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Oracle® Pulse for the Managed Cloud Reference
Release 4.0 for all platforms

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Charts (A to C)

Applied Changes by Environment (Customer Dashboard)

Location: On the Customer Dashboard, tap Changes.

This widget shows the request for change (RFC) count for each environment.

Chart View: The chart view shows the RFC count for every environment associated with all your organization's Managed Cloud Services, for the selected time interval.

Data View: The data view lists all RFCs that have been applied to all your organization's Managed Cloud Services.

Applied Changes by Environment (Service Dashboard)

Location: On the Service Dashboard, tap Changes.

This widget shows RFCs applied to each environment.

Chart View: The chart view shows the RFC count for each environment associated with this service, for the selected time interval.

Data View: The data view lists all RFCs that have been applied to this service.

Applied Changes: Production versus Non-Production (Customer Dashboard)

Location: On the Customer Dashboard, tap Changes.

This widget compares rates of chnage in production and non-production environments for all your organization's Managed Cloud Services.

Chart View: The chart view shows the number of requests for change (RFCs) applied to production environments, to non-production environments, and to all environments associated with all your organization's Managed Cloud Services, for each month in the selected time interval.

Data View: The data view lists all RFCs that have been applied to all your organization's Managed Cloud Services.

Applied Changes: Production versus Non-Production (Service Dashboard)

Location: On the Service Dashboard, tap Changes.

This widget compares rates of change in production and non-production environments for this service.

Chart View: The chart view shows the number of RFCs applied to production environments, to non-production environments, and to all environments associated with this service, for each month in the selected time interval.

Data View: The data view lists all RFCs that have been applied to this service.

Applied Changes by RFC Type (Customer Dashboard)

Location: On the Customer Dashboard, tap Changes.

This widget shows all requests for change (RFCs), listed by RFC type, that have been applied to environments and services for all your organization's Managed Cloud Services.

Chart View: The chart view shows all RFCs, listed by RFC type, that have been applied to all your organization's Managed Cloud Services. RFC types are defined in My Oracle Support (MOS).

Data View: The data view lists all RFCs that have been applied to all your organization's Managed Cloud Services.

Applied Changes by RFC Type (Service Dashboard)

Location: On the Service Dashboard, tap Changes.

This widget shows all RFCs, listed by RFC type, that have been applied to this service.

Chart View: The chart view shows all RFCs, listed by RFC type, that have been applied to this service. RFC types are defined in My Oracle Support (MOS).

Data View: The data view lists all RFCs that have been applied to this service.

Applied Changes by RFC Type (Environment Dashboard)

Location: On the Environment Dashboard, tap Changes.

This widget shows all RFCs, listed by RFC type, that have been applied to this environment.

Chart View: The chart view shows all RFCs, listed by RFC type, that have been applied to this environment. RFC types are defined in My Oracle Support (MOS).

Data View: The data view lists all RFCs that have been applied to this environment.

Availability (Environment Dashboard)

Location: Open the Environment Dashboard. The Overview is displayed by default.

This widget shows the availability of the selected environment. Availability is calculated based on complete outages and does not include service interruptions.

Chart View: The chart view shows one vertical red line for each day that had at least one outage, regardless of the number of outages or duration of outage(s).

Data View: The data view shows all outages for this environment for the selected time interval and identifies outage duration and category. The number of unplanned outages is displayed, with the duration of outages for which Oracle was responsible and for which your organization is responsible clearly differentiated. Additionally, the average time to recover from any outage is listed.

For each environment, the table lists the SR number and outage type and category. It also lists the outage start and end times, the time to restore the outage, and problem summary.

Backups (Service Dashboard)

Location: On the Service Dashboard, tap Backups.

The Backups chart and table show the following information for one week or one month intervals:

Change Records (Customer, Service, Environment Dashboards)

Location: On the Customer Dashboard, Service Dashboard, or Environment Dashboard, tap the change/RFC record under Changes.

Each request for change (RFC) record provides the following information about the change:

Field Description
Name, including
  • RFC Number

  • Summary

  • Contact

Identifying information about this RFC, including:
  • RFC number listed in MOS.

  • A very brief description of the RFC as entered in MOS.

