Oracle Fusion Middleware Data Visualization Tools Tag Reference for Oracle ADF Faces Skin Selectors
11g Release 1 (


Selectors for Skinning DVT ADF Faces Components


This document lists the selectors that can be used in an ADF Faces skin .css file to skin DVT ADF Faces components.

     Examples of some ADF Faces Skin selectors:
     /* Global selectors affect more than one component */
     .AFDefaultFontFamily:alias {
       font-family: Tahoma, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif;
     /* Component-specific selector.  */
         background-color: red;

Renderer Selectors

skin a particular ADF Faces component. The selectors defined below are specified by the component they affect. Let's say you want to skin the af:inputText component. If you go to the af:inputText Component section of this document, you will see the selectors that you can use to skin the af:inputText component. One of the selectors is af|inputText::content. The ::content pseudo-element indicates that this is the content portion of the af:inputText component; the input. To skin this you would set CSS properties on the af|inputText::content selector in your ADF Faces skin .css file.


Style Selectors Description
af|dvt-gauge Style on the root element of the dvt:gauge component. Available pseudo-elements are ::animation-down, ::animation-up.
Skin properties Description
-tr-animation-duration [Applies to af|dvt-gauge] Specifies the animation duration in milliseconds.
-tr-animation-indicators [Applies to af|dvt-gauge] Specifies the type of data change indicators to show. Valid values are: none - Show no data change indicators all - (Default) Show all data change indicators
-tr-animation-on-data-change [Applies to af|dvt-gauge] Specifies the type of data change animation to apply. Valid values are: none - Apply no data change animation effects auto - (Default) Apply Active Data Service (ADS) data change animation events. on - Apply Partial Page Refresh (PPR) data change animation events.
-tr-animation-on-display [Applies to af|dvt-gauge] Specifies the type of initial rendering effect to apply. Valid values are: none - (Default) Do not show any initial rendering effect auto - Apply an initial rendering effect automatically chosen base on graph or gauge type
-tr-custom-layout [Applies to af|dvt-gauge] Specifies custom layout information when the graph automatically places and sizes its components. Valid values are: none - Do not use any of the other custom layout attribute values titleSeparator - Display title separator under the topLabel outerFrame - Display the outer frame with shadow effect around the entire gauge.
-tr-font-family [Applies to af|dvt-gauge] Specifies the font family name. Accept a string.
-tr-font-url-map [Applies to af|dvt-gauge] Specifies the font path for a specific font. Accept a string of parameters separated by commas. The parameters have to be in pairs. Each pair contains a font names followed by its relative path. For examples: (fontName,/bi/jsLibs/font.swf,fontName2,/bi/jsLibs/font2.swf).
-tr-gauge-set-alignment [Applies to af|dvt-gauge] Determines where gauges appear within a gauge set. Valid values are as follows: bottom - Calculates available space and optimal gauge size to allow for alignment to the bottom of the gauge set. bottomLeft - Calculates available space and optimal gauge size to allow for alignment to the bottom left corner of the gauge set. bottomRight - Calculates available space and optimal gauge size to allow for alignment to the bottom right corner of the gauge set. center - Calculates available space and optimal gauge size to allow for alignment in the center of the gauge set. left - Calculates available space and optimal gauge size to allow for alignment to the left side of the gauge set. none - (Default) Divides available space in the gauge set among all the gauges equally. right - Calculates available space and optimal gauge size to allow for alignment to the right side of the gauge set. topLeft - Calculates available space and optimal gauge size to allow for alignment to the top left corner of the gauge set. top - Calculates available space and optimal gauge size to allow for alignment to the top of the gauge set. topRight - Calculates available space and optimal gauge size to allow for alignment to the top right corner of the gauge set.
-tr-gauge-set-column-count [Applies to af|dvt-gauge] Specifies the number of columns to display in a gauge set. Valid values are: 0 - All gauges appear in a single row. This setting produces as many columns as there are gauges. -1 - (Default) Data source specifies the number of columns and rows. Integer other than 0,-1 - The number of columns in which gauges are to be displayed. For example, the value "3" causes gauges to be displayed in 3 columns.
-tr-gauge-set-direction [Applies to af|dvt-gauge] Direction for processing the gauges in a gauge set. Valid values are: across - (Default) Specifies that the layout of the gauges is from left to right, then top to bottom. down - Specifies that the layout of the gauges is from top to bottom, then left to right.
-tr-type [Applies to af|dvt-gauge] Specifies the type of gauge. Valid values are: dial - (Default) Depicts an N-degree circular shaped gauge led - Graphically depicts a key measurement as defined by a key performance indicator (KPI). Also gives a quick assessment of any metric by generalizing the metric to a specific value range. statusMeter - A horizontal bar which indicates the progress of a task or the level of some measurement. verticalStatusMeter - A vertical bar which indicates the progress of a task or the level of some measurement.
-tr-graphic-antialiasing [Applies to af|dvt-gauge] Specifies whether or not antialiasing will be used to smooth outlines of graphic areas. Valid values are true (default) or false.
-tr-led-style [Applies to af|dvt-gauge] Specifies the kind of LED. Valid values are: dot - (Default) A circle with a fill or gradient equal to that of the threshold section in which the metric falls. arrow - General shape indicating good (up arrow), fair (right-pointing arrow), and poor (down arrow). Arrow color defers to defined threshold colors or their defaults. triangle - General shape indicating good (up triangle), fair (right-pointing triangle), and poor (down triangle). Triangle color defers to defined threshold colors or their defaults. rectangle - Rectangular shape that fills according to the threshold section in which the metric falls. custom - Lets developers use their own images when displaying LED gauges. Requires the setting of the gauge's ledStyleCallback attribute to specify the desired custom image.
-tr-specular-highlight [Applies to af|dvt-gauge] Specifies whether the crescent shaped highlight is displayed for LS_DOT LED. Valid values are on (Default) or off.
-tr-text-antialiasing [Applies to af|dvt-gauge] Specifies whether or not antialiasing will be used to smooth text characters. Valid values are true or false (default).
-tr-threshold-style [Applies to af|dvt-gauge] The style for threshold dial. Valid values are: pieFill - Fills the entire plot area of a dial gauge. RingFill - Fills only the ring portion of a dial gauge segments - (Default) Fills the outer portion of a dial gauge in segments.
-tr-visual-effects [Applies to dvt|gauge] Specifies the type or types of visualEffects to apply. Valid values are: none - Apply no visual effects auto - (Default) Apply visual effects automatically based on graph or gauge type.
af|dvt-gauge::animation-down Styles the animation down indicator.
Skin properties Description
-tr-background-color [Applies to af|dvt-gauge] Specifies the color used to indicate that a data value has decreased. Enter values in RGB hexadecimal.
af|dvt-gauge::animation-up Styles the animation up indicator.
Skin properties Description
-tr-background-color [Applies to af|dvt-gauge] Specifies the color used to indicate that a data value has increased. Enter values in RGB hexadecimal.
af|dvt-bottomLabel Style for the bottom label selector of the dvt:gauge component.
Skin properties Description
-tr-font-weight [Applies to af|dvt-bottomLabel] Specifies whether the font is bold. Valid values are "normal" (default) or "bold".
-tr-color [Applies to af|dvt-bottomLabel] Specifies the color of the font. Enter values in 6 or 8 digit hexadecimal. For example -tr-font-color:#000000 specifies black text.
-tr-font-style [Applies to af|dvt-bottomLabel] Specifies whether the font is italic. Valid values are "normal" (default) or "italic".
-tr-font-family [Applies to af|dvt-bottomLabel] Specifies the name of the font for the selector. For example, -tr-font-family:SansSerif;
-tr-font-size [Applies to af|dvt-bottomLabel] Specifies the size of the font for the selector.
-tr-text-decoration [Applies to af|dvt-bottomLabel] Specifies the text decoration. Currently support normal or underline.
-tr-position [Applies to dvt|gauge::bottom-label] Specifies the location of a bottom label for the selector, if any, for a gauge. Valid values are: none - No bottom label for the gauge. belowGauge - (Default) Displays the bottom label below the gauge. Note: If the position of both the bottom label and the metric label are set to LP_BELOW_GAUGE, then both labels are displayed below the gauge. However, the bottom label is displayed above the metric label. insideGauge - Displays the bottom label inside the gauge. Note: Top, bottom, and metric labels are horizontally centered across a gauge. When these labels are positioned inside a gauge, they are also centered vertically within the gauge plot area.
af|dvt-gaugeBackground Style for the gauge background selector of the dvt:gauge component.
Skin properties Description
-tr-border-color [Applies to af|dvt-gaugeBackground] Specifies the border color as 6 digit or 8 digit Hex. For example, -tr-border-color:#000000 specifies black.
-tr-background-color [Applies to af|dvt-gaugeBackground] Specifies the fill color as 6 digit or 8 digit Hex. For example, -tr-background-color:#000000 specifies black.
af|dvt-gaugeFrame Style for the gauge frame selector of the dvt:gauge component.
Skin properties Description
-tr-border-color [Applies to af|dvt-gaugeFrame] Specifies the border color as 6 digit or 8 digit Hex. For example, -tr-border-color:#000000 specifies black.
-tr-background-color [Applies to af|dvt-gaugeFrame] Specifies the fill color as 6 digit or 8 digit Hex. For example, -tr-background-color:#000000 specifies black.
-tr-rendered [Applies to af|dvt-gaugeFrame] Specifies whether the gauge frame is visible. Valid values are "true" or "false"(default).
af|dvt-gaugeSetBackground Style for the gauge set background selector of the dvt:gauge component.
Skin properties Description
-tr-border-color Applies to af|dvt-gaugeSetBackground] Specifies the border coloras 6 digit or 8 digit Hex. For example, -tr-border-color:#000000 specifies black.
-tr-background-color [Applies to af|dvt-gaugeSetBackground] Specifies the fill color as 6 digit or 8 digit Hex. For example, -tr-background-color:#000000 specifies black.
af|dvt-indicator Style for the gauge indicator selector of the dvt:gauge component.
Skin properties Description
-tr-border-color [Applies to af|dvt-indicator] Specifies the border color of this component as 6 digit or 8 digit Hex. For example, -tr-border-color:#000000 specifies black.
-tr-background-color [Applies to af|dvt-indicator] Specifies the fill color as 6 digit or 8 digit Hex. For example, -tr-background-color:#000000 specifies black.
-tr-type [Applies to af|dvt-indicator] Specifies the kind of indicator used. Valid values are: line (default), fill, or needle.
-tr-use-threshold-fill-color [Applies to af|dvt-indicator] Specifies whether to override the indicator color with the color of the threshold in which metrics falls. Set to true to override, false (default) otherwise.
af|dvt-indicatorBar Style for the gauge indicator bar selector of the dvt:gauge component.
Skin properties Description
-tr-border-color [Applies to af|dvt-indicatorBar] Specifies the border color of this component as 6 digit or 8 digit Hex. For example, -tr-border-color:#000000 specifies black.
-tr-background-color [Applies to af|dvt-indicatorBar] Specifies the fill color as 6 digit or 8 digit Hex. For example, -tr-background-color:#000000 specifies black.
af|dvt-indicatorBase Style for the gauge indicator base selector of the dvt:gauge component.
Skin properties Description
-tr-border-color [Applies to af|dvt-indicatorBar] Specifies the border color of this component as 6 digit or 8 digit Hex. For example, -tr-border-color:#000000 specifies black.
-tr-background-color [Applies to af|dvt-indicatorBase] Specifies the fill color as 6 digit or 8 digit Hex. For example, -tr-background-color:#000000 specifies black.
af|dvt-gaugeLegendArea Style for the gauge legend area selector of the dvt:gauge component.
Skin properties Description
-tr-border-color [Applies to af|dvt-gaugeLegendArea] Specifies the border color as 6 digit or 8 digit Hex. For example, -tr-border-color:#000000 specifies black.
-tr-background-color [Applies to af|dvt-gaugeLegendArea] Specifies the fill color as 6 digit or 8 digit Hex. For example, -tr-background-color:#000000 specifies black.
-tr-position [Applies to af|dvt-gaugeLegendArea] Specifies the location of the lengend area on the gauge. Valid values are: bottom - (Default) Positions the legend area at the bottom of the gauge. left - Positions the legend area on the left of the gauge. right - Positions the legend area on the right of the gauge. top - Positions the legend area at the top of the gauge.
