What's New in This Guide for Release

For Release this guide has been updated in several ways. The following table lists the sections that have been added or changed.


This version of the guide may not contain the most recent content. To view the latest version, access the guide directly from the library on OTN. To see what has been added to this newer version, compare the What's New sections of each guide.

For changes made to Oracle JDeveloper and Oracle Application Development Framework (Oracle ADF) for this release, see the New Features page on the Oracle Technology Network at http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/developer-tools/jdev/overview/index.html.

Sections Changes Made

Chapter 6 Validating and Converting Input


Section 6.3.4, "What You May Need to Know About Rounding Behavior of Number Converters"

Section added to describe the rounding behavior of af:convertNumber when it displays an input value with more decimal digits than specified by maxFractionDigits.

Chapter 8 Organizing Content on Web Pages


Section 8.9, "Displaying and Hiding Contents Dynamically"

Section revised to document the use of the childCreation, contentDelivery, maximized, showMaximized, and maximizeListener attributes.

Section 8.11, "Adding a Transition Between Components"

Section added to document the new deck component and transition tag.

Chapter 9 Using Input Components and Defining Forms


Section 9.6, "Using Selection Components"

Updated to include indeterminate (or mixed) state of the selectBooleanCheckbox component.

Section 9.8, "Using the richTextEditor Component"

Section updated to describe how the footer facet of richTextEditor component can be used to display additional information about the richTextEditor component.

The section is also updated to describe the DimensionsFrom property used to resize the richTextEditor component at runtime.

Chapter 10 Using Tables, Trees, and Other Collection-Based Components


Section 10.2, "Displaying Data in Tables"

Section revised to document how scroll bars can be hidden using a skinning key. Also revised to document the new value of loadMore for the scrollPolicy attribute.

Chapter 13, "Using Popup Dialogs, Menus, and Windows"


Section 13.2.6, "What You May Need to Know About Animation and Popups"

Section added to describe a new value (true) for the popup component's animate property and a new ADF skin property (-tr-animate) for a number of other components.

Chapter 15 Creating a Calendar Application


Section 15.3.1, "How to Configure the Calendar Component"

Section revised to describe how the splitterCollapsed and splitterPosition attributes can be used to separate the all-day and timed activities areas in the day and week views of the calendar.

Section 15.6.3, "How to Customize Dates"

Section revised to describe how DateCustomizer can be used to color code dates by setting the background color on a date in the month grid of the calendar using the getInlineStyle method and the dateHeaderStamp facet. Also described how DateCustomizer can be used to add strings to the blank portion of the header for a day, for example to show the total number of hours worked per day.

Chapter 16 Using Output Components


Table 16-1, "Formatting Codes for Use in af:outputFormatted Values"

Section updated to include <h1>-<h6> tags in the list of formatting values allowed in the outputFormatted component.

Table 16-0, "Output Text With and Without the escape Attribute Set"

Section updated to include a caution about possible security issues that could result if the outputText component's escape attribute is set to false.

Chapter 20, Customizing the Appearance Using Styles and Skins


Section 20.2.3, "How to Register a Custom Skin"

Section updated to clarify that you create the trinidad-skins.xml file in the WEB-INF directory.

Chapter 22 Developing Accessible ADF Faces Pages


Section 22.3.1, "ADF Faces Component Accessibility Guidelines"

Section updated to include accessibility guidelines for multimedia content and showPopupBehavior component. Guidelines updated for showDetailItem component.

Chapter 23 Using Chart Components


Chapter 24, "Using Chart Components"

Chapter added to describe new DVT configurable chart components that support client-side rendering in HTML5. DVT chart types replace legacy server-side graphs and include area, bar, bubble, combination, horizontal bar, line, pie, scatter, and spark charts.

Chapter 24 Using Gauge Components


Chapter 25, "Using Gauge Components"

Chapter revised to describe new DVT configurable gauge components that support client-side rendering in HTML5. DVT gauge types include dial, LED, rating, horizontal status meter, and circular status meter.

Chapter 33 Adding Drag and Drop Functionality


Section 33.8, "Adding Drop Functionality for DVT Pareto and Stock Graphs"

Section revised to describe drop functionality for legacy Pareto and Stock graphs. New DVT chart types do not support drag and drop functionality.

Creating Custom ADF Faces Components

Chapter removed

Appendix C Shortcut Keys for ADF Data Visualization Components


Section C.3.9, "Shortcut Keys for ADF Data Visualization Components"

Section revised to add shortcut keys content for new chart components, and update gauge components.

Appendix D Creating Web Applications for Touch Devices Using ADF Faces


Section D.3, "Best Practices When Using ADF Faces Components in a Mobile Browser"

Best practices added for the richTextEditor component.

Appendix G Using Graph Components


Appendix G, "Using Graph Components"

Moved "Using Graph Components" chapter content to this appendix and removed references to area, bar, bubble, combination, horizontal bar, line, pie, scatter, and sparkchart. All graphs except for funnel, Pareto, radar, and stock have been replaced with client-side chart components.