]root@solaris:~# samcmd c
    Device configuration samcmd     5.4 17:37:31 Dec 31 2013
    samcmd on server1
    Device configuration:
    ty  eq  state   device_name                        fs   family_set
    rb  800 on      /dev/scsi/changer/c1t0d5           800  rb800
    tp  801 on      /dev/rmt/0cbn                      801  rb800
    tp  802 on      /dev/rmt/1cbn                      802  rb800
    tp  803 on      /dev/rmt/2cbn                      803  rb800
    tp  804 on      /dev/rmt/3cbn                      804  rb800
  3. Idle the removable media devices in the robotic library. Use the command samcmd idle equipment-ordinal, where equipment-ordinal is the equipment ordinal number specified for the device in the /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/mcf file.

    Idling the devices lets running processes complete any current tasks before stopping.

    [server1]root@solaris:~# samcmd idle 801
    [server1]root@solaris:~# samcmd idle 802
    [server1]root@solaris:~# samcmd idle 803
    [server1]root@solaris:~# samcmd idle 804
  4. Once all removable media devices are idle, stop the archiving processes. Use the command /opt/SUNWsamfs/sbin/samd stop.

    [server1]root@solaris:~# samd stop
  5. Next, Configure the SAM-Remote Server.

Configure the SAM-Remote Server

A SAM-Remote server is a SAM-QFS file-system host that makes its attached archiving equipment—disk archives, robotic tape libraries, and tape drives—available to remote clients that are themselves SAM-QFS file-system hosts. The SAM-Remote server must mount at least one QFS file system to start SAM-QFS processes.

To configure a SAM-Remote server, carry out the following tasks:

Define the Remotely Shared Archiving Equipment in the SAM-Remote Server's mcf File

  1. Log in to the SAM-Remote server host as root.

    In the example, the server is named server1:

  2. On the server, open the /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/mcf file in a text editor, and scroll down to the archiving equipment definitions.

    In the example, we use the vi editor. The file defines one QFS archiving file system, fs600, three disk-archive file systems, afs700, afs710, and afs720, and a tape library, rb800, that holds four drives. Note that the example includes clarifying headings that may not be present in actual files and abbreviates lengthy device paths:

    [server1]root@solaris:~# vi /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/mcf
    # QFS File-System Equipment Definitions:
    # File system "fs600"
    # Equipment                Equipment Equipment Family  Device Additional
    # Identifier               Ordinal   Type      Set     State  Parameters
    #------------------------  --------- --------- ------  ------ ----------
    fs600                      600       ms        fs600   on
     /dev/dsk/c9t60...F4d0s7    610       md        fs600   on
     /dev/dsk/c9t60...81d0s7    611       md        fs600   on
    # Archiving Equipment Definitions:
    # Local tape library "rb800"
    # Equipment                Equipment Equipment Family  Device Additional
    # Identifier               Ordinal   Type      Set     State  Parameters
    #------------------------  --------- --------- ------  ------ ----------
    /dev/scsi/changer/c1t0d5   800       rb        rb800   on
     /dev/rmt/0cbn              801       tp        rb800   on
     /dev/rmt/1cbn              802       tp        rb800   on
     /dev/rmt/2cbn              803       tp        rb800   on
     /dev/rmt/3cbn              804       tp        rb800   on
  3. At the end of the archiving equipment definitions, start an entry for the equipment that the server will make available to clients. Enter the path to the SAM-Remote server configuration file, /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/samremote, in the Equipment Identifier field, and assign an equipment ordinal number.

    In the example, we add some headings as comments and assign equipment ordinal number 500 to the new equipment:

    # Archiving Equipment Definitions:
    # Server's remotely shared archival media equipment "am500"
    # Equipment                   Equipment Equipment Family  Device Additional
    # Identifier                  Ordinal   Type      Set     State  Parameters
    #---------------------------  --------- --------- ------  ------ ----------
    /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/samremote  500       
  4. In the Equipment Type field of the new entry, enter ss, for SAM-Remote server equipment.