-tr-rendered [Applies to af|dvt-gaugeLegendArea] Specifies whether the legend area is visible. Valid values are "true" or "false"(default).
af|dvt-gaugeLegendText Style for the gauge legend text selector of the dvt:gauge component.
Skin properties Description
-tr-font-weight [Applies to af|dvt-gaugeLegendText] Specifies whether the font is bold. Valid values are "normal" (default) or "bold".
-tr-color [Applies to af|dvt-gaugeLegendText] Specifies the color of the font. Enter values in 6 or 8 digit hexadecimal. For example -tr-font-color:#000000 specifies black text.
-tr-font-style [Applies to af|dvt-gaugeLegendText] Specifies whether the font is italic. Valid values are "normal" (default) or "italic".
-tr-font-family [Applies to af|dvt-gaugeLegendText] Specifies the name of the font for the selector. For example, -tr-font-family:SansSerif;
-tr-font-size [Applies to af|dvt-gaugeLegendText] Specifies the size of the font for the selector.
-tr-text-decoration [Applies to af|dvt-gaugeLegendText] Specifies the text decoration. Currently support normal or underline.
-tr-min-length [Applies to af|dvt-gaugeLegendText] Specifies the minimum length of text to display before truncation when there is not enough room to display all the text.
-tr-number-type [Applies to af|dvt-gaugeLegendText] Format for numbers that are displayed in the legend. Valid values are: number - (Default) Specifies that the actual value is displayed. percent - Specifies that percentages are displayed and the axis is scaled from 0 to 100%.
af|dvt-gaugeLegendTitle Style for the gauge legend title selector of the dvt:gauge component.
Skin properties Description
-tr-font-weight [Applies to af|dvt-gaugeLegendTitle] Specifies whether the font is bold. Valid values are "normal" (default) or "bold".
-tr-color [Applies to af|dvt-gaugeLegendTitle] Specifies the color of the font. Enter values in 6 or 8 digit hexadecimal. For example -tr-font-color:#000000 specifies black text.
-tr-font-style [Applies to af|dvt-gaugeLegendTitle] Specifies whether the font is italic. Valid values are "normal" (default) or "italic".
-tr-font-family [Applies to af|dvt-gaugeLegendTitle] Specifies the name of the font for the selector. For example, -tr-font-family:SansSerif;
-tr-font-size [Applies to af|dvt-gaugeLegendTitle] Specifies the size of the font for the selector.
-tr-text-decoration [Applies to af|dvt-gaugeLegendTitle] Specifies the text decoration. Currently support normal or underline.
-tr-rendered [Applies to af|dvt-gaugeLegendTitle] Specifies whether the legend title is visible. Valid values are "true" (default) or "false".
af|dvt-lowerLabelFrame Style for the gauge lower label frame of the dvt:gauge component.
Skin properties Description
-tr-border-color [Applies to af|dvt-lowerLabelFrame] Specifies the border color as 6 digit or 8 digit Hex. For example, -tr-border-color:#000000 specifies black.
-tr-background-color [Applies to af|dvt-lowerLabelFrame] Specifies the fill color as 6 digit or 8 digit Hex. For example, -tr-background-color:#000000 specifies black.
-tr-rendered [Applies to af|dvt-lowerLabelFrame] Specifies whether the lower label frame is visible. Valid values are "true" or "false"(default).
af|dvt-metricLabel Style for the gauge metric label selector of the dvt:gauge component.
Skin properties Description
-tr-font-weight [Applies to af|dvt-metricLabel] Indicates whether the font is bold. Valid values are "normal" (default) or "bold".
-tr-color [Applies to af|dvt-metricLabel] Specifies the color of the font. Enter values in 6 or 8 digit hexadecimal. For example -tr-font-color:#000000 specifies black text.
-tr-font-style [Applies to af|dvt-metricLabel] Indicates whether the font is italic. Valid values are "normal" (default) or "italic".
-tr-font-family [Applies to af|dvt-metricLabel] Specifies the name of the font. For example, -tr-font-family:SansSerif;
-tr-font-size [Applies to af|dvt-metricLabel] Specifies the size of the font.
-tr-text-decoration [Applies to af|dvt-metricLabel] Specifies the text decoration. Currently support normal or underline.
-tr-number-type [Applies to af|dvt-metricLabel] Format for numbers that are displayed in the metric label. Valid values are: number - (Default) Specifies that the actual value is displayed. percent - Specifies that percentages are displayed and the axis is scaled from 0 to 100%.
-tr-position [Applies to af|dvt-metricLabel] Specifies the location of the metric label, if any. Valid values: none - Displays no metric label. belowGauge - Displays the metric label below the gauge. Note: If the position of both the bottom label and the metric label is set to LP_BELOW_GAUGE, then both labels are displayed below the gauge. However, the bottom label is displayed above the metric label. withBottomLabel - (Default) Displays the metric label beside the bottom label. Note: If the position of the bottom label is set to LP_NONE, the metric label will not be displayed. insideGauge - Displays the metric label inside the gauge. Note: Top, bottom, and metric labels are horizontally centered across a gauge. When these labels are positioned inside a gauge, they are also centered vertically within the gauge plot area.
af|dvt-gaugePlotArea Style for the gauge plot area selector of the dvt:gauge component.
Skin properties Description
-tr-border-color [Applies to af|dvt-gaugePlotArea] Specifies the border color as 6 digit or 8 digit Hex. For example, -tr-border-color:#000000 specifies black.
-tr-background-color [Applies to af|dvt-gaugePlotArea] Specifies the fill color of this component as 6 digit or 8 digit Hex. For example, -tr-background-color:#000000 specifies black.
-tr-use-threshold-fill-color [Applies to af|dvt-gaugePlotArea] Specifies whether to override the plot area color with the color of the threshold in which metrics falls. Set to true to override, false (default) otherwise.
af|dvt-threshold Style for the gauge threshold selector of the dvt:gauge component. Available pseudo-elements is ::index.
af|dvt-threshold::index$ Styles the marker of the series component.
Skin properties Description
-tr-background-color [Applies to af|dvt-threshold::index$] Specifies the fill color for the marker of threshold. Enter values in RGB hexadecimal.
-tr-border-color [Applies to af|dvt-threshold::index$] Specifies the border color for the marker of threshold. Enter values in RGB hexadecimal.
af|dvt-tickLabel Style for the gauge tick label selector of the dvt:gauge component.
Skin properties Description
-tr-content [Applies to af|dvt-tickLabel] Specifies where tick labels occur within a gauge set. Valid values include any combination of the following separated by commas: increment - Displays tick labels by increments. majorTick - (Default) Displays tick labels for minimum, maximum, and increments. minMax - Displays tick labels for minimum and maximum values. metric - Displays tick labels for actual metric values. none - Displays no tick labels. threshold - Displays tick labels for threshold values.
-tr-font-weight [Applies to af|dvt-tickLabel] Indicates whether the font is bold. Valid values are "normal" (default) or "bold".
-tr-color [Applies to af|dvt-tickLabel] Specifies the color of the font. Enter values in 6 or 8 digit hexadecimal. For example -tr-font-color:#000000 specifies black text.
-tr-font-style [Applies to af|dvt-tickLabel] Indicates whether the font is italic. Valid values are "normal" (default) or "italic".
-tr-font-family [Applies to af|dvt-tickLabel] Specifies the name of the font. For example, -tr-font-family:SansSerif;
-tr-font-size [Applies to af|dvt-tickLabel] Specifies the size of the font.
-tr-text-decoration [Applies to af|dvt-tickLabel] Specifies the text decoration. Currently support normal or underline.
-tr-number-type [Applies to af|dvt-tickLabel] Format for numbers that are displayed in the tick labels. Valid values are: number - (Default) Specifies that the actual value is displayed. percent - Specifies that percentages are displayed and the axis is scaled from 0 to 100%.
af|dvt-tickMark Style for the gauge tick mark selector of the dvt:gauge component. Available pseudo-elements are ::major, ::minor.
Skin properties Description
-tr-content [Applies to af|dvt-tickMark] Specifies where tick marks occur within a gauge set. Valid values include any combination of the following separated by spaces or commas: increment - Displays tick marks by increments. majorTick - (Default) Displays tick marks for minimum, maximum, and increments. minMax - Displays tick marks for minimum and maximum values. metric - Displays tick marks for actual metric values. none - Displays no tick marks. threshold - Displays tick marks for threshold values.
af|dvt-tickMark::major Styles the major tick marks.
Skin properties Description
-tr-line-color [Applies to af|dvt-tickMark::major] Specifies the color of the major ticks as 6 digit or 8 digit Hex. For example, -tr-background-color:#000000 specifies black.
af|dvt-tickMark::minor Styles the animation up indicator.
Skin properties Description
-tr-line-color [Applies to af|dvt-tickMark::minor] Specifies the color of the minor ticks as 6 digit or 8 digit Hex. For example, -tr-background-color:#000000 specifies black.
af|dvt-topLabel Style for the gauge top label selector of the dvt:gauge component.
Skin properties Description
-tr-font-weight [Applies to af|dvt-topLabel] Indicates whether the font is bold. Valid values are "normal" (default) or "bold".
-tr-color [Applies to af|dvt-topLabel] Specifies the color of the font. Enter values in 6 or 8 digit hexadecimal. For example -tr-font-color:#000000 specifies black text.
-tr-font-style [Applies to af|dvt-topLabel] Indicates whether the font is italic. Valid values are "normal" (default) or "italic".
-tr-font-family [Applies to af|dvt-topLabel] Specifies the name of the font. For example, -tr-font-family:SansSerif;
-tr-font-size [Applies to af|dvt-topLabel] Specifies the size of the font.
-tr-text-decoration [Applies to af|dvt-topLabel] Specifies the text decoration. Currently support normal or underline.
-tr-position [Applies to af|dvt-topLabel] Specifies the location of a top label, if any, for a gauge. Valid values are: none - No top label for the gauge. aboveGauge - (Default) Displays top label above the gauge. insideGauge - Displays top label inside the gauge. Note: Top, bottom, and metric labels are horizontally centered across a gauge. When these labels are positioned inside a gauge, they are also centered vertically within the gauge plot area.
af|dvt-upperLabelFrame Style for the gauge upper label frame selector of the dvt:gauge component.
Skin properties Description
-tr-border-color [Applies to af|dvt-upperLabelFrame] Specifies the border color as 6 digit or 8 digit Hex. For example, -tr-border-color:#000000 specifies black.
-tr-background-color [Applies to af|dvt-upperLabelFrame] Specifies the fill color as 6 digit or 8 digit Hex. For example, -tr-background-color:#000000 specifies black.
-tr-rendered [Applies to af|dvt-upperLabelFrame] Specifies whether the upper label frame is visible. Valid values are "true" or "false"(default).


Style Selectors Description
.AFDvtGraphAxis:alias Style of all axis components of the dvt:graph component.
Skin properties Description
-tr-line-color [Applies to .AFDvtGraphAxis:alias] Specifies the line color of all axes.
.AFDvtGraphTickMarks:alias Style of all tick mark components of the dvt:graph component.
Skin properties Description
-tr-line-color [Applies to .AFDvtGraphTickMarks:alias] Specifies the line color of all tick marks.
.AFDvtGraphSeries:alias Style of all series components of the dvt:graph component.
Skin properties Description
-tr-background-color [Applies to .AFDvtGraphSeries:alias] Specifies the fill color of all series.
-tr-border-color [Applies to .AFDvtGraphSeries:alias] Specifies the border color of all series.
-tr-marker-color [Applies to .AFDvtGraphSeries:alias] Specifies the marker color for all series.
.AFDvtGraphReferenceObject:alias Style of all reference object components of the dvt:graph component.
Skin properties Description
-tr-background-color [Applies to .AFDvtGraphReferenceObject:alias] Specifies the fill color of all reference objects.
.AFDvtGraphFont:alias Style of all font components of the dvt:graph component.
Skin properties Description
-tr-font-family [Applies to .AFDvtGraphFont:alias] Specifies the font family.
-tr-font-size [Applies to .AFDvtGraphFont:alias] Specifies the font size. Use font size with unit (in,cm,mm,pt,pc), font size name (xx-small, x-small, small, medium, large, x-large, xx-large)
-tr-color [Applies to .AFDvtGraphFont:alias] Specifies the color of the font. Enter values in RGB hexadecimal, RGB values or color names.
-tr-font-weight [Applies to .AFDvtGraphFont:alias] Specifies the font weight. Currently support normal or bold.
-tr-font-style [Applies to .AFDvtGraphFont:alias] Specifies the font style. Currently support normal or italic.