  • Name of the contact person for this RFC.

Environment Environment associated with this RFC.
Status Status of this RFC from MOS:
  • Open - RFC is in New or Ready to Schedule status in MOS.

  • Closed - RFC is in Completed, Cancelled, Rejected, or other status in MOS.

Schedule Time and date for which this RFC is scheduled, in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MiMi where YYYY is the year, MM is the month, DD is the day, HH is the hour, and MiMi is the minute.
Activities All the latest activities related to this RFC.
Summary MOS summary information for this RFC, such as the status and the severity.

Changes for Review (Landing Pad)

Location: On the landing pad, which is the Oracle Pulse home screen.

This tile displays all Severity 1 changes - that is, requests for change (RFCs) - created on production instances up to the date and time listed that are awaiting your input or approval. Severity 1 indicates a complete loss of service for mission critical operations where work cannot reasonably continue.

Tap the tile to see the following figures for each environment (labeled 'instance') and associated environment alias (labeled 'instance ID'):


If your My Oracle Support (MOS) user account does not have privileges to view SRs, this tile is hidden.

Complete Outage Time (Landing Pad)

Location: On the landing pad, which is the Oracle Pulse home screen.

This tile displays the total outage time over the last 24 hours and over the last month across all your Oracle Managed Cloud Services.

Tap the tile to open the data view, showing the total outage time over the last 24 hours and over the last month for every environment associated with your Oracle Managed Cloud Services. Note that environments are labeled 'instances' in this view and are listed along with their environment alias, labeled 'instance ID'.

Contacts (Customer Dashboard)

Location: From anywhere in Oracle Pulse, tap Contacts on the Customer Dashboard.

The Contacts option opens the Contacts screen, which shows the following contact pools:

Created versus Applied Changes (Customer Dashboard)

Location: On the Customer Dashboard, tap Changes.

This widget shows the number of RFCs created for, and the number applied to all your organization's Managed Cloud Services, indicating the rate of change.

Chart View: The chart view shows the number of RFCs created for, and the number applied to, environments and services for all your organization's Managed Cloud Services during the selected time interval. If no RFCs were created or applied, the chart is empty.

Data View: The data view lists all RFCs that have been created for or applied to all your organization's Managed Cloud Services.

Created versus Applied Changes (Service Dashboard)

Location: On the Service Dashboard, tap Changes.

This widget shows the number of RFCs created for, and the number applied to this service, indicating the rate of change.

Chart View: The chart view shows the number of RFCs created, and the number applied, to this service for each month of the selected time interval. If no RFCs were created or applied, the chart is empty.

Data View: The data view lists all RFCs that have been created for or applied to this service.

Created versus Applied Changes (Environment Dashboard)

Location: On the Environment Dashboard, tap Changes.

This widget shows the number of RFCs created, and the number applied, to this environment during the selected time interval.

Chart View: The chart view shows the number of RFCs created, and the number of RFCs applied, to this environment for each month of the selected time interval. If no RFCs were created or applied, the chart is empty.

Data View: The data view lists all RFCs that have been created for or applied to this environment.

Created versus Closed Incidents (Customer Dashboard)

Location: On the Customer Dashboard, tap Incidents.

This widget shows the rate of service request (SR) closure for all your organization's Managed Cloud Services.

Chart View: The chart view compares the number of SRs created with the number of SRs closed for each month over the selected time interval, indicating the rate of SR closure for all your organization's Managed Cloud Services.

Data View: The data view shows detailed records for all SRs, open and closed, for all your organization's Managed Cloud Services.

Created versus Closed Incidents (Service Dashboard)

Location: On the Service Dashboard, tap Incidents.

This widget shows the rate of service request (SR) closure for this service.

Chart View: The chart view compares the number of SRs created with the number of SRs closed for each month over the selected time interval, indicating the rate of SR closure for this service.

Data View: The data view shows detailed records for all SRs, open and closed, for this service.

Created versus Closed Incidents (Environment Dashboard)

Location: On the Environment Dashboard, tap Incidents.

This widget shows the rate of SR closure for this environment.

Chart View: The chart view compares the number of SRs created with the number of SRs closed for each month over the selected time interval, indicating the rate of SR closure for this environment.