    # Server's remotely shared archival media equipment "am500"
    # Equipment                   Equipment Equipment Family  Device Additional
    # Identifier                  Ordinal   Type      Set     State  Parameters
    #---------------------------  --------- --------- ------  ------ ----------
    /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/samremote  500       ss     
  5. Assign a Family Set name that is unique across all hosts and servers, and set the device on.

    In the example, we assign the family set name am500 to the new equipment:

    # Server's remotely shared archival media equipment "am500"
    # Equipment                   Equipment Equipment Family  Device Additional
    # Identifier                  Ordinal   Type      Set     State  Parameters
    #---------------------------  --------- --------- ------  ------ ----------
    /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/samremote  500       ss        am500   on
  6. If you plan to configure more than ten SAM-Remote clients, configure an additional server for each successive group of one to ten clients. Then save the file and close the editor.

    In the example, we do not plan to add more than ten clients:

    /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/samremote  500       ss        am500   on
  7. Next, Create the samremote Server Configuration File.

Create the samremote Server Configuration File

The SAM-Remote server configuration file defines the disk buffer characteristics and media to be used for each client. For each server that you need to configure, proceed as follows:

  1. Log in to the SAM-Remote server host as root.

    In the example, the server is named server1:

  2. On the server, create an /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/samremote file in a text editor.

    In the example, we create the file with the vi editor. We start by documenting the file with some descriptive comments, indicated by a hash (#) sign:

    [server1]root@solaris:~# vi /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/samremote
    # Server Configuration File:
    # Defines the disk buffer and media that is available to each client.
  3. Start the first client entry by starting a new line and entering the hostname, IP address, or fully qualified domain name of the client in the first column.

    The client identifier line must start with a non-space character. In the example, we identify the client using the hostname client1:

    [server1]root@solaris:~# vi /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/samremote
    # Server Configuration File:
    # Defines the disk buffer and media that is available to each client.
  4. Start identifying the media that will be shared with the client. Start a new line of the form indent media, where indent is one or more spaces and media is a SAM-remote keyword:

    [server1]root@solaris:~# vi /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/samremote
    # Server Configuration File:
    # Defines the disk buffer and media that is available to each client.
  5. Identify each media type and source with a new line of the form indent equipment-number media-type VSNs, where:

    • indent is one or more spaces, equipment-number is the equipment ordinal number that identifies the archival storage equipment in the mcf file.

    • media-type is the media identifier for the media used by this equipment (see Appendix A, "Glossary of Equipment Types" for a full list of SAM-QFS media types).

    • VSNs is a space-delimited list of one or more volume serial numbers, which are alphanumeric strings of up to 31 characters.

    In the example, we identify one source of shared media, a range of tape volumes (type tp) resident in a tape library with equipment ordinal number 800. The available volumes are specified by a regular expression enclosed in parentheses: the expression VOL0[0-1][0-9] limits client1 to volumes VOL000-VOL019:

             800 tp (VOL0[0-1][0-9])

    Note that each line can specify only one type of media. So, if a library supports more than one type, you must specify each type in a new entry:

             900 ti VOL500 VOL501
             900 li (VOL0[0-1][0-9])
  6. When you have finished identifying the media that will be shared with the client, close the list by entering the SAM-Remote keyword endmedia.

    In the example, client1 is now fully configured:

             800 tp (VOL0[0-1][0-9])
  7. If you need to configure additional clients, do so now. Add a new client configuration record for each, up to a maximum of ten (10). Then save the file and close the editor.

    To prevent contention for volumes and possible data loss, make sure that clients do not share the same removable media volumes.

    In the example, we configure one additional client, client2. The second client has access to a range of tape volumes resident in the same tape library as client1, equipment ordinal number 800. But the regular expression in the configuration specifies a different set of volumes: VOL020-VOL039.

    # Server Configuration File:
    # Defines the disk buffer and media that is available to each client.
            800 tp (VOL0[0-1][0-9])
            800 tp (VOL02-3][0-9])
  8. Next, Configure the SAM-Remote Clients.