-tr-text-decoration [Applies to .AFDvtGraphFont:alias] Specifies the text decoration. Currently support normal or underline.
.AFDvtGraphTitlesFont:alias Style of all title components of the dvt:graph component.
Skin properties Description
-tr-font-family [Applies to .AFDvtGraphTitlesFont:alias] Specifies the font family.
-tr-font-size [Applies to .AFDvtGraphTitlesFont:alias] Specifies the font size. Use font size with unit (in,cm,mm,pt,pc), font size name (xx-small, x-small, small, medium, large, x-large, xx-large)
-tr-color [Applies to .AFDvtGraphTitlesFont:alias] Specifies the color of the font. Enter values in RGB hexadecimal, RGB values or color names.
-tr-font-weight [Applies to .AFDvtGraphTitlesFont:alias] Specifies the font weight. Currently support normal or bold.
-tr-font-style [Applies to .AFDvtGraphTitlesFont:alias] Specifies the font style. Currently support normal or italic.
-tr-text-decoration [Applies to .AFDvtGraphTitlesFont:alias] Specifies the text decoration. Currently support normal or underline.
.AFDvtGraphLabelsFont:alias Style of all labels components of the dvt:graph component.
Skin properties Description
-tr-font-family [Applies to .AFDvtGraphLabelsFont:alias] Specifies the font family.
-tr-font-size [Applies to .AFDvtGraphLabelsFont:alias] Specifies the font size. Use font size with unit (in,cm,mm,pt,pc), font size name (xx-small, x-small, small, medium, large, x-large, xx-large)
-tr-color [Applies to .AFDvtGraphLabelsFont:alias] Specifies the color of the font. Enter values in RGB hexadecimal, RGB values or color names.
-tr-font-weight [Applies to .AFDvtGraphLabelsFont:alias] Specifies the font weight. Currently support normal or bold.
-tr-font-style [Applies to .AFDvtGraphLabelsFont:alias] Specifies the font style. Currently support normal or italic.
-tr-text-decoration [Applies to .AFDvtGraphLabelsFont:alias] Specifies the text decoration. Currently support normal or underline.
af|dvt-graph Style on the root element of the dvt:graph component. Available pseudo-elements are ::animation-down, ::animation-up, ::titleSeparator.
Skin properties Description
-tr-background-color [Applies to dvt|graph] Specifies the background color.
-tr-font-family [Applies to dvt|graph] Specifies the font family name. Accept a string.
-tr-font-url-map [Applies to dvt|graph] Specifies the font path for a specific font. Accept a string of parameters separated by commas. The parameters have to be in pairs. Each pair contains a font names followed by its relative path. For example: (fontName,/bi/jsLibs/font.swf,fontName2,/bi/jsLibs/font2.swf).
-tr-legend-marker-with-line [Applies to dvt|graph] Specifies whether the legend marker will display the marker shape along with the line whenever the series makerColor is different from the specified series color.
af|dvt-graph::animation-down Styles the animation down indicator.
Skin properties Description
-tr-background-color [Applies to af|dvt-graph] Specifies the color used to indicate that a data value has decreased. Enter values in RGB hexadecimal.
af|dvt-graph::animation-up Styles the animation up indicator.
Skin properties Description
-tr-background-color [Applies to af|dvt-graph] Specifies the color used to indicate that a data value has increased. Enter values in RGB hexadecimal.
af|dvt-graph::titleSeparator Styles the animation up indicator.
Skin properties Description
-tr-line-color [Applies to af|dvt-graph] Specifies the color of title separator. Enter values in RGB hexadecimal.
af|dvt-annotation Style on the annotation element of the dvt:graph component.
Skin properties Description
-tr-background-color [Applies to af|dvt-annotation] Specifies the fill color of the annotation. Enter values in RGB hexadecimal.
-tr-border-color [Applies to af|dvt-annotation] Specifies the fill color of the annotation. Enter values in RGB hexadecimal.
-tr-font-family [Applies to af|dvt-annotation] Specifies the font family.
-tr-font-size [Applies to af|dvt-annotation] Specifies the font size. Use font size with unit (in,cm,mm,pt,pc), font size name (xx-small, x-small, small, medium, large, x-large, xx-large)
-tr-color [Applies to af|dvt-annotation] Specifies the color of the font. Enter values in RGB hexadecimal, RGB values or color names.
-tr-font-weight [Applies to af|dvt-annotation] Specifies the font weight. Currently support normal or bold.
-tr-font-style [Applies to af|dvt-annotation] Specifies the font style. Currently support normal or italic.
-tr-text-decoration [Applies to af|dvt-annotation] Specifies the text decoration. Currently support normal or underline.
af|dvt-graphFootnote Style on the footnote element of the dvt:graph component.
Skin properties Description
-tr-font-family [Applies to af|dvt-graphFootnote] Specifies the font family.
-tr-font-size [Applies to af|dvt-graphFootnote] Specifies the font size. Use font size with unit (in,cm,mm,pt,pc), font size name (xx-small, x-small, small, medium, large, x-large, xx-large)
-tr-color [Applies to af|dvt-graphFootnote] Specifies the color of the font. Enter values in RGB hexadecimal, RGB values or color names.
-tr-font-weight [Applies to af|dvt-graphFootnote] Specifies the font weight. Currently support normal or bold.
-tr-font-style [Applies to af|dvt-graphFootnote] Specifies the font style. Currently support normal or italic.
-tr-text-decoration [Applies to af|dvt-graphFootnote] Specifies the text decoration. Currently support normal or underline.
af|dvt-graphPlotArea Style on the plot area element of the dvt:graph component.
Skin properties Description
-tr-background-color [Applies to af|dvt-graphPlotArea] Specifies the fill color of the plot area.
-tr-border-color [Applies to af|dvt-graphPlotArea] Specifies the border color of the plot area.
af|dvt-graphPieFrame Style on the pie frame element of the dvt:graph component.
Skin properties Description
-tr-background-color [Applies to af|dvt-graphPieFrame] Specifies the fill color of the pie frame.
-tr-border-color [Applies to af|dvt-graphPieFrame] Specifies the border color of the pie frame.
af|dvt-graphSubtitle Style on the subtitle element of the dvt:graph component.
Skin properties Description
-tr-font-family [Applies to af|dvt-graphSubtitle] Specifies the font family.
-tr-font-size [Applies to af|dvt-graphSubtitle] Specifies the font size. Use font size with unit (in,cm,mm,pt,pc), font size name (xx-small, x-small, small, medium, large, x-large, xx-large)
-tr-color [Applies to af|dvt-graphSubtitle] Specifies the color of the font. Enter values in RGB hexadecimal, RGB values or color names.
-tr-font-weight [Applies to af|dvt-graphSubtitle] Specifies the font weight. Currently support normal or bold.
-tr-font-style [Applies to af|dvt-graphSubtitle] Specifies the font style. Currently support normal or italic.
-tr-text-decoration [Applies to af|dvt-graphSubtitle] Specifies the text decoration. Currently support normal or underline.
af|dvt-graphTitle Style on the title element of the dvt:graph component.
Skin properties Description
-tr-font-family [Applies to af|dvt-graphTitle] Specifies the font family.
-tr-font-size [Applies to af|dvt-graphTitle] Specifies the font size. Use font size with unit (in,cm,mm,pt,pc), font size name (xx-small, x-small, small, medium, large, x-large, xx-large)
-tr-color [Applies to af|dvt-graphTitle] Specifies the color of the font. Enter values in RGB hexadecimal, RGB values or color names.
-tr-font-weight [Applies to af|dvt-graphTitle] Specifies the font weight. Currently support normal or bold.
-tr-font-style [Applies to af|dvt-graphTitle] Specifies the font style. Currently support normal or italic.
-tr-text-decoration [Applies to af|dvt-graphTitle] Specifies the text decoration. Currently support normal or underline.
af|dvt-legendArea Style on the legend area element of the dvt:graph component.
Skin properties Description
-tr-background-color [Applies to af|dvt-legendArea] Specifies the fill color of the legend area.
-tr-border-color [Applies to af|dvt-legendArea] Specifies the border color of the legend area.
af|dvt-legendArea::item Styles a legend item
Skin properties Description
-tr-line-width [Applies to af|dvt-legendArea::item] Specifies the marker line width of the legend area.
af|dvt-legendText Style on the legend text element of the dvt:graph component.
Skin properties Description
-tr-font-family [Applies to af|dvt-legendText] Specifies the font family.
-tr-font-size [Applies to af|dvt-legendText] Specifies the font size. Use font size with unit (in,cm,mm,pt,pc), font size name (xx-small, x-small, small, medium, large, x-large, xx-large)
-tr-color [Applies to af|dvt-legendText] Specifies the color of the font. Enter values in RGB hexadecimal, RGB values or color names.
-tr-font-weight [Applies to af|dvt-legendText] Specifies the font weight. Currently support normal or bold.
-tr-font-style [Applies to af|dvt-legendText] Specifies the font style. Currently support normal or italic.
-tr-text-decoration [Applies to af|dvt-legendText] Specifies the text decoration. Currently support normal or underline.
af|dvt-legendTitle Style on the legend title element of the dvt:graph component.
Skin properties Description
-tr-font-family [Applies to af|dvt-legendTitle] Specifies the font family.
-tr-font-size [Applies to af|dvt-legendTitle] Specifies the font size. Use font size with unit (in,cm,mm,pt,pc), font size name (xx-small, x-small, small, medium, large, x-large, xx-large)
-tr-color [Applies to af|dvt-legendTitle] Specifies the color of the font. Enter values in RGB hexadecimal, RGB values or color names.
-tr-font-weight [Applies to af|dvt-legendTitle] Specifies the font weight. Currently support normal or bold.
-tr-font-style [Applies to af|dvt-legendTitle] Specifies the font style. Currently support normal or italic.
-tr-text-decoration [Applies to af|dvt-legendTitle] Specifies the text decoration. Currently support normal or underline.
af|dvt-markerText Style on the marker text element of the dvt:graph component.
Skin properties Description
-tr-font-family [Applies to af|dvt-markerText] Specifies the font family.
-tr-font-size [Applies to af|dvt-markerText] Specifies the font size. Use font size with unit (in,cm,mm,pt,pc), font size name (xx-small, x-small, small, medium, large, x-large, xx-large)
-tr-color [Applies to af|dvt-markerText] Specifies the color of the font. Enter values in RGB hexadecimal, RGB values or color names.
-tr-font-weight [Applies to af|dvt-markerText] Specifies the font weight. Currently support normal or bold.
-tr-font-style [Applies to af|dvt-markerText] Specifies the font style. Currently support normal or italic.
-tr-text-decoration [Applies to af|dvt-markerText] Specifies the text decoration. Currently support normal or underline.
af|dvt-o1Axis Style on the o1 Axis element of the dvt:graph component.
Skin properties Description
-tr-line-color [Applies to af|dvt-o1Axis] Specifies the line color of the o1 Axis. Enter values in RGB hexadecimal.
af|dvt-o1MajorTick Style on the o1 major tick element of the dvt:graph component.
Skin properties Description
-tr-line-color [Applies to af|dvt-o1MajorTick] Specifies the line color of the o1 major tick. Enter values in RGB hexadecimal.
af|dvt-o1TickLabel Style on the o1 tick label element of the dvt:graph component.
Skin properties Description
-tr-font-family [Applies to af|dvt-o1TickLabel] Specifies the font family.
-tr-font-size [Applies to af|dvt-o1TickLabel] Specifies the font size. Use font size with unit (in,cm,mm,pt,pc), font size name (xx-small, x-small, small, medium, large, x-large, xx-large)
-tr-color [Applies to af|dvt-o1TickLabel] Specifies the color of the font. Enter values in RGB hexadecimal, RGB values or color names.
-tr-font-weight [Applies to af|dvt-o1TickLabel] Specifies the font weight. Currently support normal or bold.
-tr-font-style [Applies to af|dvt-o1TickLabel] Specifies the font style. Currently support normal or italic.
-tr-text-decoration [Applies to af|dvt-o1TickLabel] Specifies the text decoration. Currently support normal or underline.
af|dvt-o1Title Style on the o1 title element of the dvt:graph component.
Skin properties Description
-tr-font-family [Applies to af|dvt-o1Title] Specifies the font family.
-tr-font-size [Applies to af|dvt-o1Title] Specifies the font size. Use font size with unit (in,cm,mm,pt,pc), font size name (xx-small, x-small, small, medium, large, x-large, xx-large)
-tr-color [Applies to af|dvt-o1Title] Specifies the color of the font. Enter values in RGB hexadecimal, RGB values or color names.
-tr-font-weight [Applies to af|dvt-o1Title] Specifies the font weight. Currently support normal or bold.
-tr-font-style [Applies to af|dvt-o1Title] Specifies the font style. Currently support normal or italic.
-tr-text-decoration [Applies to af|dvt-o1Title] Specifies the text decoration. Currently support normal or underline.
af|dvt-paretoLine Style on the pareto line element of the dvt:graph component.
Skin properties Description
-tr-line-color [Applies to af|dvt-paretoLine] Specifies the color of the pareto line in pareto graph.
af|dvt-pieFeeler Style on the pie feeler element of the dvt:graph component.
Skin properties Description
-tr-line-color [Applies to af|dvt-pieFeeler] Specifies the color of the lines connecting slice label and slice in pie graph.
af|dvt-pieLabel Style on the pie label element of the dvt:graph component.
Skin properties Description
-tr-font-family [Applies to af|dvt-pieLabel] Specifies the font family.
-tr-font-size [Applies to af|dvt-pieLabel] Specifies the font size. Use font size with unit (in,cm,mm,pt,pc), font size name (xx-small, x-small, small, medium, large, x-large, xx-large)
-tr-color [Applies to af|dvt-pieLabel] Specifies the color of the font. Enter values in RGB hexadecimal, RGB values or color names.
-tr-font-weight [Applies to af|dvt-pieLabel] Specifies the font weight. Currently support normal or bold.
-tr-font-style [Applies to af|dvt-pieLabel] Specifies the font style. Currently support normal or italic.
-tr-text-decoration [Applies to af|dvt-pieLabel] Specifies the text decoration. Currently support normal or underline.
af|dvt-referenceObject Style on the reference object element of the dvt:graph component. Available pseudo-elements is ::index.
Skin properties Description
-tr-background-color [Applies to af|dvt-referenceObject::index$] Specifies the fill color of the reference object. Enter values in RGB hexadecimal.
af|dvt-ringTotalLabel Style on the ring total label element of the dvt:graph component.
Skin properties Description
-tr-font-family [Applies to af|dvt-ringTotalLabel] Specifies the font family.
-tr-font-size [Applies to af|dvt-ringTotalLabel] Specifies the font size. Use font size with unit (in,cm,mm,pt,pc), font size name (xx-small, x-small, small, medium, large, x-large, xx-large)
-tr-color [Applies to af|dvt-ringTotalLabel] Specifies the color of the font. Enter values in RGB hexadecimal, RGB values or color names.
-tr-font-weight [Applies to af|dvt-ringTotalLabel] Specifies the font weight. Currently support normal or bold.
-tr-font-style [Applies to af|dvt-ringTotalLabel] Specifies the font style. Currently support normal or italic.
-tr-text-decoration [Applies to af|dvt-ringTotalLabel] Specifies the text decoration. Currently support normal or underline.
af|dvt-scrollbar Style on the scroll bar element of the dvt:graph component.
Pseudo classes Description
hover Styles the component's filters when acting as mouse over it.
active Styles the component's filters when acting as mouse clicked.
Skin properties Description
-tr-background-color [Applies to af|dvt-scrollbar] Specifies the color of the graph scroll bar. Enter values in RGB hexadecimal. ( Hint: If you skin this selector, you may also want to skin :hover and :active. )
af|dvt-series Style on the series element of the dvt:graph component. Available pseudo-elements is ::index.
af|dvt-series::index$ Styles the marker of the series component.
Skin properties Description
-tr-background-color [Applies to af|dvt-series::index$] Specifies the fill color for the marker of series. Enter values in RGB hexadecimal.
-tr-border-color [Applies to af|dvt-series::index$] Specifies the border color for the marker of series. Enter values in RGB hexadecimal.
-tr-marker-color [Applies to af|dvt-series::index$] Specifies the marker color for series.
af|dvt-sliceLabel Style on the slice label element of the dvt:graph component.
Skin properties Description
-tr-font-family [Applies to af|dvt-sliceLabel] Specifies the font family.
-tr-font-size [Applies to af|dvt-sliceLabel] Specifies the font size. Use font size with unit (in,cm,mm,pt,pc), font size name (xx-small, x-small, small, medium, large, x-large, xx-large)
-tr-color [Applies to af|dvt-sliceLabel] Specifies the color of the font. Enter values in RGB hexadecimal, RGB values or color names.
-tr-font-weight [Applies to af|dvt-sliceLabel] Specifies the font weight. Currently support normal or bold.
-tr-font-style [Applies to af|dvt-sliceLabel] Specifies the font style. Currently support normal or italic.
-tr-text-decoration [Applies to af|dvt-sliceLabel] Specifies the text decoration. Currently support normal or underline.
af|dvt-stockMarker Style on the stock marker element of the dvt:graph component. Available pseudo-elements are ::rising, ::falling.
af|dvt-stockMarker::rising Styles the rising stock marker.
Skin properties Description
-tr-background-color [Applies to af|dvt-stockMarker::rising] Specifies the color used to indicate that a stock price has increased. Enter values in RGB hexadecimal.
af|dvt-stockMarker::falling Styles the falling stock marker.
Skin properties Description
-tr-background-color [Applies to af|dvt-stockMarker::falling] Specifies the color used to indicate that a stock price has decreased. Enter values in RGB hexadecimal.
af|dvt-timeSelector Style on the time selector element of the dvt:graph component.
Skin properties Description
-tr-background-color [Applies to af|dvt-timeSelector] Specifies the fill color of the time selector.
-tr-border-color [Applies to af|dvt-timeSelector] Specifies the border color of the time selector.
af|dvt-tooltips Style on the tooltips element of the dvt:graph component.
Skin properties Description
-tr-font-family Specifies the font family.
-tr-font-size Specifies the font size. Use font size with unit (in,cm,mm,pt,pc), font size name (xx-small, x-small, small, medium, large, x-large, xx-large)
-tr-color Specifies the color of the font. Enter values in RGB hexadecimal, RGB values or color names.
-tr-font-weight Specifies the font weight. Currently support normal or bold.
-tr-font-style Specifies the font style. Currently support normal or italic.
-tr-text-decoration Specifies the text decoration. Currently support normal or underline.
af|dvt-volumeMarker Style on the volume marker element of the dvt:graph component.
Skin properties Description
-tr-background-color [Applies to af|dvt-volumeMarker] Specifies the color of the volume marker. Enter values in RGB hexadecimal.
af|dvt-x1Axis Style on the x1 Axis element of the dvt:graph component.
Skin properties Description
-tr-line-color [Applies to af|dvt-x1Axis] Specifies the line color of the x1 Axis. Enter values in RGB hexadecimal.
af|dvt-x1MajorTick Style on the x1 major tick element of the dvt:graph component.
Skin properties Description
-tr-line-color [Applies to af|dvt-x1MajorTick] Specifies the line color of the x1 major tick. Enter values in RGB hexadecimal.
af|dvt-x1MinorTick Style on the x1 minor tick element of the dvt:graph component.
Skin properties Description
-tr-line-color [Applies to af|dvt-x1MinorTick] Specifies the line color of the o1 minor tick. Enter values in RGB hexadecimal.
af|dvt-x1TickLabel Style on the x1 tick label element of the dvt:graph component.
Skin properties Description
-tr-font-family [Applies to af|dvt-x1TickLabel] Specifies the font family.
-tr-font-size [Applies to af|dvt-x1TickLabel] Specifies the font size. Use font size with unit (in,cm,mm,pt,pc), font size name (xx-small, x-small, small, medium, large, x-large, xx-large)
-tr-color [Applies to af|dvt-x1TickLabel] Specifies the color of the font. Enter values in RGB hexadecimal, RGB values or color names.
-tr-font-weight [Applies to af|dvt-x1TickLabel] Specifies the font weight. Currently support normal or bold.
-tr-font-style [Applies to af|dvt-x1TickLabel] Specifies the font style. Currently support normal or italic.
-tr-text-decoration [Applies to af|dvt-x1TickLabel] Specifies the text decoration. Currently support normal or underline.
af|dvt-x1Title Style on the x1 title element of the dvt:graph component.
Skin properties Description
-tr-font-family [Applies to af|dvt-x1Title] Specifies the font family.
-tr-font-size [Applies to af|dvt-x1Title] Specifies the font size. Use font size with unit (in,cm,mm,pt,pc), font size name (xx-small, x-small, small, medium, large, x-large, xx-large)
-tr-color [Applies to af|dvt-x1Title] Specifies the color of the font. Enter values in RGB hexadecimal, RGB values or color names.
-tr-font-weight [Applies to af|dvt-x1Title] Specifies the font weight. Currently support normal or bold.
-tr-font-style [Applies to af|dvt-x1Title] Specifies the font style. Currently support normal or italic.
-tr-text-decoration [Applies to af|dvt-x1Title] Specifies the text decoration. Currently support normal or underline.
af|dvt-y1Axis Style on the y1 Axis element of the dvt:graph component.
Skin properties Description
-tr-line-color [Applies to af|dvt-y1Axis] Specifies the line color of the y1 Axis. Enter values in RGB hexadecimal.
af|dvt-y1MajorTick Style on the y1 major tick element of the dvt:graph component.
Skin properties Description
-tr-line-color [Applies to af|dvt-y1MajorTick] Specifies the line color of the y1 major tick. Enter values in RGB hexadecimal.
af|dvt-y1MinorTick Style on the y1 minor tick element of the dvt:graph component.
Skin properties Description
-tr-line-color [Applies to af|dvt-y1MinorTick] Specifies the line color of the o1 minor tick. Enter values in RGB hexadecimal.
af|dvt-y1Title Style on the y1 title element of the dvt:graph component.
Skin properties Description
-tr-font-family [Applies to af|dvt-y1Title] Specifies the font family.
-tr-font-size [Applies to af|dvt-y1Title] Specifies the font size. Use font size with unit (in,cm,mm,pt,pc), font size name (xx-small, x-small, small, medium, large, x-large, xx-large)
-tr-color [Applies to af|dvt-y1Title] Specifies the color of the font. Enter values in RGB hexadecimal, RGB values or color names.
-tr-font-weight [Applies to af|dvt-y1Title] Specifies the font weight. Currently support normal or bold.
-tr-font-style [Applies to af|dvt-y1Title] Specifies the font style. Currently support normal or italic.
-tr-text-decoration [Applies to af|dvt-y1Title] Specifies the text decoration. Currently support normal or underline.
af|dvt-y1TickLabel Style on the y1 tick label element of the dvt:graph component.
Skin properties Description
-tr-font-family [Applies to af|dvt-y1TickLabel] Specifies the font family.
-tr-font-size [Applies to af|dvt-y1TickLabel] Specifies the font size. Use font size with unit (in,cm,mm,pt,pc), font size name (xx-small, x-small, small, medium, large, x-large, xx-large)
-tr-color [Applies to af|dvt-y1TickLabel] Specifies the color of the font. Enter values in RGB hexadecimal, RGB values or color names.
-tr-font-weight [Applies to af|dvt-y1TickLabel] Specifies the font weight. Currently support normal or bold.
-tr-font-style [Applies to af|dvt-y1TickLabel] Specifies the font style. Currently support normal or italic.
-tr-text-decoration [Applies to af|dvt-y1TickLabel] Specifies the text decoration. Currently support normal or underline.
af|dvt-y2Axis Style on the y2 Axis element of the dvt:graph component.
Skin properties Description
-tr-line-color [Applies to af|dvt-y2Axis] Specifies the line color of the y2 Axis. Enter values in RGB hexadecimal.
af|dvt-y2MajorTick Style on the y2 major tick element of the dvt:graph component.
Skin properties Description
-tr-line-color [Applies to af|dvt-y2MajorTick] Specifies the line color of the y2 major tick. Enter values in RGB hexadecimal.
af|dvt-y2MinorTick Style on the y2 minor tick element of the dvt:graph component.
Skin properties Description
-tr-line-color [Applies to af|dvt-y2MinorTick] Specifies the line color of the o1 minor tick. Enter values in RGB hexadecimal.
af|dvt-y2Title Style on the y2 title element of the dvt:graph component.
Skin properties Description
-tr-font-family [Applies to af|dvt-y2Title] Specifies the font family.
-tr-font-size [Applies to af|dvt-y2Title] Specifies the font size. Use font size with unit (in,cm,mm,pt,pc), font size name (xx-small, x-small, small, medium, large, x-large, xx-large)
-tr-color [Applies to af|dvt-y2Title] Specifies the color of the font. Enter values in RGB hexadecimal, RGB values or color names.