Configure the SAM-Remote Clients

For each SAM-Remote client, perform the following tasks:

Define the Remote Archiving Equipment in the SAM-Remote Client's MCF File

  1. Log in to the SAM-Remote client host as root.

    In the example, the SAM-Remote client is named client1:

  2. On the client, open the /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/mcf file in a text editor, and scroll down to the archiving equipment definitions.

    In the example, we use the vi editor. The file defines one QFS archiving file system, fs100 and one disk-archive file system, afs200. Note that the example includes clarifying headings that may not be present in actual files and abbreviates lengthy device paths.

    [client1]root@solaris:~# vi /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/mcf
    # Client's /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/mcf file
    # QFS File-System Equipment Definitions:
    # File system "fs100"
    # Equipment                Equipment Equipment Family  Device Additional
    # Identifier               Ordinal   Type      Set     State  Parameters
    #------------------------  --------- --------- ------  ------ ----------
    fs100                      100       ms        fs100   on
     /dev/dsk/c10t60...7Bd0s7   110       md        fs100   on
     /dev/dsk/c10t60...48d0s7   111       md        fs100   on
    # Archiving Equipment Definitions:
    # Archival File System "afs200"
    # Equipment                Equipment Equipment Family  Device Additional
    # Identifier               Ordinal   Type      Set     State  Parameters
    #------------------------- --------- --------- ------  ------ ------------
    afs200                     200       ms        afs200   on
     /dev/dsk/c10t60...7Bd0s7   210       md        afs200   on
     /dev/dsk/c10t60...48d0s7   211       md        afs200   on
  3. At the end of the archiving equipment definitions, start an entry for the equipment that the server will make available to the client. In the Equipment Identifier field, enter the path to the SAM-Remote server configuration file, and assign an equipment ordinal number.

    In the example, the client configuration file is /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/am500. We assign it the equipment ordinal number 400. We also add some headings as comments:

    # Client's remote archival media equipment "am500"
    # Equipment                Equipment Equipment Family  Device Additional
    # Identifier               Ordinal   Type      Set     State  Parameters
    #------------------------  --------- --------- ------  ------ ----------
    /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/am500   400     
  4. In the Equipment Type field of the new entry, enter sc, for SAM-Remote client equipment.

    # Client's remote archival media equipment "am500"
    # Equipment                Equipment Equipment Family  Device Additional
    # Identifier               Ordinal   Type      Set     State  Parameters
    #------------------------  --------- --------- ------  ------ ----------
    /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/am500   400       sc
  5. Assign a Family Set name that is unique across all hosts and servers, and set the device on.

    In the example, we assign the family set name am500 to the new equipment.

    # Client's remote archival media equipment "am500"
    # Equipment                Equipment Equipment Family  Device Additional
    # Identifier               Ordinal   Type      Set     State  Parameters
    #------------------------  --------- --------- ------  ------ ----------
    /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/am500   400       sc        am500   on     
  6. For each tape drive that the SAM-Remote server makes available, add a SAM-Remote pseudodevice to the SAM-Remote client sc equipment. In the Equipment Identifier field, add an entry of the form /dev/samrd/rddevice-number, where device-number is an integer.

    In the example, we start entries for two pseudodevices, /dev/samrd/rd 0 and /dev/samrd/rd 1:

    # Client's remote archival media equipment "am500"
    # Equipment                Equipment Equipment Family  Device Additional
    # Identifier               Ordinal   Type      Set     State  Parameters
    #------------------------  --------- --------- ------  ------ ----------
    /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/am500   400       sc        am500   on     
  7. In the Equipment Ordinal field for each pseudodevice, enter a number in the range that you assigned to the sc equipment.

    In the example, we assign equipment ordinal 410 to /dev/samrd/rd0 and equipment ordinal 420 to /dev/samrd/rd1:

    # Client's remote archival media equipment "am500"
    # Equipment                Equipment Equipment Family  Device Additional
    # Identifier               Ordinal   Type      Set     State  Parameters
    #------------------------  --------- --------- ------  ------ ----------
    /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/am500   400       sc        am500   on     
    /dev/samrd/rd0              410
    /dev/samrd/rd1              420
  8. In the Equipment Type field for each SAM-Remote pseudodevice, enter rd, the equipment type for SAM-Remote pseudodevices.