-tr-font-weight [Applies to af|dvt-y2Title] Specifies the font weight. Currently support normal or bold.
-tr-font-style [Applies to af|dvt-y2Title] Specifies the font style. Currently support normal or italic.
-tr-text-decoration [Applies to af|dvt-y2Title] Specifies the text decoration. Currently support normal or underline.
af|dvt-y2TickLabel Style on the y2 tick label element of the dvt:graph component.
Skin properties Description
-tr-font-family [Applies to af|dvt-y2TickLabel] Specifies the font family.
-tr-font-size [Applies to af|dvt-y2TickLabel] Specifies the font size. Use font size with unit (in,cm,mm,pt,pc), font size name (xx-small, x-small, small, medium, large, x-large, xx-large)
-tr-color [Applies to af|dvt-y2TickLabel] Specifies the color of the font. Enter values in RGB hexadecimal, RGB values or color names.
-tr-font-weight [Applies to af|dvt-y2TickLabel] Specifies the font weight. Currently support normal or bold.
-tr-font-style [Applies to af|dvt-y2TickLabel] Specifies the font style. Currently support normal or italic.
-tr-text-decoration [Applies to af|dvt-y2TickLabel] Specifies the text decoration. Currently support normal or underline.


Style Selectors Description
Skin properties Description
-tr-background-color Specifies the fill color of the drop target highlight by 6 digit Hex. For example, -tr-background-color:#000000 specifies black.
-tr-border-color Specifies the border color of the drop target highlight by 6 digit Hex. For example, -tr-border-color:#000000 specifies black.
-tr-opacity Specifies the opacity of the drop target highlight. For example, -tr-opacity:0.5 specifies 50% opacity.
.AFDvtNodeButton:alias Style of hierarchy viewer node button.
Skin properties Description
-tr-background-color [Applies to .AFDvtNodeButton:alias] Specifies the fill color of the node button element by 6 digit or 8 digit Hex. For example, -tr-background-color:#000000 specifies black.
-tr-border-color [Applies to .AFDvtNodeButton:alias] Specifies the border color of the node button element by 6 digit or 8 digit Hex. For example, -tr-border-color:#000000 specifies black.
-tr-fill-type [Applies to .AFDvtNodeButton:alias] Specifies the fill type of the node button element, either gradient (Default) or solid.
-tr-color [Applies to .AFDvtNodeButton:alias] Specifies the color of the node button element by 6 digit or 8 digit Hex. For example, -tr-color:#000000 specifies black.
.AFDvtNodeButtonActive:alias Style of hierarchy viewer node button when active.
Skin properties Description
-tr-background-color [Applies to .AFDvtNodeButtonActive:alias] Specifies the fill color of the node element by 6 digit or 8 digit Hex. For example, -tr-background-color:#000000 specifies black.
-tr-border-color [Applies to .AFDvtNodeButtonActive:alias] Specifies the border color of the node element by 6 digit or 8 digit Hex. For example, -tr-border-color:#000000 specifies black.
-tr-fill-type [Applies to .AFDvtNodeButtonActive:alias] Specifies the fill type of the node button element, either gradient (Default) or solid.
-tr-color [Applies to .AFDvtNodeButtonActive:alias] Specifies the color of the node button element by 6 digit or 8 digit Hex. For example, -tr-color:#000000 specifies black.
.AFDvtNodeButtonHover:alias Style of hierarchy viewer node button when hovered over.
Skin properties Description
-tr-background-color [Applies to .AFDvtNodeButtonHover:alias] Specifies the fill color of the node element by 6 digit or 8 digit Hex. For example, -tr-background-color:#000000 specifies black.
-tr-border-color [Applies to .AFDvtNodeButtonHover:alias] Specifies the border color of the node element by 6 digit or 8 digit Hex. For example, -tr-border-color:#000000 specifies black.
-tr-fill-type [Applies to .AFDvtNodeButtonHover:alias] Specifies the fill type of the node button element, either gradient (Default) or solid.
-tr-color [Applies to .AFDvtNodeButtonHover:alias] Specifies the color of the node button element by 6 digit or 8 digit Hex. For example, -tr-color:#000000 specifies black.
af|dvt-hierarchyViewer Styles the root element of the hierarchy viewer.
Skin properties Description
-tr-background-color [Applies to af|dvt-hierarchyViewer] Specifies the fill color of the hierarchy viewer element by 6 digit or 8 digit Hex. For example, -tr-background-color:#000000 specifies black.
-tr-fill-type [Applies to af|dvt-hierarchyViewer] Specifies the fill type of the hierarchy viewer element, either gradient (Default) or solid.
-tr-alignment [Applies to af|dvt-hierarchyViewer] Specifies the alignment of the hierarchy viewer element, either none (Default) or auto.
af|dvt-hierarchyViewer::lateral-navigation-button Style of lateral navigation button.
Pseudo classes Description
hover Styles the component's filters when acting as mouse over it.
active Styles the component's filters when acting as mouse clicked.
Skin properties Description
-tr-background-color [Applies to af|dvt-hierarchyViewer::lateral-navigation-button] Specifies the fill color of the lateral navigation button element by 6 digit or 8 digit Hex. For example, -tr-background-color:#000000 specifies black. ( Hint: If you skin this selector, you may also want to skin :hover and :active. )
-tr-border-color [Applies to af|dvt-hierarchyViewer::lateral-navigation-button] Specifies the border color of the lateral navigation button element by 6 digit or 8 digit Hex. For example, -tr-border-color:#000000 specifies black. ( Hint: If you skin this selector, you may also want to skin :hover and :active. )
-tr-fill-type [Applies to af|dvt-hierarchyViewer::lateral-navigation-button] Specifies the fill type of the lateral navigation button element, either gradient (Default) or solid. ( Hint: If you skin this selector, you may also want to skin :hover and :active. )
-tr-color [Applies to af|dvt-hierarchyViewer::lateral-navigation-button] Specifies the color of the lateral navigation button element by 6 digit or 8 digit Hex. For example, -tr-color:#000000 specifies black. ( Hint: If you skin this selector, you may also want to skin :hover and :active. )
af|dvt-hierarchyViewer::lateral-navigation-line Style of lateral navigation line.
Skin properties Description
-tr-color [Applies to af|dvt-hierarchyViewer::lateral-navigation-line] Specifies the line color of the lateral navigation line element by 6 digit or 8 digit Hex. For example, -tr-background-color:#000000 specifies black.
-tr-highlight-color [Applies to af|dvt-hierarchyViewer::lateral-navigation-line] Specifies the line color of the lateral navigation line element by 6 digit or 8 digit Hex. For example, -tr-border-color:#000000 specifies black when the line is highlighted.
af|dvt-link Styles of hierarchy viewer link.
Skin properties Description
-tr-color [Applies to af|dvt-link] Specifies the color of the link element by 6 digit or 8 digit Hex. For example, -tr-color:#000000 specifies black.
af|dvt-node Styles of hierarchy viewer node.
Skin properties Description
-tr-background-color [Applies to af|dvt-node] Specifies the fill color of the node element by 6 digit or 8 digit Hex. For example, -tr-background-color:#000000 specifies black.
-tr-border-color [Applies to af|dvt-node] Specifies the border color of the node element by 6 digit or 8 digit Hex. For example, -tr-border-color:#000000 specifies black.
-tr-fill-type [Applies to af|dvt-node] Specifies the fill type of the node element.
-tr-border-type [Applies to af|dvt-node] Specifies the border type of the node element.
-tr-select-border-color [Applies to af|dvt-node] Specifies the border color of the node element by 6 digit or 8 digit Hex when the node is selected. For example, -tr-border-color:#000000 specifies black.
-tr-focus-border-color [Applies to af|dvt-node] Specifies the border color of the node element by 6 digit or 8 digit Hex when the node has focus. For example, -tr-border-color:#000000 specifies black.
af|dvt-node::button Style of the button.
Pseudo classes Description
active Styles the component's filters when acting as mouse clicked.
hover Styles the component's filters when acting as mouse hover.
Skin properties Description
-tr-background-color [Applies to af|dvt-node] Specifies the fill color of the node button element by 6 digit or 8 digit Hex. For example, -tr-background-color:#000000 specifies black. ( Hint: If you skin this selector, you may also want to skin :hover and :active. )
-tr-border-color [Applies to af|dvt-node] Specifies the border color of the node button element by 6 digit or 8 digit Hex. For example, -tr-border-color:#000000 specifies black. ( Hint: If you skin this selector, you may also want to skin :hover and :active. )
af|dvt-panelCard Styles of panel card.
Skin properties Description
-tr-background-color [Applies to af|dvt-panelCard] Specifies the fill color of the panel card element by 6 digit or 8 digit Hex. For example, -tr-background-color:#000000 specifies black.
-tr-border-color [Applies to af|dvt-panelCard] Specifies the border color of the panel card element by 6 digit or 8 digit Hex. For example, -tr-border-color:#000000 specifies black.
-tr-fill-type [Applies to af|dvt-panelCard] Specifies the fill type of the panel card, either gradient (Default) or solid.
-tr-border-type [Applies to af|dvt-panelCard] Specifies the border type of the panel card, either gradient (Default) or solid.
af|dvt-panelCard::navigation-button Style of panel card navigation button.
Pseudo classes Description
hover Styles the component's filters when acting as mouse over it.
active Styles the component's filters when acting as mouse clicked.
Skin properties Description
-tr-background-color [Applies to af|dvt-panelCard::navigation-button] Specifies the fill color of the navigation button element by 6 digit or 8 digit Hex. For example, -tr-background-color:#000000 specifies black. ( Hint: If you skin this selector, you may also want to skin :hover and :active. )
-tr-border-color [Applies to af|dvt-panelCard::navigation-button] Specifies the border color of the navigation button element by 6 digit or 8 digit Hex. For example, -tr-border-color:#000000 specifies black. ( Hint: If you skin this selector, you may also want to skin :hover and :active. )
-tr-fill-type [Applies to af|dvt-panelCard::navigation-button] Specifies the fill type of the navigation button, either gradient (Default) or solid. ( Hint: If you skin this selector, you may also want to skin :hover and :active. )
-tr-color [Applies to af|dvt-panelCard::navigation-button] Specifies the color of the navigation button arrow element by 6 digit or 8 digit Hex. For example, -tr-color:#000000 specifies black. ( Hint: If you skin this selector, you may also want to skin :hover and :active. )
af|dvt-panelCard::train-button Style of panel card train button.
Pseudo classes Description
active Styles the component's filters when acting as mouse clicked.
Skin properties Description
-tr-background-color [Applies to af|dvt-panelCard::train-button] Specifies the fill color of the train button element by 6 digit or 8 digit Hex. For example, -tr-background-color:#000000 specifies black. If you skin this selector, you may also want to skin :active.
-tr-border-color [Applies to af|dvt-panelCard::train-button] Specifies the border color of the train button element by 6 digit or 8 digit Hex. For example, -tr-border-color:#000000 specifies black. If you skin this selector, you may also want to skin :active.
-tr-visibility [Applies to af|dvt-panelCard::train-button] Specifies the visibility of the train button, either visible (Default) or hidden. If you skin this selector, you may also want to skin :active.
af|dvt-panelCard::header-text Style of panel card navigation previous button.
Skin properties Description
-tr-font-weight [Applies to af|dvt-panelCard::header-text] Indicates whether the font is bold. Valid values are "normal" (default) or "bold".
-tr-color [Applies to af|dvt-panelCard::header-text] Specifies the color of the font. Enter values in 6 or 8 digit hexadecimal. For example -tr-color:#000000 specifies black text.
-tr-font-style [Applies to af|dvt-panelCard::header-text] Indicates whether the font is italic. Valid values are "normal" (default) or "italic".
-tr-font-family [Applies to af|dvt-panelCard::header-text] Specifies the name of the font. For example, -tr-font-family:SansSerif;
-tr-font-size [Applies to af|dvt-panelCard::header-text] Specifies the size of the font.
-tr-text-decoration [Applies to af|dvt-panelCard::header-text] Specifies the text decoration. Currently support normal or underline.