    # Client's remote archival media equipment "am500"
    # Equipment                Equipment Equipment Family  Device Additional
    # Identifier               Ordinal   Type      Set     State  Parameters
    #------------------------  --------- --------- ------  ------ ----------
    /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/am500   400       sc        am500   on     
    /dev/samrd/rd0              410       rd
    /dev/samrd/rd1              420       rd
  9. In the Family Set field for each pseudodevice, enter the family set name for the sc equipment.

    In the example, we use the family set name am500:

    # Client's remote archival media equipment "am500"
    # Equipment                Equipment Equipment Family  Device Additional
    # Identifier               Ordinal   Type      Set     State  Parameters
    #------------------------  --------- --------- ------  ------ ----------
    /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/am500   400       sc        am500   on     
    /dev/samrd/rd0              410       rd        am500
    /dev/samrd/rd1              420       rd        am500
  10. In the Device State field for each pseudodevice, enter on. Then save the file and close the editor.

    In the example, we assign equipment ordinal 410 to /dev/samrd/rd 0 and equipment ordinal 420 to /dev/samrd/rd 1:

    # Client's remote archival media equipment "am500"
    # Equipment                Equipment Equipment Family  Device Additional
    # Identifier               Ordinal   Type      Set     State  Parameters
    #------------------------  --------- --------- ------  ------ ----------
    /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/am500   400       sc        am500   on
    /dev/samrd/rd0              410       rd        am500   on
    /dev/samrd/rd1              420       rd        am500   on
  11. Next, Create the SAM-Remote Client Configuration File.

Create the SAM-Remote Client Configuration File

For each SAM-Remote client, proceed as follows:

  1. Log in to the SAM-Remote client host as root.

    In the example, the SAM-Remote client is named client1:

  2. On the client, create an /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/family-set-name file in a text editor, where family-set-name is the family set name for the remote equipment as used in the mcf file.

    In the example, we create the file with the vi editor and name it for the family set am500. We also document the file with some descriptive comments, indicated by a hash (#) sign:

    [client1]root@solaris:~# vi /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/am500
    # Client's SAM-Remote client configuration file: /opt/SUNWsamfs/am500
    # This file identifies the host of the SAM-Remote server.
  3. Add a single entry for the server by starting a new line and entering the hostname, IP address, or fully qualified domain name of the server in the first column. Then save the file and close the editor.

    The line must start with a non-space character. In the example, we identify the server using the hostname server1:

    [client1]root@solaris:~# vi /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/samremote
    # Client's SAM-Remote server configuration file: /opt/SUNWsamfs/am500
    # This file identifies the host of the SAM-Remote server.
  4. Next, Configure the archiver.cmd file on the SAM-Remote Client.

Configure the archiver.cmd file on the SAM-Remote Client

  1. Log in to the SAM-Remote client host as root.

    In the example, the SAM-Remote client is named client1:

  2. Open the /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/archiver.cmd file in a text editor, and scroll down to the copy parameter directives, which start at the keyword params and end at the keyword endparams.

    In the example, we open the file in the vi editor:

    [client1]root@solaris:~# vi /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/archiver.cmd
    # Copy Parameter Directives
    all -sort path -offline_copy direct
    all.1 -startage 10m -startsize 500M -drives 10
    all.2 -startage 24h -startsize 20G -drives 2 -reserve set
  3. Check the copy parameters for all archive sets that will be archived on remote media. If any of them includes -tapenonstop and/or -offline_copy direct directives, remove these directives now.

    In the example, the all parameter specifies the -offline_copy direct directive for all copies. So we override this directive by specifying -offline_copy none for the copy that we intend to send to remote media, all.3:

    # Copy Parameter Directives
    # Copy Parameter Directives
    all -sort path -offline_copy direct
    all.1 -startage 10m -startsize 500M -drives 10
    all.2 -startage 24h -startsize 20G -drives 2 -reserve set offline_copy none
  4. Scroll down to the VSN directives, which start at the SAM-Remote keyword vsns and end at the keyword endvsns.

    In the example, we use the vi editor. The only copy that currently has media assigned, all.1, will be made using the local disk archive volume, afs200:

    # VSN Directives
    all.1 dk afs200
  5. Assign archive copies to the remote media, as specified for this client in the server's /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/samremote file. Then save the file and close the editor.

    In the example, we are configuring client1. Copy all.2 will be made using a remote tape volume in the range VOL000-VOL019, as specified in the samremote server configuration file:

    # VSN Directives
    all.1 dk afs200
    all.2 tp VOL0[0-1][0-9]
  6. Next, Validate the Archiving Configuration on the SAM-Remote Server.

Validate the Archiving Configuration on the SAM-Remote Server

  1. Log in to the SAM-Remote server host as root.

    In the example, the SAM-Remote server is named server1:

  2. Start the SAM-QFS processes on the server. Use the command samd start:

    [server1]root@solaris:~# samd start
  3. On the server host, check the status of the shared-device server. Use the command samcmd s.

    In the example, the SAM-Remote server equipment (type ss) with equipment ordinal number 500 is on and operating normally:

    [server1]root@solaris:~# samcmd s
    Device status samcmd     5.4 17:51:05 Jan  2 2014
    samcmd on server1
    ty    eq  state   device_name                      fs     status
    rb    800 on      /dev/scsi/changer/c1t0d5         800    m--------r
    tp    801 on      /dev/rmt/0cbn                    800    ---------p
    tp    802 on      /dev/rmt/1cbn                    800    ---------p
    tp    803 on      /dev/rmt/2cbn                    800    ---------p
    tp    804 on      /dev/rmt/3cbn                    800    ---------p
    ss    500 on      /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/samremote     am500  -------o-r
  4. If the shared-device server is not on, make sure that it is correctly defined in the server host's /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/mcf file, and make sure that the /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/samremote file is correct and in the correct location.

    See the procedures "Define the Remotely Shared Archiving Equipment in the SAM-Remote Server's mcf File" and "Create the samremote Server Configuration File".

  5. On the server, check the connection status of the remote, shared-device clients. Use the command samcmd R.

    In the example, both client1 and client2 are in state 0005 and are thus connected (state 0004 indicates no connection):

    [server1]root@solaris:~# samcmd R
    Remote server eq: 500 addr: 00003858 samcmd 5.4 17:51:05 Jan  2 2014
    samcmd on server1
    Client IPv4: client1 port - 5000
     client index - 0 port - 31842 flags - 0005 connected
    Client IPv4: client2 port - 5000
     client index - 1 port - 32848 flags - 0005 connected
  6. If a shared-device client is not connected (state 0004), check network connectivity. Make sure that server and client(s) can resolve each other's hostnames and addresses. Make sure that server and client(s) can reach each other.

    In the example, we use ssh with the getent and ping commands to check connectivity from each host to each of the other hosts in the SAM-Remote configuration:

    [server1]root@solaris:~# getent hosts client1      client1
    [server1]root@solaris:~# getent hosts      client1
    [server1]root@solaris:~# ping is alive
    [server1]root@solaris:~# getent hosts client2 client2
    [server1]root@solaris:~# getent hosts client2
    [server1]root@solaris:~# ping is alive
    [server1]root@solaris:~# ssh root@client1
    Password: ...
    [client1]root@solaris:~# getent hosts server1    server1
    [client1]root@solaris:~# exit
    [server1]root@solaris:~# ssh root@client2
    Password: ...
    [client2]root@solaris:~# getent hosts server1    server1
    [client2]root@solaris:~# exit
  7. If a shared-device client is not connected (state 0004), make sure that it is correctly defined in the client host's /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/mcf file. Make sure that the server host is correctly identified in the /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/family-set-name file and that the file is in the correct location on the client host. Then make sure that the client hosts are correctly identified in the /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/samremote file on the server host.