Icon Selectors Description


Style Selectors Description
af|dvt-map Style on the root element of the dvt:map component.
af|dvt-map::copyrightText Style the appearance of the copyright text
af|dvt-map::distAreaPanel Style the appearance of the box that shows the distance or area
af|dvt-map::xPanel Style the appearance of the box that shows the x coordinate of the mouse position
af|dvt-map::yPanel Style the appearance of the box that shows the y coordinate of the mouse position
Icon Selectors Description
af|dvt-map::pointimage-icon Used to override the default image for a point theme
af|dvt-map::selectimage-icon Used to override the default selected image for a point theme


Style Selectors Description
af|dvt-mapToolbar This is the base selector for the component.
Icon Selectors Description
af|dvt-mapToolbar::area-depress-icon Used to override the default area icon (in depressed state) of the mapToolbar component.
af|dvt-mapToolbar::area-disable-icon Used to override the default area icon (disabled) of the mapToolbar component.
af|dvt-mapToolbar::area-enable-icon Used to override the default area icon of the mapToolbar component
af|dvt-mapToolbar::area-hover-icon Used to override the default area icon (when hover over) of the mapToolbar component.
af|dvt-mapToolbar::circle-select-depress-icon Used to override the default circular selection icon (in depressed state) of the mapToolbar component.
af|dvt-mapToolbar::circle-select-disable-icon Used to override the default circular selection icon (disabled) of the mapToolbar component.
af|dvt-mapToolbar::circle-select-enable-icon Used to override the default circular selection icon of the mapToolbar component
af|dvt-mapToolbar::circle-select-hover-icon Used to override the default circular selection icon (when hover over) of the mapToolbar component.
af|dvt-mapToolbar::distance-depress-icon Used to override the default distance icon (in depressed state) of the mapToolbar component.
af|dvt-mapToolbar::distance-disable-icon Used to override the default distance icon (disabled) of the mapToolbar component.
af|dvt-mapToolbar::distance-enable-icon Used to override the default distance icon of the mapToolbar component
af|dvt-mapToolbar::distance-hover-icon Used to override the default distance icon (when hover over) of the mapToolbar component.
af|dvt-mapToolbar::info-depress-icon Used to override the default info icon (in depressed state) of the mapToolbar component.
af|dvt-mapToolbar::info-disable-icon Used to override the default info icon (disabled) of the mapToolbar component.
af|dvt-mapToolbar::info-enable-icon Used to override the default info icon of the mapToolbar component
af|dvt-mapToolbar::info-hover-icon Used to override the default info icon (when hover over) of the mapToolbar component.
af|dvt-mapToolbar::pan-depress-icon Used to override the default pan icon (in depressed state) of the mapToolbar component.
af|dvt-mapToolbar::pan-disable-icon Used to override the default pan icon (disabled) of the mapToolbar component.
af|dvt-mapToolbar::pan-enable-icon Used to override the default pan icon of the mapToolbar component
af|dvt-mapToolbar::pan-hover-icon Used to override the default pan icon (when hover over) of the mapToolbar component.
af|dvt-mapToolbar::point-select-depress-icon Used to override the default point selection icon (in depressed state) of the mapToolbar component.
af|dvt-mapToolbar::point-select-disable-icon Used to override the default point selection icon (disabled) of the mapToolbar component.
af|dvt-mapToolbar::point-select-enable-icon Used to override the default point selection icon of the mapToolbar component
af|dvt-mapToolbar::point-select-hover-icon Used to override the default point selection icon (when hover over) of the mapToolbar component.
af|dvt-mapToolbar::polygon-select-depress-icon Used to override the default polygon selection icon (in depressed state) of the mapToolbar component.
af|dvt-mapToolbar::polygon-select-disable-icon Used to override the default polygon selection icon (disabled) of the mapToolbar component.
af|dvt-mapToolbar::polygon-select-enable-icon Used to override the default polygon selection icon of the mapToolbar component
af|dvt-mapToolbar::polygon-select-hover-icon Used to override the default polygon selection icon (when hover over) of the mapToolbar component.
af|dvt-mapToolbar::rectangle-select-depress-icon Used to override the default rectangular selection icon (in depressed state) of the mapToolbar component.
af|dvt-mapToolbar::rectangle-select-disable-icon Used to override the default rectangular selection icon (disabled) of the mapToolbar component.
af|dvt-mapToolbar::rectangle-select-enable-icon Used to override the default rectangular selection icon of the mapToolbar component
af|dvt-mapToolbar::rectangle-select-hover-icon Used to override the default rectangular selection icon (when hover over) of the mapToolbar component.
af|dvt-mapToolbar::zoomin-depress-icon Used to override the default zoom in icon (in depressed state) of the mapToolbar component.
af|dvt-mapToolbar::zoomin-disable-icon Used to override the default zoom in icon (disabled) of the mapToolbar component.
af|dvt-mapToolbar::zoomin-enable-icon Used to override the default zoom in icon of the mapToolbar component
af|dvt-mapToolbar::zoomin-hover-icon Used to override the default zoom in icon (when hover over) of the mapToolbar component.
af|dvt-mapToolbar::zoomout-depress-icon Used to override the default zoom out icon (in depressed state) of the mapToolbar component.
af|dvt-mapToolbar::zoomout-disable-icon Used to override the default zoom out icon (disabled) of the mapToolbar component.
af|dvt-mapToolbar::zoomout-enable-icon Used to override the default zoom out icon of the mapToolbar component
af|dvt-mapToolbar::zoomout-hover-icon Used to override the default zoom out icon (when hover over) of the mapToolbar component.


Style Selectors Description
af|dvt-pivotFilterBar Styles the root element of the dvt:pivotFilterBar component.
af|dvt-pivotFilterBar::filter Styles the component's filters.
af|dvt-pivotFilterBar::filters-container Styles the containing element of the component's filters.
af|dvt-pivotFilterBar::label Styles the label of the component.
af|dvt-pivotFilterBar::pivot-handle-bottom Styles the bottom section of a filter's pivot handle.
af|dvt-pivotFilterBar::pivot-handle-top Styles the top section of a filter's pivot handle.


Style Selectors Description
.AFDvtPivotTableBorder:alias Style of the borders in all boxes / cells. Border width cannot be adjusted.
.AFDvtPivotTableCell:alias Base style of the header and data cells
.AFDvtPivotTableDatabodyBackground:alias Styles the background of databody cells.
.AFDvtPivotTableDatabodyFocusedBackground:alias Styles the background of focused databody cells.
.AFDvtPivotTableDatabodySelectedBackground:alias Styles the background of selected databody cells.
.AFDvtPivotTableDataCellBase:alias Styles databody cells.
.AFDvtPivotTableHeaderBackgroundColor:alias Style of the header background
.AFDvtPivotTableHeaderCellBase:alias Styles header cells.
.AFDvtPivotTableHeaderFocusedBackground:alias Style of the focused header background
.AFDvtPivotTableHeaderSelectedBackground:alias Style of the selected header background
.AFDvtPivotTablePivotSwapDropTargetBackground:alias Styles the background of the "swap" pivot drop target on the row and column edge
af|dvt-pivotTable Styles the root element of the pivot table.
af|dvt-pivotTable::column-header-cell Style of column header cells
af|dvt-pivotTable::column-header-cell-focused Style of focused column header cells
af|dvt-pivotTable::column-header-cell-selected Style of selected column header cells
af|dvt-pivotTable::column-header-scrollbar-spacer Style of the box in the column header that can be introduced by vertical scrollbars.
af|dvt-pivotTable::column-pivot-image-cell-bottom Style of the bottom portion of the pivot handle for layers on the column edge
af|dvt-pivotTable::column-pivot-image-cell-center Style of the center portion of the pivot handle for layers on the column edge
af|dvt-pivotTable::column-pivot-image-cell-top Style of the top portion of the pivot handle for layers on the column edge
af|dvt-pivotTable::column-pivot-swap-drop-target Styles the "swap" pivot drop target on the column edge.
af|dvt-pivotTable::column-resize-indicator Style of column resize indicator
af|dvt-pivotTable::column-sort-ascending-icon-style Styles the icon used for the sort ascending indicator. The icon is specified as a background-image in this key. Use pseudo-classes :hover and :active to customize the look. To use text or an img element instead of a background-image, set -tr-inhibit: background-image in the sort-ascending-icon-style and define the icon for the sort-ascending-icon.
af|dvt-pivotTable::column-sort-descending-icon-style Styles the icon used for the sort descending indicator. The icon is specified as a background-image in this key. Use pseudo-classes :hover and :active to customize the look. To use text or an img element instead of a background-image, set -tr-inhibit: background-image in the sort-descending-icon-style and define the override icon for the sort-descending-icon.
af|dvt-pivotTable::column-sorted-ascending-icon-style Styles the icon used for the sorted ascending indicator. The icon is specified as a background-image in this key. Use pseudo-classes :hover and :active to customize the look. To use text or an img element instead of a background-image, set -tr-inhibit: background-image in the sorted-ascending-icon-style and define the icon for the sorted-ascending-icon.
af|dvt-pivotTable::column-sorted-descending-icon-style Styles the icon used for the sorted descending indicator. The icon is specified as a background-image in this key. Use pseudo-classes :hover and :active to customize the look. To use text or an img element instead of a background-image, set -tr-inhibit: background-image in the sorted-descending-icon-style and define the override icon for the sorted-descending-icon.
af|dvt-pivotTable::corner Style of the box between the row header and column header
af|dvt-pivotTable::data-cell Style of data cells
af|dvt-pivotTable::data-cell-focused Style of focused data cells
af|dvt-pivotTable::data-cell-selected Style of selected data cells
af|dvt-pivotTable::data-cell-text Deprecated, use stamping instead. Styles the default data cell text, which is displayed if stamping / dvt:dataCells are not rendered in the data cells.
af|dvt-pivotTable::fetch-status Styles the status message that shows up when the user scrolls the pivot table.
af|dvt-pivotTable::header-cell-content Style of pivot table header cell content. Available psuedo-classes are :sorted
af|dvt-pivotTable::row-header-cell Style of row header cells
af|dvt-pivotTable::row-header-cell-focused Style of focused row header cells
af|dvt-pivotTable::row-header-cell-selected Style of selected row header cells
af|dvt-pivotTable::row-header-scrollbar-spacer Style of the box in the row header that can be introduced by vertical scrollbars.
af|dvt-pivotTable::row-resize-indicator Style of row resize indicator
af|dvt-pivotTable::status-bar Style of the status bar
af|dvt-pivotTable::status-bar-label Style of the status bar label
af|dvt-pivotTable::status-bar-text Style of the status bar text
af|dvt-pivotTable::column-pivot-label Styles column header pivot labels.
af|dvt-pivotTable::column-pivot-label-cell Styles the cell containing the pivot label for layers on the column edge.
af|dvt-pivotTable::pivot-drop-target Styles the "insert" pivot drop target.
af|dvt-pivotTable::row-pivot-image-cell-center Style of the center portion of the pivot handle for layers on the row edge
af|dvt-pivotTable::row-pivot-image-cell-left Style of the left portion of the pivot handle for layers on the row edge
af|dvt-pivotTable::row-pivot-image-cell-right Style of the right portion of the pivot handle for layers on the row edge
af|dvt-pivotTable::row-pivot-label Styles row header pivot labels.
af|dvt-pivotTable::row-pivot-label-cell Styles the cell containing the pivot label for layers on the row edge.
af|dvt-pivotTable::row-pivot-swap-drop-target Styles the "swap" pivot drop target on the row edge.
Icon Selectors Description
af|dvt-pivotTable::column-sort-ascending-icon Overrides the default sort ascending indicator. Icons can be text or img elements, e.g. af|pivotTable::column-sort-ascending-icon {content "X"} or af|column::sort-ascending-icon {content: url(...)}. Use this key instead of the sort-ascending-icon-style key if you do not want background-image.
af|dvt-pivotTable::column-sort-descending-icon Overrides the default sort descending indicator. Use this key instead of the sort-descending-icon-style key if you do not want background-image.
af|dvt-pivotTable::column-sorted-ascending-icon Overrides the default sorted ascending indicator. Icons can be text or img elements, e.g. af|pivotTable::column-sorted-ascending-icon {content "X"} or af|column::sorted-ascending-icon {content: url(...)}. Use this key instead of the sorted-ascending-icon-style key if you do not want background-image.
af|dvt-pivotTable::column-sorted-descending-icon Overrides the default sorted descending indicator. Use this key instead of the sorted-descending-icon-style key if you do not want background-image.
af|dvt-pivotTable::drill-collapsed-icon Overrides the default drill collapsed indicator.
af|dvt-pivotTable::drill-expanded-icon Overrides the default drill expanded indicator.