    See the procedures "Define the Remote Archiving Equipment in the SAM-Remote Client's MCF File" and "Create the SAM-Remote Client Configuration File".

  8. On the client, make sure that the server host is correctly identified in the /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/family-set-name file and that the file is in the correct location on the client host.

    See the procedure"Create the SAM-Remote Client Configuration File".

  9. If a shared-device client is not connected (state 0004) and the client-side configuration files are not the problem, check the server. Make sure that the client hosts are correctly identified in the /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/samremote file.

    See the procedure "Create the samremote Server Configuration File".

  10. On the server, make sure that each client can access the catalog for the shared tape library and view the available volumes. Use the command samcmd v equipment-number, where equipment-number is the equipment ordinal that the client's mcf file assigns to the SAM-Remote client equipment.

    In the example, we check client1, so 400 is the equipment number for the SAM-Remote client equipment, /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/am500. The output correctly lists the volumes that client1 can access, VOL000 to VOL019:

    [server1]root@solaris:~# samcmd v 400 
    Robot catalog samcmd     5.4  18:30:35 Jan  2 2014
    samcmd on server1
    Robot VSN catalog by slot       : eq 400
    slot     access time  count use flags         ty vsn
       3     none         0     0%  -il-o-b-----  li VOL000 
       7     none         0     0%  -il-o-b-----  li VOL001
      24     none         0     0%  -il-o-b-----  li VOL019 
  11. If a shared-equipment client cannot see the correct volumes, check the host files. On the server host, make sure that the assigned volumes are correctly identified in the /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/samremote file. On the client host, make sure that the /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/family-set-name file correctly identifies the server host.

    See the procedures "Create the samremote Server Configuration File" and "Create the SAM-Remote Client Configuration File".

  12. Next, Validate the Archiving Configuration on Each SAM-Remote Client.

Validate the Archiving Configuration on Each SAM-Remote Client

For each SAM-Remote client, proceed as follows:

  1. Log in to the SAM-Remote client host as root.

    In the example, the SAM-Remote client is named client1:

  2. Start the SAM-QFS processes on the client host. Use the command samd start:

    [client1]root@solaris:~# samd start
  3. On the client host, check the status of the shared-device client. Use the command samcmd s.

    In the example, the SAM-Remote server equipment (type sc) with equipment ordinal number 400 is on and operating normally:

    [client1]root@solaris:~# samcmd s
    Device status samcmd     5.4 18:06:51 Jan  2 2014
    samcmd on client1
    ty    eq  state   device_name                      fs     status
    sc    400 on      /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/am500         am500  -------o-r
  4. If the shared-device client is not on, make sure that the sc device is correctly defined. On the client host, check the /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/mcf file, and make sure that the /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/family-set-name file is correct and in the correct location.

    See the procedures "Define the Remote Archiving Equipment in the SAM-Remote Client's MCF File" and "Create the SAM-Remote Client Configuration File".

  5. On the client host, confirm that the /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/archiver.cmd file specifies the correct volume serial numbers for the remote media. List the file using the command archiver -A.

    In the example, we are configuring client1. Copy all.2 will be made using one of the remote tape volumes in the range VOL000-VOL019, as specified in the samremote server configuration file:

    [client1]root@solaris:~# archiver -A
    Reading '/etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/archiver.cmd'.
    1: # archiver.cmd
    2: #-----------------------------------------------------------------------
    3: # Global Directives
    4: archivemeta = off
    5: examine = noscan
    30: #-----------------------------------------------------------------------
    31: # VSN Directives
    32: vsns
    33: all.1 dk afs200
    34: all.2 tp VOL0[0-1][0-9]
    36: endvsns
  6. If you note any discrepancies in the archiver.cmd file, correct them before continuing.

  7. If you intend to configure recycling, see Configuring Recycling for SAM-Remote.

Configuring Recycling for SAM-Remote

When SAM-Remote is configured, you must insure that recycling on one host cannot destroy valid data on another. Any recycling directives that you configure on a SAM-Remote server must recycle only the media that the server uses for its own archive sets. The server must not try to recycle media volumes that it has made available to SAM-Remote clients. Similarly, any recycling directives that you configure on a SAM-Remote client must recycle only the media that holds archived client data, either locally or in the designated volumes made available by the server.

You should thoroughly understand the recycling process before trying to use the recycler in a SAM-Remote environment. So read "Recycling" and the sam-recycler, archiver.cmd, recycler.cmd, and man pages.

Then, when you are familiar with how recycling works, carry out the tasks below:

Configure Recycling on the SAM-Remote Server

If you need to configure recycling for file systems that the SAM-Remote server hosts, proceed as follows:

  1. Log in to the SAM-Remote server as root.

    In the example, the SAM-Remote server is named server1:

  2. Open the /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/archiver.cmd file in a text editor. Scroll down to the params section.

    In the example, we open the file in the vi editor:

    [client1]root@solaris:~# vi /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/archiver.cmd
    # Copy Parameter Directives
    all -sort path -offline_copy direct
    all.1 -startage 10m -startsize 500M -drives 10
    all.2 -startage 24h -startsize 20G -drives 2 -reserve set
  3. Enter your recycler directives by archive set, in the form archive-set directive-list, where archive-set is one of the archive sets and directive-list is a space-delimited list of directive name/value pairs (for a full list of recycling directives, see the archiver.cmd man page).

    When using SAM-Remote, you cannot specify recycling by library. You must configure recycling by archive sets, in the params section of the archiver.cmd file.

    In the example, we add recycling directives for archive sets all.1 and all.2. The -recycle_mingain 90 directive does not recycle volumes unless at least 90 percent of the volume's capacity can be recovered. The -recycle_hwm 60 directive starts recycling when 60 percent of the removable media capacity has been used. The -recycle_vsncount 1 schedules no more than 1 removable media volume for recycling at a time:

    #  Copy Parameters Directives
    all -sort path -offline_copy direct
    all.1 -startage 10m -startsize 500M -drives 10
    all.1 -recycle_mingain 90
    all.2 -startage 24h -startsize 20G -drives 2 -reserve set offline_copy none
    all.2 -recycle_hwm 60 -recycle_mingain 90 -recycle_vsncount 1

    Note that the recycling directives defined on the SAM-Remote server apply only to archival volumes that the server uses for its own archive sets and not to volumes that are accessible from the clients. In the example, the server's recycling directives for copy all.1 apply to the disk archive equipment afs700, not to afs710 (which is reserved for client1) or afs720 (which is reserved for client2). The server's recycling directives for copy all.2 apply to tape volumes VOL100-VOL199, but not to volumes VOL000-VOL019 (which are reserved for client1) or to volumes VOL020-VOL039 (which are reserved for client2):

    # VSN Directives
    all.1 dk afs700
    all.2 tp VOL1[0-9][0-9]
  4. Save the archiver.cmd file, and close the editor.

  5. On the server, create the recycler.cmd file in a text editor. Specify a path and file name for the recycler log.

    In the example, we use the vi editor. We specify the default location for the log file:

    [server1]root@solaris:~# vi /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/recycler.cmd
    logfile = /var/adm/recycler.log
  6. In the recycler.cmd file on the server, add a directive of the form no-recyle media-type volumes, where media-type is one of the media types specified in Appendix A, "Glossary of Equipment Types" and where volumes is a space-delimited list or regular expression that specifies a volume serial number for every archival storage volume that you have assigned to SAM-Remote clients. Save the file and close the editor.

    The no-recyle directive provides additional protection for storage resources that are dedicated to client use. It explicitly orders the host recycling processes to skip the specified volumes.