Style Selectors Description
.AFDvtGanttTooltip:alias [Applies to dvt:projectGantt, dvt:schedulingGantt, dvt:resourceUtilizationGantt] Styles the appearance of the tooltips shown in the gantt.
af|dvt-gantt This is the base selector for the component.
af|dvt-gantt::column-header-cell [Applies to dvt:projectGantt] Style on the header cell of the column.
af|dvt-gantt::milestone-task [Applies to dvt:projectGantt] Styles the appearance of a milestone task.
af|dvt-gantt::normal-task [Applies to dvt:projectGantt] Styles the appearance of a normal task.
af|dvt-gantt::summary-task [Applies to dvt:projectGantt] Styles the appearance of the center portion of a summary task.
af|dvt-gantt::summary-task-left [Applies to dvt:projectGantt] Styles the appearance of the left-most portion of a summary task.
af|dvt-gantt::summary-task-right [Applies to dvt:projectGantt] Styles the appearance of the right-most portion of a summary task.
af|dvt-gantt::non-working-days [Applies to dvt:projectGantt, dvt:resourceUtilizationGantt, dvt:schedulingGantt] Styles the appearance of the non-working-days.
af|dvt-gantt::milestone-baseline [Applies to dvt:projectGantt] Styles the appearance of a milestone baseline task.
af|dvt-gantt::milestone-critical [Applies to dvt:projectGantt] Styles the appearance of a milestone critical task.
af|dvt-gantt::milestone-critical-baseline [Applies to dvt:projectGantt] Styles the appearance of a milestone critical baseline task.
af|dvt-gantt::normal-task-left [Applies to dvt:projectGantt] Styles the appearance of a normal task left.
af|dvt-gantt::normal-task-right [Applies to dvt:projectGantt] Styles the appearance of a normal task right.
af|dvt-gantt::summary-critical-left [Applies to dvt:projectGantt] Styles the appearance of a summary critical task left.
af|dvt-gantt::summary-critical-right [Applies to dvt:projectGantt] Styles the appearance of a summary critical task right.
af|dvt-gantt::summary-critical [Applies to dvt:projectGantt] Styles the appearance of a summary critical task.
af|dvt-gantt::progress-bar [Applies to dvt:projectGantt] Styles the appearance of a progress bar.
af|dvt-gantt::progress-bar-right [Applies to dvt:projectGantt] Styles the appearance of a progress bar right.
af|dvt-gantt::actual-progress-bar [Applies to dvt:projectGantt] Styles the appearance of a actual progress bar.
af|dvt-gantt::actual-progress-bar-right [Applies to dvt:projectGantt] Styles the appearance of a actual progress bar right.
af|dvt-gantt::critical-progress-bar [Applies to dvt:projectGantt] Styles the appearance of a critical progress bar.
af|dvt-gantt::critical-progress-bar-right [Applies to dvt:projectGantt] Styles the appearance of a critical progress bar right.
af|dvt-gantt::actual-critical-progress-bar [Applies to dvt:projectGantt] Styles the appearance of a actual critical progress bar.
af|dvt-gantt::actual-critical-progress-bar-right [Applies to dvt:projectGantt] Styles the appearance of a actual critical progress bar right.
af|dvt-gantt::summary-progress-bar [Applies to dvt:projectGantt] Styles the appearance of a summary progress bar.
af|dvt-gantt::summary-progress-bar-right [Applies to dvt:projectGantt] Styles the appearance of a summary progress bar right.
af|dvt-gantt::summary-progress-bar-twenty-five-percent [Applies to dvt:projectGantt] Styles the appearance of a summary progress bar twenty five percent.
af|dvt-gantt::summary-progress-bar-fifty-percent [Applies to dvt:projectGantt] Styles the appearance of a summary progress bar fifty percent.
af|dvt-gantt::summary-progress-bar-seventy-five-percent [Applies to dvt:projectGantt] Styles the appearance of a summary progress bar seventy five percent.
af|dvt-gantt::summary-progress-critical-bar [Applies to dvt:projectGantt] Styles the appearance of a summary progress critical bar.
af|dvt-gantt::summary-progress-critical-bar-right [Applies to dvt:projectGantt] Styles the appearance of a summary progress critical bar right.
af|dvt-gantt::summary-progress-critical-bar-twenty-five-percent [Applies to dvt:projectGantt] Styles the appearance of a summary progress critical twenty five percent bar.
af|dvt-gantt::summary-progress-critical-bar-fifty-percent [Applies to dvt:projectGantt] Styles the appearance of a summary progress critical fifty percent bar.
af|dvt-gantt::summary-progress-critical-bar-seventy-five-percent [Applies to dvt:projectGantt] Styles the appearance of a summary progress critical seventy five percent bar.
af|dvt-gantt::normal-critical [Applies to dvt:projectGantt] Styles the appearance of a normal critical task.
af|dvt-gantt::normal-critical-left [Applies to dvt:projectGantt] Styles the appearance of a normal critical left.
af|dvt-gantt::normal-critical-right [Applies to dvt:projectGantt] Styles the appearance of a normal critical right.
af|dvt-gantt::baseline [Applies to dvt:projectGantt] Styles the appearance of a baseline task bar.
af|dvt-gantt::baseline-left [Applies to dvt:projectGantt] Styles the appearance of a baseline task bar left.
af|dvt-gantt::baseline-right [Applies to dvt:projectGantt] Styles the appearance of a baseline task bar right.
af|dvt-gantt::actual [Applies to dvt:projectGantt] Styles the appearance of an actual task bar.
af|dvt-gantt::actual-left [Applies to dvt:projectGantt] Styles the appearance of an actual task bar left.
af|dvt-gantt::actual-right [Applies to dvt:projectGantt] Styles the appearance of an actual task bar right.
af|dvt-gantt::actual-critical [Applies to dvt:projectGantt] Styles the appearance of an actual critical task.
af|dvt-gantt::actual-critical-left [Applies to dvt:projectGantt] Styles the appearance of an actual critical task left.
af|dvt-gantt::actual-critical-right [Applies to dvt:projectGantt] Styles the appearance of an actual critical right.
af|dvt-gantt::current-date [Applies to dvt:projectGantt, dvt:schedulingGantt] Used to override the default current date line in the Gantt component.
af|dvt-gantt::rug-current-date [Applies to dvt:resourceUtilizationGantt] Used to override the default current date line in the ResourceUtilizationGantt component.
af|dvt-gantt::rug-resize-handle [Applies to dvt:resourceUtilizationGantt] Used to override the default resize handle in the ResourceUtilizationGantt component.
af|dvt-gantt::task-label [Applies to dvt:projectGantt, dvt:schedulingGantt, dvt:resourceUtilizationGantt] Styles the appearance of the task label.
af|dvt-gantt::task-inner-label [Applies to dvt:projectGantt, dvt:schedulingGantt] Styles the appearance of the task inner label.
af|dvt-gantt::project-inner-label [Applies to dvt:projectGantt] Styles the appearance of the project inner label.
af|dvt-gantt::project-actual-inner-label [Applies to dvt:projectGantt] Styles the appearance of the project actual inner label.
af|dvt-gantt::rug-label [Applies to dvt:projectGantt] Styles the appearance of the ResourceUtilizationGantt label.
af|dvt-gantt::highlight-days [Applies to dvt:projectGantt, dvt:schedulingGantt, dvt:resourceUtilizationGantt] Styles the appearance of the highlighted days.
af|dvt-gantt::linker-overflow [Applies to dvt:projectGantt, dvt:schedulingGantt, dvt:resourceUtilizationGantt] Styles the appearance of the linker overflow.
af|dvt-gantt::default-linker [Applies to dvt:projectGantt, dvt:schedulingGantt, dvt:resourceUtilizationGantt] Styles the appearance of the default linker.
af|dvt-gantt::dependency-horizontal [Applies to dvt:projectGantt, dvt:schedulingGantt] Styles the appearance of the horizontal dependency line.
af|dvt-gantt::dependency-vertical [Applies to dvt:projectGantt, dvt:schedulingGantt] Styles the appearance of the vertical dependency line.
af|dvt-gantt::dependency-left [Applies to dvt:projectGantt, dvt:schedulingGantt] Used to override the default dependency-left arrow.
af|dvt-gantt::dependency-right [Applies to dvt:projectGantt, dvt:schedulingGantt] Used to override the default dependency-right arrow.
af|dvt-gantt::dependency-up [Applies to dvt:projectGantt, dvt:schedulingGantt] Used to override the default dependency-up arrow.
af|dvt-gantt::dependency-down [Applies to dvt:projectGantt, dvt:schedulingGantt] Used to override the default dependency-down arrow.
af|dvt-gantt::timeaxis-horizontal-separator [Applies to dvt:projectGantt, dvt:schedulingGantt, dvt:resourceUtilizationGantt] Styles the appearance of the separator between the major and minor time axes.
af|dvt-gantt::timeaxis-separator [Applies to dvt:projectGantt, dvt:schedulingGantt, dvt:resourceUtilizationGantt] Styles the appearance of the separator between dates in the time axis.
af|dvt-gantt::timeaxis [Applies to dvt:projectGantt, dvt:schedulingGantt, dvt:resourceUtilizationGantt] Styles the appearance of the timeaxis.
af|dvt-gantt::legend [Applies to dvt:projectGantt, dvt:schedulingGantt, dvt:resourceUtilizationGantt] Styles the appearance of the legend.
af|dvt-gantt::legend-selected-task-label [Applies to dvt:projectGantt, dvt:schedulingGantt, dvt:resourceUtilizationGantt] Styles the appearance of the labels of the legend's selected task area.
af|dvt-gantt::legend-data-missing [Applies to dvt:projectGantt, dvt:schedulingGantt, dvt:resourceUtilizationGantt] Styles the appearance of the data missing text in the legend.
af|dvt-gantt::time-bucket [Applies to dvt:resourceUtilizationGantt] Styles the appearance of the time bucket in ResourceUtilizationGantt.
af|dvt-gantt::tooltip-label [Applies to dvt:projectGantt, dvt:schedulingGantt, dvt:resourceUtilizationGantt] Styles the appearance of the labels shown in the tooltips of the gantt.
Icon Selectors Description
af|dvt-gantt::copy-disabled-icon [Applies to dvt:projectGantt, dvt:schedulingGantt] Used to override the default copy icon (disabled) used in the toolbar of the Gantt component.
af|dvt-gantt::copy-down-icon [Applies to dvt:projectGantt, dvt:schedulingGantt] Used to override the default copy icon (in pressed state) used in the toolbar of the Gantt component.
af|dvt-gantt::copy-icon [Applies to dvt:projectGantt, dvt:schedulingGantt] Used to override the default copy icon used in the toolbar of the Gantt component.
af|dvt-gantt::copy-over-icon [Applies to dvt:projectGantt, dvt:schedulingGantt] Used to override the default copy icon (when hover over) used in the toolbar of the Gantt component.
af|dvt-gantt::cut-disabled-icon [Applies to dvt:projectGantt, dvt:schedulingGantt] Used to override the default cut icon (disabled) used in the toolbar of the Gantt component.
af|dvt-gantt::cut-down-icon [Applies to dvt:projectGantt, dvt:schedulingGantt] Used to override the default cut icon (in pressed state) used in the toolbar of the Gantt component.
af|dvt-gantt::cut-icon [Applies to dvt:projectGantt,dvt:schedulingGantt] Used to override the default cut icon used in the toolbar of the Gantt component.
af|dvt-gantt::cut-over-icon [Applies to dvt:projectGantt, dvt:schedulingGantt] Used to override the default cut icon (when hover over) used in the toolbar of the Gantt component.
af|dvt-gantt::delete-disabled-icon [Applies to dvt:projectGantt, dvt:schedulingGantt] Used to override the default delete icon (disabled) used in the toolbar of the Gantt component.
af|dvt-gantt::delete-down-icon [Applies to dvt:projectGantt, dvt:schedulingGantt] Used to override the default delete icon (in pressed state) used in the toolbar of the Gantt component.
af|dvt-gantt::delete-icon [Applies to dvt:projectGantt, dvt:schedulingGantt] Used to override the default delete icon used in the toolbar of the Gantt component.
af|dvt-gantt::delete-over-icon [Applies to dvt:projectGantt, dvt:schedulingGantt] Used to override the default delete icon (when hover over) used in the toolbar of the Gantt component.
af|dvt-gantt::edit-icon [Applies to dvt:projectGantt, dvt:resourceUtilizationGantt, dvt:schedulingGantt] Used to override the default edit icon used in the toolbar of the Gantt component.