    In the example, we add a no-recyle directive for media type tp (tape) volumes VOL000-VOL019 (assigned to client1) and VOL020-VOL039 (assigned to client2):

    [server1]root@solaris:~# vi /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/recycler.cmd
    logfile = /var/opt/SUNWsamfs/recycler/recycler.log
    no_recycle tp VOL0[0-1][0-9] VOL0[2-3][0-9] 
  7. Now, Configure Recycling on the SAM-Remote Client.

Configure Recycling on the SAM-Remote Client

For each client, proceed as follows:

  1. Log in to the SAM-Remote client as root.

    In the example, the SAM-Remote client is named client1:

  2. On the client, open the /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/archiver.cmd file in a text editor, and scroll down to the copy params section.

    In the example, we open the file in the vi editor.

    [client1]root@solaris:~# vi /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/archiver.cmd
    # Copy Parameters Directives
    allsets -sort path -offline_copy stageahead
    allsets.1 -startage 6h  -startsize 6G  -startcount 500000
    allsets.2 -startage 6h -startsize 6G -startcount 500000 
    allsets.2 -rearch_stage_copy 1
    allsets.3 -startage 24h -startsize 20G -startcount 500000 -archmax 24G
    allsets.3 -rearch_stage_copy 2
    # VSN Directives
    all.1 dk afs200
    all.2 tp VOL0[0-1][0-9]
  3. In the params section of the archiver.cmd file, enter your recycler directives by archive set, in the form archive-set directive-list, where archive-set is one of the archive sets and directive-list is a space-delimited list of directive name/value pairs (for a list of recycling directives, see the archiver.cmd man page). Then save the file and close the editor.

    When using SAM-Remote, you cannot specify recycling by library. You must configure recycling by archive sets, in the params section of the archiver.cmd file.

    In the example, we add recycling directives for archive sets allsets.1 and allsets.2. The -recycle_mingain 90 directive does not recycle volumes unless at least 90 percent of the volume's capacity can be recovered. The -recycle_hwm 60 directive starts recycling when 60 percent of the removable media capacity has been used. The -recycle_vsncount 1 directive schedules no more than 1 removable media volume for recycling at a time.

    # Copy Parameters Directives
    allsets -sort path -offline_copy stageahead
    allsets.1 -startage 6h  -startsize 6G  -startcount 500000
    allsets.1 -recycle_mingain 90
    allsets.2 -startage 24h -startsize 20G -startcount 500000 -archmax 24G
    allsets.2 -recycle_hwm 60 -recycle_mingain 90 -recycle_vsncount 1

    Note that the recycling directives defined on the client apply only to media that the client uses for its own archive sets. In the example, the client's recycling directives for copy all.1 apply to the client's local disk archive equipment, afs200. The client's recycling directives for copy all.2 apply to the server-provided remote tape volumes VOL000-VOL019:

    # VSN Directives
    all.1 dk afs200
    all.2 tp VOL0[0-1][0-9]
  4. Save the archiver.cmd file, and close the editor.

  5. On the client, create the recycler.cmd file in a text editor. Specify a path and file name for the recycler log. Then save the file and close the editor.

    We have configured the server and clients so that the client does not have access any of the archival media used by the server or by client2. So we do not need to add no-recyle directives.

    In the example, we use the vi editor. We specify the default location for the log file:

    [client1]root@solaris:~# vi /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/recycler.cmd
    logfile = /var/adm/recycler.log
  6. Repeat this procedure until all SAM-Remote clients have been configured.

  7. Enter the command sam-recycler -dvxn, where the parameters have the following effects:

    • -d displays volume-selection messages that indicate why each volume was or was not selected for recycling.

    • -v lists the files that are resident on each volume that is marked for recycling and will need to be moved.

    • -x returns an error and stops if it lists any archive copies that are older than the time when the volume was labeled and are thus irrecoverable.

    • -n prevents actual recycling. The recycling process behaves as if all archive set definitions in the archiver.cmd file included the -recycle_ignore, so you can test the recycling configuration non-destructively.

  8. Once all SAM-Remote clients and servers have been configured, if you plan to use the sideband database feature, go to "Configuring the SAM-QFS Reporting Database".

  9. Otherwise, go to "Configuring Notifications and Logging".