af|dvt-gantt::edit-disabled-icon [Applies to dvt:projectGantt, dvt:resourceUtilizationGantt, dvt:schedulingGantt] Used to override the default edit icon (disabled) used in the toolbar of the Gantt component.
af|dvt-gantt::edit-down-icon [Applies to dvt:projectGantt, dvt:resourceUtilizationGantt, dvt:schedulingGantt] Used to override the default edit icon (in pressed state) used in the toolbar of the Gantt component.
af|dvt-gantt::edit-over-icon [Applies to dvt:projectGantt, dvt:resourceUtilizationGantt, dvt:schedulingGantt] Used to override the default edit icon (when hover over) used in the toolbar of the Gantt component.
af|dvt-gantt::indent-disabled-icon [Applies to dvt:projectGantt, dvt:resourceUtilizationGantt, dvt:schedulingGantt] Used to override the default indent icon (disabled) used in the toolbar of the Gantt component.
af|dvt-gantt::indent-down-icon [Applies to dvt:projectGantt, dvt:resourceUtilizationGantt, dvt:schedulingGantt] Used to override the default indent icon (in pressed state) used in the toolbar of the Gantt component.
af|dvt-gantt::indent-icon [Applies to dvt:projectGantt, dvt:resourceUtilizationGantt, dvt:schedulingGantt] Used to override the default indent icon used in the toolbar of the Gantt component.
af|dvt-gantt::indent-over-icon [Applies to dvt:projectGantt, dvt:resourceUtilizationGantt, dvt:schedulingGantt] Used to override the default indent icon (when hover over) used in the toolbar of the Gantt component.
af|dvt-gantt::legend-disabled-icon [Applies to dvt:projectGantt, dvt:resourceUtilizationGantt, dvt:schedulingGantt] Used to override the default legend icon (disabled) used in the toolbar of the Gantt component.
af|dvt-gantt::legend-down-icon [Applies to dvt:projectGantt, dvt:resourceUtilizationGantt, dvt:schedulingGantt] Used to override the default legend icon (in pressed state) used in the toolbar of the Gantt component.
af|dvt-gantt::legend-icon [Applies to dvt:projectGantt, dvt:resourceUtilizationGantt, dvt:schedulingGantt] Used to override the default legend icon used in the toolbar of the Gantt component.
af|dvt-gantt::legend-over-icon [Applies to dvt:projectGantt, dvt:resourceUtilizationGantt, dvt:schedulingGantt] Used to override the default legend icon (when hover over) used in the toolbar of the Gantt component.
af|dvt-gantt::link-disabled-icon [Applies to dvt:projectGantt, dvt:schedulingGantt] Used to override the default link icon (disabled) used in the toolbar of the Gantt component.
af|dvt-gantt::link-down-icon [Applies to dvt:projectGantt, dvt:schedulingGantt] Used to override the default link icon (in pressed state) used in the toolbar of the Gantt component.
af|dvt-gantt::link-icon [Applies to dvt:projectGantt] Used to override the default link icon used in the toolbar of the Gantt component.
af|dvt-gantt::link-over-icon [Applies to dvt:projectGantt, dvt:schedulingGantt] Used to override the default link icon (when hover over) used in the toolbar of the Gantt component.
af|dvt-gantt::new-resource-disabled-icon [Applies to dvt:resourceUtilizationGantt, dvt:schedulingGantt] Used to override the default new resource icon (disabled) used in the toolbar of the Gantt component.
af|dvt-gantt::new-resource-down-icon [Applies to dvt:resourceUtilizationGantt, dvt:schedulingGantt] Used to override the default new resource icon (in pressed state) used in the toolbar of the Gantt component.
af|dvt-gantt::new-resource-icon [Applies to dvt:resourceUtilizationGantt, dvt:schedulingGantt] Used to override the default new resource icon used in the toolbar of the Gantt component.
af|dvt-gantt::new-resource-over-icon [Applies to dvt:resourceUtilizationGantt, dvt:schedulingGantt] Used to override the default new resource icon (when hover over) used in the toolbar of the Gantt component.
af|dvt-gantt::new-task-disabled-icon [Applies to dvt:projectGantt, dvt:schedulingGantt] Used to override the default new task icon (disabled) used in the toolbar of the Gantt component.
af|dvt-gantt::new-task-down-icon [Applies to dvt:projectGantt, dvt:schedulingGantt] Used to override the default new task icon (in pressed state) used in the toolbar of the Gantt component.
af|dvt-gantt::new-task-icon [Applies to dvt:projectGantt, dvt:schedulingGantt] Used to override the default new task icon used in the toolbar of the Gantt component.
af|dvt-gantt::new-task-over-icon [Applies to dvt:projectGantt, dvt:schedulingGantt] Used to override the default new task icon (when hover over) used in the toolbar of the Gantt component.
af|dvt-gantt::outdent-disabled-icon [Applies to dvt:projectGantt, dvt:resourceUtilizationGantt, dvt:schedulingGantt] Used to override the default outdent icon (disabled) used in the toolbar of the Gantt component.
af|dvt-gantt::outdent-down-icon [Applies to dvt:projectGantt, dvt:resourceUtilizationGantt, dvt:schedulingGantt] Used to override the default outdent icon (in pressed state) used in the toolbar of the Gantt component.
af|dvt-gantt::outdent-icon [Applies to dvt:projectGantt, dvt:resourceUtilizationGantt, dvt:schedulingGantt] Used to override the default outdent icon used in the toolbar of the Gantt component.
af|dvt-gantt::outdent-over-icon [Applies to dvt:projectGantt, dvt:resourceUtilizationGantt, dvt:schedulingGantt] Used to override the default outdent icon (when hover over) used in the toolbar of the Gantt component.
af|dvt-gantt::paste-disabled-icon [Applies to dvt:projectGantt, dvt:schedulingGantt] Used to override the default paste icon (disabled) used in the toolbar of the Gantt component.
af|dvt-gantt::paste-down-icon [Applies to dvt:projectGantt, dvt:schedulingGantt] Used to override the default paste icon (in pressed state) used in the toolbar of the Gantt component.
af|dvt-gantt::paste-icon [Applies to dvt:projectGantt, dvt:schedulingGantt] Used to override the default paste icon used in the toolbar of the Gantt component.
af|dvt-gantt::paste-over-icon [Applies to dvt:projectGantt, dvt:schedulingGantt] Used to override the default paste icon (when hover over) used in the toolbar of the Gantt component.
af|dvt-gantt::print-disabled-icon [Applies to dvt:projectGantt, dvt:resourceUtilizationGantt, dvt:schedulingGantt] Used to override the default print icon (disabled) used in the toolbar of the Gantt component.
af|dvt-gantt::print-down-icon [Applies to dvt:projectGantt, dvt:resourceUtilizationGantt, dvt:schedulingGantt] Used to override the default print icon (in pressed state) used in the toolbar of the Gantt component.
af|dvt-gantt::print-icon [Applies to dvt:projectGantt, dvt:resourceUtilizationGantt, dvt:schedulingGantt] Used to override the default print icon used in the toolbar of the Gantt component.
af|dvt-gantt::print-over-icon [Applies to dvt:projectGantt, dvt:resourceUtilizationGantt, dvt:schedulingGantt] Used to override the default print icon (when hover over) used in the toolbar of the Gantt component.
af|dvt-gantt::redo-disabled-icon [Applies to dvt:projectGantt, dvt:resourceUtilizationGantt, dvt:schedulingGantt] Used to override the default redo icon (disabled) used in the toolbar of the Gantt component.
af|dvt-gantt::redo-down-icon [Applies to dvt:projectGantt, dvt:resourceUtilizationGantt, dvt:schedulingGantt] Used to override the default redo icon (in pressed state) used in the toolbar of the Gantt component.
af|dvt-gantt::redo-icon [Applies to dvt:projectGantt, dvt:resourceUtilizationGantt, dvt:schedulingGantt] Used to override the default redo icon used in the toolbar of the Gantt component.
af|dvt-gantt::redo-over-icon [Applies to dvt:projectGantt, dvt:resourceUtilizationGantt, dvt:schedulingGantt] Used to override the default redo icon (when hover over) used in the toolbar of the Gantt component.
af|dvt-gantt::split-disabled-icon [Applies to dvt:projectGantt] Used to override the default split icon (disabled) used in the toolbar of the Gantt component.
af|dvt-gantt::split-down-icon [Applies to dvt:projectGantt] Used to override the default split icon (in pressed state) used in the toolbar of the Gantt component.
af|dvt-gantt::split-icon [Applies to dvt:projectGantt] Used to override the default split icon used in the toolbar of the Gantt component.
af|dvt-gantt::split-over-icon [Applies to dvt:projectGantt] Used to override the default split icon (when hover over) used in the toolbar of the Gantt component.
af|dvt-gantt::undo-disabled-icon [Applies to dvt:projectGantt, dvt:resourceUtilizationGantt, dvt:schedulingGantt] Used to override the default undo icon (disabled) used in the toolbar of the Gantt component.
af|dvt-gantt::undo-down-icon [Applies to dvt:projectGantt, dvt:resourceUtilizationGantt, dvt:schedulingGantt] Used to override the default undo icon (in pressed state) used in the toolbar of the Gantt component.
af|dvt-gantt::undo-icon [Applies to dvt:projectGantt, dvt:resourceUtilizationGantt, dvt:schedulingGantt] Used to override the default undo icon used in the toolbar of the Gantt component.
af|dvt-gantt::undo-over-icon [Applies to dvt:projectGantt, dvt:resourceUtilizationGantt, dvt:schedulingGantt] Used to override the default undo icon (when hover over) used in the toolbar of the Gantt component.
af|dvt-gantt::unlink-icon [Applies to dvt:projectGantt, dvt:schedulingGantt] Used to override the default unlink icon used in the toolbar of the Gantt component.
af|dvt-gantt::unlink-down-icon [Applies to dvt:projectGantt, dvt:schedulingGantt] Used to override the default unlink icon (in pressed state) used in the toolbar of the Gantt component.
af|dvt-gantt::unlink-over-icon [Applies to dvt:projectGantt, dvt:schedulingGantt] Used to override the default unlink icon (when hover over) used in the toolbar of the Gantt component.
af|dvt-gantt::unlink-disabled-icon [Applies to dvt:projectGantt, dvt:schedulingGantt] Used to override the default unlink icon (disabled) used in the toolbar of the Gantt component.
af|dvt-gantt::zoomin-icon [Applies to dvt:projectGantt, dvt:schedulingGantt] Used to override the default zoom-in icon used in the toolbar of the Gantt component.
af|dvt-gantt::zoomin-down-icon [Applies to dvt:projectGantt, dvt:resourceUtilizationGantt, dvt:schedulingGantt] Used to override the default zoom-in icon (in pressed state) used in the toolbar of the Gantt component.
af|dvt-gantt::zoomin-over-icon [Applies to dvt:projectGantt, dvt:resourceUtilizationGantt, dvt:schedulingGantt] Used to override the default zoom-in icon (when hover over) used in the toolbar of the Gantt component.
af|dvt-gantt::zoomin-disabled-icon [Applies to dvt:projectGantt, dvt:resourceUtilizationGantt, dvt:schedulingGantt] Used to override the default zoom-in icon (disabled) used in the toolbar of the Gantt component.
af|dvt-gantt::zoomout-disabled-icon [Applies to dvt:projectGantt, dvt:resourceUtilizationGantt, dvt:schedulingGantt] Used to override the default zoom-out icon (disabled) used in the toolbar of the Gantt component.
af|dvt-gantt::zoomout-down-icon [Applies to dvt:projectGantt, dvt:resourceUtilizationGantt, dvt:schedulingGantt] Used to override the default zoom-out icon (in pressed state) used in the toolbar of the Gantt component.
af|dvt-gantt::zoomout-icon [Applies to dvt:projectGantt, dvt:resourceUtilizationGantt, dvt:schedulingGantt] Used to override the default zoom-out icon used in the toolbar of the Gantt component.
af|dvt-gantt::zoomout-over-icon [Applies to dvt:projectGantt, dvt:resourceUtilizationGantt, dvt:schedulingGantt] Used to override the default zoom-out icon (when hover over) used in the toolbar of the Gantt component.
af|dvt-gantt::task-icon [Applies to dvt:projectGantt] Used to override the default task icon.
af|dvt-gantt::task-inner-icon [Applies to dvt:projectGantt] Used to override the default task inner icon.
af|dvt-gantt::scheduling-task-inner-icon [Applies to dvt:schedulingGantt] Used to override the default scheduling task inner icon.